Dushku has an announcment: Letterman Interview on Aug 27!

UPDATED: Saturday, October 26, 2002 15:17
VIEWED: 10497
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Monday, August 26, 2002 9:55 AM


Here's the original article...


Dushku is signing her deal for Buffy and Angel tomorrow (August 27) and that afternoon, she tapes her appearance on Letterman! She says she'll have some big announcements!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Monday, August 26, 2002 11:02 AM


Buffy and Angel? Is the crossover ban lifted?

I'm not a big fan of Angel, but so I didn't avoid reading this spoiler:

Select to view spoiler:

Angelus is going to put in yet another appearance and Faith will be called in to deal with him.


Wednesday, August 28, 2002 6:44 AM


Just watched a tape of last night’s Letterman with Eliza Dushku. She did not make any Buffy-related announcements, though we did learn that she is Danish-Albanian and that Dushku (pronounced Doosh-koo) is an Albanian name.

Anyone hear anything about Eliza's "decision day"?



Wednesday, August 28, 2002 9:12 AM


I watched it last night, and while she said she was going to mention something, I had my doubts that the subject would come up in the interview. She may have had the best intentions, though, she didn't have the opprotunity. For what it's worth, she did look like she had more to say when Dave cut to commercial.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:25 AM



Originally posted by Hjermsted:
Just watched a tape of last night’s Letterman with Eliza Dushku. She did not make any Buffy-related announcements, though we did learn that she is Danish-Albanian and that Dushku (pronounced Doosh-koo) is an Albanian name.

"Doosh-koo"? Oh dear. I'm not gonna touch that one!


Thursday, August 29, 2002 5:59 AM


Looks as of Eliza has signed on the dotted line:

Dushku Back On Buffy, Angel

Her parts in Buffy will take place at the end of the season... could this mean it is her taking Buffy's place next season and not Dawn?




Thursday, August 29, 2002 8:40 AM


Well, the timing does suggest a new series with Faith as the main character. But bear in mind that Mister Whedon is unlikely to have much involvement in it. Right now he's got four series he's playing a big part in running, and a fifth one (Ripper) on hold until he can find time for it. So a Faith series is probably dependent on finding someone to run it.

Hey maybe Faith and Willow can form a reformed killers support group!


Thursday, August 29, 2002 9:20 AM



Originally posted by Hjermsted:
Looks as of Eliza has signed on the dotted line:

Dushku Back On Buffy, Angel

Her parts in Buffy will take place at the end of the season... could this mean it is her taking Buffy's place next season and not Dawn?



I don't understand why everyone's all up in arms about Dawn taking "Buffy's place" when Gellar's contract expires. I mean, who's to say that Dawn is even a slayer or could even become one? Besides, she hasn't even been given any character to dislike thus far in the series. I'm going wait until this season to make any judgements.

While I would love to see Dushku on board as a regular, I doubt she'd go for that. She's becoming quite the star without it. The more likely scenario is that Faith will be killed/ will sacrifice herself at the end of the season.

Though, I think a Faith series could be amazing, and Dushku might even go for it... who knows?

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Thursday, August 29, 2002 9:59 AM


I'm not a Dawn-hater -- I don't get passionate about TV characters. But it's hard to see TV series centered on her. She's just not that complicated. I only find Dawn interesting as a counterpoint to Buffy.

Dushku has been getting a lot of movie work, but she's yet to get a starring role. Being a supporting actor in movies pays better than being a recurring character on a TV series. (When Stephen Furst was offerred a promotion from recurring to regular on St. Elsewhere, his first impulse was to answer "I dunno, my pizza delivery career is starting to take off!") but being a star in anything is gratifying to the pocketbook, the ego, and most of all the career. I doubt if she'd turn down her own series.


Thursday, August 29, 2002 11:04 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
I'm not a Dawn-hater -- I don't get passionate about TV characters. But it's hard to see TV series centered on her. She's just not that complicated. I only find Dawn interesting as a counterpoint to Buffy.

Dushku has been getting a lot of movie work, but she's yet to get a starring role. Being a supporting actor in movies pays better than being a recurring character on a TV series. (When Stephen Furst was offerred a promotion from recurring to regular on St. Elsewhere, his first impulse was to answer "I dunno, my pizza delivery career is starting to take off!") but being a star in anything is gratifying to the pocketbook, the ego, and most of all the career. I doubt if she'd turn down her own series.

And maybe a Faith series would fulfill contract obligations for the rest of the cast who have signed on for two more seasons. When Gellar leaves, they could change the show's name so something like "Faith," and then Whedon wouldn't have to add another show to his stack. I can definately see Faith, Willow, and Spike having great chemistry, but working in Xander and Dawn may prove problematic.

Though, something tells me to doubt a Faith series... to *HIGHLY* doubt it.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Thursday, August 29, 2002 12:07 PM


I can see how a Faith Series can have any fixed location even if it were to exist.... How can Faith remain in Sunnydale for long with ALL the Cops in America after her, come to think of it do we know how she'll get out of Jail?

I'm thinking that Monopoly card is a no go! I've been assuming prison break.....

Still would be wicked to see Spike and Faith working together, especially the 'new' Spike.

"I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?" -Willow


Thursday, August 29, 2002 12:16 PM


A Faith series sounds all well and good. BUT, the chances of signing Dushku as a regular in a spin-off are slimmer than signing SMG for season 8. Unless/until Eliza's burgeoning movie career hits an iceberg, FtS is a complete pipedream.

--- Joe


Friday, August 30, 2002 4:23 AM



Originally posted by mojoeca:
A Faith series sounds all well and good. BUT, the chances of signing Dushku as a regular in a spin-off are slimmer than signing SMG for season 8. Unless/until Eliza's burgeoning movie career hits an iceberg, FtS is a complete pipedream.

--- Joe

Uhm. Joe, you're certainly entitled to disagree with me. But to simply contradict me without addressing my arguments seems kind of pointless.


Friday, August 30, 2002 8:26 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Uhm. Joe, you're certainly entitled to disagree with me. But to simply contradict me without addressing my arguments seems kind of pointless.

Fair enough.

Dushku has been getting a lot of movie work, but she's yet to get a starring role. Being a supporting actor in movies pays better than being a recurring character on a TV series.

Does she make more per movie than she would in her own series per season? I don't think she's quite there yet, but she sees her movie career as blossoming. Unless that outlook changes, she's going to keep pursuing those supporting roles in hopes of going A-list. By the way, ED's latest release is CITY BY THE SEA, where she stars along side Robert DeNiro, Frances McDormand, and James Franco.

being a star in anything is gratifying to the pocketbook, the ego, and most of all the career. I doubt if she'd turn down her own series.
Movie stars garner much more prestige than TV stars. So many actors, including stars in mainstream hit series (i.e. David Caruso), have left TV for movies; so few have left movies for TV, unless forced to by a floundering career (i.e. David Caruso). Unless ED's career stalls, a Faith series just isn't in the cards.


Right now he's got four series he's playing a big part in running, and a fifth one (Ripper) on hold until he can find time for it. So a Faith series is probably dependent on finding someone to run it.

Signing Dushku (I love that surname, BTW) is a much more dependent factor than ME's full plate. Joss seems not too bothered by going forward with a BUFFY continuation/spin-off next year (even though he confesses he has no idea what it would be). If Eliza were to tell him she'd like to do a FAITH series when BUFFY ends, I think he would jump at the chance.

He once said in an interview that he envisioned a Faith spinoff as being a road show, RENEGADE-like. That would be a perfect way to "continue" BUFFY without Buffy, while keeping open the option of BUFFY characters starring, and SMG recurring. And making a BUFFY movie without confusion.

--- Joe


Tuesday, September 3, 2002 8:40 AM


I would love to see a Faith spinoff. She's great... so tortured in that first episode, and then made so evil. And then tortured again when she switched bodies with Buffy. (I haven't watched much of Angel, so I don't know how she was there.) I could see a great series where she is constantly walking the line of good intentions and the easy/evil way out. Not necessarily the night and day of Angel, but more of the moral dilemma.

Unfortunately, I don't see it happening. Her movie career has been a slow starter, but I have to agree with Mo... even if she is only supporting cast, a DeNiro movie is not something someone does before giving up on their dreams of becoming a leading lady. If she's smart, she'll keep making movies.

Here's what I think will happen:

1) Faith dies.
2) New Slayer is called.
3) Willow is watcher.
4) Spike joins the new gang.
5) Xander and Buffy get married (not necessarily to each other) or settle down in some other way... get out of the "life". Buffy only joins the fight every once in a while (maybe 2 or 3 episodes the first year, then 1 or 2 a season after that).

As for the "yet another show for Joss" problem, with Buffy gone, it's not an additional show, it's an "instead of" show.

So that's my dream. That and some stuff about cigars and a tunnel. But tell me, college girl, what does it mean?


Tuesday, September 3, 2002 1:00 PM



3) Willow is watcher.

I can't quite see that. The watchers have always been played as stodgy nitwits -- including Giles, before he broke with them. According to the Fray comic books

Select to view spoiler:

they eventually become a bunch of irrelevent crazies

. And they use magic. Not people Willow would hook up with.

4) Spike joins the new gang.
Hey, we still know jack about William the Bloody, Third Edition. Too early to anticipate what he might do.

5) Xander and Buffy get married (not necessarily to each other) or settle down in some other way... get out of the "life". Buffy only joins the fight every once in a while (maybe 2 or 3 episodes the first year, then 1 or 2 a season after that).

That's a good standard TV solution, but I'd find it very disappointing. Buffy's unremitting (and unrequited) desire to be "destiny-free" has been a theme from the very beginning. The "I can afford to scale back now" solution would be very unsatisfying.


Wednesday, September 4, 2002 1:29 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

3) Willow is watcher.

I can't quite see that. The watchers have always been played as stodgy nitwits -- including Giles, before he broke with them. According to the Fray comic books

Select to view spoiler:

they eventually become a bunch of irrelevent crazies

. And they use magic. Not people Willow would hook up with.

It's true, watchers have not been traditionally portrayed well, but authority figures in general are shown in the buffyverse as being old-fashioned and incapable of really dealing with any of the things they are supposedly supposed to be in charge of. (cops, parents, teachers... unless they are one of the bads, are pretty much shown as idiots)

Here's my thought though... new slayer isn't the sassy one like buffy and faith are/have been. New slayer is closer to Kendra... very by the book. And the watcher (in my idea, Willow) is the one who is bucking the status quo, trying to get the new slayer to open up to the idea of other ways of handling the calling.

As for the magic thing, I really don't believe that they'll make willow go back to being a computer geek only. I think she'll still have the magic, but will have to work to control it. I heard someone else's hypothesis that after last seasons actions, she wouldn't be able to completely "get rid" of the magic. I like that theory. Saves them the whole drug addiction/alcoholism "never-again" fol

I read at the spoiler slayer that said that

Select to view spoiler:

in episode 3, Willow comes home, but she and the scoobies are unable to see each other, and this is because she is so nervous about seeing them again, that she accidentally makes them not be able to see her or she them. So, if she doesn't come back from England "magic free" then I'm thinking she won't be a non-magic being.

"Frisky Watchers Chat Room." Why, Giles!


Wednesday, September 4, 2002 1:30 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

3) Willow is watcher.

I can't quite see that. The watchers have always been played as stodgy nitwits -- including Giles, before he broke with them. According to the Fray comic books

Select to view spoiler:

they eventually become a bunch of irrelevent crazies

. And they use magic. Not people Willow would hook up with.

It's true, watchers have not been traditionally portrayed well, but authority figures in general are shown in the buffyverse as being old-fashioned and incapable of really dealing with any of the things they are supposedly in charge of. (cops, parents, teachers... unless they are one of the bads, are pretty much shown as idiots)

Here's my thought though... new slayer isn't the sassy one like buffy and faith are/have been. New slayer is closer to Kendra... very by the book. And the watcher (in my idea, Willow) is the one who is bucking the status quo, trying to get the new slayer to open up to the idea of other ways of handling the calling.

As for the magic thing, I really don't believe that they'll make willow go back to being a computer geek only. I think she'll still have the magic, but will have to work to control it. I heard someone else's hypothesis that after last seasons actions, she wouldn't be able to completely "get rid" of the magic. I like that theory. Saves them the whole drug addiction/alcoholism "never-again" philosophy.

I read at the spoiler slayer that said that

Select to view spoiler:

in episode 3, Willow comes home, but she and the scoobies are unable to see each other, and this is because she is so nervous about seeing them again, that she accidentally makes them not be able to see her or she them. So, if she doesn't come back from England "magic free" then I'm thinking she won't be a non-magic being.

"Frisky Watchers Chat Room." Why, Giles!


Wednesday, September 4, 2002 3:25 PM



I can't quite see that. The watchers have always been played as stodgy nitwits -- including Giles, before he broke with them. According to the Fray comic books

Select to view spoiler:

they eventually become a bunch of irrelevent crazies

. And they use magic. Not people Willow would hook up with.

What I'm thinking is: Willow could act as a catalyst that triggers the irrelevance of the Council. Her radical views might not go over well with the current watchers, and they'll struggle to keep her confined. Much like the "Traditional Values Coalition," the Watchers could become the anti-progressive force, and Willow could trigger this behavior which would lead to their demise.

Though, I doubt Giles would subject Willow to that lifestyle. He does, after all, hate the Council as much as Buffy does. So, it's doubtful to me that he'd give her the title. Though, I think it could make sense and work if they chose this direction.


Hey, we still know jack about William the Bloody, Third Edition. Too early to anticipate what he might do.

I highly doubt they'll change him into someone who won't work with the rest of the group, AND he's signed for two more seasons, just like the rest of the cast. Though, you are right... we don't know what ME has up their sleeves.


That's a good standard TV solution, but I'd find it very disappointing. Buffy's unremitting (and unrequited) desire to be "destiny-free" has been a theme from the very beginning. The "I can afford to scale back now" solution would be very unsatisfying.

The way I see it, Buffy is now destiny-free. Her actions at the end of "The Gift" were meant to bring an end to her story. The gang bringing her back to life wasn't supposed to happen, and I believe that a burried theme of season six is Buffy's disassociation from that destiny, and her struggles to get over that.

Now, I see Buffy leaving Sunnydale by way of a realization that there are other places in the world that need protection from demons. She could become the destiny-free traveler, helping whomever needs it.

Now, Faith still hasn't completed her destiny. She needs to do something heroic (along the lines of self-sacrifice) to fulfill her own destiny and bring her story full circle.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 11:37 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

5) Xander and Buffy get married (not necessarily to each other) or settle down in some other way... get out of the "life". Buffy only joins the fight every once in a while (maybe 2 or 3 episodes the first year, then 1 or 2 a season after that).

That's a good standard TV solution, but I'd find it very disappointing. Buffy's unremitting (and unrequited) desire to be "destiny-free" has been a theme from the very beginning. The "I can afford to scale back now" solution would be very unsatisfying.

I just had another thought about how to get Buffy out of the picture without it just being "don't feel like slayin anymore, let the young tykes handle the demons!" (the more I think about it, the less I think Xander will go away, although I'm not sure what he'd be in the spin-off I was dreaming up before..)

Ok, so what happens to buffy? Some kind of freaky mystical thing where she LOSES her power. She has already died twice, almost 3 times, and they just can't kill her again. We've been there, done that.

Here's Bob's new thought for how to get rid of Buffy at the end of the season:
The big bad, whatever it is... is trying to do some evil with the hellmouth... open it, or bring someone out, or something. Something along those lines. The only way to stop BigBad is to do this special spell that uses Buffy's power as the slayer to seal the hellmouth forever, but leaves Buffy without any slayer powers. Just because the hellmouth is sealed doesn't mean that there would be no demons around for the next slayer to fight, and also, it would mean that the new show wouldn't have to be in Sunnydale. In "The Wish" Giles has to try and convince the Council that the Hellmouth even exists in Sunnydale. And when Angel was sent to hell in the end of season 2, that had nothing directly to do with the hellmouth. And Buffy's evil roommate in Season 4 left via a big whole that opened in the middle of her dormroom floor! So there could be other doors to demon dimensions. Or maybe it's just a matter of fighting the demons left behind once the hellmouth closed.

Buck up you. You kill the best. Go you. Kill, kill.


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 3:56 PM


No, there's only one way to write out Buffy. She has to die, and permanently this time. Sorry, but that's what happens to all the Slayers.

I can see it now.

OSIRIS: Look, I've cut you a lot of slack, but you know you're way past Your Time.

BUFFY: Yeah, I know. Just give me a sec to say goodbye -- and make sure Willow hasn't got any more tricks up her sleeve.

DAWN: NO! You can't leave me! Who will protect me?

BUFFY: Get a grip! You're 25 alredy!


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:25 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
No, there's only one way to write out Buffy. She has to die, and permanently this time. Sorry, but that's what happens to all the Slayers.

Sorry, but that's a pretty closed-minded viewpoint. Sure, it would make the most sense, and would be the obvious choice to have her die; however, it may not be better than if she lived.

For the following reasons:

1) Buffy isn't an ordinary slayer, as has been told to us hundreds of times in the series' run. It's pretty much the basis of the character, the basis of the show.
2) If Gellar decides to leave the show, she could never leave it behind fully. It's what made her; she loves the environment.
3) If Buffy died permanently, it would immediately dissolve all possibility of guest starring roles. It also completely eliminates the possibility of a Buffy movie, which, while it is something that Gellar does not yet want to do, is something that Whedon would like to work on in the future.
4) What's the point? Buffy's died twice already... her story's been there, she doesn't need to visit it again. She'd need something new, something that hasn't been done to her character for it to be a good ending to her story. It has been proven that death does not end Buffy's story, so a proper ending for her does not involve death.
5) Frankly, I don't think Whedon would bear killing a character he loves so much. He had a hard enough time killing Tara; I don't think he'd be able to kill Buffy forever (presumptuous, no?).

Whatever happens happens. The show has an amazing team running it... they (Joss) will tell the most fitting ending to each character's story, whether it be death or something else.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:47 PM


They could kill Buffy again, but it lacks resonance as they've done that twice already. They could pull an XF, and just make her disappear (suck her into another dimension).

Or, GASP! They could just end the show! I'm in that camp.

--- Joe


Wednesday, September 11, 2002 3:52 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
No, there's only one way to write out Buffy. She has to die, and permanently this time. Sorry, but that's what happens to all the Slayers.

Just because all Slayers die doesn't mean the only way to end the series is to have Buffy die. All lawyers die (human ones anyway) but they didn't kill Ally McBeal did they?



Wednesday, September 11, 2002 4:27 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

Now, I see Buffy leaving Sunnydale by way of a realization that there are other places in the world that need protection from demons. She could become the destiny-free traveler, helping whomever needs it.

Now, Faith still hasn't completed her destiny. She needs to do something heroic (along the lines of self-sacrifice) to fulfill her own destiny and bring her story full circle.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

Destiny or not, Buffy seems to have done more good than any Slayer before her (as far as we know anyway) and if she were to look at it practically there's no reason she couldn't leave the serious slaying (i.e. the Hellmouth) to a younger, fresher slayer and move off somewhere less evil infested. She could still slay, she just wouldn't have to deal with the plural of apocalypse on such a regular basis.

Or, unless ME is absolutely married to the idea of having a Dawn spin off, the easiest way to get Buffy to move from Sunnydale is have it be for the good of Dawn somehow. It would definitely alleviate the guilt factor at leaving the Hellmouth in the hands of Faith or a new, untested slayer.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Wednesday, September 11, 2002 4:30 AM


Oh, come on Suggie. You know that's not what I meant. When I said all Slayers die, I meant that they all die young. It's only been mentioned umpteen times.


Wednesday, September 11, 2002 6:31 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Oh, come on Suggie. You know that's not what I meant. When I said all Slayers die, I meant that they all die young. It's only been mentioned umpteen times.

I wasn't ignoring the fact that Slayers die young - I just didn't think it was relevant. Whether they die at 25 or 95 doesn't change the fact that there are other ways to end the series other than kill off Buffy. IMNSHO of course.



Wednesday, September 11, 2002 2:07 PM


I don't know about you guys, but I'm from the school of thought that believes that the slayer that stands against the BIG apocalypse is Buffy. I am, of course, not talking about all those wussy, little midgit apocalypsesescies that they are so fond of having on the Hellmouth. I'm talking about the BIG one alluded to in Fray, and most likey one and the same with the one predicted in the Scroll of Aberjian. The apocalypse that really is the end. No more demons. No more vampires. Just a bunch of humans, who seem more than capable of ing up the planet without supernatural intervention.

If I am correct, then Buffy cannot die until that prophesy is fullfilled. To do that, ME would have to combine all the shows and end them at once, in one big, epic... thingy. Since they're probably not going to do that at the end of BTVS S7, and probably not even later, then I do not see the Buffinator dying in the last ep.

On a related subject, if all demons leave the Earth plane of existance with that apocalypse, what happens to all the good demons, and all the demon/human hyprids. In other words, are Cordy/Anya/Spike/Lorne/Groo in deep doo-doo? What about Connor or Oz? Do they get the boot too?

"I'm suddenly wondering what the pural of 'apocalypse' is..." -- Riley "A New Man"


Wednesday, September 11, 2002 3:47 PM



I don't know about you guys, but I'm from the school of thought that believes that the slayer that stands against the BIG apocalypse is Buffy.
Is this based on ... (oh yeah, I guess that's sort of a spoiler)

Select to view spoiler:

the backstory about the "end of magic" in Fray? If so, I have to point out that the comic doesn't refer to Buffy by name.


Friday, October 11, 2002 3:44 PM


If they really did want to kill Buffy off, they would've made season 5 the last! I mean, has Joss ever been redundant with the storylines?

The theory is that that girl killed at the beginning of Lessons was a potential slayer, but what would be the purpose of killing off potential slayers unless they were planning on killing the slayer, and they're trying to avoid on a replacement slayer right away. So my theory is Faith will die (or at least someone will try and kill her) at the end of season 7, cuz Buffy doesn't come with any replacements anymore.

I think it's cool they're dealing the slayer mythology now, cuz I've always wondered where the slayers come from, or is there a giant list somewhere of the future slayers out there, and if so, do these future slayers get slayer powers before they've been promoted to "the Slayer",a nd if so, can't they just use these powers to fight evil too (like Kendra, cuz she was trained for slayerhood since she was a kid) cuz they're pretty vague about that.

I've never read Fray, so I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Was that Fray at the end of Tales of the Slayers? Is the Fray comics still in print, cuz I've been looking for it forever and can never find it! Is there anyplace where i can find it in NYC?


Friday, October 11, 2002 8:55 PM



Originally posted by darkangelslayer:
If they really did want to kill Buffy off, they would've made season 5 the last! I mean, has Joss ever been redundant with the storylines?

The theory is that that girl killed at the beginning of Lessons was a potential slayer, but what would be the purpose of killing off potential slayers unless they were planning on killing the slayer, and they're trying to avoid on a replacement slayer right away. So my theory is Faith will die (or at least someone will try and kill her) at the end of season 7, cuz Buffy doesn't come with any replacements anymore.

I think it's cool they're dealing the slayer mythology now, cuz I've always wondered where the slayers come from, or is there a giant list somewhere of the future slayers out there, and if so, do these future slayers get slayer powers before they've been promoted to "the Slayer",a nd if so, can't they just use these powers to fight evil too (like Kendra, cuz she was trained for slayerhood since she was a kid) cuz they're pretty vague about that.

I've never read Fray, so I have no idea what you guys are talking about. Was that Fray at the end of Tales of the Slayers? Is the Fray comics still in print, cuz I've been looking for it forever and can never find it! Is there anyplace where i can find it in NYC?

Fray is a seperate comic series written by JW himself about a Slayer several hundred years in the future. If you are unable to find back copies of it, wait a few months. After the last couple of issuse are released (finally), the whole story will be released as a graphic novel.

Until then, here is the quick and dirty history of the Slayers:

The Earth plane of existance used to be inhabited by demons, but animals came along and pushed them out of this world and into others. As man became the dominant life form, some demons decided to stay, adapting and becoming more human-like to survive in this enviorment. Thus most of the "demons" encountered are not ture demons-they are human/demon half-breeds of some sort. Anyway, one demon fed off the blood of a human on its way out of this deminision. This human became infected with the essence of the demon and became the first vampire.

The remaining demons and the new threat of vampires was cause of serious alarm among the human tribes. So the most powerful of the shamans came together to create a weapon against the demons. They pooled all of thier deadliest majicks into one being-a young woman-who would champion the human race. The Primitive, the first Slayer. After her death, another was called with the same powers. And so on until the end of time.

Each sucessive Slayer carries a part of her predecessors inside her. In effect, to be Chosen is to become immortal.

There are, at any moment in time, several protoslayers, slayers-in-waiting. These are girls that have the potential to be Chosen one day.

The shamans and their decendents took it upon themselves to protect their investment and their weapon. They became the Watchers. They seek out all the protoslayers they can, and raise them from an early age so that they may better meet their destiny, and be more easily controled (ie, Kendra). Sometimes they miss a protoslayer or two, and do not find her until after she has been Chosen. This was Buffy's situation.

Of course, with Fray... well, new game, new rules. I won't spoil it for you ... you need to read it yourself to get the full "Neat!" effect. I highly recomend you read it. Fray truely is a must for all BTVS fans. While you're at it, you might want to also read "Long Night's Journey" by Joss Whedon. It really clears up a lot of things about Angel's curse that didn't make sense.


"In your dreams, you're someone else. A slave. A princess. A girl in a school in a sunlit city." --Urkonn, Fray #2, "The Calling."


Saturday, October 12, 2002 2:38 AM


You are so right, finally Joss Whedon decides to explain more about the slayers. After 7 years of Buffy tvs, hopefully we'll know more about the slayer-in-training. I think you're right about the whole killing of the slayers in training, and about Faith. This season's Big Bad is gonna be great, it can morph -which could bring back so many old fave Big Bads ! Faith will probably not die, hopefully. So she get her own show. If not kill her character off. So we can get more Slayer spin-offs. I suggest a "Slayer" show, each episode can focus on different slayers, past and future.


Saturday, October 12, 2002 7:05 AM



Originally posted by William:
You are so right, finally Joss Whedon decides to explain more about the slayers. After 7 years of Buffy tvs, hopefully we'll know more about the slayer-in-training. I think you're right about the whole killing of the slayers in training, and about Faith. This season's Big Bad is gonna be great, it can morph -which could bring back so many old fave Big Bads ! Faith will probably not die, hopefully. So she get her own show. If not kill her character off. So we can get more Slayer spin-offs. I suggest a "Slayer" show, each episode can focus on different slayers, past and future.

The problem with a Tales of the Slayers series is that it would have not reoccuring characters. It would have to be an anthology--like the Tiwlight zone. Also, I think people would find this show upsetting. After all, many episoded would end with the heroine dying.

I think that Tales probably needs to stay in the comic arena. That said, I wish it was a regular comic, like the Buffy one is. Though I hear that this month they are releaseing a Tales comic, so here's hoping they keep it up...

Oh, and am I the only one that thinks this protoslayer killing spree is eerily reminiscent of the Spike/Dru "Pretty Maids in a Row?"


"You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong... It's about Power." —Morph-O-Monster, "Lessons"


Saturday, October 12, 2002 3:27 PM


I heard they're doing a Tales of the Vampires comic, not tales of the slayers


Wednesday, October 23, 2002 4:13 PM


Why do the girls being killed in the beginning of the Episodes have to be pre-called Slayers? Another possibility is that they are slayers actually called. Remember, Buffy has died twice. Even though Joss said that he considered the Slayer line to move through Faith, he also remarked that he would have no problems starting an additional line if he could work it into the story. It's possible there could be three slayers running around Sunnydale be the end of this season. Or Faith could die and the line could be passed to Dawn. This would give me the chance I've always wanted to try self-immolation.


Wednesday, October 23, 2002 10:32 PM



Originally posted by darkangelslayer:
I heard they're doing a Tales of the Vampires comic, not tales of the slayers

Doing both, actually.


"You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong... It's about Power." —Morph-O-Monster, "Lessons"


Wednesday, October 23, 2002 10:34 PM



Originally posted by TheLeftHand:
Why do the girls being killed in the beginning of the Episodes have to be pre-called Slayers? Another possibility is that they are slayers actually called. Remember, Buffy has died twice. Even though Joss said that he considered the Slayer line to move through Faith, he also remarked that he would have no problems starting an additional line if he could work it into the story. It's possible there could be three slayers running around Sunnydale be the end of this season. Or Faith could die and the line could be passed to Dawn. This would give me the chance I've always wanted to try self-immolation.

Giles is keeping his ear to the ground with the council. If there was a new Chosen One, he would know.


"You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong... It's about Power." —Morph-O-Monster, "Lessons"


Thursday, October 24, 2002 10:20 PM



Originally posted by TheLeftHand:
Why do the girls being killed in the beginning of the Episodes have to be pre-called Slayers? Another possibility is that they are slayers actually called. Remember, Buffy has died twice. Even though Joss said that he considered the Slayer line to move through Faith, he also remarked that he would have no problems starting an additional line if he could work it into the story. It's possible there could be three slayers running around Sunnydale be the end of this season. Or Faith could die and the line could be passed to Dawn. This would give me the chance I've always wanted to try self-immolation.

The problem with that is it would only account for 1 more Slayer and we've seen 2 girls die. There's only 1 Slayer death that hasn't called a new Slayer.

Buffy died in Prophecy Girl calling Kendra.
Kendra died in Becoming calling Faith.
Buffy died in the Gift.

I suppose Faith could have died off-screen or one of the Slayers before Buffy could have died twice - but seems unlikely.



Friday, October 25, 2002 6:07 AM


If the killed girls are actual Slayers however, their deaths would have led to the calling of the other Slayers, i.e. Slayer dies in first episdode (Season 7), second Slayer is called who promptly dies at the beginning of the next episode. It does mean that they didn't last too long, but Slayers don't usually live for a long time. Buffy is an aberration (actually she's already died twice, it just means she's been lucky enough to get resurrected).


Saturday, October 26, 2002 2:51 PM



If the killed girls are actual Slayers however, their deaths would have led to the calling of the other Slayers, i.e. Slayer dies in first episdode (Season 7), second Slayer is called who promptly dies at the beginning of the next episode. It does mean that they didn't last too long, but Slayers don't usually live for a long time. Buffy is an aberration (actually she's already died twice, it just means she's been lucky enough to get resurrected).

If they had been slayers they would've fought back or something (or did they cuz I missed the beginning of the second epi)


Saturday, October 26, 2002 3:17 PM



Originally posted by darkangelslayer:

If the killed girls are actual Slayers however, their deaths would have led to the calling of the other Slayers, i.e. Slayer dies in first episdode (Season 7), second Slayer is called who promptly dies at the beginning of the next episode. It does mean that they didn't last too long, but Slayers don't usually live for a long time. Buffy is an aberration (actually she's already died twice, it just means she's been lucky enough to get resurrected).

If they had been slayers they would've fought back or something (or did they cuz I missed the beginning of the second epi)

They did put up quite a fight, indicating training perhaps, but they did not seem to have Slayer strengh.


"You still don't get it. It's not about right. It's not about wrong... It's about Power." —Morph-O-Monster, "Lessons"






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