Vote for the Buffyverse on TV Vote!

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 08:17
VIEWED: 4600
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Friday, September 7, 2007 1:30 PM


Are the Buffy and Angel fans here voting for your shows at Rich Labonte's TV Vote? Little House on the Prairie is about to overtake Angel on the poll, for cryin' out loud!


You can vote for as many shows on the list as you like, once every hour. A nice Joss bloc would be Buffy, Angel, and Firefly. You can add to that list, of course, if you have other faves on the poll, as well.

There's also a separate nominations poll; the best candidate going, right now, is Dark Shadows, which could use a boost, anyway.


-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.



Wednesday, October 3, 2007 12:37 PM


Ni Hao, Buffyverse fans! Congratulations on your shiny 130,000 votes banner for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, yesterday!

I'm a regular Browncoat voter on Rich Labonte's TV Vote


It's no secret that Firefly has swept away the top spot in TV Vote; Browncoats are a bit fanatical, but, we've also been organized, and, focused.

My wife and I also vote Buffy and Angel, among others. It would tickle me muchly if we could light a fire under Buffy, mebbe see if we can overtake BSG, snag 4th place, and, beat BSG to the Hall of Fame.

So, I would like to offer you some useful advice. Aside from enlightened self-interest (after all, more votes for Buffy mean, to some degree, more votes for Firefly), the fact that my wife and I also root for the Buffyverse leads me to share these tips with you.

Some of us Browncoats have been tracking Buffy as a contender for 4th place, against Battlestar Galactica. BSG pulls in a current average of 537 daily votes; Buffy gets 478, a difference of only 59 votes per day. BSG currently stands at 153,473; Buffy has 130,971, a difference of 22,502. If you could manage to get a 100 vote/day advantage on them you could catch them in 225 days, less than eight months. That would mean increasing your daily votes by 159, which is not at all unrealistic.

There are several ways we can do this:

First, is to mobilize as many Buffy voters as possible. This is simply a matter of communication. If there is a Buffyverse board or group, drop in a line or a reminder about TV Vote. If there is a forum without a TV Vote thread, start one. If there is one, post on it, keep it bumped.

Second, make sure that everyone who is voting is doing it as efficiently as possible. This means voting as often as possible within a given period of time. This is really easy:

If you want to be sure to remember when it's time, either download Flyvote, a timed program to remind you when it's time to vote: http://usbmicro.com/misc or, do what I do, and, get a cheap travel alarm clock (mebbe $4US at WalMart), and, set it for the next time to vote. Slip it in your pocket so that you won't have to hang around the computer. I guarantee that'll help you to squeeze more votes outta your day.

Third, cultivate a relationship with another, related voting group, let them know at least some of you are also voting for their show, and, why. Friendly reciprocity then takes over, especially if you keep in touch, congratulating them on voting on milestones, thanking them for their ongoing help, letting them know how their assistance is helping your own campaign. Angel is already a natural, but, there is also Dark Shadows, currently at the top of the Nominations Poll.

I am generally opposed to bald vote trades; they are hard to verify, breed suspicion and conflict, and, most folks don't abide by 'em like you'd want 'em to, never mind that they go against the spirit of the Vote; I strongly believe in the philosophy that TV Vote is about voting for the shows we each like.

I have been coaching the Dark Shadows voters at:


While we have no formal agreement for vote trades, both Firefly and Dark Shadows have been helping each other out. Obviously, the bulk of Firefly voters are oblivious to the fact that Dark Shadows has helped us to keep our current streak of 1,000+ votes per day going, as we try to break Xena's old record, but, the fact is, their help has kept our scores afloat during a couple of weekend dry spells, lately.

Dark Shadows, on the other hand, is pulling in as much as 273 votes/day, now, from a relatively small estimated pool of voters. Of course, a number of them (myself, included) are already voting for Buffy, but, they could definitely enhance Buffy's scores, as well, if a rapport between the two voting fandoms could be established.

Fourth is, perhaps, the most important key to energizing your voting campaign:

In order to motivate your voters to vote with real fervor, you need to provide them with more than just exhortations to vote. You need to provide them daily with concrete feedback, providing goals, progress made, and, actions needed to achieve those goals.

In short, you need to post daily voting stats, on every Buffyverse forum you can.

Daily stats do at least 5 things:

1. They provide the current progress of your show, relative to your opposition.

2. They give your loyal voters something to look forward to on your discussion thread each day, resulting in repeated viewings and bumps on the forum. When they look forward to the stats each day, it is also an immediate reminder to vote.

3. Because you will always include the TV Vote URL,


in each post, you make the immediacy of the need to vote convenient, as well, with one click to get to the TV Vote page.

4. You can post the status of ongoing initiatives, such as special targets for voting days, such as running total number of days over a certain number of votes, or, remind voters of an upcoming special voting event, like a vote drive on an important anniversary of your show.

You will also be able to post the outlook for long-term goals, such as days (at current voting rate, either the previous day's, or, the running weekly average) to overtake the next show above you, or, to reach a particular total, like the 250k votes needed to reach the Hall of Fame.

5. Because you will always include information on FlyVote, or, some similar vote timing program,

“Download FlyVote by FlyVote. It's a timed program to remind you when it's time to vote: http://usbmicro.com/misc

you will provide a valuable tool which will group your voters' votes more efficiently over a given period of time, maximizing total number of votes within that period. You can also suggest other strategies, such as buying a small, inexpensive travel alarm clock to carry when they are going to be in another room away from their computer (and, thus, their vote timer program) some of the time, or, starting their hourly voting cycle as early as possible, and, voting as late as possible before going to bed.

There are other benefits to a daily stats posting, depending on how elaborate and detailed you want to get. However, the most important thing is to get keep your voters informed, and, therefore, motivated.

If you just tell them to Vote! they will, occasionally. If you tell them that, based on the numbers you put in front of them that, for example, they need to vote at least X number of times in a given day (the numbers should support whatever it is you ask of the voters), then, properly informed of the specific need, they will be likelier to do that.

EXAMPLE (from an old posting for Firefly at http://forums.scifi.com/index.php?showtopic=2254268&pid=4288273&st=860

"Good mornin,' Browncoats!

Today's update on TV Vote-


You can vote for more than one show at a time; just check all the boxes you like, then submit your vote, once every hour.

Download FlyVote by FlyVote. It's a timed program to remind you when it's time to vote: http://usbmicro.com/misc

Top two scores as of this morning:

(Previous day's stat)

Total votes Firefly: (423,960) 425,307

Total votes Xena: (399,613) 400,176

Yesterday, Browncoats voted (1,346) 1,347 times. SHINY!

Yesterday, Xenites voted (566) 563 times.

(Xenites voted (780) 784 times less than Browncoats, yesterday).

Firefly is (24,347) 25,131 votes ahead of Xena. Firefly continues to get more votes than the next two shows, Xena and Bonanza, combined!

Browncoat votes rose by 1 yesterday, 0.7%; Xenite votes fell by 3, .53%.

We got 425,000; lookit that shiny banner!

Further out is half a million, (76,040) 74,693 votes away, still about 55.45 days out as we are currently voting.

(4,485,606) 4,499,084 have been counted as of 10/03/07. (13,041) 13,478 votes were cast yesterday. In order to take ownership of 10% of all votes cast yesterday, we needed to vote 1,348 times, which we missed by only 1 vote. We increased our share to (9.4515662%) 9.4531914% of all votes ever cast, and climbing.

We're closin' in on that 10% slice of the pie on Rich Labonte's charts! If each of us voting managed to eke out just one more vote per day, it would make a huge difference; we could start catching up on that 10%, not to mention reaching our goal numbers much more quickly.

Our 1000+/day streak is still going strong, at 65 days, continuing to beat our previous best-ever streak! Just 9 days to beat Xena's all-time record of 73 days. One more weekend to get through to get there. Let's keep the votes up, and, maintain our streak!

-Tallymister Raycheetah =^[.]^=


From Rich Labonte:

"Problems voting? Refresh your browser! Turn off web accelerators! Use Internet Explorer instead of the AOL browser! More problems? Check out our Tips for New Voters FAQ or come into the TV_Vote Google Group and tell us!

Also note that both http://richlabonte.net/tvvote and http://www.richlabonte.net/tvvote
work for voting now, so if you guys have trouble getting into the site in heavy traffic you can try the alternate address instead."

-RC =^[.]~="

You can see how I use many of these elements in my own stats post for Firefly; I also mention four current goals (staying ahead of the combined next two shows, the next big points goal, the 10% total votes share, and, the 1k+ votes/day record), in order to give voters a lot to work toward. You won't always have so much to post, but, this example show you different ways to get your voters excited.

You can copy and customize this template to reflect Buffy's position in the polls, with numbers on both Combat! and La Femme Nikita (and, really, BSG, which should be your real target, or, whoever else is in front and behind).

You will only want to make use of the information specific to your show; vote change percentages, total votes and percentages held, and the like are extra chrome, and, not necessarily worth calculating, at this point.

Also, it's not worth noting a voting streak until your show has been voting above a meaningful total for three or more days in a row; if the totals fluctuate above and below that point regularly, there is no sense in bringing it up unless those totals stay high for a longer than normal time.

I am confident that this will help increase interest in your voters, and, also, in potential new voters who see what, exactly, you are asking them to do, and, how their votes impact the score.

I'm sorry I don't have the time to wrangle the stats for yet another show (or, two, couting Angel), but, if any of you wants to take up the gauntlet, and, really punch up the vote, you can PM me at http://www.scifi.com/ , and, I'll be happy to lend what advice I can. You can get a listing of some of the Buffyverse forums on which you might post at:


Yahoo groups is also a rich resource, should someone be ambitious enough to join and post there, too. The more fans who see your numbers, the more who will vote. Once you have your stats, it's just a matter of C&Ping the post to each thread, once a day. Now, who's gonna step up and be the BSG Slayer?

Best of all good luck to you.

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.



Wednesday, October 3, 2007 12:48 PM


"Damn yokels, can't even tell a transport ship ain't got no guns on it." - Jayne Cobb

Or you can do like I do and vote for Firefly, Buffy, and Angel (and/or the X-Files, Drive, etc.) all at the same time, every time.

Find here the Serenity you seek.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007 12:51 PM


Well, yeah, naturally enough. I just meant this to be a set of tools for some ambitious (i.e., crazy as I am) Buffyverse fan to really stimulate the vote. It's worked for me and the other Browncoat vote-wranglers; I just think it'd be a shame for Buffy, for example, not to achieve the potential it has to really take the polls away from BSG.

Just to be sayin.'

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.



Friday, May 30, 2008 10:40 AM


Okay, so, I've found the time to run Buffyverse stats, too.

Buffy and Angel now both have a shot at the Hall of Fame, but both need some extra help to get there in time!

Based on RL's announcement that he will end the Polls when the combined total votes between the Top 40 and the Nominations reaches 10 million (but no later than January 2, 2009), 84.79 (85.68) days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting.

Today's update on TV Vote-




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour. You can only nominate one show per hour, with a write-in vote, at:


Download the FlyVote voting timer, a NEW version of the program. It'll remind you when it's time to vote, each hour: http://usbmicro.com/misc

(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 575 (557) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 370 (410) votes, yesterday, in 11.95 (18.06) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 5,380 (5,955) votes, and 9.36 (10.69) days, away, while Farscape is 7.92 (8.05) days from getting there.

Just a little over a week remains in the Hall of Fame race, and Buffy is still 1.44 days behind! Let's vote to get her out in front!

#11 show Angel got 505 (507) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 425 (414) votes, in 29.46 (26.2) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 570 votes, and, is 48,379 (48,884) votes, and 95.8 (96.42) days, away!

Angel is moving up, again, thanks to your help! Let's get him into the Hall of Fame!

In other TV Vote news (vampire genre shows whose voters also support Buffy, Angel, and the Whedonverse):

#28 show Dark Shadows got 355 (332) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 286 (310) votes, in 9.49 (32.99) days.

Dark Shadows could use your help to keep up the pace!

#41 show (#1 in the Nominations Poll) Blood Ties got 492 (473) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #40 show Cleopatra 2525, which got 150 (173) votes, in 4.92 (6.75) days.

Let's work together to get Blood Ties over the top!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Saturday, May 31, 2008 4:16 AM



(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 518 (575) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 347 (370) votes, yesterday, in 13.33 (11.95) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 4,862 (5,380) votes, and 9.39 (9.36) days, away, while Farscape is 7.44 (7.92) days from getting there.

Just a little over a week remains in the Hall of Fame race, and Buffy is still behind! Let's vote to get her out in front!

#11 show Angel got 444 (505) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 423 (425) votes, in 75.35 (29.46) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 570 votes, currently being 47,935 (48,379) votes, and 107.96 (95.8) days, away!

Angel has hit another snag, again, and needs your help!

#28 show Dark Shadows got 327 (355) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 276 (286) votes, in 11.84 (9.49) days.

Dark Shadows still needs your help to keep up the pace!

#41 show (#1 in the Nominations Poll) Blood Ties got 471 (492) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #40 show Cleopatra 2525, which got 155 (150) votes, in 4.33 (4.92) days.

Let's work together to get Blood Ties over the top!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Sunday, June 1, 2008 4:17 AM



Just a bit of begging, here: Buffy is very close to passing Farscape in the Hall of Fame race, but is still behind by a couple of days. If you're not already voting, please bookmark TV Vote-




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour.

You don't have to sign up for anything, there're no pop-up ads, they don't use cookies. And, it's only for about a week. Every single vote makes a mathematical difference, at this point, so, even though Buffy is beating FS on the daily totals, she has been working her way up from behind FS's long lead to get where she is.

...Even just a couple of votes a day that Buffy didn't get, before. And, if you have been voting, try to slip in even one or two more; it does make a difference! After Buffy passes FS, I'll leave you alone, promise! -RC =^[.]^=

(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 471 (518) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 301 (347) votes, yesterday, in 12.41 (13.33) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 4,391 (4,862) votes, and 9.32 (9.39) days, away, while Farscape is 7.58 (7.44) days from getting there.

Just a little over a week remains in the Hall of Fame race, and Buffy is still behind! Let's vote to get her out in front!

#11 show Angel got 412 (444) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 373 (423) votes, in 58.9 (75.35) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 570 votes, currently being 47,523 (47,935) votes, and 115.35 (107.96) days, away!

Angel still needs your help! Let's get him into the Hall of Fame!

#28 show Dark Shadows got 306 (327) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 225 (276) votes, in 6.46 (11.84) days.

Dark Shadows still needs your help to keep up the pace!

You can only nominate one show per hour, at:


#41 show (#1 in the Nominations Poll) Blood Ties got 425 (471) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #40 show Cleopatra 2525, which got 151 (155) votes, in 3.99 (4.33) days.

Let's work together to get Blood Ties over the top!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Monday, June 2, 2008 11:57 AM



Just a bit more begging, here: Buffy is very close to passing Farscape in the Hall of Fame race, but is still behind by a couple of days. If you're not already voting, please bookmark TV Vote-




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour.

You don't have to sign up for anything, there're no pop-up ads, they don't use cookies. And, it's only for about a week. Every single vote makes a mathematical difference, at this point, so, even though Buffy is beating FS on the daily totals, she has been working her way up from behind FS's long lead to get where she is.

...Even just a couple of votes a day that Buffy didn't get, before. And, if you have been voting, try to slip in even one or two more; it does make a difference! After Buffy passes FS, I'll leave you alone, promise! -RC =^[.]^=

(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 478 (471) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 332 (301) votes, yesterday, in 13.45 (12.41) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 3,913 (4,391) votes, and 8.19 (9.32) days, away, while Farscape is 5.87 (7.58) days from getting there.

Just a little less than a week remains in the Hall of Fame race, and Buffy is still behind! Let's vote to get her out in front!

#11 show Angel got 428 (412) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 360 (373) votes, in 32.78 (58.9) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 570 votes, currently being 47,095 (47,523) votes, and 110.04 (115.35) days, away!

Angel still needs your help! Let's get him into the Hall of Fame!

#28 show Dark Shadows got 296 (306) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 253 (225) votes, in 11.16 (6.46) days.

Dark Shadows still needs your help to keep up the pace!

You can only nominate one show per hour, at:


#41 show (#1 in the Nominations Poll) Blood Ties got 432 (425) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #40 show Cleopatra 2525, which got 152 (151) votes, in 2.9 (3.99) days.

Let's work together to get Blood Ties over the top!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Tuesday, June 3, 2008 1:44 PM



Buffy really needs a push in the next few days to win the race to the Hall of Fame! The Slayer can't do it without YOU! Please back Buffy for the win!

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 609 (478) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 363 (332) votes, yesterday, in 6.98 (13.45) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 3,304 (3,913) votes, and 5.43 (8.19) days, away, while Farscape is 4.37 (5.87) days from getting there.

Just a few days remain in the Hall of Fame race, and Buffy is gaining, but she is still behind by about a day! Let's boost the vote to get her out in front!

#11 show Angel got 483 (428) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 461 (360) votes, in 100.32 (32.78) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 575 votes, currently being 46,612 (47,095) votes, and 96.51 (110.04) days, away!

Angel still needs your help to pass Combat!

#28 show Dark Shadows got 352 (296) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 297 (253) votes, in 7.73 (11.16) days.

Dark Shadows still needs your help to keep up the pace!

#41 show (#1 in the Nominations Poll) Blood Ties got 578 (432) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #40 show Cleopatra 2525, which got 177 (152) votes, in 1.03 (2.9) days.

Let's work together to get Blood Ties over the top! If we can get enough votes enough to pass Cleopatra 2525 today, BT can enter the Top 40 at below 85,000 votes, which means it will get its first 5,000 vote milestone banner at 85k! If we miss this opportunity, BT won't get its first banner until 90,000 votes.

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Wednesday, June 4, 2008 6:11 AM



Buffy really needs a push in the next few days to win the race to the Hall of Fame! The Slayer can't do it without YOU! Please back Buffy for the win!

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got a much-improved 648 (609) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 372 (363) votes, yesterday, in 5.22 (6.98) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 2,656 (3,304) votes, and 4.1 (5.43) days, away, while Farscape is 3.27 (4.37) days from getting there.

Just a few days remain in the Hall of Fame race, and Buffy is gaining, but she is still behind by about a day! Let's boost the vote to get her out in front!

#11 show Angel got 553 (483) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 445 (461) votes, in 19.44 (100.32) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 575 votes, currently being 46,059 (46,612) votes, and 83.29 (96.51) days, away!

Many thanks for your support, but Angel still needs your help to pass Combat!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#28 show Dark Shadows got 366 (352) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 333 (297) votes, in 11.88 (7.73) days.

Dark Shadows still needs your help to keep up the pace!

Blood Ties got an incredible 714 (578) votes, yesterday, passing Cleopatra 2525, which got 177 (177) votes, to enter the Top 40, becoming the new #40 show! Blood Ties is on track to pass #39 show Alias, which got 223 (190) votes, in 5.42 (8.13) days.

Thanks, again, for all the help getting Blood Ties over the Top, folks!

#44 show (#4 in the Nominations Poll) Moonlight got 551 (556) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #43 show The Professionals, which got 108 (117) votes, yesterday, in 10.19 (11.3) days.

Now that Blood Ties has entered the Top 40, let's focus on getting Moonlight there, as well!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Thursday, June 5, 2008 5:45 AM



Buffy is exactly a day behind, and really needs a push in the next few days, especially the weekend, to win the race to the Hall of Fame! The Slayer can't do it without YOU! Please back Buffy for the win!

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 555 (648) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 321 (372) votes, yesterday, in 5.16 (5.22) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 2,101 (2,656) votes, and 3.79 (4.1) days, away, while Farscape is 2.79 (3.27) days from getting there.

Just 2-3 more days remain in the Hall of Fame race, but Buffy is still behind by exactly a day! Let's boost the vote to get her out in front!

#11 show Angel got 506 (553) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 384 (445) votes, in 16.2 (19.44) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 545 votes, currently being 45,553 (46,059) votes, and 90.03 (83.29) days, away!

Many thanks for your support, but Angel still needs your help to pass Combat!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#28 show Dark Shadows got 349 (366) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 290 (333) votes, in 5.64 (11.88) days.

Dark Shadows still needs your help to keep up the pace!

#40 show Blood Ties got a record-breaking 730 (714) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #39 show Alias, which got 214 (223) votes, in 4.16 (5.42) days.

Thanks, again, for all the help getting Blood Ties over the Top, folks!

#44 show (#4 in the Nominations Poll) Moonlight got 579 (551) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #43 show The Professionals, which got 91 (108) votes, yesterday, in 8.25 (10.19) days.

Now that Blood Ties has entered the Top 40, let's focus on getting Moonlight there, as well!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Saturday, June 7, 2008 4:23 AM



Buffy needs at least 807 votes, today, to enter the Hall of Fame tomorrow, for a tie! The Slayer can't do it without YOU! Please vote for Buffy!

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 653 (641) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 330 (316) votes, yesterday, in 1.73 (2.71) days. Buffy is also in pursuit of the 6th Hall of Fame slot, and, is 807 (1,460) votes, and 1.24 (2.28) days, away, while Farscape is .75 (1.83) days from getting there.

The Hall of Fame race for 6th place will end tomorrow, and Buffy is still behind by less than half a day! In order to at least eke out a nominal tie (by achieving the HoF on the same day as Farscape), Buffy will need to get at least 807 votes, today!

#11 show Angel got 502 (548) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 420 (431) votes, in 21.68 (15.9) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 555 votes, currently being 44,503 (45,005) votes, and 88.65 (82.13) days, away!

Many thanks for your support, but Angel still needs your help to pass Combat!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#28 show Dark Shadows got 363 (342) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 284 (316) votes, in 2.87 (11.81) days.

Dark Shadows still needs your help to keep up the pace!

#40 show Blood Ties got 729 (719) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #39 show Alias, which got 205 (223) votes, in 2.15 (3.34) days.

Thanks, again, for all the help getting Blood Ties over the Top, folks!

#44 show (#4 in the Nominations Poll) Moonlight got 572 (567) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #43 show The Professionals, which got 103 (116) votes, yesterday, in 6.61 (7.76) days.

Looking ahead, Moonlight will pass (current) #37 show, Queer as Folk, which got 66 votes, yesterday, in 76.6 days, to enter the Top 40!

Now that Blood Ties has entered the Top 40, let's focus on getting Moonlight there, as well!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Sunday, June 8, 2008 4:32 AM



Buffy fell short of the Hall of Fame, yesterday; she will capture the 7th HoF slot, and the #6 position in the Top 40, tomorrow. Congratulations to the Farscape voters for reaching 250,000 votes, first!

#7 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 622 (653) votes, yesterday. Currently, Buffy is receiving enough votes to pass #6 show Farscape, which received 317 (330) votes, yesterday, in .83 (1.73) days. Buffy is also now poised to take the 7th Hall of Fame slot, having fallen short of beating Farscape to the # 6 position in the HoF, and, is 185 (807) votes, and .3 (1.24) days from getting there. Buffy will enter the Hall of Fame and will become the new #6 show in the Top 40, tomorrow!

#11 show Angel got 449 (502) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 363 (420) votes, in 19.67 (21.68) days. Angel also has a realistic shot at the 9th Hall of Fame slot, if we can get his daily average up to about 512 (555) votes, currently being 44,054 (44,503) votes, and 98.11 (88.65) days, away!

Many thanks for your support, but Angel still needs your help to pass Combat!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#28 show Dark Shadows got 364 (363) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #27 show Stargate Atlantis, which got 254 (284) votes, in 1.07 (2.87) days.

Please give Dark Shadows a boost to make that pass, tomorrow!

#40 show Blood Ties got 604 (729) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #39 show Alias, which got 194 (205) votes, in 1.78 (2.15) days.

#44 show (#4 in the Nominations Poll) Moonlight got 524 (572) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #43 show The Professionals, which got 76 (103) votes, yesterday, in 5.92 (6.61) days.

Looking ahead, Moonlight will pass (current) #37 show, Queer as Folk, which got 64 (66) votes, yesterday, in 83.26 (76.6) days, to enter the Top 40!

Now that Blood Ties has entered the Top 40, let's focus on getting Moonlight there, as well!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Sunday, June 8, 2008 4:34 AM


I'm sorry but I hate those witchcraft/goblin shows like Buffy/Angel


Wednesday, June 11, 2008 1:36 PM


...Don't be hatin'...


Many thanks to those who may have been concerned about my whereabouts; I was benched by a styoopid computer issue for the past two days, but I'm back!

Buffy entered the Hall of Fame on June 9th, capturing the 7th HoF slot, and the #6 position in the Top 40! Congratulations, Slayers and Scoobies!

New #6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 625 (695) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass BSG in 136.69 days.

#11 show Angel got 486 (535) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 443 (426) votes, in 32.09 days.

Many thanks for your support, but Angel still needs your help to pass Combat!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

New #27 show Dark Shadows passed Stargate Atlantis on the 10th. Dark Shadows got 376 (370) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #26 show Star Trek: The Next Generation, which got 231 (254) votes, in 15.6 days.

Thanks for giving Dark Shadows your ongoing support!

New #39 show Blood Ties passed Alias on the 10th. Blood Ties got 644 (716) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #38 show Northern Exposure, which got 179 (192) votes, in .63 days. Blood Ties will be the new #38 show tomorrow!

#44 show (#4 in the Nominations Poll) Moonlight got 675 (658) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #43 show The Professionals, which got 114 (115) votes, yesterday, in 1.81 days.

Looking ahead, Moonlight will pass (current) #37 show, Queer as Folk, which got 78 (78) votes, yesterday, in 61.26 days, to enter the Top 40!

Now that Blood Ties has entered the Top 40, let's focus on getting Moonlight there, as well!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Friday, June 20, 2008 4:47 AM



After givin' the thread a rest, a while, thought I'd update folks on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour. You can only nominate one show per hour, at:


#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 679 (658) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass BSG in 124.49 days.

#11 show Angel got 575 (583) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass #10 show Combat!, which received 374 (393) votes, in .42 (1.51) days.

Many thanks for your support! Angel will recapture the #10 spot, tomorrow!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#27 show Dark Shadows got 362 (339) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #26 show Star Trek: The Next Generation, which got 261 (217) votes, in 12.7 (11.34) days.

Dark Shadows still needs your ongoing support!

Blood Ties got 695 (692) votes, yesterday, passing Scarecrow and Mrs King, which got 217 (238) votes, to become the new #36 show! Blood Ties is on track to pass #35 show The Simpsons, which got 187 (200) votes, in 6.61 (7.86) days!

#43 show (#3 in the Nominations) Moonlight got 797 (745) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #42 show Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, which got 89 (75) votes, yesterday, in 11.7 (13.42) days.

Looking ahead, Moonlight will pass (current) #38 show, Queer as Folk, which got 67 (67) votes, yesterday, in 42.14 (46.45) days, to enter the Top 40!

Now that Blood Ties has entered the Top 40, let's focus on getting Moonlight there, as well!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Saturday, June 21, 2008 5:04 AM



Angel is back in the Top 10!

After givin' the thread a rest, a while, thought I'd update folks on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour. You can only nominate one show per hour, at:


#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 656 (679) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass BSG by the end of the Poll.

Angel got 553 (575) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to pass Combat!, which received 391 (374) votes, becoming the new #10 show! Angel is on track to pass #9 show The X-Files, which got 389 (368) votes, in 16.43 (13.81) days.

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#27 show Dark Shadows got 395 (362) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #26 show Star Trek: The Next Generation, which got 245 (261) votes, in 7.55 (12.7) days.

Thanks for the awesome help! Dark Shadows still needs your ongoing support!

#36 show Blood Ties got 711 (695) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #35 show The Simpsons, which got 184 (187) votes, in 5.37 (6.61) days!

#43 show (#3 in the Nominations) Moonlight got 798 (797) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #42 show Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, which got 68 (89) votes, yesterday, in 10.35 (11.7) days.

Looking ahead, Moonlight will pass (current) #38 show, Queer as Folk, which got 72 (67) votes, yesterday, in 41.37 (42.14) days, to enter the Top 40!

Now that Blood Ties has entered the Top 40, let's focus on getting Moonlight there, as well!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:09 AM



After givin' the thread a rest, a while, thought I'd update folks on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour. You can only nominate one show per hour, at:


#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 629 (597) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass BSG by the end of the Poll.

#10 show Angel got 527 (558) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #9 show The X-Files, which got 348 (334) votes, in 9.75 (8.59) days.

Angel also got a banner, today, for achieving 215,000 votes, shared with a vampiric Marge Simpson (I kid you not!) representing The Simpsons, which finally reached 100,000. Just click on any of the voting,links, above, and watch the little TV. You have to refresh the screen to watch the banner, again.

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#27 show Dark Shadows got 378 (397) votes, yesterday, receiving enough votes to to pass #26 show Star Trek: The Next Generation, which got 208 (228) votes, in 2.24 (3.26) days.

Thanks for the awesome help! Dark Shadows still needs your ongoing support!

#36 show Blood Ties got 633 (717) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #35 show The Simpsons, which got 172 (183) votes, in 1.32 (2) days!

#43 show (#3 in the Nominations) Moonlight got 862 (848) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #42 show Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, which got 73 (72) votes, yesterday, in 5.21 (6.31) days.

Looking ahead, Moonlight will pass (current) #39 show, Queer as Folk, which got 66 (62) votes, yesterday, in 33.38 (34.82) days, to enter the Top 40!

Now that Blood Ties has entered the Top 40, let's focus on getting Moonlight there, as well!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Saturday, July 5, 2008 5:05 AM



After givin' the thread another rest, I thought I'd update folks on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour. You can only nominate one show per hour, at:


#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 580 (648) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

#10 show Angel got 535 (573) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #9 show The X-Files, which got 385 (380) votes, in 1.26 (1.76) days. Let's boost Angel's votes to make the pass, today! Can't fight the future!

Angel also got a banner, today, for achieving 220,000 votes, a rare stand-alone with 8 images! Just click on any of the voting links, above, and watch the little TV. You have to refresh the screen to watch the banner, again.

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#26 show Dark Shadows got 375 (363) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #25 show House MD, which got 206 (214) votes, in 1.59 (2.93) days, and #24 show Highway to Heaven, which got 244 (278) votes, in 3.81 (7.41) days.

Please continue to lend your support to our friends, the Barnabas Browncoats!

#35 show Blood Ties got 492 (541) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #34 show JAG, which got 144 (148) votes, yesterday, in 10.1 (9.83) days.

#42 show (#2 in the Nominations Moonlight got 901 (964) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #41 show (#1 in the Nominations) Cleopatra 2525, which got 31 (26) votes, in 13.47 (13.36) days.

Looking ahead, Moonlight will pass #40 show, Queer as Folk, which got 73 (70) votes, yesterday, in 23.54 (22.73) days, to enter the Top 40!

And, as always,though no vampires were featured, Firefly needs your support:

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 1,006 (1,167) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000 votes, is 47,790 (48,796) votes, and 47.5 (41.81) days away! We're on-target, and need to maintain a daily average of 1,039 (1,039) votes to stay on track!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Sunday, July 6, 2008 6:01 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour. You can only nominate one show per hour, at:


#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 575 (580) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

#10 show Angel got 516 (535) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #9 show The X-Files, which got 361 (385) votes, in .22 (1.26) days. Angel will be the new #9 show, tomorrow! Can't fight the future!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

#26 show Dark Shadows got 395 (375) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #25 show House MD, which got 200 (206) votes, in .37 (1.59) days, and #24 show Highway to Heaven, which got 245 (244) votes, in 2.33 (3.81) days. Dark Shadows will be the new #25 show, tomorrow!

Please continue to lend your support to our friends, the Barnabas Browncoats!

#35 show Blood Ties got 467 (492) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #34 show JAG, which got 157 (144) votes, yesterday, in 10.34 (10.1) days.

And, as always,though no vampires were featured, Firefly needs your support:

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 976 (1,006) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000 votes, is 46,814 (47,790) votes, and 47.97 (47.5) days away! We're on-target, and need to maintain a daily average of 1,041 (1,039) votes to stay on track!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Monday, July 7, 2008 5:04 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour.

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 594 (575) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

Angel got 538 (516) votes, yesterday, passing The X-Files, which got 386 (361) votes. Angel is the new #9 show, today! Can't fight the future!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity...

Dark Shadows got 351 (395) votes, yesterday, passing House MD, which got 220 (200) votes. Dark Shadows is the new #25 show, today! Dark Shadows is on track to pass #24 show Highway to Heaven, which got 271 (245) votes, in 3.36 (2.33) days.

Please continue to lend your support to our friends, the Barnabas Browncoats!

#35 show Blood Ties got 472 (467) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #34 show JAG, which got 163 (157) votes, yesterday, in 9.37 (10.34) days.

And, as always,though no vampires were featured, Firefly needs your support:

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 1,075 (976) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000 votes, is 45,739 (46,814) votes, and 42.55 (47.97) days away! We're on-target, and need to maintain a daily average of 974 (1,041) votes to stay on track!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Sunday, July 20, 2008 4:07 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour.

(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

Based on RL's announcement that he will end the Polls when the combined total votes between the Top 40 and the Nominations reaches 10 million (but no later than January 2, 2009), 30.99 (29.39) days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting (as with everything else in this Poll, this time will fluctuate).

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 565 (658) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

#9 show Angel got 532 (635) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass Jericho by the end of the Poll. Angel's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #10 show The X-Files. Angel is 38.9 (33.43) days from the Hall of Fame, about 8 (4) days behind. In order to enter the HoF before the Poll ends, Angel needs a daily average of at least 767 (758) votes.

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 965 (1,096) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000, is 30,389 (31,354) votes, and 31.49 (28.61) days away! With a bad voting day, yesterday, we're falling behind, and we need to maintain a daily average of 1,126 (1,120) votes to stay on track.

At this point, every vote we fail to cast is lost forever; we won't always have "tomorrow" to make it up! We're approaching the end of a marathon race, getting ready to sprint toward the finish, and we all need to push harder, to stay on pace to achieve our goals!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:44 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour.

(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

An estimated 21.86 (21.18) days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting.

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 700 (746) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

#9 show Angel got 661 (708) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass Jericho by the end of the Poll. Angel's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #10 show The X-Files. Angel is 27.44 (26.55) days from the Hall of Fame, about 6 (5) days behind. In order to enter the HoF before the Poll ends, Angel needs a daily average of at least 825 (855) votes.

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 1,257 (1,517) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000, is 25,360 (26,617) votes, and 20.18 (17.55) days away! We need to maintain a daily average of 1,153 (1,210) votes for the balance of the Poll to stay on track.

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity:

#24 show Dark Shadows got 361 (388) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #23 show Star Trek: The Original Series, which got 306 (352) votes, in 25.98 (41.22) days!

Our friends, the Barnabas Browncoats, need your help if they are to make this last pass before the Poll ends!

#34 Blood Ties got 600 (612) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #33 show The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which got 275 (293) votes, yesterday, in 20.07 (21.47) days.

Thanks for lending your help to the Fitzroyals!

Moonlight entered the Top 40, yesterday, getting 1,920 (1,848) votes, yesterday, and is on track to catch #39 show Northern Exposure, which got 252 (274) votes, in .58 (1.68) days. Moonlight will also pass #38 show Alias, which got 259 votes. Moonlight will be the new #38 show, tomorrow!

Congratulations to Moonlight for being the final show to enter the Top 40!

At this point, every vote we fail to cast is lost forever; we won't always have "tomorrow" to make it up! We're approaching the end of a marathon race, getting ready to sprint toward the finish, and we all need to push harder, to stay on pace to achieve our goals!

Thanks, again, for your time, and, for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Sunday, July 27, 2008 4:21 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour.

(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

An estimated 20.2 (19.51) days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting.

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 674 (749) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape. As of today, Buffy also holds 4% of all Top 40 votes ever cast!

#9 show Angel got 660 (732) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass Jericho by the end of the Poll. Angel's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #10 show The X-Files. Angel is 24.3 (22.81) days from the Hall of Fame, about 4 (3) days behind. In order to enter the HoF before the Poll ends, Angel needs a daily average of at least 844 (835) votes.

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 1,181 (1,307) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000, is 21,510 (22,691) votes, and 18.21 (17.36) days away! We need to maintain a daily average of 1,133 (1,135) votes for the balance of the Poll to stay on track.

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity:

#24 show Dark Shadows got 392 (377) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #23 show Star Trek: The Original Series, which got 285 (275) votes, in 10.5 (12.07) days!

Our friends, the Barnabas Browncoats, need your help if they are to make this last pass before the Poll ends!

#34 Blood Ties got 577 (608) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #33 show The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which got 220 (246) votes, yesterday, in 15.24 (16.01) days.

Thanks for lending your help to the Fitzroyals!

#38 show Moonlight got 1,506 (1,653) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #37 show, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, which got 2.34 (245) votes, in .97 (1.78) days! Moonlight will be the new #37 show, tomorrow!

At this point, every vote we fail to cast is lost forever; we won't always have "tomorrow" to make it up! We're approaching the end of a marathon race, getting ready to sprint toward the finish, and we all need to push harder, to stay on pace to achieve our goals!

Thanks, again, for your time, and for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Saturday, August 2, 2008 4:14 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:




ALL three links work for voting, so if you have trouble, you can try an alternate address instead.

You can vote for more as many Top 40 shows as you like, once every hour.

(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

An estimated 11.73 (12.53) days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting.

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 626 (700) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #5 show BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

#9 show Angel got 603 (670) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #8 show Jericho by the end of the Poll.

At current rates of voting, Angel will be overtaken by #10 show Combat! within 9.48 days. Can we boost the Brooding One out of the line of fire?

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 1,302 (1,426) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000, is 13,371 (14,673) votes, and 10.27 (10.29) days away! We need to maintain a minimum daily average of 1,115 (1,129) votes for the balance of the Poll to stay on track.

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity:

#24 show Dark Shadows got 423 (429) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #23 show Star Trek: The Original Series, which got 315 (355) votes, in 5.63 (9.68) days! Dark Shadows will reach 150,000 votes in another 5,377 (5,800) votes, and 12.71 (13.52) days.

At current rates of voting they are just ONE day behind reaching that final goal before the end of the Poll!

Many thanks for helping our friends the Barnabas Browncoats achieve their goals!

#34 show Blood Ties got 663 (723) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #33 show The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which got 275 (273) votes, yesterday, in 7.92 (7.69) days.

Thanks for lending your help to the Fitzroyals!

#36 show Moonlight got 1,716 (1,764) votes, yesterday, and is on track to catch #35 show JAG, which got 351 (345) votes, in 2.01 (2.94) days.

At this point, every vote we fail to cast is lost forever; we won't always have "tomorrow" to make it up! We're approaching the end of a marathon race, getting ready to sprint toward the finish, and we all need to push harder, to stay on pace to achieve our goals!

Thanks, again, for your time, and for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Tuesday, August 5, 2008 3:56 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:


(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

An estimated 7.86 days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting.

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 843 (678) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #5 show BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

#9 show Angel got 836 (659) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #8 show Jericho by the end of the Poll.

At current rates of voting, Angel can no longer be overtaken by #10 show Combat! within the time remaining. Great job!

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 1,760 (1,381) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000, is 9,025 (10,785) votes, and 5.13 (7.81) days away! We need to maintain a minimum daily average of 1,129 (1,079) votes for the balance of the Poll to stay on track.

Alright! We have one, last shot at the record which has eluded us: Most votes cast in a 24 hour voting period (from approximately 0600 EST (1000 GMT) until approximately 0700 EST (1100 GMT) the following day). Firefly topped out on March 7, 2007: 2,359; Xena broke that record, on March 30, 2007: 2,803. Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 6, we're gonna do the impossible, again, and take back the record, once and for all! I know from the numbers that many of you are already going for a hard burn. Still, if there is any way to squeeze in even 1 or 2 more votes during the Wednesday-Thursday voting period, it'll make a difference. Be a good day for an all nighter!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity:

#24 show Dark Shadows got 527 (468) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #23 show Star Trek: The Original Series, which got 389 (303) votes, in 1.2 (1.84) days! Dark Shadows will reach 150,000 votes in another 3,951 (4,478) votes, and 7.5 (9.57) days. At current rates of voting they are just EXACTLY on schedule to reach that final goal before the end of the Poll!

C'mon! Let's help our friends the Vampire Flans achieve their final goal!

#34 show Blood Ties got 754 (591) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #33 show The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which got 294 (265) votes, yesterday, in 4.21 (7.36) days.

Let's help the Fitzroyals advance!

Moonlight got 1,933 (1,615) votes, yesterday, passing JAG, which got 359 (295) votes. Moonlight is the new #35 show, today! Moonlight is on track to pass Blood Ties, which got 754 (591) votes, in 4.25 (6.05) days, as well as The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which it will pass at about the same time, in 4.24 (6.36) days.

At this point, every vote we fail to cast is lost forever; we won't always have "tomorrow" to make it up! We're approaching the end of a marathon race, getting ready to sprint toward the finish, and we all need to push harder, to stay on pace to achieve our goals!

Thanks, again, for your time, and for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Thursday, August 7, 2008 4:24 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:


(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

Alright, here's what we got for our efforts, yesterday: WE DID THE IMPOSSIBLE! 2,858 VOTES! Firefly beat Xena's top score, 2,803, by 55 votes. SHINY SHINY SHINY! Moonlight has held the top daily vote totals for the past 22 consecutive days; we also beat their score, yesterday, 1,654, by 1,204 votes, another record, this one for best positive daily vote differential over the next highest voting show! Our previous record in that category was 999 daily votes over Xena, last year.

An estimated 5.69 days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting.

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got an astonishing record-breaking 1,229 (802) votes, yesterday, though not receiving enough votes to pass #5 show BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

#9 show Angel got a remarkable record-breaking 1,071 (813) votes, yesterday, still not receiving enough votes to pass #8 show Jericho by the end of the Poll. Angel's numbers are sufficient to hold off #10 show Combat!.

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got 2,858 (1,730) votes. Our ultimate goal, 750,000, is 4,437 (7,295) votes, and 1.55 (4.22) days away (based solely on yesterday's total)! We need to maintain a minimum daily average of 740 (912) votes for the balance of the Poll to stay on track.

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity:

Dark Shadows got 529 (490) votes, yesterday, passing Star Trek: The Original Series, which got 397 (389) votes! Dark Shadows is the new #23 show, today!

Dark Shadows will reach 150,000 votes in another 2,932 (3,461) votes, and 5.54 (7.06) days. At current rates of voting they are just EXACTLY on schedule to reach that final goal before the end of the Poll!

C'mon, folks! Let's help our friends the Vampire Flans achieve their final goal!

#34 show Blood Ties got 687 (780) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass #33 show The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which got 264 (292) votes, yesterday, in 2.43 (2.97) days.

Let's help the Fitzroyals advance, and mebbe stay ahead of Moonlight!

#35 show Moonlight got 1,654 (1,861) votes, yesterday, and is on track to pass Blood Ties, which got 687 (780) votes, in 3.07 (3.64) days, as well as The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which it will pass at about the same time, in 2.87 (3.43) days.

Thanks, again, for your time, and for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Sunday, August 10, 2008 3:49 AM



A fresh update on TV Vote:


(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

Firefly has reached 750,000 votes!

We have achieved our ultimate goal, three-quarters of a million votes! Look for an exclusive, all-day scrolling banner on the TV Vote site, today! Shiny as Joss' Big Red Button!

An estimated 3.3 (3.96) days remain to vote, based on current rates of voting. That figure may drop by more than a day with a resumption of weekday voting; expect the last day of voting to be Tuesday.

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 758 (917) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #5 show BSG by the end of the Poll. Buffy's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #7 show Farscape.

#9 show Angel got 808 (903) votes, yesterday, not receiving enough votes to pass #8 show Jericho by the end of the Poll. Angel's numbers are still sufficient to hold off #10 show Combat!

With your help, yesterday, Firefly got Total votes Firefly: 750,925 (749,387)

Yesterday, Firefly received 1,538 (1,842) votes, 304 fewer than the previous day. Shiny enough to get us there! Well done!

And, in the interest of vampire solidarity:

#23 show Dark Shadows got 637 (601) votes, yesterday, and is projected to pass Star Trek: Voyager, which got 310 (303) votes, in 2.61 (3.96) days, just before the end of the Poll.

Dark Shadows will reach 150,000 votes in another 1,109 (1,746) votes, and 1.74 (2.91) days. At current rates of voting they are TWO days ahead of schedule to reach that final goal before the end of the Poll!

#34 show Blood Ties got 620 (759) votes, yesterday, passing The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which got 241 (273) votes. However, it didn't change place in the Top 40...

Moonlight got 1,815 (1,764) votes, yesterday, passing both Blood Ties, which got 620 (759) votes, as well as The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Moonlight is the new #33 show, today.

Thanks, again, for your time, and for your support of these great shows!

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike



Wednesday, August 13, 2008 8:17 AM




Rich Labonte's TV Vote:


(Statistics in parentheses are previous day's stats, for comparison purposes)

Rich Labonte's TV Vote Poll has ended, with a total of 8,367,753 votes cast in the Top 40 Poll, and 1,633,229 votes in the Nominations Poll, for a total of 10,000,982 votes cast. The site will be maintained as a shrine to Fan Power, and we Whedon fans have shown that we excel in Fan Power, more than any other fandom!

8,367,753 (8,344,250) Top 40 votes have been counted as of 08/13/08. Yesterday, on the final day of voting, 23,503 (21,459) votes were cast.

Total votes Firefly: 755,646 (753,890)

Yesterday, Firefly received 1,756 (1,558) votes, 198 more than the previous day. Pretty gorram shiny, and a fine total for our last day of voting! Well done! Our reputation is SOLID!

Banners were not issued, today, but we qualified for one at 755,000 votes! Shiny as a Big Damn Sequel!

Let's review our accomplishments in TV Vote:

1. We've been the #1 show in the Poll since August 17th, 2007, when we passed Xena.

2. We achieved our ultimate goal, 750,000 votes on Saturday, August 9, 2008, triple the requisite number to achieve the Hall of Fame, an accomplishment uniquely our own.

3. Firefly achieved the record for most votes cast in a single day, 2,858, on Wednesday, August 6, 2008. Xena, Warrior Princess held the previous record, dating back to March 30, 2007: 2,803.

4. Firefly holds the record for consecutive days at 1,000+ daily votes, 75.

5. Firefly ended at 196,773 votes ahead of #2 show Xena, more than the total accumulated votes of #15 show La Femme Nikita 194,580. That is the highest lead of any show over it's nearest competitor (or any other show) in the Top 40 Poll!

6. Firefly's share of the Top 40 voting pie (percentage of total votes cast, which had peaked at 10%) remains at 9.03%. The next highest share belongs to Xena: Warrior Princess, at 6.68%.

7. Firefly has had the top daily score every day for 441 consecutive days, starting Sunday, April 29, 2007, until Moonlight finally broke our streak. Still, an incredible and unmatched accomplishment!

A big Browncoat xie-xie to all the Browncoats and our many friends in achieving all these shiny goals! Teamwork made us strong!

#6 show Buffy the Vampire Slayer got 932 (878) votes, yesterday, ending at 294,601 not receiving enough votes to pass #5 show BSG by the end of the Poll.

#9 show Angel got 952 (865) votes, yesterday, ending at 247,242, not receiving enough votes to pass #8 show Jericho by the end of the Poll.

Dark Shadows got 738 (738) votes, yesterday, , ending at 151,075, and passing Star Trek: Voyager, which got 317 (316) votes. Dark Shadows is the new #22 show, today!

Dark Shadows achieved their final goal, today! Thanks for your help!

#34 show Blood Ties got 919 (828) votes, yesterday, ending at 129,439, not receiving enough votes to pass #33 show Star Trek: Deep Space Nine by the end of the Poll. They ended 561 votes from getting a final banner, for 130,000 votes.

Moonlight got 2,461 (2,235) votes, yesterday, ending at 134,134, and passing Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which got 396 (359) votes. Moonlight is the new #32 show, today.

Thanks for your support!

Top 40 finals:

SHOW / VOTES - 8,367,753 total Top 40 votes recorded as of 08/13/08
Firefly 755646
Xena: Warrior Princess 558873
Bonanza 505769
Gunsmoke 319535
Battlestar Galactica (2004) 309762
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 294601
Farscape 276697
Jericho 265606
Angel 247242
Combat! 244131
The X-Files 238020
Little House on the Prairie 207644
Babylon 5 201319
Stargate SG-1 196859
La Femme Nikita 194580
Doctor Who 185193
Laramie 175881
Roswell 173173
Ponderosa 171255
Lexx 169307
Trapper John, M.D. 164211
Dark Shadows (1966) 151075
Star Trek: Voyager 150734
Star Trek: The Original Series 149273
Highway To Heaven 147480
Stargate Atlantis 145679
House MD 145147
Star Trek: The Next Generation 145053
NCIS 137285
Charmed 134808
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 134274
Moonlight 134134
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 133284
Blood Ties 129439
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. 127663
JAG 119763
The Simpsons 109939
Scarecrow and Mrs. King 108621
Northern Exposure 104464
Alias 104334

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.

http://fans4writers.com/ support the WGA writers strike







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