Winds Gather

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 2, 2007 11:28
VIEWED: 8525
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:14 PM


Hey my fellow season two buddies.
This is where we are going to post everything that we need to get this thing up and running.
So that means ideas, pieces of script, character descriptions, story arcs, camera angle descriptions, episode synopsis and so on.

Now this is one big project we are going for here. With each episode about 45 minutes long that means about 40-50 pages per episode and with thirteen episodes well thats a hell of a lot. But thats what we can do here, with talented and committed writers then hey we can get this done. And remember it's not going to happen over night, the same way the show is not going to just suddenly reappear. We can do this, we can Rise again from the ashes no matter how many times they put us down. When you can't run, you crawl and when yu can't do that you find someone to carry you. And hell right now we're walking.

Thank you for caring enough about this to agree to be involved.

Well, my days of takin' you serously are certianly coming to a middle.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 5:34 PM


This idea is one I had earlier and posted on my blog becuase i'm having troble with my other computer at the moment I thought I'd just post this here as well to wet your appetite a little. This episode would be early in the season about ep 4 or 5.
Working titles -'Sticking Point'-'Bitter'-'Outcast's outcast.'

Brief description- An encounter with the ship's former mechanic lead to dangerous conflict between Serenity and his ship.

Plot/story- Kaylee, Mal and Jayne bump into the ships former mechanic (Bester, as seen getting replaced by Kaylee in 'Out of Gas') in a bar. He argues with them several times and his crew backs him up, mostly because he is sleeping with his female captain. the conflict looks to be resolved upon leaving the bar but then the two crews find themselves competing for the same job. Acts of sabotage are committed by both sides esculating to the point where Bester attempts to kidnap Kaylee. Mal shoots him, Simon has to patch him up and Bester is once again fired by his crew for such a stupid reckless act.

Anyway thats what I've plotted out so far and I'd love to see this story out there. Of course we need a new pilot (watch this space)and I don't know how they would be involved. Also great scenes with Simon sewing up the man who tried to kidnap his lady love, Besters crew dumping him, sabotage mischeif plotted by Mal and Jayne.

Knock yourself out.

Well my days of not takin' you serouisly are certainly coming to a middle.


Sunday, December 17, 2006 3:35 AM


Here's something a little more meaty - brief story arc for Season Two.

River is found to be a capable pilot despite beig still prone to what Jayne refers to as Fits of Crazy this causes the crew to look for a new pilot. They find one almost by accident in Jeremiah Frye-Kaylee's little brother(watch this space). He causes an unlikely friendship between Jayne and Simon who both dislike him. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara and River/Jeremiah further their realtionships. The Alliance is weakened and corruption and blind ambition rear there ugly heads wthin their ranks, leaving holes for people like Mal to fill. Zoe struggles to accept Wash's death, but remains outwardly strong as ever. Inara's dark secrets are revealed and the truth comes out about Sheperd Book. The entire 'verse grows more violent and unpredicable as the alliance struggles to keep control over law and order without causing a full scale rebellion.

Anyway thats just some stuff i'd like the story to be structured around soon i'll have stuff about my OC- Jeremiah- and some short episode synopsys as well as some scenes.

P.S-Soon i'll be finished my Fanfic and be able to concentrate a little more readily on this.

Well my days of takin' you serouisly are certainly coming to a middle.


Sunday, December 17, 2006 8:46 AM


Hello there - this is shaping up to be quite a season we've got going.

I like your idea for finding a new pilot, although the tension it will create between Kaylee and Simon if Simon does not like her brother is going to be huge. And I'm sure further Mal's assumption that shipboard romances are a bad thing.

Here's something that just popped into my head: What about Zoe? I think it might be interesting for her to either try and visit Wash's parents and/or family or perhaps accidentally run across someone who can help her with her grief. I'm thinking that would have been a major story arc in season two if Joss had picked things up after the movie. Her slow descent either into utter despair or her slow ascent out of it.

Still pretty exciting stuff - let me know how we should proceed.

So ... explain to me your obsession with all things evil?


Sunday, December 17, 2006 6:50 PM


Humorously enough, I too have given thought to the plot point where the crew's gotta get a new pilot because River - while much better - ends up having a serious enough fit during a jot that Mal is forced to relieve her of duty till Simon can ensure that River will not relapse at a bad time. Though...with my idea, it comes as the result of a story's climax chapter and its effects;)

Also, what about Zoe being completely against seeing Wash's family because she fears they will rail against her for supposedly getting their son/siblilng/friend killed, but is eventually made to meet them with surprisingly positive results?


Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis


Sunday, December 17, 2006 8:15 PM


Oh hell yeah love the Zoe idea but someone else will really have to help me with that. For some reason i cant get a handle on Zoe.

Just wrote a cool little conversation between Mal, Jayne and Simon about River's capability as a pilot. I believe that the dynamic will be changed come season two as Simon wants River to be useful and happy- which she is as a pilot- instead of constantly seeking to protect and shelter her.

Well my day's of takin' you seriusoly are cetainly coming to a middle


Monday, December 18, 2006 2:53 AM


Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me?

Ooh, good ideas. I'll have to get my thinking cap on ...

"Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me?"


Monday, December 18, 2006 4:34 PM


Perhaps have Zoe find refuge in the OC of Jeremiah, and Wash's family. I think that his family wouldn't have any clue of where he'd gone, or what's happened to him. The sight of him finding a wife, and making a difference in the verse, would make them happy or furious, depending on their personalities and locale.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:46 AM


Hey guys thanks for stuff.

Here's an episode synopsis as well as my OC characther.

WORKING TITLES (please pick which one is best or give me a better one.) 'Dust' 'Family Ties' 'Mean Old Boy'

PLOT/STORY-The crew travel to Esara (Where they try to sell the Lassiter-It reminds me of Mos Eisly from Star Wars-albeit more hub of the 'verse like.) to find a new pilot (having deemed River unstable) but while there they recieve a letter from Kaylee's parents asking for help. They leave without hiring anyone new and go to Kaylee's homeworld where they meet Kaylee's parents. Kaylee's previously unemployed father has had good times, acquiring a ranch, (perhaps in dice game or as an inheratence?) and becoming a reasonably respectable man. However their son, and Kaylee's younger brother Jeremiah has an overly big mouth and a criminal mind continuely stealing visiting spaceships and taking them for joy rides and getting into fights. However he recently slighted the wrong man-a local crime boss-making him look like a fool and now the crime boss i intent on taking revenge on his family. Together with the local sherrif (Kaylee's uncle) and his men mal and the crew gather and fight off the gang. Impressed with Jeremiah, Mal takes him off the hands of the Frye's and into the crew as the-pilot in training.

COOL SCENES-Mal being delighted at being on a ranch like the one he grew up on. Kaylee's mother mothering Jayne. The Frye famil all together. Simon being introduced to Kaylee's family and they being less than impressed. Jeremiah meeting River for the first time. Jeremiah uniting Jayne and Simon in dislike. Mal, Zoe and Jayne being made temporary gvernment deputies much to everyone's amusement.

Anyway I really like this episode playing as it does on the themes of Family and Sticking Together. Oh and Crime.

Well my days of takin' you seriously are certainly comin' to a middle.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:49 AM


Here's my OC-Jeremiah Frye-If Mutt reads this-Does he bear a resemblence to anyone? Yes, yes I did.

Kaylee's younger brother. About 16-17. Is sort of hotheaeded gutterrat. ALways speaks his mind often at entirely innaporpriate times.Is morbid and creepyfying, making insensitive jokes about death and getting corpseified. Is canstantly getting into troble with local toughs/the law becuase of his mouth-he simply does not know when to shut up. Despite this he cannot fight in the slightest or use any weapons and often ends up bloodied. His uncle the local sherrif has to continuely pull him out of scrapes. 'Borrows' nearly every ship that comes near him takes them for wild joy-rides and brings them back with the owners none the wiser. He has never been out of atmo but Mal+River teach him. Like Kaylee's natural affinity for engines he has one for being a pilot and learns extremerly quickly. Can ride a horse decently. Surprisingly is an excellent cook.

PHYSICAL-Middling height (5'6'-5'8'). Skinny, wiry build. Sort, dark, curly hair. Eyes blue and set back in face. Scraggly stubble-an attempt to make himself look older.

CONFLICTS/RELATIONSHIPS-These are with other charachters unless stated. Mal-doesn't respect him enough. Zoe-makes jokes about death reminding her of Wash. Jayne-Delibretly riles up the big man who in turn thinks him a coward and a weakling. Simon-Doesn't like the 'city foppish idiot' who inturn doesn't like the 'reckless, immature idiot.' Kaylee-doesn't approve of her with Simon while she is worried for his safety. River-overawed and more than a little attracted to her. Inara-made extremerly uncomfortable by her and her profession.

So whadda ya reckon?

P.S My Brief eight episodes synopsis-little more than grabs I guess-will be here tommorrow and so will another episode synopsis or two.

Well my days of not takin' you seroiusly are certainly comin' to a middle.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:50 AM


Dude Jeremiah is Seventeen! See Below


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:40 AM


Is season 2 going to be a prequel or sequel to the movie Serenity?

Jeremiah sounds like an interesting character. He has the opportunity to shed some light on Kaylee.

Another idea for a story could be a story about the mysterious side of Innara. Innara was a bit mysterious in season 1. She was mysterious when Serenity was near Revers and she picked up and considered eating a tablet.

The other day, I was walking past an electrical appliance store and I got a bit of a shock when I saw a sign saying Revers in the window. I for a second imagined that anyone could walk into the store and buy Revers. I looked again and the sign actually said reverse as in reverse cycle airconditioning.


Friday, December 22, 2006 11:52 AM


Here's the eight episode descriptions I've done so far. This is where I really need help to get more ideas because i'm a little fresh out right now. Apart from this- working on a pilot/telemovie idea that could perhaps be ep 1. This involves the Zoe stuff from above as well as good old realible Alliance reprisals against the crew. Also show the 'Verse's reaction to Miranda.

But here's what i've really got.

1. Jayne and River get snatched by slavers and Mal is forced to enlist Alliance help to save them.

2.Kaylee recieves a letter from her parents asking for help and in answering it the crew find their new pilot-Jeremiah Frye.

3. An encounter with Serenity's ex-mechanic leads to an all out war between the two ships.

4.An Alliance captain hires (blackmails?) the crew to steal the ship of a rival n order to discredit him, but when the job goes sour the crew is forced to switch alliegences.

5. The story of Sheperd Book as told by the Guardian who was involved in the realse of River.(see my Blog for more info)

6.While visiting a remote moon the crew discover posters which read 'Inara Serra. Wanted for Murder and Adultery.' While Mal attempts to unravel what realy happened there is still a job to be carried out.

7. A rich man hires the crew to rescue his kidnapped daughter but but complications arise whe she does not want to be rescued.

8.With the rest of the crew away from Serenity, Simon and Kaylle find themselves alone together. However a mysterius visitor is all set to ruin their day.

Well my days of takin' you seriously are certainly comin' to a middle.


Monday, January 1, 2007 7:04 PM



Originally posted by Stormwind:
Hey guys thanks for stuff.

Here's an episode synopsis as well as my OC characther.

WORKING TITLES (please pick which one is best or give me a better one.) 'Dust' 'Family Ties' 'Mean Old Boy'

PLOT/STORY-The crew travel to Esara (Where they try to sell the Lassiter-It reminds me of Mos Eisly from Star Wars-albeit more hub of the 'verse like.) to find a new pilot (having deemed River unstable) but while there they recieve a letter from Kaylee's parents asking for help. They leave without hiring anyone new and go to Kaylee's homeworld where they meet Kaylee's parents. Kaylee's previously unemployed father has had good times, acquiring a ranch, (perhaps in dice game or as an inheratence?) and becoming a reasonably respectable man. However their son, and Kaylee's younger brother Jeremiah has an overly big mouth and a criminal mind continuely stealing visiting spaceships and taking them for joy rides and getting into fights. However he recently slighted the wrong man-a local crime boss-making him look like a fool and now the crime boss i intent on taking revenge on his family. Together with the local sherrif (Kaylee's uncle) and his men mal and the crew gather and fight off the gang. Impressed with Jeremiah, Mal takes him off the hands of the Frye's and into the crew as the-pilot in training.

COOL SCENES-Mal being delighted at being on a ranch like the one he grew up on. Kaylee's mother mothering Jayne. The Frye famil all together. Simon being introduced to Kaylee's family and they being less than impressed. Jeremiah meeting River for the first time. Jeremiah uniting Jayne and Simon in dislike. Mal, Zoe and Jayne being made temporary gvernment deputies much to everyone's amusement.

Anyway I really like this episode playing as it does on the themes of Family and Sticking Together. Oh and Crime.

Well my days of takin' you seriously are certainly comin' to a middle.

Since its a family get together shouldn't there be some scenes of Zoe near falling apart or feeling " lost / left out " due to the loss of Wash and any possibility of a family she wanted with Wash?



Monday, January 1, 2007 8:36 PM


Yeah thanks for bringing that to my attention, man. I tend to almost forget Zoe on purpose cos I find her really hard to write for.
But you are dead right-Seeing a family happy and together would tear her apart.
That is if she hasn't kinda learnt to deal with it by this stage. A work in progress idea that has been thrown around is Zoe meeting with Wash's family in a telemovie/pilot thing where she would expel a lot of grief.

Well my days of takin' you seriously are certainly comin' to a middle.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 11:18 AM


I'm going along the lines of the arguement Zoe had with Wash in " Heart of Gold " about wanting a baby.
Even if this episode were to take place after meeting Wash's parents there would still be a twinge of pain and regret for not being able to meet that " beautiful baby " that her and Wash would create.
If it was nothing more than flashbacks to the arguements with Wash and her ( over the baby ), going quiet at that moment, long pause of her starting to break then having to excuse herself.Probably somewhere around Kaylee's mom mothering her as Zoe watches. As stoic as Zoe is , a slight hint of a tear at the memories would work. Someone , probably Mal since he knows her best and she trusts him , could come to her outside as she sits with her head down. A " human " moment with Zoe and Mal about the pain she feels for not having the chance at the baby , maybe a little anger at herself for not pushing it and a little anger at Wash for being bullheaded about it.

Just an idea. It can revolve around the baby meaning more to her than folks thought. Could even take a few episodes for it to finally come to light.

Bryon Adzic


Tuesday, January 2, 2007 11:28 AM


not sure if anyone would like this too much but.... Kaylee's brother for say the season finale(yeah im going a little too far ahead) but maybe they hit the outer rim planets and Jeremiah sees the emptiness in the space and he starts to act not right which could possibly head to him becoming a reaver. it just popped into my head so i havent thought it through entirely






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