Buffy the Vampire Slayer w/out a doubt, the best show ever!

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 3, 2009 09:16
VIEWED: 6311
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:05 PM


Just got done watching season 2 last night(been about 7 years) and Holy crap, I will say without a doubt-Buffy is the best show in existance. Pure escapisim at it's very, truest form.

Is Buffy better than Firefly? In a sense yes.
It's not a fair comparison because Fox canceled a brilliant show that wasn't doing horrible in the ratings, and would have caught on big time in season 2(much like the X fIles)but as Joss said "they never wanted the show in the first place". Fox did the unthinkable, and sadly we will never know how amazing it could have been. When I heard the show was canceled, I was very, very angry.

Here is why I love Buffy:

-Willow. no explanation, just Willow.

-Strong story lines.

-Great acting

-Eventually it will make you cry.

-escapism. Get into a Buffy marathon, and I dare you to try and think about other stuff like problems in your life. I don't think it's possible, at least for me.

-Bad Angel

-Episode from season 5"The Body" WOW!

-Buffy's lighthearted humor about fighting evil.
She calls the demon Actathla "Alfalfa", and later "Al Franken". brilliant!

-It doesn't get old, or stale

-Southern California

-high school problems

-Spike, and Dru

-the music

-The Bronze

and I could go on, but what's the point?

Oh one thing I hated about the series(season 7): Kennedy. WTF were they thinking?


Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:28 PM


I certainly share your enthusiasm for Buffy - that show was my introduction to Whedon and i watched it all from the beginning - '97 i think.

I've only watched it all the way through once since then... but now i have the urge to get lost in that escapism of which you speak.

and as much as i hate to see a grown man cry.. i agree with every point you made about the series...


Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:56 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
Just got done watching season 2 last night(been about 7 years) and Holy crap, I will say without a doubt-Buffy is the best show in existance. Pure escapisim at it's very, truest form.

Is Buffy better than Firefly? In a sense yes.
It's not a fair comparison because Fox canceled a brilliant show that wasn't doing horrible in the ratings, and would have caught on big time in season 2(much like the X fIles)but as Joss said "they never wanted the show in the first place". Fox did the unthinkable, and sadly we will never know how amazing it could have been. When I heard the show was canceled, I was very, very angry.

Here is why I love Buffy:

-Willow. no explanation, just Willow.

-Strong story lines.

-Great acting

-Eventually it will make you cry.

-escapism. Get into a Buffy marathon, and I dare you to try and think about other stuff like problems in your life. I don't think it's possible, at least for me.

-Bad Angel

-Episode from season 5"The Body" WOW!

-Buffy's lighthearted humor about fighting evil.
She calls the demon Actathla "Alfalfa", and later "Al Franken". brilliant!

-It doesn't get old, or stale

-Southern California

-high school problems

-Spike, and Dru

-the music

-The Bronze

and I could go on, but what's the point?

Oh one thing I hated about the series(season 7): Kennedy. WTF were they thinking?

Agreed on all counts except one, I LOVED Kennedy, she eventually served a purpose. I also loved Dawn's character for some reason I can't think of right now, so I'll be back when I have one.

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008 4:42 PM



Originally posted by deadlockvictim:

I certainly share your enthusiasm for Buffy - that show was my introduction to Whedon and i watched it all from the beginning - '97 i think.

I've only watched it all the way through once since then... but now i have the urge to get lost in that escapism of which you speak.

and as much as i hate to see a grown man cry.. i agree with every point you made about the series...

Wow, you watched in the WB years. Fantastic.
Buffy I feel made the WB a true network. That is how strong the show was.
And for the crying bit, sad but true. Must be magic involved somewhere cause no show, or movie does that to me.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008 7:20 PM


I got some friends of mine "hooked on Joss", and when I loaned them my Buffy Season 2, and they watched the last episode, I told them to imagine that they had to wait a whole Summer(not Glau, just the season) to see what happens next. They almost got violent with me! I know that as time goes by, the chances of more actual film or TV from the 'verse gets slimmer, if only because our Big Damn Heroes are involved in more and more things, but at least Joss is keeping them going through comics, and who knows.. one day some bright TV executive will put on a coat of a Brownish color and we'll get to see more. Until then, I'll look forward to Dollhouse and hope to God that F*x doesn't screw it up like they do most other things.

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008 12:59 PM


Couldn't agree with you more OPPYH. Buffy is indeed a very strong contender for best show ever.

Your list of reasons are top notch and in the spirit of this fine thread I'll continue where you left off:

Great concept.
Fun characters.
Entertaining storylines.
Self mocking, and humourous.
Topical (on occasions)
Innovative TV (HUSH, RESTLESS, THE BODY, ONCE MORE WITH FEELING - "They got the mustard ooooout!")
Great Mythos.
Endless possiblities for spin-off characters
SPIKE and Drusilla
The Mayor
Buffy and Angel.
A Horror TV show - It doesn't happen nowadays?
Wonderful story arcs.

One bad thing for me: Most of season 6. I've watched it all the way through only once except a few key episodes: Tabula Rasa and Once more with feeling.

Best thing for me: All of seasons Two and Three. The show ends perfectly with Chosen.



Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:17 PM


Also a huge Buffy Buff. I re-watch from beginning to end at least once a year. I would agree with all points as well. A major factor for me is the ability to delve into and explore our human nature using the angel/demon theme. They make fun of themselves and get the job done. Buffy's tombstone says it all "She saved the world ... a lot."

I have been disappointed in SMG's work since she left Buffy. I thought she was brillant on the show but to date haven't seen that quality in anything she's done.

I found Firefly via Buffy listening to Josh's interview talking about Nathan playing Caleb. Also re-watch Firefly but missed it (never even heard of it) when it was originally on.



Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:50 PM


Yep, It's Buffy's fault I'm here now!

I lived in the UK when Buffy was airing and only saw the first couple of seasons on the BBC on and off cos they changed the schedules and I had so many other things going on. But I got all the video boxsets as they were released and watched and watched them and then got the DVDs and then watched Angel and got the boxsets and...

My eldest is now watching our Buffy boxsets and loves them, and we've had great discussions about the storylines and why the characters made the choices they did. He doesn't always see things in the same way as I do, but that's the beauty of well-written, perfectly realised stories.

I only bought the Firefly boxset for Christmas because it was by Joss, and I couldn't honestly say which I thought was best because I don't think you can compare them.

Buffy was and is a truly great example of how television should be.

You are beholden to no man


Saturday, May 24, 2008 8:39 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

One bad thing for me: Most of season 6. I've watched it all the way through only once except a few key episodes: Tabula Rasa and Once more with feeling.

I feel that way about season 5... Season 6 I mostly groove to.
The ep I Was Made To Love You was uber-nonsense IMO, and that made for a stark transition the The Body for me...the whole creation of Dawn I had big problems with (not her character, mind you- I like her a lot), as well as a sort of forced reason that the Buffster had to die...and a god that ran out of power here & there (????)
Still, two of the series best eps came from S5 (Fool For Love, The Body).
I like seasons 1 & 2, I really like 2, 3, 4 & 6, and I really REALLY like 7.

really REALLY Chrisisall


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 2:39 PM


I've been rewatching everything (Buffy & Angel) in order with a friend and I'm finding that I'm enjoying everything so much more....
even the weakest episodes are so much more well constructed, and so much funnier, that 99% of what is on TV...
And of course now that a few years have gone by my own attitudes have changed and I find I am not annoyed by characters who had bothered be before.

These shows really hold up, if anything they become more entertaining with time!

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816


Monday, June 2, 2008 9:29 AM



Originally posted by embers:

These shows really hold up, if anything they become more entertaining with time!

We're on the same page here, Em.

Someone here described Buffy as "Joss' only complete masterpiece", and I think that was very apt. Let's hope Dollhouse is his second.

Got bit Chrisisall


Monday, June 2, 2008 9:48 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Someone here described Buffy as "Joss' only complete masterpiece", and I think that was very apt. Let's hope Dollhouse is his second.

Yeah, the heart break of Firefly was that Joss had still so much more to say, and he is still holding back on those stories because he still has dreams of movie sequels, and doesn't want to squander them all on comics (at least that is how I interpreted a radio interview he gave a year and a half ago). But Buffy really was a complete vision, he got to carry it through seven seasons, and then he really did feel that he was done. Now he is happy to explore some 'what ifs' in comic book form, because he can, but the DVDs still shine as a finished work.

I do hope that Dollhouse gets to run for years, because Joss has said he has story arcs thought out for about 4 seasons, and maybe into the fifth... Which he has conveyed to people at Fox so that they can see that he has goals he wants to shoot for (that he wouldn't be out of ideas in 6 months). I really hope we can get to enjoy that complete vision!

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816


Saturday, June 14, 2008 8:09 PM


No to rain on your parade here, but I always thought that BUFFY was a tad overrated. A good show, without a doubt, but the greatest thing the medium of television has to offer? I think that's a bit of a tall order. What about THE SOPRANOS, or THE WIRE (which I've just recently discovered)? Heck, I think 24 is better, just for sheer entertainment value. Or a classic series like THE TWILIGHT ZONE?

I'm a real TV junkie, so I'm always dubious of any "greatest show ever" claims until I've seen it for myself. As per BUFFY, I think it's quality had an arc. 1 and 2 were good, but a bit cheesy at times. Season 3 was their Sgt. Peppers year, which continued on with 4 and 5. But by 6 and 7, they were starting to run on fumes.

So sorry, but BUFFY is not the best show ever, IMHO.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Saturday, June 14, 2008 8:55 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
But by 6 and 7, they were starting to run on fumes.

To borrow a line from AURaptor, Sorry, try again.
6 & 7 RULE, IMO.

3 & 4 as well.

Serious stuff like the Wire may be in a different class, but not a better one.

Remember, Shakespeare wrote for the masses also.



Thursday, June 26, 2008 1:17 PM



Originally posted by jossisagod:

Agreed on all counts except one, I LOVED Kennedy, she eventually served a purpose.

and yet she did her finest work in season 8...


I also loved Dawn's character for some reason I can't think of right now, so I'll be back when I have one.

it's all in the falling down - no/one funnier at the falling down. just as james marsters is the king at walking into stuff - the funniest since fawlty towers i'd say.

best show ever? who can tell - how do you compare???

two things - everyone screams about fox - yet Serenity (the BDM) which is closer to Joss's vision splits the vote... hmm (not that i like fox - don't even go there).

also - escapism??? only if you don't bring something back from the place you go... Buffy and Firefly are shows that seem to have profoundly changed people y'know?:)


Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:21 PM


I never got into Buffy or any of her spin off shows because I just am not into vampires. I did like the movie though when I caught it on the television.



Thursday, June 26, 2008 2:27 PM



Originally posted by rallem:
I never got into Buffy or any of her spin off shows because I just am not into vampires.

there are hardly any after season 1


Sunday, June 29, 2008 5:44 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
No to rain on your parade here, but I always thought that BUFFY was a tad overrated. A good show, without a doubt, but the greatest thing the medium of television has to offer? I think that's a bit of a tall order. What about THE SOPRANOS, or THE WIRE (which I've just recently discovered)? Heck, I think 24 is better, just for sheer entertainment value. Or a classic series like THE TWILIGHT ZONE?

I'm a real TV junkie, so I'm always dubious of any "greatest show ever" claims until I've seen it for myself. As per BUFFY, I think it's quality had an arc. 1 and 2 were good, but a bit cheesy at times. Season 3 was their Sgt. Peppers year, which continued on with 4 and 5. But by 6 and 7, they were starting to run on fumes.

So sorry, but BUFFY is not the best show ever, IMHO.

Your not raining on my parade. You don't think Buffy is the greatest show ever, and I do. I never considered Buffy overrated. If anything I think it was underappreciated. You want overrated, think American Idol. Buffy is the only tv show I have ever seen that I actually really cared about(characters, storylines) all other tv until Buffy I just considered comfort food. That is why I consider it the greatest show ever.


Sunday, June 29, 2008 6:23 PM


Wow, I can't even understand someone who would think '24' is better than Buffy!

Buffy had metaphor and subtlety that most shows couldn't dream of...
Buffy had a silent episode
Buffy had a musical episode!
Buffy surprised and amazed me every single year, while most shows I could tell you ahead of time what is going to happen... no surprises, no imagination....

(but I do give props to the brilliance of 'Twilight Zone'!

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816
DON'T MISS DR.HORRIBLE! Nathan Fillion sings!!!!! "http://www.drhorrible.com/images/banners/half_banner.gif' style='max-width:600px; width: expression(this.width > 600 ? 600: true);'>"


Saturday, August 16, 2008 3:57 PM


1. Firefly
2. Buffy
3. Angel
4. House MD
5. Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles

There's my list xD


Saturday, August 16, 2008 4:23 PM


24 from the first episode has a breakneck pace that never lets up.
24 had Jack Bauer, one of the best tragic heroes on TV. A man who can save the world over and over again, but can't save or protect the people who are close to him. It's been referred to as "Greek tragedy with bullets".
24 has characters whose allegiances are constantly shifting and you have no idea where it's going.
24 has both great action pieces as well as intricate plotting and insight into the political process behind the scenes, as well as suspense that would make Hitchcock proud.
24 is constantly challenging the audience in exploring the post 9/11 world we live in and examining our morality and beliefs.
24 is politically ambiguous. Both sides of the aisle could claim Jack as a champion of their cause.
24 does character deaths more shockingly and poignantly than Joss, whose character deaths sometimes feel arbitrary. See season 1 finale.

Is it a flawless show? Far from it. But when it's good, it's amazing.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Saturday, August 16, 2008 4:32 PM


Dawn is the shark that Buffy had to jump.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Tuesday, March 3, 2009 9:10 AM



Just because.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009 9:16 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Just because.

Because Buffy was amazing.

"Thanks." -Hero, 2009

The laughing Chrisisall






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