Speculation: Buffy Season 7 Finale

UPDATED: Sunday, May 18, 2003 18:25
VIEWED: 14055
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Friday, November 8, 2002 11:15 AM


I'm pretty sure this year's superclimactic finale will be a two-parter , even better than "Becoming" and "Graduation Day". (I am not counting "Two to Go/Grave", which I found depressingly anticlimactic. Season 6 was perfect up till then.) Actually, I think a 3-hour finale would be cooler, although I guess that would probably be too long. Of course Joss better write it, and--if this does indeed turn out to be the last season--the tba spinoff must be somehow prepared for.

Your thoughts?


Friday, November 8, 2002 1:12 PM


It may be a two-parter, but even so, I've read that the episode 21 (second to last) will be written by Marti Noxon. (the problem with reading all these darned news articles about the future of buffy is never remembering where you got which scrap of information!)

So, I can't seem to find writing credits for Season 6, but for season's 1-5, Joss wrote every season finale. That bodes well for episode 22 to be penned by the man himself, especially if this truly is end of BtVS as we know it. Joss is a control freak, and Buffy is his baby. He wrote both the episodes she died in, he'll write the episode that ends the show for good too.

Hopefully the end of Buffy will mean the beginning of a new and amazing spin-off so that we will not lose all our beloved Scoobies. *fingers crossed*

Oz: The monkey's the only cookie animal that gets to wear clothes, you know that? You have the sweetest smile I've ever seen. So, I'm wondering, do the other cookie animals feel sorta ripped? Like, is the hippo going, "Hey, man, where are my pants? I have my hippo dignity!" And you know the monkey's just, (French accent) "I mock you with my monkey pants!" And there's a big coup in the zoo.
Willow: The monkey is French?
Oz: All monkeys are French. You didn't know that?


Friday, November 8, 2002 4:59 PM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
It may be a two-parter, but even so, I've read that the episode 21 (second to last) will be written by Marti Noxon. (the problem with reading all these darned news articles about the future of buffy is never remembering where you got which scrap of information!)

So, I can't seem to find writing credits for Season 6, but for season's 1-5, Joss wrote every season finale

Actually, Doug Petrie and David Fury wrote the sixth season finale. And although 21 will likely be written by MN, I doubt that they have that planned out at this point.


Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:55 PM


has marti even written an episode yet this year? I'm hoping they have suspended her or something after what she did to season 6. Joss has admitted this will likely be the last season, so if he doesn't write the finale I'm gonna be pissed. I was really disappointed when he didn't write last year's finale. And I don't think they have it planned yet who will write eps so far in advance. Just don't let it be Marti...

Drew Goddard is my new favorite non-joss buffy writer. I wish he would just write the rest of the season.

And yes, it looks like we will have a hell of a season finale this year. I can't wait.

Warrick: You didn't have to wound that man.
Mal: Yeah, I know. It was just funny.


Wednesday, November 13, 2002 4:20 AM


Noxon is pregnant, or just gave birth, or something like that. She's not suspended.

Besides, Joss and the rest of the gang were all equally responsible for breaking the scripts, so they all share the blame for BTVS S6, which is something Joss has repeatidly said in interviews. In fact, the idea that people are taking this out on Noxon gives Joss a "hurty feeling."


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Wednesday, November 13, 2002 4:33 AM


You know what I'd like to see for the finale? A campaign. At the end of series three, there's a short section where the Scoobies enlist the help of all the other students, arming them for the big fight that occurs at the graduation ceremony.

Well how about that, but expanded? All the people they've helped over the years, calling in the favours. With Buffy assuming the John Connor role, and the other Scoobies almost having to act as lieutenants - all in order to fight the biggest of the big bads...

Select to view spoiler:

We already know that "From beneath you, it devours". I also read from other spolier sources that the big bad in Angel "comes from the centre of the earth". Also, it seems like the big bad in Angel appears in an episode or two, then disappears for a big chunk of the rest of the season (with a lot of story time from that point on devoted to Angel's return to being Angelus, contrived by the gang as Angelus has a chance against the big bad, whereas Angel doesn't).

So what if the Buffy big bad and the Angel big bad are one and the same? We also know that Faith spends time in both Buffy and Angel, and that if Buffy truly finishes at the end of this season, there may well be one or more characters that'll make the jump to LA. So it's looking like this season may be a bit crossover-heavy. Which is possible as long as there's no direct interaction, and they limit themselves to simply referring to the events elsewhere. But wouldn't it be cool to have both shows fighting the coming apocalypse in their own way? Can you imagine what sort of a fight that'd be?

Or maybe I'm just letting my imagination run away with me. Either way, both shows are really hitting the sweet spots at the moment...



Wednesday, November 13, 2002 5:13 AM


Angelus makes a return... I hadn't read that one. It'd be interesting because he'd probably drop the whole, "My son hates me" brooding and just kill the twerp.

But what I think would be even cooler if the Scoobies, and the Angel crew had to fight together to fight this last Buffy Big Bad. Add in Faith to the fight, maybe Spike and I would be set for life.

Whatever happened to Riley, didn't he come back for an ep. in season 6? I missed that one, I think. If he's still kicking bring him back for the series finale to fight too. Hell, maybe even Oz in wolf form could lend a paw


Wednesday, November 13, 2002 5:14 AM



Wednesday, November 13, 2002 5:25 AM



Originally posted by Bulbus:
Angelus makes a return... I hadn't read that one.

Well, everyone else has now. I put that in inviso-text for a reason, y'know :-) If you're interested:

Select to view spoiler:

The juicy gossip is that they meet the big bad in an episode or two, and get utterly slapped about. The conclusion they reach is that the only way to fight it is to bring back the nastiest bad-ass they know - Angelus. Maybe he has a specific part to play, or something - seems weird that Angelus can kick its ass, but Angel can't. Anyway, the gang turn him back into Angelus, then resolve to keep him in a cage until he's needed. Only problem? He escapes (obviously), which is why they have to bring in the rogue slayer, Faith - the only local person they know who can help re-capture him. Cool, huh?



Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:15 AM


sorry about that, but then who doesn't scroll down to read the "inviso text" really? Especially if they're here reading season finale speculation?


Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:21 AM



Originally posted by Bulbus:
sorry about that, but then who doesn't scroll down to read the "inviso text" really? Especially if they're here reading season finale speculation?

Well, not me, certainly. I just can't resist those little black spaces of nothingness, just sitting there and being all alluring-like. Spoilers are the bane of my life - I want to have the willpower not to look, but it's hard. So very hard...



Wednesday, November 13, 2002 10:52 AM


hey, there's a big difference between speculation and spoilers. I for one didn't highlight the spoiler text. I am a recovering spoiler-aholic and I am doing really good this year at staying away from them. But don't worry, I did already know about the Angelus one. I've known that since like the summer.

Warrick: You didn't have to wound that man.
Mal: Yeah, I know. It was just funny.


Tuesday, January 14, 2003 6:22 PM


I posted this on one of the other threads, but I really like this so here goes:

I've been thinking about this as Season 7 has unfolded and I came up with an idea -- a fairly big one, at that. But I had one huge problem with this theory and that was the continuing existance of the Angel series.

And then I read that the Angel series contract expires after this season so, if that's the case my idea COULD work, if it's not renewed.

Let me outline this for you.

Our apparent Big Bad (on Buffy) this season is The First, the source of all evil in the world. We have an Apocalypse on Angel. There are more than a few hints that these storylines might be related.

The head of the WB has said that if SMG is not coming back, he would OK a crossover with his UPN rival, which also helps this story.We already know Faith is gonna be on 3 Angels and 5 Buffys.

So, OK, Buffy & the Scoobs, assisted by the SITs and Faith go up against The First -- AND WIN!!!

When they win, any vampire or demon not currently possessing a soul disappears, vanishes, *POOF* -- eliminating the need for slayers. Additionally, any of these non-humans owning a soul when this happens become human.

Buffy and Angel ride off into the sunset and live a long and happy life.

Or Joss just kills 'em all off in a worldwide scenario of death and devastation and turns the earth into in The Road Warrior, which is why we have to leave and create the world of Firefly.

Hey, it could happen!


Monday, January 20, 2003 12:43 PM



Bulbus wrote:
Wednesday, November 13, 2002 06:15
sorry about that, but then who doesn't scroll down to read the "inviso text" really? Especially if they're here reading season finale speculation?

Like another post said, speculation does not equal spoiler. I *love* to speculate. Until very very recently, I *loved* to read every spoiler I could get my hands on.

Then I read something that changed my mind... The author's words were on the mark, and here's my own personalized story, which so equates his:

I started watching Buffy during the first part of season five... I think my first episode was the one where we first saw Ben change into Glory while talking to Dawn. Anyway, I quickly got all caught up on all previous seasons, chronologically, thanks to a good friend (Mattro, aka Hjermstead on this site) and his amazing video-collecting skills. I knew, at that time, nothing at all about the web community for Buffy, and had absolutely no exposure to anything Buffy-related other than those video tapes. I was spoiler-free.

When I finally got caught up, and watched "The Body", I cried my eyes out for probably another hour after the episode ran.

Beginning during the summer after season five, I became a buffy-web-whore. I read everything I could get my hands on related to Buffy-verse. I read every spoiler. I relished in the spoilers. I rubbed them all over my body until I felt naughty. Get the point?

Spring, 2002: Nerd of Doom 'Warren' kills Tara. BFD, I knew about it months ago. Sure, I was sad. Sure, it meant Willow was gonna go all evil. But I knew already, so... it didn't really affect me the same way.

Just two weeks ago, I read the article I mentioned that pointed out the author's similar feelings, and decided to quit reading the wildfeed transcripts that dominated my every Monday morning for Buffy, Friday morning for Angel (probably now Monday too), etc. I still haven't decided about Herc's (at AICN) pseudo-spoilery reviews.

There are still spoilers I read a few weeks ago that have yet to happen. For Angel, I had previously read spoilers that take us past Spring Sweeps... Oh well.

Select to view spoiler:

Like last week's Angel, I spent the entire episode wondering if Lilah was gonna die yet, since I already know she will soon...

So, the point of my diatribe...
Some of us are waiting to see it through our own eyes, just as the ME folks wanted it.

In the meantime, let's *speculate*!!!

El Señor Poster Nutbag

Trained gorillas. Workable prototype jetpacks, and chicks, chicks, chicks. I know that's the action I signed on for.


Monday, January 20, 2003 1:07 PM


The life-changing article that PosterNB is referring to is called "Spoiler Free is the Way to Be" and can be found here:


I've been doing my best to go spoiler-free as well. Though I am totally stoked that

Select to view spoiler:

Elecro-Girl is back in the next episode of Angel!!!

Stay Shiny!



Wednesday, January 22, 2003 3:49 PM


OK, a quick update, based on information from The Spoiler Slayer and rendered in inviso-text for those of you who don't want to know:

Select to view spoiler:

" Okay, I am such a spoilerho I can't stop myself: Buffy goes back "in time" (I guess) and meets the three wizard types who created the first slayer. They chain her up and subject her to the same ritual that created the first slayer -- nasty painful. Try to merge her with a demon in a way. They tell Buffy she is the last slayer. She doesn't get it and they repeat - LAST."

If this is the case, if Buffy IS the LAST SLAYER, and what an ultimate pay-off that would be, then my scenario above is lookin' better and better all the time...

Just in case you were curious...


Thursday, January 23, 2003 6:52 AM


The info in Selnyc's inviso-text message is consistent with Whedon's futuristic slayer storyline in Fray, published by Dark Horse Comics.



Saturday, March 22, 2003 3:19 PM


i dont agree w/u, mr! i think that season six was terrible UNTIL the season finale (well, actually, once more with feeling was very well done). it was the ultimate battle with buffy and her six-year sidekick. i admit the whole "im gonna kill the world" was a bit corny, i think it was well written.

newho, that had nuthing to do with ur theory, but it bothered me.

by the by, i think ur right bout season 7



Sunday, March 23, 2003 9:52 AM


Bottom line is Buffy is a tragic story...Joss has never done warm, fuzzy endings and the series finale will be NO different. He's gonna shake things up, people are GOING to die and it will be a tragic ending, just like the rest of the series finales (that I've seen).

So, knowing this, and knowing that he can't just kill her (he's done it twice already and established that she can just be brought back...it's just not a solid enough ending) he's going to have to do something even more tragic.

So, my theory at this point is this: what is the biggest sacrifice a VAMPIRE slayer could make? She's going to need more power to save the world, let herself be turned into a vamp, defeat the First, and then Willow, Xander and Angel will have to stake her.

The End


Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:28 PM


speaking of characters crossing over to angel next season, anybody wondering about the Willow / Fred thing. I wonder if that was intentional ( likely ) and if our favorite witch is headed to L.A. next season.


Sunday, March 23, 2003 3:59 PM


wel... ther was once a good happy fuzzy ending. that time when angel was gonna kill himself in daylight to protect buffy from himself. then, for the first time, snow was falling in sunnydale and there was a sudden eclipse. i think the ep. was called "Amends". newho, i did hear a rumour of Xander's eyes falling off, or sumthing.... so i ges this season will be darker than usual. im just saying that joss promised us a lighter season that doesnt concentrate so much on the big bad. so far, this season was kind of depressing (though it doesnt compare to season 6).

wel, gotta go.

tyojkaepoigu pam


Sunday, March 23, 2003 9:02 PM



Originally posted by Visionary:

So, my theory at this point is this: what is the biggest sacrifice a VAMPIRE slayer could make? She's going to need more power to save the world, let herself be turned into a vamp, defeat the First, and then Willow, Xander and Angel will have to stake her.

The End

I think thats a great idea, sacrificing Buffy. But why stake her? I got a better idea (because I would really love a warm fuzzy ending :-)). Willow calls Buffy's soul back into her Vampire body, Buffy moves in with Angel and everybody is happy... Okay, don't think SMG is signing up for Angel, so that does not work either. But she COULD just travelling the world, finally being freed off being the slayer and all.

And by the way: I just watched this weeks episode and it was AWESOME! Lucky next Wednesday isn't too far away!



Monday, March 24, 2003 1:56 PM


buffy can't die. it'll be too weird. i mean, joss is a big fan of death, but i think he's too committed to his cult to do something so drastic... when i first saw buffy (i believe it was "Prophesy Girl") i was really shocked when he killed the main character(i thought it was cool)- then ofcourse, buffy died again in an attempt to save the world from glory...

i mean, the whole risking your life to save the world is getting pretty old. i think buffy and friends should have a happy ending in turn for all their troubles for the past 7 years.

and i don't want Xander to die either. hes always been the "zeppo" of the scoobies, and i think its about time he did something heroic- without being killed, that is. and i hope he doesn't get any super powers too. that would completely destroy the purpose of him being so...erm... non-powerful.

and in want the master back too. he was the one of the most interesting villans out of all seven years. angel was a worthy opponent, but a king of vampires vs the slayer of vampires was pretty cool. plus, he's the only villan who killed buffy with his bare teeth (or technically, she drowned, but still...). sure, glory's attempt to open a portal to hell killed buffy too, but buffy kicked her ass with olap's hammer.

Oz shud also come back. it be interesting to see if willow still has non-gay feelings for him (don't get me wrong. i think its great that a buffy cast can come out of the closet).

and what really ticks me off, is that my stupid friends say that smallville is better than buffy and more original! hah! let me be the first to say that smallville had already taken 2 ideas and episodes of buffy. like the time when there was that invisible guy, complete rip-off of "out of mind, out of sight". and the insect man episode. taken from "teacher's pet"! and everyone also says that buffy is not as interesting as clark kent! im sorry, but clark's happy, sad, mad, and confused face all look the same. also, how come smallville all of a sudden came on WB, after buffy left? and why did they move it on at the same time, and day as buffy? competition perhaps?
i also believe that the demons are far more interesting than the mutants that "future man of steel" has to face. they each have their own story and origin, while the explanation for the villains in smallville is "they were near the cryptonite! BAH!


im just saying that i like buffy more...
what about you ppl. it's good to hear ppl who appreciate the show as much (if not more) than myself.



Monday, March 24, 2003 3:12 PM


That sounds like it makes sense, scary....

Spike sires Buffy to beat the bad, gets resouled and leave Sunnydale with Spike to get in touch with her vampy self.

It would explain why she is the last Slayer, if she becomes semi immortal and all.

I like it, weird ending ...
Josh might be going there


Tuesday, March 25, 2003 2:03 PM


I'm pretty sure the vision guys said that Buffy was the hellmouth's last guardian, not the last slayer.


Wednesday, May 14, 2003 9:05 PM


5/3 - Buffy and Angel are still kissing. They break off the kiss and seem happy to be with each other. Angel tells her he came to bring her some things. Meanwhile, Caleb rises up again, still alive, and knocks out Angel. Buffy and Caleb fight, and Buffy uses the scythe to cut Caleb in two. Angel regains consciousness as Buffy puns about Caleb's death. She says she's glad Angel's there. The First as Buffy taunts Spike that Buffy doesn't need him. Angel gives Buffy an amulet that a champion should wear during the battle. He says he will wear it, fight alongside her. Spike sees this and leaves. Buffy tells Angel she doesn’t want him there; she needs him in LA in case they fail. Angel accepts this but is dubious that it's the only reason. He wonders if it has to do with Spike; he's smelled Spike's scent on her. Buffy says that Spike has a soul now and is fighting for good. Angel is miffed that Spike got a soul and somewhat jealous. Buffy is frustrated by Angel's jealousy. She says she realizes now she doesn't have to make decisions about the future. She compares herself to cookie dough, not yet baked, ready. Someday, maybe, in the future she could be with Angel. She does think about it. Angel says he'll wait for her. Buffy returns to the Summers home to find Xander and Dawn there. Dawn kicks Buffy and they argue a little over Dawn's refusal to leave. Buffy turns over the new information to the others then goes downstairs to see Spike. Spike lets Buffy know he saw Buffy and Angel kiss. Buffy denies it meant anything. She gives Spike the amulet; Spike is surprised because he's never been a champion before. Buffy hints that she'd like to sleep downstairs. Spike tells her no way, that he has his pride. As Buffy goes to leave, he stops her, telling her he was lying about having pride. They're both relieved. Later, as they're in bed together, Buffy can't sleep and gets up. The First as Caleb appears to her and taunts her. Then it morphs into the appearance of Buffy and taunts her about being alone. Buffy gets an idea about how to fight the First. Buffy presents her plan (which we don't hear about fully yet) to the others. It involves going down to the Hellmouth and opening the Seal. They think it's a great plan, though Willow has some reservations because it involves her doing some big magic. They start to prepare. Buffy begins to give a speech to the Potentials. Faith and Wood go to the high school and make some preparations. They discuss Faith's fears about getting involved, and Wood tells her maybe she should let some guy surprise her some time. Kennedy reassures Willow that she will keep her grounded while she's doing the serious magic. In the final hours before the battle, Giles, Xander, Andrew and Amanda play Dungeons and Dragons to relax. Dawn tells stores about Buffy's past exploits to the Potentials. Buffy goes downstairs to visit Spike again.The next morning, they all enter the high school. Buffy assigns everyone to their positions. Buffy, Faith, Spike and the Potentials go down into the Seal and open it with the blood of Buffy, Faith and the Potentials while Willow does a spell with the scythe. It channels the power of the scythe to empower all the Potentials, apparently worldwide. The spell works just as the Ubervamps begin to attack. The Final Battle is on. Willow, whose hair has been turned white momentarily by the white magic she has used, sends Kennedy to take the scythe back down to Buffy. The battle is fierce. As some Ubervamps get away and Bringers arrive and fight, they fight the teams of Andrew/Anya, Xander/Dawn and Giles/Wood upstairs in the school. Buffy is stabbed by an Ubervamp. The First appears to her and tries to taunt her with failure, but Buffy gets back her strength and keeps fighting. Several Potentials die, including Amanda. Anya is killed in battle. The amulet Spike is wearing starts to work. It blasts energy in the cavern, causing it to start crumbling, and the light dusts Ubervamps. It pins Spike in place. Buffy goes to him, tries to get him to leave, but he says he has to to stay and see it through. She holds his hand and tells him she loves him. He tells her he doesn't believe her but thanks her. He pushes her away as the cavern is falling down around them. She leaves, and Spike faces his death. The others have escaped the school and are in a bus leaving Sunnydale. Buffy barely escapes the crumbling school and follows the bus, jumping over rooftops and onto the bus at the last minute. The bus pulls to the outskirts of Sunnydale, where they see that Sunnydale has been sucked into the Hellmouth, leaving a crater. They stand at the edge and wonder what they will do next. Dawn asks Buffy what she will do now that she is not the only one, and Buffy smiles.

no spoilers!


Thursday, May 15, 2003 2:12 PM



Originally posted by butterface:
Spike faces his death.

THAT DOESN'T NECESSARILY MEAN HE DIES...RIGHT? i mean....he's supposed to be on Angel isn't he? he FACES death...that doesn't mean he dies...RIGHT?! ::Frantic::

Spike = yum. w00t!


Thursday, May 15, 2003 2:57 PM


Faces death means that he *dramatic pause*

Faces death.

So I'm guessing that he ... faces death, I faced death once or twice myself, and last I checked I didn't die. So, he might die
But then again he might not.


Friday, May 16, 2003 1:15 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
Faces death means that he *dramatic pause*

Faces death.

So I'm guessing that he ... faces death, I faced death once or twice myself, and last I checked I didn't die. So, he might die
But then again he might not.

he doesn't die, cuz he's gonna be on Angel. :D i just heard! YAY! i'll get to watch his yumminess forever and ever! (or at least until Angel ends...lol)

Spike = yum. w00t!


Sunday, May 18, 2003 6:25 PM


sorry folks... this is mostly spoiler ... or at least i think it is from what I have heart on the Buffy PTB ...

Select to view spoiler:

mmmmmm... from what I have heard from media peoples is that Anya is going to be decapitated.. which is a shame because she has such a pretty head... I think it would look better between Xanders legs... but hey... I'm just a romantic at heart... hehe...

Also... there is some speculation about Spike's move to Angel... mainly because of the death theme going on in the Buffy Underground that Spike will be adios'ed by sunlight... while others are going with an overly dramatic 8 second dusting scene... then there is also a mention that the amulet might make him human because of his good deed... who knows...?? but one thing is for sure... He is going to be on Angel... so whether its death or a bad case of the jeepers creepers... Spike is going to be around in one state or another...

There is also some hype about Willow going all Gandolf the White and making all the SITs (slayers in training) become slayers... ooooooo gotta love the voodoo that she do...

Not sure on the validity on some of these points... but hey... its interesting to read none the less...

Oh... and don't be hoping too much for Faith to be kicking much ass... the bomb got to her...

if you wanted a quiet subservient bitch... take Angel... I'm not available...






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