BTVS - the movie

UPDATED: Sunday, October 9, 2005 02:24
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Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:02 PM


OK, so I didn't have anything to do last night, and couldn't sleep, I was up till 6am trying to no avail. So I went searching through some old video-tapes and came across the original BTVS Movie. I became curious and decided to watch it to see if it was as bad as I remembered it to be, and as bad as Joss said it was. And it was, though mostly on the part of the actors who have no idea how to deliver a Joss Whedon line. I guess that is what you get when you allow someone else to direct a Whedon movie. There were times when you heard definite Joss dialogue (again, badly delivered), but then other times when you knew there was no way that came from Joss. The only time I laughed was during Paul Reubins death scene. Anyone remember it? When he gets staked falls to the floor, gets up moaning, falls again, kicks the wall with is foot until he finally dies. It really was funny, although would never work in the new and improved Buffyverse. So after the movie was over and I was still lying there trying to get to sleep, I had an alternate version of that scene come into my head, that I decided to bore you all with since it is now 2:40 in the morning, and I am still up and in no way feel tired. So, here goes.


Buffy walks into a dark ally and turns to find a Vampire (Paul Ruebins) and immediately drives a stake into him. He falls down and starts the whole routine, (as seen in the movie), Buffy leans on a garbage can looking at him incredulously, a slight smirk on her face. She waits until he finishes his death scene and his eyes close, and squats down next to him.

Buffy: Now you know, I know, and that stake knows, that I missed the heart, which in itself is odd, but even odder is you thinking that a slayer is going to fall for that performance. So I start thinking to myself, is this a special vampire? Do stakes not work, must I try decapitation or fire, those must surely work."

The vampire's startled eyes fly open and he kicks Buffy away when she lets down her guard for incessant laughing. He tries to get up and run but is cornered by Buffy.

Vampire: I almost had you. You believed me for a second there, that was an Emmy winning performance!

Buffy: I personally thought it was a little weak, but definitely had potential. Have you ever thought of acting classes?

Vampire: You know, I had thought about it, I used to be in theatre in High School.

Buffy: See, I knew I had seen you somewhere before.

Vampire: So you see a future for me in acting, for all eternity?

Buffy: Actually, the only future I see for you, is filling an ashtray for the next ever.

Buffy then stakes the now startled vampire strait through the heart and he shatters into dust. Buffy turns to walk away, dusting off her hands as she goes.

Buffy: Forget about the Emmy's, now that was an Oscar performance.

Queue opening sequence.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:06 PM


Oh yeah Paul Reuben's death in the movie was definately something that actually made me laugh out loud when I saw it. It was classic.

I like your addition to it as well though.

And yes the movie is the only Buffy I've ever seen, so that scene was the highpoint of my entire BtVS experience.

EDIT: Although I do have the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Roleplaying Game. Why? Because I'm addicted to Eden Studio's books. I think they dust the pages with something highly addictive...

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:07 PM


So, anyone have any moments in BTVS series, or ATS, that you would have rewritten in some way? I always seem to find one, for example...In the pilot episode while Doyle is telling Angel the story of Angel's life, they are showing a montage of images from BTVS. Then Doyle askes Angel when the last time he tasted human blood was, and Angel answers "Buffy", what I would have liked to see here is a brief flashback to the drinking moment in Graduation. It worked just fine without it, but I had the thought just the same. And BTW, I still believe that scene is the most passionate Buffy/Angel moment of the series. Is there something wrong with me?

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:16 PM



And yes the movie is the only Buffy I've ever seen, so that scene was the highpoint of my entire BtVS experience.

Oh, you so should give the series a try. I know a lot of people think it looks silly, which I did as well for years until I caught a marathon on FX. They just started season 6 repeats, so within the next two months it will start over. I'll put up a reminder even though season 1 wasn't my favorite. Seasons 2 & 3 kick ass. I feel the only important episodes of season 1 are the pilot: Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest (2 parter), Angel, and Prophecy Girl.

Do you watch Angel? 'Cause that just started over with season 1, on TNT 5pm eastern.

I love all things Whedon

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Saturday, May 15, 2004 10:20 PM


Nope, never saw a single episode of Angel either. I have no idea why because they'd normally be things I'd like to watch, just never have. I like campy, silly, pulpy stuff but just never watched them. It's one of the great mysteries of the universe although I think some of the aversion comes from people I know who just constantly rave about them. These being people I wonder why weren't selected against already in a Darwinian way. So could be a healthy dose of aversion by association.

I also have the Angel Roleplaying Game series watching non-withstanding. Those people at Eden really have my number...

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Sunday, May 16, 2004 12:35 AM


Time to weigh in,

I have never seen an episode or movie of Buffy or Angel. I mean cmon.. Buffy! Buffy the vampire slayer! I cant get past the title.

I am so sooo much the Browncoat though and I find myself in such awe of Joss Whedons story writing / telling and directing with Firefly that i'm thinkin maybe I should at least try Buffy and Angel.

Should I start with the Buffy movie first? Or bypass it and go to the series first?

I'm afraid people I know might laugh at me if they know i'm watching Buffy so im going to have to go to the video store late at night and similarly watch when everyones in bed.

SHHH! Dont wake anyone!

This will be our little secret. OK?


Sunday, May 16, 2004 11:32 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Time to weigh in,

I have never seen an episode or movie of Buffy or Angel. I mean cmon.. Buffy! Buffy the vampire slayer! I cant get past the title.

I am so sooo much the Browncoat though and I find myself in such awe of Joss Whedons story writing / telling and directing with Firefly that i'm thinkin maybe I should at least try Buffy and Angel.

Should I start with the Buffy movie first? Or bypass it and go to the series first?

I'm afraid people I know might laugh at me if they know i'm watching Buffy so im going to have to go to the video store late at night and similarly watch when everyones in bed.

SHHH! Dont wake anyone!

This will be our little secret. OK?

Bypass the movie. And watch the series in order. Watch Buffy and Angel together and in the order they were meant to be watched in. And don't be embarassed -- the smarted people I know all watch Buffy. And remember, trust in Joss. He's actually said that if people couldn't get past the title, let 'em go, he didn't want them. And you wouldn't want to be on of the people Joss let go, would you?

WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Sunday, May 16, 2004 1:37 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:
Time to weigh in,

I have never seen an episode or movie of Buffy or Angel. I mean cmon.. Buffy! Buffy the vampire slayer! I cant get past the title.

I am so sooo much the Browncoat though and I find myself in such awe of Joss Whedons story writing / telling and directing with Firefly that i'm thinkin maybe I should at least try Buffy and Angel.

Should I start with the Buffy movie first? Or bypass it and go to the series first?

I'm afraid people I know might laugh at me if they know i'm watching Buffy so im going to have to go to the video store late at night and similarly watch when everyones in bed.

SHHH! Dont wake anyone!

This will be our little secret. OK?

In case you don't know, the title was an intentional device from the beginning-- both as a juxtaposition with Buffy's origin as a pure "Valley Girl" forced into a uber-serious universe, and as a twist on all those slasher movies where "pretty young thing goes down a dark alley and gets slaughtered by evil thing". In Joss' world, it's "pretty young thing goes down a dark alley, runs into evil thing, utterly kicks evil thing's butt".

Frankly, if you're put off by the title, IMHO you've allowed yourself to miss some of the best television ever produced. Perhaps some of the best drama ever created in the English language. That may sound like hyperbole, but many of BTVS' episodes stand out in my mind as not just superior action, but as superior drama that deals with love, heartbreak, hope and despair-- basically the gamut of human experience. Fortunately for you the series is coming out on DVD, so you're not out of luck.

BTW, if you need external validation, are you aware that BTVS has created a substantial body of literary criticism from real academics? I'm talking about the sort of criticism and analysis that has usually been reserved for Balzac, Tolstoy and Sartre. Try googling academic buffy the vampire slayer or check out www.slayage.tv.

Do yourself a great big favor-- rent Season One today. And remember-- Joss is a fan of both Shakespeare and the X-Men. As far as I'm concerned, you can't beat those for sources of inspiration.

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Sunday, May 16, 2004 2:30 PM


I felt exactly like you 3 months ago. I'd heard of Buffy and thought it sounded stupid, but I loved Firefly and decided to give it a try.

Now I own DVDs of all 7 seasons of Buffy and the first 4 of Angel. This isn't the site to say it on, but I'm now a bigger fan of Buffy/Angel than I am of Firefly.

Skip the movie, just start with the series. I was hooked after the first episode, but the show really comes into it's own starting in Season 2.

Hope you like it. Cheers.


Monday, May 17, 2004 4:18 AM



Originally posted by aerelorn:
I felt exactly like you 3 months ago. I'd heard of Buffy and thought it sounded stupid, but I loved Firefly and decided to give it a try.

Now I own DVDs of all 7 seasons of Buffy and the first 4 of Angel. This isn't the site to say it on, but I'm now a bigger fan of Buffy/Angel than I am of Firefly.

Skip the movie, just start with the series. I was hooked after the first episode, but the show really comes into it's own starting in Season 2.

Hope you like it. Cheers.

just how many of us are there? I could write almost exactly the same. I'm only in possession of Buffy 1-5 yet but I plan on getting all the rest including Angel.

I just thought "vampires?" "kids fighting vampires?" "never!" but it is really really good. among the best. it's the characters, the dialog and the stories. they shine through however biased you might now be (ok it seems to be more a girls show than a boys show. my boyfriend watched S1-5 with me and he isn't a fan now). just start with Buffy S1 and go from there. I think S1 is good enough to get almost everyone hooked who will be hooked. it isn't as good as the following seasons though. but people widely disagree on which seasons are the best and which should never have happend (if there are any of the latter variety at all). so you just have to watch and decide for yourself. s2 and 3 are kinda alike, whereas S4 is majorly different. and the next hugely different season is S6. and I personally like the dark side in it very much.

ahh and if you can: don't get too hooked up on any 'ships' and characters. if you decide by S2 you can't have anyone else than Angel being with Buffy you'll suffer thru the rest of the series from S4 onward. if you get too hooked on Giles you will hate seasons 6 and 7. and things like that. keep an open mind and enjoy what's out there. enjoy it changing because that's why it's so great. it isn't the same all over again every year. would be damn boring if it were (as it actually is with lots of other shows).



Monday, May 17, 2004 1:44 PM



Originally posted by Idefix:
just how many of us are there? I could write almost exactly the same. I'm only in possession of Buffy 1-5 yet but I plan on getting all the rest including Angel.

I just thought "vampires?" "kids fighting vampires?" "never!" but it is really really good. among the best. it's the characters, the dialog and the stories. they shine through however biased you might now be (ok it seems to be more a girls show than a boys show. my boyfriend watched S1-5 with me and he isn't a fan now). just start with Buffy S1 and go from there. I think S1 is good enough to get almost everyone hooked who will be hooked. it isn't as good as the following seasons though. but people widely disagree on which seasons are the best and which should never have happend (if there are any of the latter variety at all). so you just have to watch and decide for yourself. s2 and 3 are kinda alike, whereas S4 is majorly different. and the next hugely different season is S6. and I personally like the dark side in it very much.

ahh and if you can: don't get too hooked up on any 'ships' and characters. if you decide by S2 you can't have anyone else than Angel being with Buffy you'll suffer thru the rest of the series from S4 onward. if you get too hooked on Giles you will hate seasons 6 and 7. and things like that. keep an open mind and enjoy what's out there. enjoy it changing because that's why it's so great. it isn't the same all over again every year. would be damn boring if it were (as it actually is with lots of other shows).


I imagine there are quite a lot of us. You're spot on about the "kids fighting vampires" bit. It just sounded like a silly premise for a show. However, after you get to watching it you realize the show isn't about the vampires or monsters at all, it's simply about the core group of characters. The monsters are simply a foil to tell interesting stories about the lives of those characters. Firefly is much the same way. It doesn't focus on the scifi aspects of it's universe, it just uses those aspects to reveal the characters to us.

However, there's one point I've been unsure of for awhile now and that's whether I'm glad that I waited until now to watch it. Since the show is such a continuous progression, I'm not sure I would have enjoyed it as much as I did if I'd watched it spread out over 7 years. There's a great deal of foreshadowing and references to past events, and since it only took me a few weeks to watch all 7 seasons, the previous episodes were fresh enough in my mind that I picked up on them readily. On the other hand, I didn't get to participate in the ongoing discussion of the show while it was running. I imagine that would have been quite fun to do.

Looking back, it's pretty amazing how much the characters changed over the years. I watched some of the special features that included clips from Season 1 and it was amazing to see what the old Buffy, Xander, Willow, and Giles were like. Just completely different from how they turned out. That's something that kind of got lost from watching it though so fast.

As soon as Angel finishes this week, I'm going to start watching through again, this time a little slower. I can't wait :)


Monday, May 17, 2004 6:55 PM



I've just watched the very first episode "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and I didnt hate it.

I could see Joss' writing but I think the actors delivery of the his lines wasnt anywhere near Firefly. It seemed the actors didnt really understand the dialogue or how to deliver the lines believably (maybe its just me) I just hope they get more comfortable with it from here on in.

I am trying..

I take it that the Angel fella who was in this first ep of Buffy is the same fella from the Angel show too.
Does the show Angel take off after Buffy? or should it be watch in conjunction with Buffy?
At exactly what stage should I start watching Angel or doesnt it matter?


Monday, May 17, 2004 9:33 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

I've just watched the very first episode "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and I didnt hate it.

I could see Joss' writing but I think the actors delivery of the his lines wasnt anywhere near Firefly. It seemed the actors didnt really understand the dialogue or how to deliver the lines believably (maybe its just me) I just hope they get more comfortable with it from here on in.

I am trying..

I take it that the Angel fella who was in this first ep of Buffy is the same fella from the Angel show too.
Does the show Angel take off after Buffy? or should it be watch in conjunction with Buffy?
At exactly what stage should I start watching Angel or doesnt it matter?

Glad to see you took the first step :)

You're perfectly right about delivery of the lines. Just remember that this was Joss's first series, and it took awhile for the actor's to get comfortable with the writing and their characters. Firefly had the advantage of that previous experience. That said, once the show gets into the second season I think it's equal to Firefly quality-wise.

As for Angel, his show started after Season 3, so Angel season 1 and Buffy season 4 ran concurrently. Most people will tell you to watch them together.

However, depending on how you watch the episodes I would recommend not watching them together. I would watch several episodes in a row, and switching back and forth between the shows caused some difficulties. I like Buffy a bit more than Angel, so when I was watching Angel I was always thinking about the Buffy episode I was going to get to immediately after it. If I'd watched all of Buffy and then all of Angel, I think I would've enjoyed Angel more. There aren't very many crossovers at all, and you won't get lost if you skip them for the time being.

However, that only applies if you're watching several episodes in a row. If you're only watching one or two a day, it might not matter so much. And that's assuming you make it all the way to Season 4.

I hope you stick with it and get into Season 2 when the show really hits its stride. After the first half-dozen episodes of that, I went out and bought all the DVDs for myself(I rented seasons 1 and 2 to start) because I knew it would be a show as good as or better than Firefly.


Monday, May 17, 2004 11:48 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

I've just watched the very first episode "Welcome to the Hellmouth" and I didnt hate it.

I could see Joss' writing but I think the actors delivery of the his lines wasnt anywhere near Firefly. It seemed the actors didnt really understand the dialogue or how to deliver the lines believably (maybe its just me) I just hope they get more comfortable with it from here on in.

I am trying..

I take it that the Angel fella who was in this first ep of Buffy is the same fella from the Angel show too.
Does the show Angel take off after Buffy? or should it be watch in conjunction with Buffy?
At exactly what stage should I start watching Angel or doesnt it matter?

some of the actors didn't do much acting before they came to Buffy. so if the acting of 'Angel' or 'Xander' seems bad, just give they guys some time they both turn out to be great actors in the end. 'Buffy' and especially 'Willow' and 'Giles' I think started out pretty well, their acting isn't going to improve that dramatically. but they will have to find their characters and then change them somewhat dramatically as the show goes on. the first few EPs are something fun to watch (nothing near as good as Firefly but enjoyable enough) and as you do that it all starts to come together.
S1 is a short season anyway, and there are a lot of fun EPs and some serious ones that are important for the rest of the show too. so just take it light for starters and watch them find themselves.

and yes Angel is Angel and with knowing that you are spoiled for the Buffy EP 1x07 called Angel because you already know he's a vampire with a soul. just pretend you don't and watch it anyways.it's one of the good ones in S1.

and about watching the shows. I watched Buffy S1-7 without watching Angel. just because I got the DVDs froma friend who didn't have the Angel DVDs. then I started all over again with Buffy S1 (couldn't get enough of it) and when I came to S4 I started watching Angel S1 (the way it was on TV). now I switch shows every EP and have now come up to Angel 3x13 or so and Buffy 6x13.



Monday, May 9, 2005 11:26 AM


OOOOOh, my first time resurecting a dead and old thread!
I just got BuffyS1 and went out to get the movie to see how they fit together, and wow, they DON'T!! The movie was verry funny an all, but the series is way more 'Joss'! Except for some of the dialogue, the movie was almost unrecognizable as Joss' work to me. The cast was fine, the script was pretty good, but the movie didn't have any...have to say it...bite!
I'm so glad he went ahead and improved and expanded upon the movie.
Only really great line from the movie: "Does the word 'Duh' mean anything to you?". That had me rollin'.
(Gunhand, have you seen Buffy S1 by now?)

A year late Chrisisall


Monday, May 9, 2005 11:51 AM


Yeah, I think I remember reading somewhere that Joss walked out on the movie because the director and, especially, Don Sutherland kept changing the lines that Joss had written, thereby screwing up all of his carefully crafted jokes. Basically, they ruined the movie. The tv series is much more what Joss had in mind in the first place.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Monday, May 9, 2005 12:02 PM


Yeah, plus, Kristy Swanson (who I like, BTW) played Buffy stupid for the most part, not ditzy, but really stupid , and that may have worked for laughs, but the slayer has to have SOME brains.

Kristy was great in that movie with Charlie Sheen where he's driving her stolen BMW with all the cops chasing them that I can't remember the title of Chrisisall


Monday, May 9, 2005 12:43 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Kristy was great in that movie with Charlie Sheen where he's driving her stolen BMW with all the cops chasing them that I can't remember the title of Chrisisall

I remember that movie. It had the chase between Charlie Sheen and the cops who try to catch him in the chase and when they do, the chase is over. I think it was called 'The Car That Couldn't Slow Down.'

Oh, and BtVS was okay as movies go. But the start of a 250+ episode franchise? Naaaaah.


Monday, May 9, 2005 1:17 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
It had the chase between Charlie Sheen and the cops who try to catch him in the chase and when they do, the chase is over. I think it was called 'The Car That Couldn't Slow Down.'

I remember now! It was called 'The Pursuit'!

Anyway, it was cool.

How silly of me Chrisisall


Monday, May 9, 2005 2:56 PM


OK... I'm going to go out on a limb here and really open up my soul to you guys. Be gentle...

But I liked the BTVS movie! I went to see it in its theatrical release with a friend (we were on a mission to see every creature feature being released in the 80's). And we had a great time at the flick. It was about as deep as a puddle of water in a parking lot... but we both enjoyed it for what it was.

So, it wasn't Joss' vision and the final product bore little to none of Joss' style of humor. Interestingly enough, every theatrical movie ever made (except for one) fits that same description... and yet some of them are enjoyable. If you watch BTVS the movie as the director's take on that type of story without bashing it for not being what they didn't intend for it to be, it's cute. Not great... but fun.

At least I thought so.

I tend to love Joss' work. But I don't need to reject the movie because it went its own way and not his way. He got the story to go his way in the TV show. That's enough, I should think.

Alright... let the artillery fire begin...


Monday, May 9, 2005 11:01 PM


Actually the film version put me off from watching the series when it first aired.

I saw the film in the cinema and along with a few other films around that time, it went some way to putting me off films altogether...At least going to the cinema and watching them.

There are some moments which are entertaining, as you mentioned Paul Reubens - he was pretty watchable, and I liked the idea of marshal arts being used, I remember that, but the character grated on me - there was no development to her and her lines were delivered with no knowing irony so the jokes didn't feel like jokes at all. Merely poor dialogue.

It's weird now to think Rutger Hauer was in that film? Just think what Joss could achieve now with such an actor?

Still a friend insisted I watch the series and by about the six or seventh episode I was really into it.

I like you're idea of writing a scene from an episode... That's quite a cool idea for a regular thread, like the caption one. Someone chooses a scene for one week and we all come up with an alternative for it... Or a follow up scene. Could this work?




Monday, May 9, 2005 11:05 PM


Funny this thread should reappear now - for those of us in the UK, the film's on BBC1 this Friday so now's your chance to re-evaluate it, catch it for the first time or just wonder how Hilary Swank ended up as dual Oscar winner!

This is what Joss had to say on the film:

"About an hour into the movie, I just started to cry, a single manly tear rolling down my cheek. I was heartbroken."

I remember thinking the trailer looked pretty funny (silly things like Buffy telling Pee Wee Herman's character to clap after she'd cut his arm off made me laugh!). And I do think the film has its moments. What I find amusing is that when they had the flashbacks in "Becoming" they styled SMG's Buffy on Kristy Swanson's version.

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at http://disneypix.tripod.com/destiny


Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:23 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Actually the film version put me off from watching the series when it first aired.

me too, but for the exact opposite reason. i love the film and i really love kristy swanson in it :) when they brought out a series with someone else playing buffy i was less than amused. especially as i find smg to be nothing special to look at. i saw the odd bit here and there and didn't hate it, but never with an open enough mind to really get into it until season 4 with a few scenes from spike really making me realise what i'd been missing from which i got into both angel and buffy in a big dvd box set collecting way.

i tend to view them as completely independant entities which i love in different ways, but i still think it's a shame that the series didn't start with kristy's buffy getting swamped by the vamps and smg coming into her power as the slayer, but not buffy. that'd've got me into it a whole lot quicker.

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:37 AM



Originally posted by eviltobz:
me too, but for the exact opposite reason. i love the film and i really love kristy swanson in it :) when they brought out a series with someone else playing buffy i was less than amused. especially as i find smg to be nothing special to look at. ]

You might want to stay away from the Graphic Novel, Origin, which rehashes the movie but with the likeness of SMG.

I agree with your point about regarding them as separate entities. The movie's enjoyable in it's own way, there's just little point comparing it the series which followed.

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at http://disneypix.tripod.com/destiny


Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:41 AM



Originally posted by eviltobz:
me too, but for the exact opposite reason. i love the film and i really love kristy swanson in it :) when they brought out a series with someone else playing buffy i was less than amused.

Interesting - funnily enough I'd never looked at it like that. I found the character to be incomplete so I wasn't bothered by the Kristy Swanson to Sarah Michelle Gellar switch...

The other interesing thing is that neither women made me want to watch the show particualrly. I'm actually quite proud of that...
...The only time I've been struck by anything like that was Ornella Muti who played Ming the Merciless' daughter in Flash Gordon.... Talk about sexual awakening!!! How fair was that on a twelve year old kid!

-still spinning- The Somnambulist



Tuesday, May 10, 2005 1:40 AM


Wow! This is an old thread.

When I last posted here I think i'd only just seen the first episode of Buffy and hadnt seen any Angel.

I can now proudly admit to owning every ep of Buffy and Angel on DVD. I must admit to thoroughly enjoying both series.

My situation had its pro's and cons's. When I started watching these shows had all been aired and were available on DVD so I didnt have to wait week by week for a new episode. Once I had seen a few episodes the DVD purchases started happening frequently. I think had watched every episode in about 2 or 3 months.

"pro" being that I didnt have to wait week by week, I just crammed 7 yrs of Buffy and 5 yrs of Angel into my brain as fast as I could.

"Con" being that it was all over too fast! I think there is something to be said for taking it slow and savouring the episodes.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 7:03 AM


This movie I saw after I saw all the episodes of Buffy. It was painful to watch. Just painful. Bad acting all around.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 9:54 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
...The only time I've been struck by anything like that was Ornella Muti who played Ming the Merciless' daughter in Flash Gordon.... Talk about sexual awakening!!! How fair was that on a twelve year old kid!
-still spinning- The Somnambulist

I'm with ya on that one, pal. There was something verrry....Penthouse about her...way too much sexuality for a movie like that.

I got the Buffy movie to compare to the series as I'm watching S2 now, and in my memory, the vampire stuff was pretty serious, but after getting into the series I have to say I had a hard time getting through the movie!!!
And Rutger and Donald looked bored.

Plowin' thru S2 Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 4:32 PM


My favorite part of the movie is when they are coming up with a dance idea.

what about the ozone layer?
Yeah, we totally have to get rid of that!

Keep shiny!


Wednesday, May 11, 2005 5:28 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

Here I present myself as bullseye.

I thought Buffy was cute, and it had occasional deep emotional content. Angel was mildly interesting.

Neither show hooked me. I understood the messages in the show, they just didn't hook me.

I guess my real problem with Buffy is the same problem I have with Blade.

Vampires are supposed to be tough, horrible creatures. Nearly impossible to kill. Only defeatable through incredible effort, thought, and skill.

Buffy can be seen to stake a half dozen vamps in a five minute interval. Unfortunately, a hero is only as great as their villain. When your villain takes ten seconds to dispose of, it makes the villain look weak... and by association, it makes you look less spectacular, too.

I mean, you watch buffy and you can't help but think that if you had a Khukri and a .45, you could ace these vamps, too.

Compare that to Niska's people, who wounded, beat up, captured, and tortured Mal.

Compare that to Patience, whose crew shot Zoe in the chest and would have killed her but for the armor... even while they were being sniped at.

Compare that to Jubal Early, who initially defeated, outsmarted, and/or intimidated every member of the ship but River.

Compare that to a room full of barroom brawlers, who managed to fight Mal, Jayne, and Zoe onto a cliff's edge.

In Firefly, the crew is wicked awesome, but they're awesome because they struggle to be awesome. We see them try and strive and succeed in spite of the odds. And that makes them seem cooler than a 'superhero' who can yawn while dispatching foes.

River's the closest thing to a Buffy or Blade that Firefly offers, and her uberness is offset by her insanity. She can't even rely on her self. Her powers are inconsistent.

I like weaknesses in my heroes. I like it when they have to try.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner


Friday, May 13, 2005 10:01 AM


Just a reminder for those in the UK - the film's on BBC1 tonight at 11.25.

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com (yep, bought me a proper name!)


Friday, May 13, 2005 10:42 AM


You have an valid point AnthonyT... the greater the struggle, the more impressive the accomplishment (and by association, the one who accomplishes it).

I would offer a corollary to that observation... the most interesting characters aren't the perfect ones, it's the flawed ones. In my opinion, nothing is more mesmerizing to me than a somewhat dark, ambiguous character who flirts with the possibility of redemption. Some examples:

1) I've always found Batman a more compelling superhero than Superman. Superman is good all the way through... and the same all the way through. Batman (in his Dark Knight incarnation) is one or two poor decisions away from being the bad guy.

2) I watched the first season and a half of Smallville before it lost me. I knew I had to stop watching it when the scenes with the maybe good/maybe bad Lex Luthor became the biggest draw for me. I was rooting for Lex to come out right... and I KNEW they wouldn't bend the myth that much.

3) Mal is fascinating because he is a man who is both great and noble... and also dark and angry. Sometimes too quick to use his fists on someone who is already a victim before he gets all the facts (e.g., Simon in the original pilot episode)

I think they tried to put the Buffy character in that position and it just didn't gel for me. Ditto when they tried it with Willow one season.


Saturday, May 14, 2005 8:00 AM


Well as Fray101 said it was on again last night on BBC1.

I gave it a look and I have to say for me it hasn't stood the test of time. I found it very disappointing.

All the relevant Slayer/Vampire lore is flung at us far to fast and randomly to appear decisive, and therefore merely comes across as contrived.

Shame really I always remembered it as being a lot more interesting. Oh well. Thank Goodness for the Series.

Oh and I think I spotted a very young Ben Afleck! As a basketball player? Anyone else notice this?




Sunday, May 15, 2005 5:56 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Oh and I think I spotted a very young Ben Afleck! As a basketball player? Anyone else notice this?


www.cirqus.com [/bold]

Yep, Ben Affleck's in it, although I've never managed to spot him - taped it the other night so shall have to look out for him. Of course Hilary Swank's in there too and I believe (although I may have dreamt this) that Seth Green was originally in it but was cut out. Yep, just checked IMDB and he was).

Reading this month's Total Film, I also learned that Thomas "The Punisher" Jane is also in it. Quite a starry line-up really.

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com (yep, bought me a proper name!)


Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:38 AM



Originally posted by fray101:

Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Oh and I think I spotted a very young Ben Afleck! As a basketball player? Anyone else notice this?


www.cirqus.com [/bold]

Yep, Ben Affleck's in it, although I've never managed to spot him - taped it the other night so shall have to look out for him. Of course Hilary Swank's in there too and I believe (although I may have dreamt this) that Seth Green was originally in it but was cut out. Yep, just checked IMDB and he was).

Reading this month's Total Film, I also learned that Thomas "The Punisher" Jane is also in it. Quite a starry line-up really.

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com (yep, bought me a proper name!)

Crickey! Seth Green was in it?! Amazing how fortuitous everything turned out to be with him coming in later as Oz.

I always loved the way Joss based Oz on a buddy he knew at college. That's a nice touch. Can't say I'm aware of Thomas Jane is he the new guy who's playing the Punisher? I remember the punisher with Dolf....




Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:48 AM


Yep, Thomas Jane of The Punisher & Deep Blue Sea "fame" - he's also shacked up with Patrica Arquette, so maybe he & David reminisce on the old BTVS days!

Legend has it that Seth can still be spotted on the video sleeve for the film. He's not actually in the final film.

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com (yep, bought me a proper name!)


Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:14 AM



Originally posted by fray101:
Yep, Thomas Jane of The Punisher & Deep Blue Sea "fame" - he's also shacked up with Patrica Arquette, so maybe he & David reminisce on the old BTVS days!

Is this a reference to David going out with Patricia Arquette at some stage? Where they are they not together? Sorry I'm always really bad with these things... My ex girlfriend used to say how oblivious I was about things like this - and not just with famous people, but with people we used to know too.... ooops my bad.




Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:24 AM


David & Patricia Arquette....brother & sister so kind of hope they never went out!

David played Pike's best friend (Benny?)

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com (yep, bought me a proper name!)


Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:32 AM


....right, right. I follow ya'. For some reason I thought you were bringing David Boreanaz into it, but of course David Arquette, who may I just say, was brilliant in Eight Legged Freaks!!!

always the last to know - The Somnambulist :)



Thursday, May 19, 2005 2:40 AM


Easy mistake to make!

Haven't seen Eight Legged Freaks yet - must get round to that.

"Why would I want to leave Serenity?"
"Can't think of a reason."

Over 100 Serenity screencaps now available at www.destinything.com (yep, bought me a proper name!)


Thursday, May 19, 2005 3:36 AM



Originally posted by fray101:
Haven't seen Eight Legged Freaks yet - must get round to that.

I really enjoyed it - it had a knowing clever B movie film feel to it, which made it great fun and David does a very impressive turn in it, and somewhat takes on the mantle of good time cheesy actor, with just the right amount of flair, as in the days of old with Bruce Campbell.

Hope you enjoy it too.




Thursday, September 8, 2005 4:10 PM


An early draft of the original BTVS movie script. It is a little darker then the filmed script. I'm still not sure that it was Joss' original desire for the story. I understand that he wanted the movie to be what the series became.


No power in the 'Verse can stop me.


Sunday, October 9, 2005 2:24 AM



" have never seen an episode or movie of Buffy or Angel. I mean cmon.. Buffy! Buffy the vampire slayer! I cant get past the title.

I am so sooo much the Browncoat though and I find myself in such awe of Joss Whedons story writing / telling and directing with Firefly that i'm thinkin maybe I should at least try Buffy and Angel."

I'll make this short and sweet

Buffy= has a slew of books written about it, and plenty of the authors weren't interested in the genre before they watched the show.

there's a myriad of writing emphasis for each of these books w/ the main ones being

1.) episode essays and insights/dissertations for each

2.)allegories and references to countless events in history, famous literature and poetry,etc

3.)philosophy heavy

4.)connections to real folklore throughout history from nearly every country you can think of

Buffy is also (I believe) only the 3rd tv show in the history of television to have a meeting of scholars in various studies (philosophy,literary, mathematicians,sociology,etc), from around the world and under one roof, to discuss thoughts and opinions on the Buffy series and/or it's universe......


Firefly has had none of these things, nor has Angel, so what does that say about Firefly?

You and anyone else that mocks Buffy for the title of the show alone, kinda looks foolish if you take what I stated into consideration

if the show is so dumb, why are most of it's diehard fans intelligent, and why are so many scholars and writers heavily interested in it?






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