Sci-Fi's 'Who wants to be a Superhero? '

UPDATED: Sunday, August 27, 2006 22:23
VIEWED: 2036
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Friday, August 25, 2006 4:51 PM


America loves a winner!

I'll step forward and admit to watching this, even if no one else will.

Feedback , bless his heart, seems to be the only one who really wanted this gig. Anyone think this whole thing was fixed from the get go ? Clearly much of the 'tasks' were stagged, and some very poorly so. 'Heros' were fed lines, w/ out any doubt, to jack up the camp value. But even knowing all that, I'm finding it hard to not watch.

What the hell is wrong w/ me ?

What say y'all about this show ?

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 12:33 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

I can't believe we're the only two! It's my current guiltiest pleasure. While I agree much of it is staged, they maybe be retakes of actual events to amp up the dramatic value. However, key plot developments (e.g. Iron Enforcer going over to the Dark Side), seem too well planned simply to have happened on their own. (Was he another Rotiart from the get go?) On the other hand, while Iron Enforcer's weak-willed go with the attack dogs in retrospect seems merely a plot device, Monkey Woman's heroics had a touch of realism, whether or not it was. Likewise, some of the exits certainly have less merit than others.

Still it's just a fun romp into a new fantasyland with Stan the master huckster. I think all of the participants are just ordinary folk, as far as the weird lot that make up the SciFi/Fantasy/Horror community can be considered ordinary.

C'mon, I know there's more of us out there. Sound off. And if'n you hate it, tell us why, in particular, not just that it's schlock.

"Well, here I am."


Saturday, August 26, 2006 12:40 PM


It's deffintly better than those other "OMG I HATE YOU, I HOPE YOU DIE IN A HANG GLIDING ACCIDENT" reality shows out there.

It has a different flare to it as well, it seems with the exception of a couple people on there, everyone actually cares about other people. Whether or not Fat Momma's actions this past thursday were theatrics or honest to god emotion, it has a more upbeat fuzzy feeling than that other crap people watch.

And if you watched thursday, you cannot sit there and tell me that was not emotional. Deffinitly a shining star in a CRAPPY TV genre.


Sunday, August 27, 2006 4:31 AM


America loves a winner!

Emotion? Yes. Not nearly as emotional as say ' Total Home Makeover ' for a widow and her children, but there's real tears here. But one thing totally gets me confuzzled. What was up w/ Fat Momma 'grazing' off of other folk's lunch plates during the task! to find The Dark Enforcer. Not only was this a TIMED event, she seemed to be going out of her way to bolster up every negative stereotype about fat folks. I gotta wonder if this task really was done AFTER the heros met the kids in class, because she definatly didn't seem to care about living by her own words. And Stan called her on that, asking about her dieting. Either she's fine w/ how she is, or she isn't. No shame either way, right ? If she's under a doctors order to lose weight for health reasons, then that's a whole other story. I like how she's stood up for herself in certain situations. But then she does something so ridiculously OUT of the character she's trying to promote, it's a wonder she's made it this far. Very odd.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, August 27, 2006 8:48 AM


Yeah, stan called her on trying to live up to her character more than even giving a damn about the compeition.

I think it's safe to say who's gonna win this thing now.


Sunday, August 27, 2006 10:23 PM


At this point, I'm still not sure who will win. I keep seeing snippets of Fat Momma in a flying harness. while this could have been done for the show's promos, I seem to recall she's wearing her new costume. So I'm gonna take a leap here and say that I think she may be the winner. Even though I think Feedback has put more heart into the whole thing.

Oh, and as for whether it's scripted, you betcha. The other night, Stan stated that they had traveled a long road together, and mentioned that it had been several weeks. Since each episode had 2 eliminations and since they started with (12?) heroes, we are only seeing a very small amount of what they had to endure throughout the game. I figure that they only kept those challenges that were remotely exciting to help keep watchers entertained. The DVD is sure to have alot of sleeper footage.

All-in-all, I also have enjoyed the show. Unlike other reality shows, it's not about who can bamboozle the other players, it's about who shows the right character traits to appease Stan's vision of a super hero. I'm hoping for Feedback, but am afraid it will be Fat Momma.






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