the original "buffy" movie

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 14:48
VIEWED: 4692
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004 2:15 AM


okay, i will admit that i have only watched a few episodes of the buffy tv show. i have, however, seen the original movie that was (as far as i have read) significantly altered from the basic concept that was proposed. i was wondering, for all the fans of the tv show, if people consider the movie as part of the story (ie characters and events)? i read that one of the reasons that a new buffy movie may not happen with the original buffy character is because the actress thought it would be too silly like the original film, but from what i have seen of the show, i cannot imagine that it would be campy or TOO comedic at all considering the incredible amount of build up and character development that has gone on during the run of the show. anyone care to offer their opinions? i would love to hear them

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 2:50 AM


On the show they regularly refer back to the time Buffy blew up the gym, which is from the movie. And there is one episode in S2: "Becoming, part one" where they actually show a scene from the movie recreated with Sarah Michele Gellar. So they definitely acknowledge the events of the film. They don't harp on them, though. I don't think they want anyone confusing the crappy film with the genius that is the show.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:02 AM



Originally posted by maugwai:
On the show they regularly refer back to the time Buffy blew up the gym, which is from the movie. And there is one episode in S2: "Becoming, part one" where they actually show a scene from the movie recreated with Sarah Michele Gellar. So they definitely acknowledge the events of the film.

that is really neat and very creative, especially to re-shoot a sequence from the movie for the show with the show's cast.

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:11 AM


I think it's somewhat agreed upon in Buffy fandom to consider the original script of the movie as written by Joss as canon. it's a backstory to the show. the movie didn't really reflect the script so it is not considered part of the show.

I haven't seen the movie yet and I don't think I miss out on much. I started reading the script a while back but somehow never finished it. being a good fan maybe I should.

the movie was a good idea executed badly so maybe knowing the general story of it is enough.

Buffy gets called, Merick is her first watcher, a vampire named Lothos wants to destroy the world or whatever, Merick gets killed because Buffy didn't do her job, he saves her somehow, there was a guy named Pike that Buffy may have had a thing with or not, Buffy gets her act together and kills Lothos somehow burning down the gym of Hemery High in the process.
thats what I 'know' about the movie without having seen it or read more than the beginning of the script. maybe part of that's not really accurate but it got me through all of Buffy the series and lots of fan fic and buffy fandom in general without much of a feeling I need to know more.

then again maybe I should watch it someday so I know what I'm talking about when the question comes up next time *biggrin*. so don't mind my uninformed rambling...



Tuesday, September 14, 2004 3:31 AM


I haven't read the original script, but I have seen the movie. The interesting thing is that, in the movie, Buffy didn't burn down the gym! Maybe it would have been too expensive to shoot or whatever. So I was just wondering, is that how the original script was written - that she burned down the gym?

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:06 AM


She may not have burned down the gym, but it was pretty trashed by the time the carnage was over. You know stories snowball...

Also, interested point, Seth Green was origionally in the movie. Unfortunately he ended up on the cutting room floor. But a picture of him is still on the back of the video box.

As far as I know, he's the only one to be in all three Buffyverse shows... the movie, BtVS, and Angel.

Back to the movie though... it's cute and a fun thing to watch if you're not looking for anything mentally stimulating.

A kind word turneth away wrath, but not as well as superior firepower


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:30 AM



Originally posted by Idefix:
I started reading the script a while back but somehow never finished it. being a good fan maybe I should.

where can i get the original script and not the one used in the movie? i would like to read it.

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:41 AM


I think I got it from a Buffy fanfiction yahoogroup. can't really remember which one.

a quick search on google turned up this one:



Tuesday, September 14, 2004 4:56 AM



Originally posted by Idefix:
I think I got it from a Buffy fanfiction yahoogroup. can't really remember which one.

a quick search on google turned up this one:


ooo. thanks. i will read through it sometime.

"i can't comprehend the ways that i miss you, they come to light in my mistakes."
-neko case


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 5:40 AM



Originally posted by Idefix:
I think I got it from a Buffy fanfiction yahoogroup. can't really remember which one.

a quick search on google turned up this one:


thank you very much for this! I've always wanted to read the original script.

And my understanding was that they didn't so much rewrite Joss' script as much as just throw it out the window...the director saw the film as out and out farce (which was not Joss' vision) and allowed all the actors to ad lib (Joss has still never forgiven Donald Sutherland for his total contempt for the script and ruining the concept by making up his own dialogue).

In fact if you want to see Joss get upset, talking about this movie always gets under his skin.
I think the joy of working on 'Serenity' had cured his aversion to movies however!


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 7:05 AM



Originally posted by Idefix:
I think I got it from a Buffy fanfiction yahoogroup. can't really remember which one.

a quick search on google turned up this one:


actually, the website itself looks pretty interesting too. worth a look.

"my grandmother always said, "this too, shall pass."
-the bellman


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:22 AM


Joss made sure that his original screenplay from the BTVS film was adapted into comic book form:

BTVS: The Origin


"Bear witness to teenager Buffy Summers's transformation from simple high school student to super Vampire Slayer! Follow Buffy's trials and tribulations as she comes to accept her destined role to thwart the legions of the undead from spreading their veil of evil across Los Angeles. Adapted from creator Joss Whedon's original screenplay from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer feature film, The Origin updates the material to match the tone and characters of the hit television series, making this the official Buffy launching pad!"

Also... starting with BTVS #51, comic creators Scott Lobdell and Fabien Nicieza (two former X-Men scribes*) were allowed to further develop storylines in Buffy's pre-Sunnydale days. (And, just as in the much anticipated animated BTVS, the stories are set in the season 5 monk's version of reality complete with little sister Dawn)

It's also my understanding that Joss oversaw the comic versions of Buffy a great deal more than he did the Buffy novels.

These storylines have also been collected into complete editions:

BTVS #s 51-54: "Viva Las Buffy"


"The Buffy monthly takes a bold new direction under the guidance of former X-Men writers Lobdell and Nicieza. It's 1996, and Buffy Summers has just accepted her role as the Vampire Slayer. After the destruction of her high school, she flees to Las Vegas to sort out her life. Meanwhile, Watcher Rupert Giles wonders why on Earth his Slayer hasn't arrived in Sunnydale. The comic takes you where the TV show never did, back to the roots of everything, in the summer before Buffy arrived in Sunnydale. And there's a tall, dark, and handsome stranger keeping an eye on her during those dangerous nights in Vegas."

BTVS #55: "Dawn and the Hoopy Bear"


"Continuing the look into Buffy's life before Sunnydale, we take a detour with Dawn -- a mysterious package is accidently delivered to the younger Summers sister, and the enchanted teddy bear Hoopy wreaks havoc upon the life of the little ten year old. Intended to destroy the Slayer, the gift leads Dawn unwittingly into her first adventure, years before she'd ever be accepted into the Scooby Gang."

BTVS #56-59: "Slayer Interrupted"

"Buffy returned from her runaway road-trip with Pike...only to discover that Dawn has read her diary, and shared what she found with their parents, who see no other choice: after she's burned down the school gym, run off to Vegas, and apparently lost her mind . . . they have her committed. Buffy #56 begins the first of a four-issue arc, "Slayer Interupted" by Scott Lobdell, Fabian Nicieza and Cliff Richards, in which we finally see what happened to Buffy in that mental institution."

BTVS #60-63: "A Stake to the Heart"


"Buffy Summers has faced vampires, demons and monsters but now she must face the scariest thing of all: the divorce of her parents! But with divorce comes all the bad feelings attached to it, for all the members of the family, and those bad feelings take on physical shapes. No vampire is safe as the tortured young Slayer takes her anger and frustrations to the streets of L.A. All the while she is being closely watched by the mysterious vampire with a soul, Angel."

Sadly, this is where the monthly BTVS comic series ended. I understand there may be specials or a possible new series coming to keep the Buffy-comic-verse going (sounds vaguely familiar).


* Hey! Another Whedon / X-Men connection!


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:47 AM



Originally posted by embers:
thank you very much for this! I've always wanted to read the original script.

And my understanding was that they didn't so much rewrite Joss' script as much as just throw it out the window...the director saw the film as out and out farce (which was not Joss' vision) and allowed all the actors to ad lib (Joss has still never forgiven Donald Sutherland for his total contempt for the script and ruining the concept by making up his own dialogue).

In fact if you want to see Joss get upset, talking about this movie always gets under his skin.
I think the joy of working on 'Serenity' had cured his aversion to movies however!

I have always wondered why Fran Rubel Kuzui (SP?) had an executive producer credit on BTVS the series. I figured with Joss being so mad about how the movie turned out that he would not have let any of the people that massacred his movie have anything to do with the series. Seeing as how Fran was the director, she should be the one most responsible for the way the movie turned out. I don't know if he was required to give her the credit because of director's possessory rights or what? Anyone have any thoughts on this matter?

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:52 AM


Oooh, I want that "Origin" TPB! It looks interesting. Next time I'm near a comic book store I should pick that up.

"My office! Burgled! Plundered! Purloined! Ha ha ha...loins."

-- Phil Sebben, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:12 AM



Originally posted by captaincdc:

I have always wondered why Fran Rubel Kuzui (SP?) had an executive producer credit on BTVS the series. I figured with Joss being so mad about how the movie turned out that he would not have let any of the people that massacred his movie have anything to do with the series. Seeing as how Fran was the director, she should be the one most responsible for the way the movie turned out. I don't know if he was required to give her the credit because of director's possessory rights or what? Anyone have any thoughts on this matter?

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I seem to recall Kuzui's Exec Prod credit on the series was part of the deal that brought BTVS to the small screen (and ultimately to WB). The show may not have happened otherwise.

Wish I could back this memory up with a link or something... perhaps someone else knows more?



Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:27 AM


I figured it had to be something that Joss had to do to get the show on the air. I just think it sucks, that you massacre someone's movie and then you get rewarded by getting a producers credit on the show. To me, it implies that she was a creative influence on the show, when as far as I know they (if I'm not mistaken her husband was also credited) did not have anything to do with it. I always figured it had to do with the possessory credit (A Fran Rubel Kuzui Film). Someone in the industry might be able to shed more light on that subject.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 11:35 AM



Originally posted by est120:

that is really neat and very creative, especially to re-shoot a sequence from the movie for the show with the show's cast.

I just read the script (thanks for the link, IDEFIX!) and I do remember the Buffy TV episode that re-did the whole gymnasium fight scene from the movie (at least I think it was the same one...I do remember the 'I know what time the sun rises' bit...)

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 2:48 PM


They did take the "sunrise" piece and re-use it on the television show, but that's because the vampire character killed in the movie (Amylyn? The one played by Pee-Wee Herman. . . .) was killed in a different, more comical-farce way. While it was funny (rolling around, taking forever to finally die, and then continuing to moan and roll during the credits) I would have prefered Joss' vision.

I downloaded the script a while ago. While I haven't had time to fully examine it, I have made a few observations, and hope to fully analyze it at a later date. (Obsessive much?)

As for Fran Kuzui: Joss has said in interviews that he was frustrated with some peoples' visions of how his film should be, yet he purposely avoided including the director in that catagory. Whether that was just trying to save his a$$ by tip-toeing around the topic or not, I don't know. It's just food for thought.


Pike gets up off of the gym floor after all the fighting is done. He looks around, confused. "Did I do all that?" Buffy tells him no. "Did YOU do all that?" She replies with "Yeah, I did."

The problem with this little exchange? She didn't do "all that." Only one of her kills in the movie was in the gym. The gym is trashed. You would think he was responding to the overall carnage, which she in fact DIDN'T DO.

I think this was a line that made it's way into the final film, even though it referred to an event that they edited out.

If you're gonna edit a script, at least take out the parts that make no sense!

There, my rant is done.







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