Buffy vs The Walkin' Dude

UPDATED: Sunday, June 13, 2004 23:24
VIEWED: 7516
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Monday, May 24, 2004 1:20 AM


Okay- if you haven't seen The Stand mini-series/film, or read any of Stephen King's books with Randall Flagg in (The Stand and the Dark Tower series), please don't post here.
In The Stand, Flagg is a powerful sorcerer, maybe even a demon (the end seems to imply that...). I'd like others opinions of my idea that he would be a worthy adversary to the Slayer.

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Monday, May 24, 2004 3:08 AM


Nah,ole Randall Flagg would mop the floor with the buffster - although... I'd pay to see it.



Monday, May 24, 2004 5:23 AM


It all depends on sides.
In a one-on-one, Flagg would beat Buffy before breakfast everyday, and twice on weekends. (Come on, he managed to survive a friggin' A-bomb!)
-Buffy has a LOT of friends.
-The amount of activated Slayers after the Season 8 finale is unknown.
-If Willow becomes 'Evil-Psycho-Black-Witch' Willow, Flagg might have met an equal in power (and possibly a new bride...)
I would, however, imagine that Flagg would get some lieutenants to help out. (Possibly Ethan Rayne, for one.)

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:03 AM


Okay, here we go. Flagg kills Buffy. In her grief, again, Willow goes on a rampage trying to kill Flagg and unleashes all of her power on him. While Flagg is distracted fending off Willow's attacks, Roland comes up from behind Willow and shoots Flagg in the heart, throat, and right between his eyes.

Anybody else itchin' for June 8th and the next book to get here?


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 7:51 AM


I am beside myself with the itching. And woo! What a thrilling thread.

I love the idea of Flagg killing Buffy twice before breakfast. And I love the idea of Black Willow being a force Flagg would have to reckon with. And I also love the idea of a Black Willow-Roland one-two punch.

I always kind of read Flagg/Walkin' Dude/Man in Black as the devil-- the head guy. Maybe not like the first evil, but really the worst possible guy who was always among people and always trying to affect situations and events to his advantage. Do y'all think that the smarts factor would mean that he would never let a confrontation happen? Roland's gotten so close how many times now?

And to add a little something to the discussion, I think that they should make a whole big juggernaut of Dark Tower movies and that Anthony Stewart Head would make the ultimate Roland of Gilead, Gunslinger. The rugged features and the cool, blue eyes-- plus we know that he can kick ass when needed.

And do y'all think that the Dark Tower books are getting increasingly Firefly-esque? I mean, I know they came along way way before Mr Whedon created Firefly, but the ethos of the whole thing is so similar and resonant: just a few people, in a nearly completely hostile environment, trying to undo the damage of hostile authority. Plus, The Wolves of the Calla was so Seven Samurai-- it was so great.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 10:24 AM


Never though of Tony Head for Roland, but it's a cool idea. I would think that they would have to either do them all together (which would be pretty difficult, if not impossible with seven books) like Lord of the Rings or change actors playing Jake to deal with the growing of a young man over the time of filming. Would be easier to do the latter. Here is how I would love to see the casting of the Ka-tet if they did it right now:
Roland Deschain= Clint Eastwood (You would have to do some good makeup for the first film, at least. And he just screams Roland to me. C'mon he's the last true American gunslinger.)
Eddie Dean= Sam Rockwell
Odetta/Detta/Susannah/Mia= Gina Torres
Jake Chambers (at least the oldest actor to play him)= Daniel Radcliffe

Anybody have any ideas for other castings? Nobody really hits me yet for the role of Flagg. I hope it wouldn't be Jamey Sheridan like in The Stand, though.


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 12:50 PM


Hey, nice to know there are other Browncoats who are fans of the Dark Tower as well. Buffy getting in on that universe could be interesting. . .imagine the conversations her and Father Callahan could have. And the Scoobies teaming up with the ka-tet. . .Xander and Eddie would vie for the best lines, Dawn and Jake would hit it off, perhaps even Buffy wouldn't be able to resist Roland, and in the end Spike would simply laugh at Flagg and proceed to open up a can of you-know-what. On the other hand, that could just be a really cheesey fanfic that everyone would still read. . .

That said, what does anyone think of the Dark Tower books right now, since they seem to be turning into something like a Stephen King fanfic?Characters from other books are constantly turning up, and lately EVERY BOOK seems to be connected to it. (Also, *SPOILER* There were lightsabers and sneetches in the last book, and the Wolves were dressed just like Dr. Doom.) I know this has nothing to do with Firefly, but I was just wondering what anyone thought, since most Message Boards dealing with King's universe seem to turn into a Serenity Valley-level flame war between disgruntled fanboys. Any thoughts?

And timbeishir, right on with Clint Eastwood as Roland!


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 2:07 PM


I'll agree with the "casting" of the DT movies, with one exception. I would cast the guy from Touching Evil (also in Blair Witch 2) as Eddie Dean.

My other thought? I loved the play-by-play of the Buffy/Roland/Flagg fight, but I think it'll take more than a few bullets to kill Flagg.

And what of the Crimson King???

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 2:38 PM


Important people don't do field work.

For me, the only contemporary to play Roland could be Hugh Jackman...He's tall, and can be skinny, wiry...you know.

I'd like to see Guy Pearce play Randall Flagg/Marten Broadcloak. He can be bad...I've seen it.

Gina Torres...YES!

I wouldn't mind seeing Mark Wahlberg play Eddie...Good lookin guy, New York accent's already there.

Jake...more problematic...What is he...10, 11..12 maybe...and blonde? Hmmm...

"You would've lied anyway..."


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 3:43 PM


Well, come on, it's /Roland's/ job to take care of Flagg, and Buffy wouldn't stand a chance! She could be useful against the Crimson King's undead vampire soldiers, though...

"It must be all lies and of no account when the culture of a thousand years could not prevent this stream of blood being poured out, these tourture-chambers in their hundreds of thousands. A hospital alone shows what war is."
-All Quiet on the Western Front


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 4:21 PM



Originally posted by SopranosBrowncoat:

That said, what does anyone think of the Dark Tower books right now, since they seem to be turning into something like a Stephen King fanfic?Characters from other books are constantly turning up, and lately EVERY BOOK seems to be connected to it. (Also, *SPOILER* There were lightsabers and sneetches in the last book, and the Wolves were dressed just like Dr. Doom.) I know this has nothing to do with Firefly, but I was just wondering what anyone thought, since most Message Boards dealing with King's universe seem to turn into a Serenity Valley-level flame war between disgruntled fanboys. Any thoughts?

I actually think it's pretty cool. The sneetches were strange for me, but that's cos I've never read any Harry Potter. I'll pause while you stop gasping. But I thought it was great. I've wondered over and over again why choose Callahan. Of all the characters in all the books-- why Callahan? But ours is not to reason why or something. And I might be particularly interested in it becuase my favorite book of all time is It. I read it when I was thirteen and then, over ten years later when I was reading The Drawing of the Three and The Wastelands I immediately recognized "See the Turtle of enormous girth. Upon his back he holds the earth." I flipped out.

I went to grad school with a guy who was doing his master's on the Dark Tower series and its place in the canon of American literature in the Western genre. He was great to talk to-- recalled so many details of everything. Discussions like this one make me wish I could go back to talk with him more-- or even find the patience to go back to grad school. But I digress.

The point I neglected to make up there was that the fanfiction aspects of it are great, I think, because he's laying all his cards out on the table. Like, here are my influences, here are my inspirations, here's what I've been trying to say all along. It's his Verse, and we can use all of it now, to study.

You don't like my Tony Head version of Roland, SopranosBrowncoat (seems I should be able to think of a clever diminutive of that handle, but can't)? I think he has a vulnerable quality to him that Clint Eastwood doesn't. I can't picture Clint out in Meijis, wooing Susan. But party on.

As for Odetta and all the versions of her-- Gina Torres most definitely. I think that would be amazing or beyond amazing. Can't think of anything good for Jake though. It's a tough one.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Wednesday, June 2, 2004 6:54 PM



Originally posted by Sarahetc:

You don't like my Tony Head version of Roland, SopranosBrowncoat (seems I should be able to think of a clever diminutive of that handle, but can't)? I think he has a vulnerable quality to him that Clint Eastwood doesn't. I can't picture Clint out in Meijis, wooing Susan. But party on.

Awww, c'mon. Haven't you seen Bridges of Madison County? Yeah, neither have I. I'll stick to my guns(no pun intended) about Clint. Though Tony head would be a good pick, too.

Pez, I like your idea of Guy Pearce for Flagg.


Thursday, June 3, 2004 4:15 AM


I'm stuck on trying to figure out who would be a good Cort. And what about Roland's dad? To me, those are two really important roles that should be cast properly.

"You didn't have to wound that man."
"Yeah, I know. It was just funny."


Thursday, June 3, 2004 8:14 AM



Originally posted by timbeishir:

Awww, c'mon. Haven't you seen Bridges of Madison County? Yeah, neither have I. I'll stick to my guns(no pun intended) about Clint. Though Tony head would be a good pick, too.

I think I saw part of it. Too bad we can't think of a role for Meryl Streep's accent. Clint Eastwood would be extrememly excellent-- especially for his gravelly voice. In my head, Roland hardly ever sounds delicate.

I'd like to hear who y'all think of for Cort or Stephen Deschain. I am often very lame at these casting threads.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Thursday, June 3, 2004 1:04 PM


It's not that I don't like your version, but Roland, in my mind at least, is THE GUNSLINGER. Who better to play him than the Man with No Name? Though I like the idea of Tony Head as a YOUNGER Roland, I agree that he obviously could not play Roland in Wizard and Glass. They'd probably cast Sarah Michelle Gellar as Susan, and she and Giles together, that would just be, well, creepy.)

Maybe he could play the adult Roland in the flashbacks from right around the fall of Gilead, which we'll hopefully see more of in the upcoming books. However, I DO like the idea of Gina Torres as Susannah/Odetta/Detta/Mia. . .did I leave any of her personalities out there? Anyway, thanks for entertaining my question and not responding with a bunch of juvenile insults like on all the other Stephen King boards.


Thursday, June 3, 2004 1:11 PM


Important people don't do field work.

Ever since I saw Tombstone, I wanted Kurt Russell to play Stephen Deschain.

And, Cort...Why not Stone Cold Steve Austin!

I kill me. Acutally, I think he could do it. The character of Stone Cold aint far off of Cort.

Who knows.

"You'd have only lied anyhow..."


Thursday, June 3, 2004 2:35 PM


I totally agree with Clint Eastwood as Roland. Except it would have to be Clint from mabe 15 years ago. The only other possibilities in my mind would be Lance Henricksen or possibly Christopher Walken.

I always saw Jake as that Haley Joel Osment (sp?) kid from the sixth sense. Although he's probably a little old now.

And then Christian Slater as Oy.

I can't wait for Song of Suzannah!!!!!



Sunday, June 6, 2004 11:34 PM



Originally posted by Sarahetc:

Originally posted by SopranosBrowncoat:

That said, what does anyone think of the Dark Tower books right now, since they seem to be turning into something like a Stephen King fanfic?Characters from other books are constantly turning up, and lately EVERY BOOK seems to be connected to it. (Also, *SPOILER* There were lightsabers and sneetches in the last book, and the Wolves were dressed just like Dr. Doom.) I know this has nothing to do with Firefly, but I was just wondering what anyone thought, since most Message Boards dealing with King's universe seem to turn into a Serenity Valley-level flame war between disgruntled fanboys. Any thoughts?

I actually think it's pretty cool. The sneetches were strange for me, but that's cos I've never read any Harry Potter. I'll pause while you stop gasping. But I thought it was great. I've wondered over and over again why choose Callahan. Of all the characters in all the books-- why Callahan? But ours is not to reason why or something. And I might be particularly interested in it becuase my favorite book of all time is It. I read it when I was thirteen and then, over ten years later when I was reading The Drawing of the Three and The Wastelands I immediately recognized "See the Turtle of enormous girth. Upon his back he holds the earth." I flipped out.

I went to grad school with a guy who was doing his master's on the Dark Tower series and its place in the canon of American literature in the Western genre. He was great to talk to-- recalled so many details of everything. Discussions like this one make me wish I could go back to talk with him more-- or even find the patience to go back to grad school. But I digress.

The point I neglected to make up there was that the fanfiction aspects of it are great, I think, because he's laying all his cards out on the table. Like, here are my influences, here are my inspirations, here's what I've been trying to say all along. It's his Verse, and we can use all of it now, to study.

You don't like my Tony Head version of Roland, SopranosBrowncoat (seems I should be able to think of a clever diminutive of that handle, but can't)? I think he has a vulnerable quality to him that Clint Eastwood doesn't. I can't picture Clint out in Meijis, wooing Susan. But party on.

As for Odetta and all the versions of her-- Gina Torres most definitely. I think that would be amazing or beyond amazing. Can't think of anything good for Jake though. It's a tough one.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case

I haven't read Harry Potter either, so you're not alone...
BTW, does anyone know the exact significance of the initals 'R.F'?

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Monday, June 7, 2004 4:30 AM



Originally posted by Sarahetc:
I always kind of read Flagg/Walkin' Dude/Man in Black as the devil-- the head guy.

I quote Stephen King, from the Stand:

"He ain't Satan," she [Mother Abagail] said...

Tom Cullen later says:

"...He has the name of a thousand demons. Jesus knocked him into a herd of pigs once. His name is Legion..."

Unless the Dark Tower books (which I haven't read yet, but was informed by a friend that it had a guy called Randall Flagg in it (I don't believe in coincidences)) have shed more light on this, I'll stick with that.
Extra thought- could the Dark Tower saga be based in the post-Captain Trips world of the Stand? (Going purely on Flagg's existance there...)

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Wednesday, June 9, 2004 5:45 AM


Well, parts of book four (Wizard and Glass) do take part in the world of The Stand but then theres about fivehundred pages of falshback and then they go to Oz and meet Flagg there so I dont know if it means anything. I think its just another role that Walter/the man in black/ Maerlin has played across the universe.

I also agree that Gina would make a great Susannah and if I and my friend/directing-partner ever get our way and get the rights to do film version (I've got first draft scripts of the first five books) she'll be my first choice definately though Wade want to try to actually find someone with no legs (But what about the bits where she HAS legs? is my general response). As for Roland, Wade wants Hugh Jackman, but I'd rather get someone whos a bit less hit and miss and a bit more adaptable (Bruce Campbell?). Jake is gonna be so damn difficult for whoever does these, theres not a child-actor today that I can think of who could pull that off except for Daniel Radcliffe whos now too old and will definately look it in a couple of years. Eddie though... my first instinct is to cast myself. partly becasue I'm an egotist, and partly becasue I want an excuse to say some of those lines ("If President Reagan crosses me I tell him to shove it up his fucking ass, and fuck his fuckin' rectal palp of whatever the hell it is!"). If whoever plays Calahan in the new Salems Lot mini-series is good, hed probably be a good choice to reprise the character. Henry Dean, The Man in Black, Stephen Deschain, Cort, and young Alain, Cuthbert, Roland, and Susan will be really important too.

Well damn, that made no real sense. How about that!

Dont ask me silly questions.
I wont play silly games.
Somebody tries to kill you you go ahead and try to kill them right on back!


Thursday, June 10, 2004 4:44 AM



Originally posted by Dracos:
Well, parts of book four (Wizard and Glass) do take part in the world of The Stand but then theres about fivehundred pages of falshback and then they go to Oz and meet Flagg there so I dont know if it means anything. I think its just another role that Walter/the man in black/ Maerlin has played across the universe.

Oz? As in Dorothy Gale? The cowardly lion? The scarecrow? The tin-frickin'-man? THAT Oz???

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Thursday, June 10, 2004 4:11 PM


The very one. With Randal Flagg as the wizard 'imself. And get this, they get to Oz by manuevering around a series of dimensional rips while walking along i-70 from Topeka, Kansas. Do ya ken?

Dont ask me silly questions.
I wont play silly games.
Somebody tries to kill you you go ahead and try to kill them right on back!


Friday, June 11, 2004 12:19 AM


Aye, Ah ken, wee lad.

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Sunday, June 13, 2004 11:24 PM



Originally posted by timbeishir:
Anybody have any ideas for other castings? Nobody really hits me yet for the role of Flagg. I hope it wouldn't be Jamey Sheridan like in The Stand, though.

Nathan Fiilion wouldn't be too bad as Flagg, to my mind...
Other ideas for Flagg:
-Sam (Nigel) Neill
-Tommy Lee Jones
-Tyler Mane (Played Sabretooth in the X-Men movie)

(N.B- Actually, any actor who can do a Mid-western accent would be a safe bet to me...)

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."






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