Season 8 #3 (Spoilers)

UPDATED: Saturday, May 19, 2007 06:55
VIEWED: 7393
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007 11:12 AM


Whoa. Dream guy was utterly not expected. At least I didn't expect who he turned out to be. Also Amy's boyfriend, he's looking much better than I'd have expected considering the circumstances. Though I'm not sure I think it should be possible for it to be him anyway.

So who do we think did with the kissing?


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 11:50 AM


Nine times out of ten, Xander. Of course, Joss may choose this time to introduce a new love interest (or perhaps a ship we haven't thought of, if such a thing exists.

Oh, and page three? Serious wiggins. That's just...wrong.

I'm wondering what this secret organization really wants. I'm sure it's more than just to destroy the Slayer. Will Joss reveal this at the end of the arc, or wait until the end of the series?


"If you want to win a war, you must serve no master but your ambition."


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 11:58 AM


it sure looks like xander, but i gotta say, isn't making it look like xander and then having it be someone else the joss thing to do? it just feels like xander is too much the obvious choice. unless we're SUPPOSED to think that, so when it really is xander, we're all surprised...

i'm in agreement about page three ;)

on my ever-present tara wavelength; WHY must they keep torturing us? we get "she [kennedy] died" which is of course followed by SQUEEE'S of delight and a rampage around the house to tell everyone home the good news, and then, when i've settled down enough to read the next panel: "oh no! she's fine!"

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature
Fear is the Mind Killer


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 12:09 PM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
Oh, and page three? Serious wiggins. That's just...wrong.

You're right. Nurses don't wear those kinds of caps any more.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 1:57 PM


After re-reading I'm intrigued by the dream image cubes on page 8. I think I see (among many other images I can't make out)
the Master,
Glory (though it's hard to say for sure as we only see her mouth, blond hair, and what looks like the back of a hand mirror),
Willow, Buffy, and Xander at graduation,
Somebody that looks like Mal -could be Caleb but i'm not getting a Caleb vibe or it could be Angel or Riley I suppose,
dead Joyce on the couch,
a couple Giles and Buffy memories,
Dawn at the Washington Monument,
demon roommate Kathy,
the top of the head of the first slayer,
and finally is that Joss?

Anybody else see any more?


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Thursday, May 3, 2007 4:03 PM


Well, party in my eyesocket, and everyone's invited! Count me in as geekboy #101, Joss has hooked me with this series, and now I'm back into comics with a vengeance! Also just got a few Buffy graphic novels from back in the day, lookin' foward to the Buffy Omnibus and Frey- OMG, I'm twelve again!!!

Retrograde Chrisisall


Thursday, May 3, 2007 5:52 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Well, party in my eyesocket, and everyone's invited! Count me in as geekboy #101, Joss has hooked me with this series, and now I'm back into comics with a vengeance! Also just got a few Buffy graphic novels from back in the day, lookin' foward to the Buffy Omnibus and Frey- OMG, I'm twelve again!!!

I was never really a comic book reader as a kid. I was more about actual books then. I've gained a greater apreciation for the art form as an adult though I don't really read any comics regularly. Needless to say the season 8 comics are an exception to that statement. Oh and judging by the print runs I think you may need to add a couple zeroes to your ID number.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Friday, May 4, 2007 2:42 AM


As for who kissed buffy...Maybe its just me but it seemed like it was Willow. Someone that "loves" buffy but was too afraid to say anything...everyone close your eyes...? I donno it seemed like that would be the shocker that it was Willow who actually had romantic intrest in Buffy that she herself knew to be impossible in reality but remained regardless...I don't know just a thought.


"real men juggle geese"


Friday, May 4, 2007 3:13 AM


I got it! WooooooooooHooooooooooooo!!!!!!! Tried a different store and they had it.

Joss threw us again with Ethan Rayne! Hadn't heard anyone mention him as a possibility. And it was Warren! I thought he was a strong possibility, and it looks like Willow's in trouble! God, that was the best one yet! I am def on a high now.
I don't read a lot of comics, but it seemed that the drawing style changed between #2 and #3.
I went through the dream cubes too, I was expecting something significant to be tucked away in there. I was amused to see a potential reading Fray in one frame.
Big question: what was up with Giles and those demons?


Friday, May 4, 2007 4:16 AM



Originally posted by SerenityinScotland:
Big question: what was up with Giles and those demons?

It's like a cop show. When detective guy finds a body the first thing he does is ask the relatives if the deceased had any enemies. Enter grieving demon mom (or clan leader or whatever) who doesn't recognize the symbol. Assuming the demon wasn't lying of course.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Friday, May 4, 2007 8:35 AM



Originally posted by DanielFyre:
As for who kissed buffy...

It was Xander, no doubt. No doubt at all.
Wooo Hooo, my boy's gonna score another one with a Slayer!!!!

Go Xander Chrisisall


Friday, May 4, 2007 8:57 AM



Originally posted by daveshayne:

and finally is that Joss?

I thought that was too.. I really wish that was Caleb lol!


Friday, May 4, 2007 10:37 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by DanielFyre:
As for who kissed buffy...

It was Xander, no doubt. No doubt at all.

I got the doubt. Look at his expression in the "cinnamon buns" panel. A bit of shocked dismay it looks like to me. Like he was just bending over to go all smoochies when somebody beat him to it. I'm not sure about that though. Tis hard to conclude positively with what we see.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Friday, May 4, 2007 11:08 AM



Originally posted by daveshayne:

I got the doubt. Look at his expression in the "cinnamon buns" panel. A bit of shocked dismay it looks like to me. Like he was just bending over to go all smoochies when somebody beat him to it.

He shocked his own self, seems to me...

In like Xander Chrisisall


Friday, May 4, 2007 2:06 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by daveshayne:

I got the doubt. Look at his expression in the "cinnamon buns" panel. A bit of shocked dismay it looks like to me. Like he was just bending over to go all smoochies when somebody beat him to it.

He shocked his own self, seems to me...

Doesn't explain the dismay. Unless comatose Buffy is a really lousy kisser.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Friday, May 4, 2007 3:43 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
It was Xander, no doubt. No doubt at all.
Wooo Hooo, my boy's gonna score another one with a Slayer!!!!

Go Xander Chrisisall

I think you're wrong. Btw, did you see the slayer reading the Fray comic? Just thought that'd be something you'd get a kick out of.

I for one loved page three!

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Saturday, May 5, 2007 3:41 AM


TWG! You're back! Been talkin' to MWP...I had a feelin' about you two way back...

I'm so into this comic it's frightening.

That weird Chrisisall


Sunday, May 6, 2007 6:59 AM



Originally posted by daveshayne:

Doesn't explain the dismay. Unless comatose Buffy is a really lousy kisser.

Just looked at it again; the dismay is that the kiss remained anomyous, and that Buffy didn't wake up to be kissing him back.
It was him- who else?

Reasonably certain Chrisisall


Sunday, May 6, 2007 7:20 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
It was him- who else?

Willow perhaps or maybe Leah. Or one of the other slayers. Or consider the outside longshot possibility that Spike, Angel, or Riley is about with some kind of invisibility whammy. We do still have those flying feet from #1 to be explained. Really there are just far too many possibilities.

So yea the Xandman seems the most likely except why conceal the reveal? Xander having the hots for Buffy isn't that dramatic a developement.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Sunday, May 6, 2007 7:49 AM


Okay, I get it....it COULD be someone else, I just don't (want to) think so.

Rootin' for the X man Chrisisall


Sunday, May 6, 2007 8:39 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Rootin' for the X man Chrisisall

I'm all just taking it as it comes along. I find it fun to speculate however.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Monday, May 7, 2007 10:07 AM


Better late than never, I finally got my copy. Only read it once so far, so repeat readings will be necessary to pick out some of the details missed the first time around, but:

-- Ethan!! I love Ethan! So psyched to see him back. If Joss skims thru any of these types of message boards, I'm sure he got the reaction he was looking for when #2 came out: "The dream guy--it's gotta be Angel! No, it's Spike! No, it's Xander! Dracula! Riley! Umm... Parker? (Okay, probably not.)" Instead it's a big from Joss. I was kinda almost expecting something similar with the kiss to wake Buffy up: four weeks of intense speculation, then Willow says, "Nah, this is easy," and waves her hands a couple of times and takes care of it just like that.

-- The image on page 3: yeah, that's just wrong. And come on, forget the naughty nurse thing--why is Buffy fully clothed? If you're gonna throw something like that in there for the ladies, remember us guys too and at least make her as naked as the two of them.

-- The whole 'Who kissed her?' thing... I mentioned Willow as a possibility last month, but dismissed it (for 95% sure; I'll hold back on that last 5% because you never know what Joss might do) since with Willow (and Andrew?) in the mix already, I don't see Joss adding to that by putting his lead character in a same-sex relationship, as well. Then it's dangerously close to becoming "The L Word". I'm gonna guess (tho I don't feel too confident in it... yet) that it's Xander, and it was just kept secret to set up the possibility of them getting couply in the future, but keep it on the back-burner for a few issues while other stuff is dealt with.

-- Speaking of Andrew, I gotta ask: Is it common for girls to sit around playing strip poker where the only guy involved is a sexually-ambiguous former (okay, current) great big nerd? 'Cause if it is, from a guy's perspective: Geez, some really cool stuff really DOES go on behind our backs...

-- Didn't Dawn 'smoosh' Amy? I mean, it sure looked like she squashed her like a bug... and then in the next panel she's fine. So did she just pin her down while Willow could bind her, or what?

-- Great that the 'boyfriend' turned out to be Warren. Even tho he was one of my suspects (my main theory was Rack), it still managed to be a surprise. Love the way he's drawn, too--probably the most detailed bit of artwork yet.

-- On that note, I'm getting used to this art style. I wouldn't say it's growing on me, but I'm getting used to it. At least it doesn't bug me and jump out as 'cartoony' the way it did at the start.

-- Seems like there's a lot more to wrap up in just one more issue, so I'm curious to see how Joss'll pull it off.

Okay, now, I have to go read it again! Those dream sequences are so like "Restless" that I think it's gonna take multiple run-thrus to try to make complete sense out of them...


Monday, May 7, 2007 11:25 AM


I think there's a bit less to deal with following this issue than the previous ones. I reckon we are starting to see the groundwork for some long term arcs coming into place.

1. The Military - the symbol on the generals chest, and the two dead army looking fellows from issue #1 with the same symbol carved into their chests. Part of the same group? Almost certainly. Now we will see if there is a separate agenda for the military (or perhaps a private organisation - not really any indication this is the US miltary yet? Correct me if I'm wrong) and for the general (who may bear some unknown grudge), or whether the US really is gunning for the slayers.

2. Ethan - here we have the morally ambiguous ally we previously had in Spike/Angel. A good guess is he is being held in the same detention facility as Warren/Amy and that is how he got the info to help Buffy. I think we will be seeing more of him in non-dream form.

3. The Kiss - I don't buy it as Willow. No Freakin' Way! That is a route I cannot see Joss going down, raises too many questions about the Willow/Tara relationship. My guess - everybody closed their eyes for the kiss, Willow performed some teleportation mojo to bring in whoever it is (take your pic from past Buffyverse characters), they did the kiss and got teleported out of there. Would explain the whole 'Shut your eyes' thing nicely. 'Theres someone in this room who loves Buffy' = red herring. Of course it could be a double red herring and its Xander all along.

4.Three X's Ethan wound up in Buffy's dream? Xander starts with an X! Could be a reference to 30 in roman numerals - a major, MAJOR, development in issue 30 in a similar manner to "Little Miss Muffet counting down from 730" from 'Graduation Day'. I quite like this idea to be honest! And trains in both ends?! Joss, you rascal.

5. Giant Dawn - My guess is that this will be resolved in the next issue. It would be a nice ending to the little introductory arc, and Willow seems to be on the ball as it to how it happened, having guessed it was a thricewise uninformed.

6. Warren/Amy - not sure if they are going to be the big bads for a long time. I could see one or more of them getting killed in the next issue. I don't see how a witch who is less than powerful than Willow (bit sneakier tho)who now routinely brings people back from the dead (sadly) and a skinless nerd being the master villians for this season. My outside bet for a big bad? Riley.


Monday, May 7, 2007 12:02 PM



Originally posted by SerenityinScotland:
1. The Military - the symbol on the generals chest, and the two dead army looking fellows from issue #1 with the same symbol carved into their chests. Part of the same group? Almost certainly. Now we will see if there is a separate agenda for the military (or perhaps a private organisation - not really any indication this is the US miltary yet? Correct me if I'm wrong) and for the general (who may bear some unknown grudge), or whether the US really is gunning for the slayers.

We didn't get to see any of the general this month, so there's really nothing new to speculate on beyond the first two issues, but going back to something I said last month, I was very glad to see the reveal of the creepy symbol on the general's chest. That points to him having something supernatural and 'on-the-side/under-the-table' going on, some hidden reason for wanting Buffy eliminated. The reason I was pleased to see that is because based on what's been shown of the US military previously on Buffy&Angel, it doesn't make sense that they'd suddenly view Buffy as a terrorist threat. Someone to be monitored now that she has a 500-strong army of supergirls under her command? Yeah. But in the Jossverse, the government knows all about vamps&demons, so it stands to reason they know about the Slayer and what she's all about.


3. The Kiss - I don't buy it as Willow. No Freakin' Way! ... My guess - everybody closed their eyes for the kiss, Willow performed some teleportation mojo to bring in whoever it is (take your pic from past Buffyverse characters), they did the kiss and got teleported out of there. Would explain the whole 'Shut your eyes' thing nicely.

Interesting theory. Reading it for the second time, I noticed the perplexed 'Huh?' look on Xander's face (like "Hey, I didn't even do it yet!") and the big smile on Willow's. So was she smiling just because Buffy was awake, or because she had something to do with it? No, I don't believe she kissed her, either, but maybe solved it some other way? Yeah, possibly...


Monday, May 7, 2007 1:36 PM



Originally posted by SerenityinScotland:
My outside bet for a big bad? Riley.

And here it starts with the Riley-hating.

No seriously, I can see your point. But I think that if he is brought in as a big bad, I don't think it will be permanent. Riley knows enough about how the slayer thing works that he'll catch on to the situation eventually.


"If you want to win a war, you must serve no master but your ambition."


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 5:50 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:

And here it starts with the Riley-hating.

I still like the lug.
(Just now re-watching season 4)



Tuesday, May 8, 2007 10:31 AM


Hey, has anyone wondered too deeply yet about Warren, and how he's alive? Did Amy magickally resurrect him after he died, or did he just pass out after Willow flayed him and get spirited away to where Amy could keep him alive thru magick? 'Cause if he never really died, then how much does that detract from Willow's character and all the anguish she went thru afterward? (The only other person she actually killed was Rack, who, I hate to say because I think he's a great character, almost doesn't count.) Also, if Warren never died, then there's a big continuity problem, 'cause then the First shouldn't have been able to appear as him in S7.

I'd like to be able to say, "Oh, I don't believe Joss could ever make a continuity mistake like that!", but hey, it's happened before. That major? No. But...

BtVS S7 and AtS S5 spoilers:

Select to view spoiler:

...in the Buffy finale, Angel says, "It's the First, right? The ancient power that tried to convince me to kill myself?" No, Angel, it wanted you to lose your soul and kill Buffy, and you decided to thwart it by killing yourself.

Or in AtS S5Ep1, Wesley recognizes Spike right away, even tho, at least as far as we've seen on-screen, they've never met.

So yeah, I believe Joss could possibly have goofed it here, with Warren. Guess we'll have to wait for the next issue to know for sure, tho...


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 11:33 AM


Didn't Willow flay him, have a wee chat with Buffy and Xander, and then burn him up? Or am I making things up....


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 12:40 PM


Warren died thru magicks, and was brought back the same way is all.

Flayed Chrisisall


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 9:17 PM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:

BtVS S7 and AtS S5 spoilers:

Select to view spoiler:

Or in AtS S5Ep1, Wesley recognizes Spike right away, even tho, at least as far as we've seen on-screen, they've never met.

Select to view spoiler:

Wesley used to be a Watcher, so of course he would know who Spike is, and very likely to know what he looks like. Wesley pretty much memorized the entire Watcher casefile on Angelus (in Souless he said that he studied Angelus when he was sent to Sunnydale, and knew exactly what country Angelus had been in in a certain year when it was mentioned), and in season 2, he knew lots of facts about Darla and Drusilla without meeting them first. I would imagine he knew just as much about Spike as the others in the "family".


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 11:11 PM


Got mine Monday. Laughed my ass off at the big reveal of "dream guy"(and Buffy's reaction to it). Still can't comprehend why Ethan's helping Buffy. There's got to be a catch somewhere. Though I personally enjoyed Buffy's dream sequence with her "boys". It's not "wrong" at all with Buffy being fully clothed while the guys are bare-ass nekkid...it's her dream not yours.

Also thrilled to have skinless Warren back...that evil SOB. I still can't believe I got it right with my guess.

Though taunting us with killing Kennedy was pretty evilish of Joss, too!

The kiss: I'm sad to say I'm getting the feeling it's not going to be the one I want it to be, actually. Although I completely buy that Willow would have a sixth sense about Xander's feelings for Buffy, which could be why she would have the knowledge already that there was a person in the room who was in love with Buffy, I am beginning to think (judging by that knowledge and her facial expressions) it was Willow. I can't see her having that so-called sixth sense as easily with people (newbie slayers) she doesn't know very well, having been away a good chunk of the time. It could also explain, maybe, her distance from the group lately.

"Drew isn't that talented. He just gets away with stuff because he's cute."--David Fury on Drew Goddard
"Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing."--Angel
"In Joss We Trust."


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 7:05 AM



Originally posted by SerenityinScotland:
Didn't Willow flay him, have a wee chat with Buffy and Xander, and then burn him up? Or am I making things up....

No, that's pretty much the way it happened. Or appeared to happen. She flayed him; he collapsed limp against the bonds holding him upright, and then vanished in a puff of fire and smoke. My take on it was always that he died the instant he was flayed, and then Willow flash-fried the remains (to help keep the forest neat and litter-free ).

But in a supernatural world like the Buffyverse, previous events can be re-defined thru magick, at any time, to best suit the next story the writer(s) want(s) to tell. Suppose we find out in issue #4 that he only passed out when she flayed him, and the fire&smoke was her banishing him to an eternal hell dimension, from which Amy then went and got him out?

Not saying I want that to be the case--just the opposite, 'cause it'd cause some major contradictions with S7. Also, even if that doesn't happen in this case, it's raised the worry in my mind that it could happen with something else down the road. On the show, there was a writing staff of a half-dozen or so, plus the dozens of members of the cast&crew, any of whom might potentially spot a contradiction with an earlier episode and point it out. Now, with the comics, there's, what, 5 or 6 people involved? Much less chance of catching an error...


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 10:56 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Well, party in my eyesocket, and everyone's invited! Count me in as geekboy #101, Joss has hooked me with this series, and now I'm back into comics with a vengeance! Also just got a few Buffy graphic novels from back in the day, lookin' foward to the Buffy Omnibus and Frey- OMG, I'm twelve again!!!

Retrograde Chrisisall

thrilled to know you are enjoying this (I am too)
and in buying the oldies but goodies you might want to look for 'Fray' (instead of Frey...)
And I highly recommend Tales of the Slayer, and Tales of the Vampire (both are series which are now out in graphic novel form which were partly written by Joss & partly by others from the Mutant Enemy writers' room)

IMO this issue 3 really justifies Joss writing S8 in comic book form:
not only could they never afford to do Gigantor Dawny on TV,
but I don't think the Buffy dream sandwich could have been done in any other medium! LOL

As far as the kiss goes, it is fine w/me if it was Xander or Willow...but I'm guessing there was a puppy in the room named Cinnamon buns
(or the spirit of Buffy's Mum, because didn't she sometimes bake cinnamon buns?)


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:03 AM



Originally posted by embers:

And I highly recommend Tales of the Slayer, and Tales of the Vampire (both are series which are now out in graphic novel form which were partly written by Joss & partly by others from the Mutant Enemy writers' room)

Thanks Em, I think a lot of that will be in the collections coming out next month...

'FrEying' Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:27 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Thanks Em, I think a lot of that will be in the collections coming out next month...

'FrEying' Chrisisall

really? Because I thought the omnibus would only contain the non-Joss comics that Dark Horse had published....
since the two 'Tales of..' were already out in graphic novel form:


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:30 AM



Originally posted by embers:

really? Because I thought the omnibus would only contain the non-Joss comics that Dark Horse had published....
since the two 'Tales of..' were already out in graphic novel form:

Well, I'll get 'em now if they're not included! Thanks, fellow Buffyologist!

Mr. Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:49 AM


yeah the 'Tales of...' are not included in the Omnibus:
but it looks like some fun things are:
The Origin, a faithful adaptation of creator Joss Whedon's original screenplay for the film that started it all.
The newly chosen Slayer's road to Sunnydale continues in Viva Las Buffy and Slayer, Interrupted.
Next, Sunnydale, the Scoobies, and an English librarian lead the way into Season One continuity. Plus, The Goon creator Eric Powell provides pencils to "All's Fair," featuring Spike and Drusilla at the 1933 World's Fair.

Personally I didn't care for Viva Las Buffy
but I think I'll have to buy the omnibus for the adaptation of Joss' original script for the Buffy movie....
(I hope the artwork will was okay...)

- very critical about artwork embers


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 5:24 PM



Originally posted by embers:

- very critical about artwork embers

Me too; sloppy artwork is the Devil's playground.

I bring the fun in Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 5:53 PM



Originally posted by embers:
yeah the 'Tales of...' are not included in the Omnibus:
but it looks like some fun things are:
The Origin, a faithful adaptation of creator Joss Whedon's original screenplay for the film that started it all.
The newly chosen Slayer's road to Sunnydale continues in Viva Las Buffy and Slayer, Interrupted.
Next, Sunnydale, the Scoobies, and an English librarian lead the way into Season One continuity. Plus, The Goon creator Eric Powell provides pencils to "All's Fair," featuring Spike and Drusilla at the 1933 World's Fair.

Of course that's only the first volume of the omnibus set. I had thought that I had read that they were reprinting all of the Buffy comics (including the two tales of collections) but I can't find a link to that anywhere at the moment.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at amazon.de


Sunday, May 13, 2007 6:41 AM


Well I just got all the comics yesterday, gotta say I'm pretty impressed. Now we all know Joss, he sneaks all that really important stuff in there without you even noticing and so I really think we should be looking at those dream cubes carefully...

Caleb was in the top left it also said "Buffy and Angel 4ever" in the right top corner, there was a pic of Joss in there. Also in the bottom left, can anyone tell who that is? I think it might be Tara. There's one of Angel and one of Vamp-face Angel and I think there's one of her and Riley. There's also Faith.

I just can't help thinking that the whole dream thing is gonna become really significant.

What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women...


Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:01 PM


I'm not too crazy about the comics, and I can't see why anyone would be. They are rather bland and predictable, but I do like the cover art. Also, this is JUST the type a comic I would have loved when I was 16 years of age.
Don't yell at me too much.



Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:24 PM


Okay, then, everyone who's 17 or over, out of the pool!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 11:07 PM


River, it's funny to me how much the things you say sometimes remind me so much of my aunt. Except in her case she says things like that to deliberately try to make others feel inferior, because apparently that's the way she can feel superior to them. For some reason, she needs that, I guess.

"Drew isn't that talented. He just gets away with stuff because he's cute."--David Fury on Drew Goddard
"Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing."--Angel
"In Joss We Trust."


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 3:25 AM



Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:
River, it's funny to me how much the things you say sometimes remind me so much of my aunt. Except in her case she says things like that to deliberately try to make others feel inferior, because apparently that's the way she can feel superior to them. For some reason, she needs that, I guess.

"Drew isn't that talented. He just gets away with stuff because he's cute."--David Fury on Drew Goddard
"Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing."--Angel
"In Joss We Trust."

How can my not being too thrilled about the season 8 BtVS comics be an attempt at feeling superior, or to make someone feel inferior?? People like what they like and no one, not even myself is qualified to say what is good or bad for someone else. For me right now it isnt doing it, and I was really looking forward to a good story when I stomped into that comic shop to purchase those comics.

I haven't read comics since I was a teen, so maybe I'm no longer familiar with the format. Besides there are only 3 so far. Perhaps it will get better, but like I mentioned before...I liked the cover art, but the story so far is bland and predictable. Now how is that an insult to anyone? It's just mine view on it; not the whole worlds.

Keep it in perspective suger biscuits...



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:19 AM


I didn't say that was what you were doing, I said sometimes the things you say sometimes reminds me of the things she says. I said that was her intention, not yours.

I don't believe at all that you are intentionally insulting anyone.

"Drew isn't that talented. He just gets away with stuff because he's cute."--David Fury on Drew Goddard
"Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing."--Angel
"In Joss We Trust."


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:21 AM



Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:
I didn't say that was what you were doing, I said sometimes the things you say sometimes reminds me of the things she says. I said that was her intention, not yours.

I don't believe at all that you are intentionally insulting anyone.

You're more forgiving than me, then, JWA. Intentional or not, consider me insulted. To come into a thread where there's almost 40 responses discussing this, where the large majority of ppl are obviously really enjoying the first new Buffy-by-Joss (no matter the format) in four years, and make a comment like, "I'm not crazy about this, and I can't see why anyone would be." Now, the first part of that's fine: that's expressing a personal opinion. The second part of that is insulting, 'cause it's basically putting down everyone who IS enjoying them.

And then to top it off by implying that it's something too immature for anyone over 16, well... I'm over 16--by more years than I could count on my fingers--and I'm loving the comics so far.

Some people here, maybe comments like that would have really bugged me. But thankfully, in this case, I can just consider the source, speak my piece, and then forget about it...


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:29 AM


Well, I don't think the the toon playing Dawn is into the role, she's obviously just phoning in her performance.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:32 AM


Who is that supposed to be on the cover of issue #3 Buffy or Willow? Since the woman's hair is red I'm going to say Willow.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 7:34 AM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:

Originally posted by jwhedonaddict:
I didn't say that was what you were doing, I said sometimes the things you say sometimes reminds me of the things she says. I said that was her intention, not yours.

I don't believe at all that you are intentionally insulting anyone.

You're more forgiving than me, then, JWA. Intentional or not, consider me insulted. To come into a thread where there's almost 40 responses discussing this, where the large majority of ppl are obviously really enjoying the first new Buffy-by-Joss (no matter the format) in four years, and make a comment like, "I'm not crazy about this, and I can't see why anyone would be." Now, the first part of that's fine: that's expressing a personal opinion. The second part of that is insulting, 'cause it's basically putting down everyone who IS enjoying them.

And then to top it off by implying that it's something too immature for anyone over 16, well... I'm over 16--by more years than I could count on my fingers--and I'm loving the comics so far.

Some people here, maybe comments like that would have really bugged me. But thankfully, in this case, I can just consider the source, speak my piece, and then forget about it...

Well said. Just because you said all of that I'm going to go and read the comics all over again. Maybe I missed something.

I didn't feel as though I was putting anyone down BTW, but if you feel you need to feel that way then that's okay. It's a free country.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007 11:08 PM


Groo: The part you found insulting is exactly the part I meant about the way my aunt is. It's fine to me if she has a different opinion on something (say, LOST, or the fact that I like chicken on my pizza, that I used to find pre-cheating Jude Law physically appealing, etc.) If she (my aunt) does happen to have a different opinion about something, or it just happens to bug her how passionate you are about something, she will go out of her way to insult it...and occasionally try to rally others to her cause in order to "prove" her opinion to be "fact".

I still don't think river was trying to hurt anyone's feelings (like my aunt does), but I do agree that she took it a little too far with some of those statements.

Edit: Also, my aunt has that thing where she tries to come off as "so mature" compared to the rest of us, but when called on her behavior she can't even take responsibility for her own actions without directing it toward the other person. She's 54 fricking years old!

River: Confused about how you could think that was anyone but Willow on the cover of #3. It looks just like her. The only one I still have a hard time with is Andrew. Since when is he brunette?
"Drew isn't that talented. He just gets away with stuff because he's cute."--David Fury on Drew Goddard
"Our fate has to be our own, or we're nothing."--Angel
"In Joss We Trust."






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