"Tru Calling" so terrible that its fansite has called for it to be cancelled

UPDATED: Saturday, April 9, 2005 23:04
VIEWED: 10556
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Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:50 AM


Fan site disowns Eliza's new show.

A Tru Calling fan site has become so frustrated with the quality of Eliza Dushku's fantasy series, Tru Calling, that it has given up reporting on it completely.

Spoiled Rotten, known for its extensive Tru Calling, Buffy and Angel spoiler coverage had previously campaigned to save the show when it was threatened with cancellation earlier this year.

But actually watching the last few episodes seems to have been the final straw for the editors.

"The consensus is that the writing of the show is so lacking in any regard for logic, that Tru Calling doesn't deserve any coverage by our site," they announced. "The writers are clearly putting no effort into the scripts, so why should anyone put any effort into a spoiler site?

"They regret wasting their time even covering it to begin with. The show deserves to be cancelled."

Despite low ratings in America, Tru Calling was recently given a second season to prove its worth.

Here's a link to the original: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/cult/news/cult/2004/07/13/12910.shtml

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Thursday, July 15, 2004 8:58 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I dunno. The episodes were okay. I'll continue to watch it. It's definately better than half of the other stuffs on FOX.


Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:53 AM


Tru Calling is one of those things I just watch cause it's on at a time that nothing else is and has an actress I like. It's okay, but it has its stupid moments... I don't really care one way or the other that it got renewed, but I'll probably watch it again this year.

The thing is, the last few episodes of the season were actually a dramatic improvement. It was the early episodes that were almost completely worthless not only with hoary, predictable plots, but also with apparent disrespect for the audience (flashbacks to events only a few minutes ago because they think that if they didn't, the audience would miss the significance of what this new event was).

The last few episodes actually had a go at an ongoing plotline which raised one or two interesting questions.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."
LJ: http://www.livejournal.com/users/newnumber6


Thursday, July 15, 2004 10:04 AM


I liked the first half of the season.

Never bought into having Luke Perry or whatever his name is brought aboard for the last half. That whole plot line and attempted story-arc just got silly.

But wait... Jane Espensen is writing for the show in season 2!

I will at least watch the eps she writes. She can only make Tru Calling better if you ask me.



Thursday, July 15, 2004 10:09 AM



Originally posted by Haken: The episodes were okay.

Yeah, I've seen a couple of episodes and they were moderately alright. However, Wonderfalls was ten times a better show, so I don't know how in the world Tru Calling could actually get renewed for a second season and great shows like Wonderfalls and Firefly could be cancelled after a few episodes.


Thursday, July 15, 2004 11:29 AM


From what I've read the reason that Tru Calling was kept around is that it gets good 18-49 numbers. Its all about demographics. Anyway we have reason to hope that the next season will be better because Jane Espenson of Buffy fame is joining the writing team. Hopefully this will bring the writing on the show up a notch.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 6:26 PM


Its definately true----Wonderfalls was far better.

However, what little I've seen of Tru wasn't bad.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 6:52 PM



Originally posted by Hjermsted:

But wait... Jane Espensen is writing for the show in season 2!

I will at least watch the eps she writes. She can only make Tru Calling better if you ask me.


I agree. Hopefully Jane can make the show better. I kept watching because of Eliza and the few glimmers of hope that it showed at the scripts getting better. Oh yeah, and it had Eliza. Did I mention that already?


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 8:33 PM



Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
(flashbacks to events only a few minutes ago because they think that if they didn't, the audience would miss the significance of what this new event was).

I just wanted to point out that this same "trick" was used in the original "Spider-Man," a movie I cannot stand. Everyone argues this point with me, but I'm glad folks like StarPilot here recognize when they're being insulted.

I tried watching "Tru Calling" in the beginning, cuz a friend of mine worked on the crew. Seemed like a great concept, but what you end up with is "Quantum Leap" with a slightly more attractive lead. I've seen Buffy, and I love Buffy, and I've seen Charmed, and I think Charmed sucks ass. "Tru Calling" is closer to "Charmed."

And if you're arguing the point, I've got two words for you: Jason Priestley.

Warm Fuzzies,

p.s. I thought "Spider-Man 2" was awesome, by the way.


Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:53 PM


I don't know. I like the show. I would not run home right away and cancell plans to watch it, but I would watch it if I was not doing anything else. I think the story behind the show is pretty neat. Not something that's been done over and over again. Although, I hate Jason Priestly and I wish they had never brought him on board. I only saw a few eppys of it, but its true. It is better then most things on Fox. Anyways, ttyl buh bye.

"The Greatest Trick the Devil ever Pulled was convincing the world he wasn't Real"
"Dance with the Devil, the Devil don't change, the Devil changes You"



Thursday, September 23, 2004 4:22 PM



Originally posted by timbeishir:

Originally posted by Hjermsted:
But wait... Jane Espensen is writing for the show in season 2!
I will at least watch the eps she writes. She can only make Tru Calling better if you ask me.

I agree. Hopefully Jane can make the show better. I kept watching because of Eliza and the few glimmers of hope that it showed at the scripts getting better. Oh yeah, and it had Eliza. Did I mention that already?

Yeah, I was excited about the 2nd season because Jane Espensen would bring more humor and imagination to the show...
and I thought that some new episodes did get filmed before they (the network) put it on hold...
Evidently Fox (well know for their brillant programming decisions) decided to hold off on Tru Calling until mid-season.
And now there are rumors that they might sell it to the WB.
So I don't know what is going on,
but I'm still wanting to watch the episodes that JE helped write...
and I'm kind of thinking it would be nice if Eliza was cut loose (if the network is dumping it) so that she can play Faith in one of Joss' made-for-TV-movies (hoping there will be some soon).

network TV (particularly Fox)


Thursday, January 13, 2005 11:59 PM


So has tru been cancelled now?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We can take care of each other. I'll knit!"


Saturday, February 5, 2005 5:39 PM


Yup, it's a goner. 6 episodes have been done and when/how they're going to be released depends on DVD sales. I suppose another network could pick it up but it seems unlikely at this stage.

Hey PsychicRiver, we miss you at the Treehouse, come hang out again!

Edited to add: just noticed, New Zealand have started airing the remaining episodes. The internet has naturally sucked them up and if you know the right places to go, will spit them out again.


Thursday, February 10, 2005 6:12 AM



Originally posted by Quicksand:

Originally posted by StarPilotGrainger:
(flashbacks to events only a few minutes ago because they think that if they didn't, the audience would miss the significance of what this new event was).

I just wanted to point out that this same "trick" was used in the original "Spider-Man," a movie I cannot stand. Everyone argues this point with me, but I'm glad folks like StarPilot here recognize when they're being insulted.

And he's not the only one that sees it either. When authors/TV Show writers/Film writers endeavor to tell and re-tell me plot points I always get agitated. It is as if they are saying to me "Since you are clearly unperceptive you need to be re-told how significant this issue is to the plot at large". You are right, Spider-man did it.

I LOVE Frank Herberts orginal 6 dune novels. I hate what his son has done to the new ones. Everytime I read a line it is as if Brian Herbert insists on retelling me things because I'm clearly stupid. Most trash fantasy is the same anymore.

Likewise when I see it in film I feel the same way. Real storytellers never TELL a story. They SHOW one. When a writer feels compelled to drive a plot point into the viewer with obvious tricks he's doing a disservice to us all. I love Joss Whedon because he SHOWS us his stories.

Joss Whedon, Neil Gaiman, Frank Herbert, and George R.R.Martin all know what it takes to craft a true tale. Bravo to them. It's a shame Frank Herbert is no longer with us.


Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:17 AM


It does seem odd Fox comissioned the start of season 2- had 6 episodes made and then put it on hold , pushe dit back and finally cancelled it. Seems a bit of a waste of time.

I saw the frist handful of episodes last year.... ehh. Eliza's easy on the eyes but I can't say I'm blown away by her performance. Plus the premise does feel like a Quantum leap/Groundhog day retread- which wouldn't be all bad but there's non-exisitant or weak explanations for why this happens to her (and apparantly also to Preistly who steps in a la Evi Leaper style.)

What bothered me most about the show was that, for the most part Tru had to save someone and Presily later had to make sure they died to preserve the original timeline. (and they implied a rather far-fetched idea that her mother was like herself and her father was her mother's oppostie...uh-huh) Well my feeling on it is how does Tru know the right thing to do is to save the person al the time? Maybe there are some times when the original timeline should be kept or only altered slightly. There just seemed to be a lack or guideposts or rules to the show.

Plus yeah the constant flashback to stuff only presented an act earlier was rather annoying. Execs have no faith in people following a story anymore.

I was never that impressed. I taped over what few eisodes I have. It'd be nice to have some good fantasy scifi TV again but Tru wasn't it. Can't say I'll miss it.


Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:43 AM


I was under-whelmed by 'Tru Calling's first season
but I was so excited about Jane Espensen joining the writing staff for the second season...
I would have loved to have seen the episodes she helped to write!

It does seem so surprising that Fox spends the money on making shows they never air....


Friday, April 8, 2005 8:49 AM


I get the same feeling when reading the Buffy novels. Do the publishers really think that we're buying the books and not knowing the story behind them? Do we really need to be told how to kill vampires, what a slayer is etc etc?

When I think of an interesting signature you'll be the first to know.


Friday, April 8, 2005 9:00 AM


I never saw Tru Calling but damn, it's that bad of a show?

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."- Lao Tzo


Friday, April 8, 2005 9:39 AM


I saw one episode. It was enough to make me not watch it again.

When I think of an interesting signature you'll be the first to know.


Friday, April 8, 2005 9:47 AM


Just saw one of Jane Espensen's episodes last night and was unimpressed. It really didn't do much for me. There was little to no substance to the episode. We find out one tiny twist to Jason Presley's mystery, and maybe a hint at a little more of a mystery. Nothing much too it.


Friday, April 8, 2005 10:08 AM


You know what? I like Tru Calling, Especially since the into of Jason Preistly's character. Now i'm not a fan of Preistly himself and i think they could have chosen a better actor for that part, but his character has made the show much more interesting. This will never be the show that people discuss the mythology behind it or get completely obsessed over like Joss shows, but it's a decent show that does have a few good mysteries to it and an interesting who's right- who's wrong angle.



Friday, April 8, 2005 10:42 AM



Originally posted by Quicksand:
And if you're arguing the point, I've got two words for you: Jason Priestley.

Actually, part of the reason I still occasionally watch is the hope that Tru will get to do some serious physical damage to Jason's character.

Although maybe I'm projecting Faith onto Tru too much and 90210 dude onto Jason's character .

* nugget de-bumping operation

Next up: Early "Nutcrusher" Jubal and the Firebuggers


Friday, April 8, 2005 10:56 AM


I watched half an episode and yawned myself into rehab.

then, they 90210'ed it. I'll NEVER see an episode whilst there is the danger of seeing Priestly.

"I'm gonna rip you a new puppet hole, bitch!"


Friday, April 8, 2005 1:28 PM


I liked the premise of Tru Calling and I thought that it had some good ingredients that would show signs of blossoming (pardon the mixed metaphor) every now and then. I like Tru and Harrison and Davis.

Then they brought in the anti Tru and thought that was a huge mistake. Now the show is just Tru vs. Jack and I really think they've narrowed the shaft from which to mine the stories. Plus Jack's one dimensional and Priestly plays him one dimensionally. I gonna watch these final eps since it ain't coming back and I'm waiting for the moment when Tru just pops Jack right in the mouth.

Another bone. Zach Galifanakis is playing character as more of a social retard this season than last and that irks me. He used to have a talk show on VH1 and I liked it and him so seeing even less of his personality in another reason why I think the show's gotten worse.

I liked Tru's friend Lindsey and they got rid of her too. And Tru won't ask Jack they most logical question: "So what if all these people you think should be dead live? What's going to happen if they stay alive?" Maybe the show will answer those questions but Tru isn't and it makes no sense in terms of character and logic that she wouldn't.

So I can see why people don't like this show, but I like Eliza and the pre-Jack dynamics the show had going. But in all objectivity, it's not really good. And the dialogue needs a lot of work too. Especially Jack's!


Friday, April 8, 2005 1:50 PM


it is way more entertaining (IMO) than Point Pleasant
and I do feel that Jane Espenson has managed to take a lighter tone,
it takes itself a little less seriously now,
and has added a few more twists and surprises
(I only watched a couple of episodes last year, but I found it very melodramatic and predictable).

I don't like Jack (and I think Priestly is doing a rotten job with the role) but I'm willing to tune in on a night when there is nothing else on TV.


Friday, April 8, 2005 2:51 PM


Welp, Embers we have found common ground on two things: 1) We don't like Jack and Jason Priestly's performance (I know that's two but they're on the same topic), and 2) It's waaaaaaaayyyy more entertaining than POINT PLEASANT.


Saturday, April 9, 2005 12:59 AM


I joined this site just to say that I love Tru Calling. I've been watching it since the pilot and have enjoyed the show all along. No offense but I don't think anyone should make a judgment on a show based on watching one or a few episodes. Some people said they didn't even watch one whole episode. I try to never judge a show that quickly. I didn't like Firefly the first couple times I saw it but I gave it another shot and once I saw the pilot episode and actually "got it" I did like it. Unfortunately that was just scant moments before Fox pulled the plug. Anyways, I think alot of the reasons people didn't like Tru (it not making sense, not answering questions) is there if you watch the show enough and read between the lines. I thought the addition of Jack was idiotic but a few episodes later they'd given enough information for me to realize that it was a brilliant concept. And I certainly didn't like Jason Preistly or anyone else for that matter in 90210 but seeing him as a somewhat evil (but not quite) bad guy is a completely different thing. I think if more people had really given Tru a chance instead of making up their mind after a couple eps it wouldn't have been cancelled. Same could be said for Firefly, don't you think?


Saturday, April 9, 2005 3:22 AM


No, I don't

It was really hard to catch more than a few episodes of Firefly, because it was rarely aired on time (I would have to call the local Fox station and ask, are your running it after the game? How late should I stay up and keep checking?). And it was totally aired out of order, so it was hard to follow the plot developments.

Tru Calling got a full year of regular play and most people saw enough to make an informed decision. IMO
Personally I didn't enjoy the first season at all but I am enjoying seeing these episodes that Jane Espenson worked on.

What I don't get at all are people who join a forum just to dispute a couple of posts in one isolated thread. I mean, WTF? Who are you? Where are you from? And how did you even hear about anyone commenting on Tru Calling here?

It seems very strange to me.

It is kind of like over hearing a conversation at another table in a restaurant and feeling that you have to come over and butt in. It feels a little rude to me.


Saturday, April 9, 2005 3:57 AM


I'm kind of in between on this one. My opinion of Tru Calling is basically this: Is it as good as Firefly? Not even close - but how many tv shows have EVER been that good; However, it is better than most of the other crap currently occupying the airwaves, and it's certainly better than anything else on in the same timeslot. If I'm watching tv at the time it's on, I'll certainly watch Tru over anything else that's available. On the other hand, when (in just three more episodes) it goes off the air forever, I won't miss it either - that's a big difference from Firefly (and Angel, for that matter). And yes, it IS better than Point Pleasant was.

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Saturday, April 9, 2005 11:04 PM


Well I found these comments by using some crazy thing called a search engine or some such nonsense. And I would never chime in on anyone's conversation cause I'm not like insane but I was under the impression that such was the entire point of public forums. Darn misleading dictionaries with all their synonyms and antonyms! Also, I didn't say I wouldn't continue to check out this site, read and post to other threads, and find out more about Firefly. I would've figured people would like having new fans join the site but apparently some don't. Oh, well.

And I wasn't trying to say that Firefly had an equal chance of success as Tru cause so obviously not. I was just saying that alot of people didn't like Firefly from seeing a couple episodes and would enjoy it if they gave it more time (like me) and a few people here said they didn't like Tru and only saw 1 or 2 episodes. I know that many people saw enough to make a decision and anyone who watched a bit and didn't like it, more power to them but I just think people shouldn't make up their mind based on one or two episodes because no show is without some bad ones and you don't even get a hint of the larger story archs which are usually the meat of a show.






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