Buffy season five was, without a doubt, the worst season of the series.

UPDATED: Monday, August 4, 2008 05:01
VIEWED: 4327
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008 6:38 AM


It had it's great moments (Buffy vs Dracula, Fool For Love, The Replacement, The Body), but overall the "Dawn is key' thing was silly, monks able to construct whole realities that fly so seamlessly is ludicrous, the idea that a 'god' can't just find the key if it wants is plain dumb, Riley lettin' vamps suck on him to find out the attraction or whatever was near insulting- they just wanted him gone and took that way out, a lovebot that actually gets our sympathy (what is this, Star Trek or sumthin'???), and the need for Buffy to die to save the world was at best a little contrived.
Plus a stupid 'evil alien from the meteorite' thing that really had no business in this or any season...
I just got the season & went through it- hadn't seen it in years- now I remember exactly why I hadn't bought it before...all my technical problems with it aside, it's too gorram depressing!!!
The depressing factor in season six, by comparison, was way more realistic & less contrived IMO- there were ways out of it in that one, all of season five was just leading to the 'Death Of Buffy', and I for one, wont be watching very much of that season again any time soon.

But- that's just my take on it, your mileage may (and obviously does) vary.

Hard-line Chrisisall


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:24 AM


Dude, you just started a thread, like, 3 weeks ago for the purpose of ripping S5. Did we really need another one so soon? Couldn't you have just bumped the previous one?

I mean, I know the conversation's been lagging in this forum (and the "Angel" one) for awhile now, but can't we get some new topics going, rather than being redundant with stuff we've just recently talked about?


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 8:37 AM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:
Dude, you just started a thread, like, 3 weeks ago for the purpose of ripping S5. Did we really need another one so soon? Couldn't you have just bumped the previous one?

No, this is a different thread, because I just saw it again, and I'm not speakin' from years-old memories.

I mean, I know the conversation's been lagging in this forum (and the "Angel" one) for awhile now, but can't we get some new topics going, rather than being redundant with stuff we've just recently talked about?

ummm...., you could have just ignored this & let it disappear....

Anyway, I like season 1 & 2, I like season 6 tremendously, and I LOVE 3, 4, and 7....I just don't 'get' the love for most of 5....

Drawing Groos into it again all sneaky-likeisall


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 3:15 PM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:I mean, I know the conversation's been lagging in this forum (and the "Angel" one) for awhile now, but can't we get some new topics going, rather than being redundant with stuff we've just recently talked about?
Originally posted by chrisisall:
ummm...., you could have just ignored this & let it disappear....

Anyway, I like season 1 & 2, I like season 6 tremendously, and I LOVE 3, 4, and 7....I just don't 'get' the love for most of 5....

Drawing Groos into it again all sneaky-likeisall

well from my POV ChrisIsAll can never start too many threads...
and ripping season 5 is always fun for me!

However I've taken note of S5 fans who have said it was the most tightly arched (after S2) and well produced...
so when I start rewatching it (it is the next one up since we just finished 'Restless') I was going to be paying close attention to those things,
and ignoring Glorificus as much as humanly possible.

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816
DON'T MISS DR.HORRIBLE! Nathan Fillion sings!!!!!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 5:06 PM


You can keep whining about it but Season 5 is still the one I re-watch more than any others.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 5:10 PM



Originally posted by farfly:
You can keep whining about it but Season 5 is still the one I re-watch more than any others.

I would love to hear what you love about it,
because it is the one season I always avoid rewatching...
but I would love to learn to love it!

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816
DON'T MISS DR.HORRIBLE! Nathan Fillion sings!!!!!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008 6:08 PM


I don't like Season 4 the most except for Hush and then Season 6 except for OMWF.


Thursday, July 3, 2008 3:27 AM



Originally posted by embers:

so when I start rewatching it (it is the next one up since we just finished 'Restless') I was going to be paying close attention to those things,
and ignoring Glorificus as much as humanly possible.

I like Her Mostishness, but it's a one note joke that sometimes goes on too long. And after the brilliance of season 4, 5 just sort of pales, y'know? But it DID give us Fool For Love, one of my very favourite eps, and an essential one when watching 7!

His Humoungousnessisall


Thursday, July 3, 2008 3:30 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
And after the brilliance of season 4,

give - it - up.


Thursday, July 3, 2008 5:56 AM



Originally posted by wytchcroft:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
And after the brilliance of season 4,

give - it - up.

I'm w/Chisisall on the loving of season 4 - every single episode worked for me!
I loved the making fun of the secret military initiative,
I loved the sci-fi verse magic/fantasy (with sci-fi losing),
I loved the gang splitting up (as friends do in college) but coming back together in 'combo' Buffy, which transcended mere friendship as they made an unstoppable force.

I REALLY loved Pangs (I watch it every Thanksgiving), and Hush,
all the crossovers like The Harsh Light of Day, and This Year's Girl
I REALLY loved Giles in The New Man, and Jonathan in Superstar!!
And I adored the finale episode 'Restless' where Joss gave us all kinds of subtle information and fueled discussions for years to come (my big theory? Buffy IS the Cheese, because the cheese stands alone).

I just adore season 4!

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816
DON'T MISS DR.HORRIBLE! Nathan Fillion sings!!!!!


Thursday, July 3, 2008 6:21 AM



Originally posted by embers:

Originally posted by wytchcroft:

Originally posted by chrisisall:
And after the brilliance of season 4,

give - it - up.

I'm w/Chisisall on the loving of season 4 - every single episode worked for me!

I just adore season 4!

seriously then - ok, yeah of course there are great episodes - it was a great show!;):):)

restless, superstar, hush, the two eps with Faith, the yoko factor - some of my all timers for sure.

and Veruca.... :)

But the Initiative never worked for me (nice idea - badly executed, which joss has acknowledged)...

Riley was more interesting to me in 5 and 6.
(triv: did you know Christian Kane auditioned for the role?
Joss thought he was TOO GOOD and cast him as Lindsey instead! Fact!)

the arc is - not so much. goes nowhere - doesn't develop or touch the characters in the sme way as 2,3,5 or 7.

the actual finale episode (NOT restless) is awful compared to other seasons.

the first few episodes are just absolutely dreadful:( Beer Bad? erk!

and Adam - well let's just say - well no, i won't even. (snickers)

there now - you fiends have forced me to play your devil's game once again!

because i am weak and cannot resist.


she rules.


Thursday, July 3, 2008 7:02 AM



Originally posted by wytchcroft:

But the Initiative never worked for me (nice idea - badly executed, which joss has acknowledged)...

It worked for ME...

Riley was more interesting to me in 5 and 6.

I liked him better before they vamped him in 5

the arc is - not so much. goes nowhere - doesn't develop or touch the characters in the sme way as 2,3,5 or 7.

I liked the arc!

the actual finale episode (NOT restless) is awful compared to other seasons.

Funny, I loved it, and the government hush-hush coda.

the first few episodes are just absolutely dreadful:( Beer Bad? erk!

Beer Bad cracks me up!

and Adam - well let's just say - well no, i won't even. (snickers)

Okay- I know, but even HE worked for me, that twisted demon/Frankenstein oreo mess...

there now - you fiends have forced me to play your devil's game once again!

because i am weak and cannot resist.

HA! We have a great influence over the weak-minded!!

Darth Chrisisall


Thursday, July 3, 2008 7:13 AM


well luckily the friend (who is watching for the first time) I'm watching with was influenced by MY love of season 4....

I'd be interested in HOW Joss said it didn't work, because it totally worked for me (of course I'm a long time lover all all sci-fi, and destroying secret government installations can never be a bad thing in my book!).

But how can anyone not be touched by combo Buffy? With Willow's witchy spirit, Gile's fine mind, and Xander's big heart, all combined with Buffy's strength they made a being which was untouchable!
My favorite line of all the seasons remains:
"you can never hope to grasp the source of our power....
but yours is right here"
(as she pulls out Adam's innards)

oh, except that I also will always love Willows line to Riley (who was totally re-bound boy in my book, I never worried about him one way or the other):
" If you hurt her, I will beat you to death with a shovel. A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. Have fun! "

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816
DON'T MISS DR.HORRIBLE! Nathan Fillion sings!!!!!


Thursday, July 3, 2008 7:34 AM


Yeah- I don't ever skip an ep of season 4. 3, 6, & 7 are like that too (except I skip Him in 7, actually).

Skip to my loo Chrisisall


Thursday, July 3, 2008 7:41 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Yeah- I don't ever skip an ep of season 4. 3, 6, & 7 are like that too (except I skip Him in 7, actually).

Skip to my loo Chrisisall

oh no, you gotta get some love for 'Him'.... what with Buffy getting out her old birthday rocket launcher to blow away Principal Woods?
what is better than that?!?! LOL

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816
DON'T MISS DR.HORRIBLE! Nathan Fillion sings!!!!!


Thursday, July 3, 2008 8:59 AM


Oooop! You're right, Em!!!

Intercontinental Bufflistic Misselisall


Thursday, July 3, 2008 2:07 PM


Originally posted by chrisisall:

It had it's great moments (Buffy vs Dracula, Fool For Love, The Replacement, The Body), but overall the "Dawn is key' thing was silly, monks able to construct whole realities that fly so seamlessly is ludicrous, the idea that a 'god' can't just find the key if it wants is plain dumb, Riley lettin' vamps suck on him to find out the attraction or whatever was near insulting- they just wanted him gone and took that way out, a lovebot that actually gets our sympathy (what is this, Star Trek or sumthin'???), and the need for Buffy to die to save the world was at best a little contrived.
Plus a stupid 'evil alien from the meteorite' thing that really had no business in this or any season...
I just got the season & went through it- hadn't seen it in years- now I remember exactly why I hadn't bought it before...all my technical problems with it aside, it's too gorram depressing!!!
The depressing factor in season six, by comparison, was way more realistic & less contrived IMO- there were ways out of it in that one, all of season five was just leading to the 'Death Of Buffy', and I for one, wont be watching very much of that season again any time soon.

But- that's just my take on it, your mileage may (and obviously does) vary.

Chrisisall, Chrisisall... Chris.

What am I gonna do wid yooz?
So you really think Season six is better than season Five. ok fair 'nuff but lets look a few elements of your argument:


all of season five was just leading to the 'Death Of Buffy'

Well that's no criticism.... Season six is all about Willow going 'evil'. That's the general seasonal arc formula they established since season one. I personally was more into the death of Buffy than I was about WIllow turning evil. Still if you likes your redheads veiny or vainy then... this is the season for you.


Plus a stupid 'evil alien from the meteorite' thing that really had no business in this or any season...

Granted this one is very silly! However you have to admit the thing crawling around the walls freaking the hell out of Joyce was a might creepyfying! Poor story well directed methinks.


Riley lettin' vamps suck on him to find out the attraction or whatever was near insulting- they just wanted him gone and took that way out,

It was a cry for help for the ol Rilester! Classic fallen hero motif. I kinda liked that side to his story, gave him some much needed edge.


"Dawn is key' thing was silly, monks able to construct whole realities that fly so seamlessly is ludicrous, the idea that a 'god' can't just find the key if it wants is plain dumb,

Well we've had silly from these guys before but if it's written well enough I think it can work. Giant Snake!? of season 3!... It's silly but if handled well it works. I enjoyed the Dawn creation - I thought it was really clever and it gave us some great comedy with the episode where she narrates her diary. That was awesome!

Not to sure how I feel about Glory. On one hand I get what you are saying about a God being more capable, but then there's nothing to say that a God must be all conquering... There are plenty of mythologies where Gods have very basic 'human' flaws. And those flaws facilitate their demise... So it worked for me...


The depressing factor in season six, by comparison, was way more realistic & less contrived IMO

Woah!!!! Nah what you been smokin my good buddy? The carpet? Sorry but the whole bringing Buffy back from the dead with witchcraft was BOGUS. It needed something more, something greater... A few chants and a mouthful of snake (freudian anyone?) was poor and lacked vision. Season sixes darkness was in such contrast with the Nerds that it fractured the show. At times you felt the regular cast didn't have their hearts in the job, and so focus shifted onto the trio who frankly were far more watchable, maybe because the writers had trapped the main protagonists into a very complex corner where any fun with them just couldn't work. So even Xander had nothing funny to say. Trouble is season six felt like a very different show!


a lovebot that actually gets our sympathy (what is this, Star Trek or sumthin'???)

Alas I must agree with you on that. I never did like Robots in Buffy. One of the reasons why I didn't enjoy 'TED' from season two.


and I for one, wont be watching very much of that season again any time soon.

As stated above... Fair enough my friend. I feel much the same way about Six. I can stand Tabula Rasa, Once more with Feeling, and Normal Again.

It's safe to say we won't reach common ground on this one, but it's not bad after Seven seaons.


Thursday, July 3, 2008 2:21 PM



Originally posted by Groosalugg:
Dude, you just started a thread, like, 3 weeks ago for the purpose of ripping S5. Did we really need another one so soon? Couldn't you have just bumped the previous one?

I mean, I know the conversation's been lagging in this forum (and the "Angel" one) for awhile now, but can't we get some new topics going, rather than being redundant with stuff we've just recently talked about?

Yeah cause, like, this site NEVER has threads rehashing the same tired stuff over and over and over.

ChrisIsaSaint. I agree "Dawn is the Key" was shite. Buffy was a bitch and WHO CARED about season 5. Not to mention the whole WHERE THE HELL IS OZ thing.

But its not like it bothers me or anything.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, July 4, 2008 5:33 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

It's safe to say we won't reach common ground on this one, but it's not bad after Seven seasons.

Again, it all depends on what you yourself bring to the party. Some folks HATE Beer Bad or Buffy Vs. Dracula, but I liked 'em both...Groos warned me that Smashed was going to test my affection for the series, but I ended up embracing that one too. We each bring a certain sensibility to whatever we watch or read, but we can all agree, I think, that Buffy, as a whole, was supremely awesome.



Friday, July 4, 2008 5:36 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Yeah cause, like, this site NEVER has threads rehashing the same tired stuff over and over and over.

I have a hard time thinking up new titles for repetitive threads myself...
(How many Dark Angel-on-a-pedestal threads have I started?)



Friday, July 4, 2008 6:24 AM



I have a hard time thinking up new titles for repetitive threads myself...
(How many Dark Angel-on-a-pedestal threads have I started?)

Not nearly enough I say!


I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, July 4, 2008 9:19 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
the idea that a 'god' can't just find the key if it wants is plain dumb

Glory isn't truly a god in this plane. She has some powers, but they are nothing compared to the powers she would have as a ruling god on her home plane. She is limited by her human shaped prison. There is also the nasty have to suck mental energy or go insane thing.


Friday, July 4, 2008 10:50 AM


Season 5 was so NOT the worst season of Buffy.

It was the most dynamic. Great season with three major themes



Some episodes are silly, but so what? Every season of Buffy has it's stupid episodes(season 6 anyone?) but the good always outweigh the bad.
Season 5 rocked the hell out of a show that was becoming normal by it's own standards. It doesn't beat 2, but it's close. It is amazing.


Thursday, July 24, 2008 6:45 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Some episodes are silly

I Was Made to Love You was the stupidest ep of the lot and an akward jumping off point for The Body, IMO.



Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:06 PM


I think the point of "I was made to love you" was to give you some goofy before it hits you over the head with a frying pan at the end of the episode.


Thursday, July 31, 2008 11:16 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I Was Made to Love You was the stupidest ep of the lot and an akward jumping off point for The Body, IMO.


But advantages of "I was made to love you"
1. we meet Warren, so he can be used by Spike to make a Buffybot... because the Buffybot will be needed later (particularly at the beginning of S6) AND we'll be seeing Warren again in S6

2. We get to see Spike thrown through a window and that is always funny...

so it may be a 'filler' episodes, except that it did set up things for future episodes and future seasons which were pretty sweet.

New Firefly fans should check this out: http://www.fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=15816


Friday, August 1, 2008 9:21 AM


I liked "The Body" so much, I won a screen used prop from it on E-Bay when the Fox auctions were going strong.


Sunday, August 3, 2008 7:17 PM


I'm with ya, Chris. That whole Dawn thing was contrived and never worked for me. For me, S5 was the beginning of the end.

I liked the depth in the Buffy-Spike dance in S6, but other than that, S5 was when the show jumped the shark.

My fav season is 2. I'd never cried so hard watching TV before.


Monday, August 4, 2008 4:52 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
That whole Dawn thing was contrived and never worked for me. For me, S5 was the beginning of the end.

For me it was like a giant pot-hole, once past it, things worked themselves out. If I had been watching it first run, yeah, that might have been where I gave up on it.



Monday, August 4, 2008 5:01 AM


Well, of all the shows in Whedonverse, I like Buffy the least. Just me. I am more of an Angel fan. (I bought Angel, and only the first 2 seasons of Buffy--I guess that says it all.) So as a lukewarm fan, I found both Dawn and the death of Buffy shark-jumping antics past which the show descended into mediocrity.

Of course, people say the same about Angel S4, whereas that was the big pot hole for me.

But we both agree that Dark Angel belongs on a pedestal. How about starting a new thread on that again? Heehee.

My new vice in Whedonverse is of course, Dr. Horrible. My kids even love it. I'm awaiting special credit card approval (cause I'm out of the country) to get Tunebite. Then I'm converting it to an AVI and then into a Karoake file (Karafun.com) so my fanboy kids and I can sit around the computer and sing at the top of our lungs. I am so excited!!!






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