Best Season Six Episodes

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 9, 2002 08:20
VIEWED: 9150
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Tuesday, May 28, 2002 7:08 AM


Just wondering what people think are the best episodes of the sixth season.

My first nomination: "Normal Again."

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 7:26 AM


Though this season wasn't as "peppy" as previous years, there were still some great episodes... here are my favorites(in the order they were presented):

Bargaining (parts 1 & 2)
Life Serial*
Once More With Feeling*
Normal Again
Seeing Red

(*= absolute faves)

When you consider its theme was "we are our own worst enemies", it's easy to forgive Mutant Enemy for the overall dark and depressing tone of season six. I must say tho, I'm looking forward to the glass being half full again in season seven!



Tuesday, May 28, 2002 7:39 AM


Best ep rundown (IMO, of course):

'Bargaining pt. 1' -- pt 2 is padded.
'Afterlife' -- B/S interaction worth the price of admission.
'Life Serial' -- Buffy needs a job. Hilarity ensues.
The Musical -- well, obviously.
'Doublemeat Palace' -- some despite it, I found it extremely funny.
'Dead Things' -- What happend to metaphor? Oh well, I liked it anyway.
'Normal Again' -- an intriguing 'what if?' and a mindf*ck for literalists.
'Grave' -- the entire season is redeemed in the last few minutes.

My nomination for "Worst. Episode. Ever." is 'Older and Far Away'

ADD HJERMSTED: Completely agree. Enjoyed experimental direction, but looking forward to getting back on track...


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 8:44 AM


OMWF - they did indeed get the mustard out

Two to Go + Grave (I see them as one) - mainly for Giles

Afterlife - Spike's reactions to Buffy being back.

Life Serial - not everyone's favourite but makes me laugh every time (except for kitten poker which is just dumb)

Tabula Rasa - Randy Giles, Anya and Giles, Joan, Umad - what's not to love?


Her lips were saying 'No' but then I looked into her eyes
... and her eyes were saying 'read my lips'
- Niles Crane


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 9:55 AM


Methinks Tabula Rasa is overrated. A shark demon who collects kittens (!?) was just too cheesy for my tastes. And the humor wasn't as funny, IMO, as it could have been give the situation. I do agree about Life Serial and will add it my list.

*** Joe
joss is evil, i tells ya


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:19 PM


Originally posted by Shuggie:
Life Serial - not everyone's favourite but makes me laugh every time (except for kitten poker which is just dumb)

You disliked kitten poker!?!? Blasphemer!

I loved kitten poker!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:31 PM


Well... here we go!

Needless to say, Once More With Feeling was the best episode of the season in all regards. There was drama, comedy, and it was a musical extraveganza... and it was written by Joss... what more can one person ask?

Grave was, IMO, the second best episode of the season. It brought all of the season's themes and central conflicts to a natural and very realistic resolution.

Next up: Seeing Red. This is a very powerful episode. Almost all of the actual hard plot is started here (though, the emotional plot had been ongoing since the beginning of the season). And Tara's death was *incredibly* moving and powerful. I was couldn't sleep for days after, it was so potent.

Then Life Serial. Kitten poker and hard liquor. 'Nuff said.

Entropy. Tara and Willow lovin' can never be bad. I *loved* Anya and Spike's relationship... I always thought they should interact more often... I just love the dynamic between them. Two demons (well, one ex-demon) seeking acceptance in a human world, they were bound to have an interesting relationship.

I liked Gone.

I liked Normal Again, even though it seemed to be a rip-off of "A Beautiful Mind."

I enjoyed After Life and Doublemeat Palace as well.

And Hell's Bells, if only for the AC/DC reference

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 5:53 PM


Hmm. Glad to see most of you are liking this season.

I didn't. lol

There are only a few eps, IMO, that would be worth re-watching.

Life Serial
Tabula Rasa
Dead Things
Seeing Red
Two To Go/Grave.

8 out of 22 eps. Not a good ranking. The last three do a LOT to redeem the season, in my eyes. I surely hope 7 works out.

Actually, I'm less scared about next season for Buffy than I am for Angel. With Angel's finale like it was...*cringe*. Well, we all know how season 4 turned out for Buffy...

"You really do need to find the fun, B...uh, Uffy!"


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 2:09 AM


1.Defenitely 'Once More With Feeling' (would that be sitting in the number one position now?)

2.The two part finale, 'Two to Go' and 'Grave'. Willow kicked some serious ass. It was nice to see something other that an apocalyptic demon who 'wanted to destroy the world just because' as the big bad. Willow had a driving emotion and so on, and it had insight on the semi power struggle within the group.

3.'Hells Bells' purely because i'm a fan of Anya and Xander, and I loved watching them getting ready for their wedding, and the end really pulled on the heart strings, with Anya looking so small and helpless, and Xander believing it was 'for the best'.

Notable mentions: Seeing Red, Barganing1&2, Tabula Rasa, and Doublemeat Palace(it was hilarious, Buffy wearing that stupid hat)

I actually liked the darker side to this last season, mainly because it showed that they all have their inner demons to face and battle, not just the physical ones. I know that most people hated the way Buffy was potrayed this season, but as far as i'm concerned, you don't come back from the dead, and be perfectly normal in the head, something like that would screw with you a bit. I also liked that the focus wasn't purely on Buffy as far as the major storylines went.



Wednesday, May 29, 2002 6:54 PM


Once More With feeling
Tabula Rasa
Seeing Red and the three that followed it.

Be Seeing You,
David Blackwell




Friday, May 31, 2002 12:20 PM


My faverite episodes from this season:

Once More with feeling - The brilliant episode that got me into Buffy in the first place.

Bargaining 1&2

Smashed and Wrecked: I needed a cigarette after watching smashed and I don't smoke.

Dead Things

Entropy, Seeing Red, Villains, Two to Go and Grave: An excellent wrap up to a good season.

Always like things to be different.

I'm looking forward to Firefly in the Fall.

B: Remember: The ritual starts, we all die; and I'll kill anyone who comes near Dawn.
S: Well, not exactly the St. Crispin's Day speech, was it?
G: We few, we happy few...
S: ...we band of buggered.



Friday, May 31, 2002 7:17 PM


After Life
Once More, With Feeling
Tabula Rasa
Dead Things

Btw, how can I get a better avatar?


Friday, June 7, 2002 5:53 PM


AtS had more good episodes, but BtVS had the best good ones, I think.

1) Once More With Feeling
2) Tabula Rasa
3) Dead Things
4) Two to Go
5) Bargaining 1
6) Afterlife
7) Villians
8) Seeing Red
9) Life Serial
10) Grave

It was an inconsistent season, but I thought it was very good when it was good. 'As You Were' was probably the worst episode.


Sunday, June 9, 2002 6:03 PM


God, how can anybody even think that any other episode comes close to WMWF. Unless may it was Hush, that being the episode that forced me to actually pay attention to the show.

There were lots of good moments in S6. But I found them hard to enjoy, once I realized what a total mess the main story arc was. Joss, promise me that nobody on Firefly will join a 12-step group!


Monday, June 10, 2002 11:51 AM


Once More with Feeling, it seems to go without saying. I absolutely love this one.

Normal Again was an excellent mind job... seriously had me thrown, and I thought left it open ended enough to make you wonder... is it or isn't it true???

I loved Tabula Rasa. Joan the Vampire Slayer was hysterical, and Willow's confiding that she thinks she might be "kinda gay" was a priceless look back at another of my favorite episodes, Dopplegangland.

I also loved any scene with Clem. I don't remember if he was in the show prior to this season or not, but I know in Season 6 was when they actually let him develop into something of a character. I love him. He makes me smile.

That's me as a vampire? I'm so evil and... skanky. And I think I'm kinda gay.


Monday, June 10, 2002 12:08 PM



Originally posted by bobknaptor:
Joan the Vampire Slayer was hysterical...

This is why I am an SMG fan. I'm a sucker for schitzzy actors, and she's the schitziest. Alas, she gets no respect. No Emmy for her, and Harvard Man


is going direct to video.


Wednesday, June 12, 2002 4:23 PM


Once More with Feeling ... I have memorised all the songs, and it's pretty good when my six year old brother can sing along with the right words and correct my cousin when he sings the wrong words.

Afterlife ... just for all the Spike bits.


Wednesday, June 12, 2002 5:39 PM


OMWF was my best episode this season but "Normal Again" just messed with your head. Watching it again still makes you wonder the whole concept of Who Buffy really is? Slayer or Insane girl. I mean I remember the debates on the message boards this episode had. Any episode that can garner that much discussion on the concept of a show 6 years into it has to be a great episode.



Thursday, June 13, 2002 5:22 AM



Originally posted by bacchus68:
... "Normal Again" just messed with your head.

Well, it didn't really do that until the last few minutes.

You know, I watch Buffy for the acting and writing -- the action/suspense element usually goes right by me. But this one had me truely scared, all disbelief thrown out the window. The idea of B getting conned into killing her friends so she can be "normal" is all too real.

Then they went and spoiled it with a trite cliche "who's dreaming about who?" ending. That's the worst decision they made in the whole series.

My favorite movies and shows almost always prove themselves in the last few minutes. Sometimes the last few seconds. I know some people change the channel or leave the theater as soon as they know how things are going to come out. But to me, they way they wind down the story makes all the difference. I liked "Hush" all the way through, but I didn't really love it until that last ironic moment of silence. I was starting to get a little impatient with "The Body", thinking, "Ok, this is very well done, but what does this episode have to do with the rest of the series?" (Boy did I get an answer to that one!) You get the idea.


Saturday, July 6, 2002 3:47 AM


huh...... i loved all but for exemple..

Normal again, and Once more with feeling were my faves... and Zicsoft is wright i think, cause the things she wrote is really true........

whatever....... this is my first post

love this smilies


"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it"


Saturday, July 6, 2002 5:18 AM


Of course everyone, including me, loved and loves Once More With Feeling, but apart from that, Bargaining (both parts) were, IMO, the closest this season got to the height of previous years. My problem with this season wasnt the increase in dark and depressing themes, which I think were actually appropriate, more the bad way in which they were handled and written. I liked Life Serial too, but Normal Again just leftme a bit cold, except for the great stuff between Buffy and her parents, and the speech the doctor gave which took the mick out of the series.

Oh yeh and I thought the bit when Buffy flipped over the bed to catch Dawn was hilarious, intentionally or otherwise.

Stay kooky.


Saturday, July 6, 2002 5:48 AM



Originally posted by kookytree:
My problem with this season wasnt the increase in dark and depressing themes, which I think were actually appropriate, more the bad way in which they were handled and written.
Stay kooky.

That is *exactly* how I feel, though I believe I enjoyed more episodes than you did (namely, Grave, Seeing Red, and Two to Go.) If the middle episodes had possessed the writing I've come to expect from Buffy, I'd be able to say this season was the best. As it is, I enjoyed it more than any other, but I guess it's an insult to say it's the best and ignore all of the bad stuff.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generator™


Saturday, July 6, 2002 8:53 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

That is *exactly* how I feel, though I believe I enjoyed more episodes than you did (namely, Grave, Seeing Red, and Two to Go.) If the middle episodes had possessed the writing I've come to expect from Buffy, I'd be able to say this season was the best.

I sort of go along with that. Actually, I don't think there were that many really bad episodes. On any other show they would have been written off as something inevitable, like a batting slump.

From my POV, the problem is that the season as a whole is a failure. Not because it's "too dark" -- as I've said before, there are a lot of dark elements in this series. But because the whole "Willow becomes Evil" arc, which should have held together the whole season, just didn't work. It had a strong beginning ("maybe you shouldn't piss me off") and a strong end ("I'll make it all go away"). But there was basically nothing in between except unimaginative soap opera, and the occassional good, even great, standalone story.


Saturday, July 6, 2002 1:15 PM



I sort of go along with that. Actually, I don't think there were that many really bad episodes. On any other show they would have been written off as something inevitable, like a batting slump.

In hindsight (and as a great post by Dylan helped me see) it wasn't that most of the episodes were actively bad. I only count about 5 episodes as really bad (Wrecked, As You Were, Smashed, Entrophy, and Older and Far Away) and one of those episodes (Entrophy) was listed as one of the top 7 episodes for the year in a Usenet poll. It was more that there were an awfull lot of "who cares average" level episodes (Pretty much everything inbetween Wrecked and Normal Again excluding Dead Things and As You Were).

On the original topic: despite my ranting elsewhere I did enjoy *large* parts of this season, despite actively hating others. My list of favorites from this season are as follows (it should also be noted that I missed Hell's Bells for the sake of both the pro and anti arguments of episodes):

1. Once More With Feeling (if I were to tell you how often I rewatched this tape you'd back away and call me a loon ).

2. Tabula Rasa - an interesting reversal of the usual Buffy approach. Usually Buffy has a dark plot leavened with humor, this episode had a light comedic plot wiht a tremendous dark character arc undercutting it. Very interesting and quite good.

3. Two to Go - This gets ranked higher than Grave because this is the only episode of Buffy to get me to stand up out of my couch and yell "Oh Yeah" at the end (I'm sure most of you who saw the episode know why).

the other favorites:

4. Normal Again
5. Grave
6. Seeing Red
7. Dead Things

There were a few other episodes that I liked but here were the "Best of the best", the first candidates to get rewatched, etc.


Saturday, July 6, 2002 3:21 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

From my POV, the problem is that the season as a whole is a failure. Not because it's "too dark" -- as I've said before, there are a lot of dark elements in this series. But because the whole "Willow becomes Evil" arc, which should have held together the whole season, just didn't work. It had a strong beginning ("maybe you shouldn't piss me off") and a strong end ("I'll make it all go away"). But there was basically nothing in between except unimaginative soap opera, and the occassional good, even great, standalone story.

I believe it was The Succubus Club's interview that addressed something about the evil Willow storyline having to be pushed back. I'm pretty sure Jane Espenson said that Evil Willow was supposed to emerge much earlier in the season, but since too many fans had guessed it would happen, they pushed it back toward the end. This could account for the mid-season abandonment of the concept... so that people would be shocked and surprised when Willow went wicked.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generator™
BUFFY: I know what you want to do, Willow, but listen to me: the forces inside you are incredibly powerful. They're strong, but you're stronger. Just remember - you're still Willow.
WILLOW Let me tell you something about Willow: she's a loser. And she always has been. Everyone picked on Willow in junior high, high school, up until college with her stupid mousy ways and now -Willow's a junkie.
BUFFY: I can help.
WILLOW: The only thing Willow was ever good for... - the only thing going for me - were those moments – just moments – when Tara would look at me and I was wonderful. And that will never happen again.


Saturday, July 6, 2002 3:36 PM



I only count about 5 episodes as really bad (Wrecked, As You Were, Smashed, Entrophy, and Older and Far Away).
Hmm, I'm not sure I disliked any of the above, and at least one of them I enjoyed a lot.

I think its pretty pointless to trade lists of eps we personally hated. All 6 seasons have eps that are thoroughly despised by many fans. It's more interesting to talk about what specific things you didn't like (or did like), either in individual eps or in the season as a whole.


Saturday, July 6, 2002 3:42 PM



I believe it was The Succubus Club's interview that addressed something about the evil Willow storyline having to be pushed back. I'm pretty sure Jane Espenson said that Evil Willow was supposed to emerge much earlier in the season, but since too many fans had guessed it would happen, they pushed it back toward the end. This could account for the mid-season abandonment of the concept... so that people would be shocked and surprised when Willow went wicked.
God, I hope that you or JE got that wrong. (Links?) I really hate shows that are market- or focus-group driven. They have no point. And Mister Whedon has always been too driven by his personal visions to work that way. If Mutant Enemy has become another purveyor of Give Them What They Want, then I'm adding my vote to those who think Whedon should scale back.


Saturday, July 6, 2002 3:53 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

I believe it was The Succubus Club's interview that addressed something about the evil Willow storyline having to be pushed back. I'm pretty sure Jane Espenson said that Evil Willow was supposed to emerge much earlier in the season, but since too many fans had guessed it would happen, they pushed it back toward the end. This could account for the mid-season abandonment of the concept... so that people would be shocked and surprised when Willow went wicked.
God, I hope that you or JE got that wrong. (Links?) I really hate shows that are market- or focus-group driven. They have no point. And Mister Whedon has always been too driven by his personal visions to work that way. If Mutant Enemy has become another purveyor of Give Them What They Want, then I'm adding my vote to those who think Whedon should scale back.

I'm probably wrong. She also mentioned that they planned on bringing Giles back earlier too, but didn't for some reason... so maybe I got confused between the two... but I swear she said something about it.

It was an audio interview that isn't hosted on the site anymore, but if it is it'll be here... http://www.thesuccubusclub.com

I think Haken listened to it? Could he confirm whether or not this was said?

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generator™
Buffybot: [Desktop Icons and Readout]

Hard Drive
Locate Spike
Make Spike Happy

Buffybot: [Readout]




Saturday, July 6, 2002 4:30 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
God, I hope that you or JE got that wrong. (Links?) I really hate shows that are market- or focus-group driven. They have no point. And Mister Whedon has always been too driven by his personal visions to work that way. If Mutant Enemy has become another purveyor of Give Them What They Want, then I'm adding my vote to those who think Whedon should scale back.

I heard JE interview as well. She did say that the arc was pushed back, though I don't recall her saying why. But if the audience is seeing something coming a mile away, you can't just push on, you have to make a left turn.

In addition, I think the storyline likely was pushed back just by the nature of the story. Tara's murder is a switch to full tilt evil. Deux ex Willow had to be an explosion, not a slow burn.

EDIT NOVAGRASS: IIRC, JE said Giles not coming for the wedding (reason for which was cut from HB) was to add weight and suprise to his return in TTG. Also said that it was always planned for him to return at that moment (in TTG).

--- Joe


Sunday, July 7, 2002 11:02 AM


OK, not only is this version of the JE story about a completely different character, it ignores the "official" reason Giles was written out -- so that Head could spend more time in England and less in California. Which, with all due skepticism, is probably more or less true.

I'm sure they had all kinds of reasons for doing the Dark Willow arc the way they did. I'm not going to try to second guess Noxon and Co. -- it's not as if I could do better. But speaking purely as a fan, I found the middle part of the arc to be totally disconnected from the previous development of the character -- not to mention pretty boring.


Sunday, July 7, 2002 11:27 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
OK, not only is this version of the JE story about a completely different character, it ignores the "official" reason Giles was written out -- so that Head could spend more time in England and less in California. Which, with all due skepticism, is probably more or less true.

Well, yeah. I believe he (ASH) had wanted to leave for awhile now (since season 4, I think). That's probably why they planted Giles' wish to return to the UK way back in BVD. I'm guessing Joss convinced him to stay through season 5, because leaving in season 6 would work out better thematically. He was signed for 8 eps in season 6 (I heard) -- he appeared in 6 before leaving and then came back for the last 2.

But since next season isn't about (not) growing up without fatherly guidance and being adrift and suicidal, Giles' presence is sorely wanted, big time, according to Joss.

And, dude, don't feed the trolls!

--- Joe


Sunday, July 7, 2002 11:37 AM



Originally posted by mojoeca:

But since next season isn't about (not) growing up without fatherly guidance and being adrift and suicidal, Giles' presence is sorely wanted, big time, according to Joss.

Well, Mister Whedon (sorry, I just can't call him "Joss", I mean he never calls me by my first name!) can easily write in another father figure. Not all of them are tweedy Brit librarians you know!\


And, dude, don't feed the trolls!

I'm not feeding them, I'm tormenting them. There's a difference!


Sunday, July 7, 2002 11:42 AM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Well, Mister Whedon (sorry, I just can't call him "Joss", I mean he never calls me by my first name!) can easily write in another father figure. Not all of them are tweedy Brit librarians you know!

Another father figure? Pffftt! That's crazy talk!

--- Joe


Monday, July 8, 2002 7:55 AM


who liked the sixth season? ........ i mean really? i did, i love it

"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it"


Monday, July 8, 2002 10:40 AM


Judu, I'm afraid you're in the minority. Everybody liked OMWF, and a lot of the other eps have their fans. But the season as a whole? Most Buffy fans seem to think it was a disaster.

You know, I'm a rabid fan, but I really think the whole concept is close to running its course. How many stories about a teenage superheroine can you tell, especially when she's no longer a teenager? If I were Whedon or Noxon, I'd be thinking in terms of wrapping up the saga.

Alas, they won't do that. Even if the Mutant Enemy folks would like to do end the series (and I'm sure it's crossed their minds) UPN and Fox Studios have too much invested in this franchise to let that happen.

One is reminded of Arthur Conan Doyle and his creation Sherlock Holmes. Who was originally supposed to be a character (not even the main character!) in a single book. But Holmes was so popular that Sir Arthur had to keep churning out Sherlock Holmes stories long after he'd become bored with him. According to some sources, he even came to hate Holmes.


Monday, July 8, 2002 6:21 PM



Originally posted by Judu:
who liked the sixth season? ........ i mean really? i did, i love it

I liked many eps on first viewing. But on re-watching, many fell apart, or were just too depressing to re-watch at all. Though just because an ep is depressing doesn't mean it can't be re-watched -- "Becoming" and "The Body" come to mind. I think there's a difference between those classic eps, which are heartbreaking and compelling every time out, and season 6 eps, which are ceaselessly humor-less, unforgiving prozac-fests.

And since I judge quality by re-watch-ability (is there a word?), I'd say season 6 is probably worst of all. That's not to say I hated it -- it was still pretty good tv. It just wasn't anywhere near the brilliance of previous seasons.

On a sidenote: I peg season four as the best of the post-grad years. And I don't care what anyone says, I believe it's the second best season overall (3 being the best).

EDIT: That's absolutely the last time I talk about season 6.

--- Joe


Tuesday, July 9, 2002 4:56 AM



Originally posted by mojoeca:
And since I judge quality by re-watch-ability (is there a word?),

< Linguistic rant mode >Words are not fancy academic concepts that depend upon the approval of linguistic "authorities". They are strings of sounds that communicate concepts. Does this commuicate what you meant it to communicate? Then it's a word< /Linguistic rant mode >

I'd say season 6 is probably worst of all.

Very good point. I was never a Buffy fan until I saw "Hush". Which is a lot of fun to re-watch, because there's so much to examine and enjoy. Rather like a good painting. "Hush" is an extreme case, but all the better eps are like that.


Tuesday, July 9, 2002 8:20 AM



...Even if the Mutant Enemy folks would like to do end the series (and I'm sure it's crossed their minds) UPN and Fox Studios have too much invested in this franchise to let that happen.

Actually, based off a lot of comments by various individuals, it looks like Buffy the series *is* going to be ended with Season 7. The *concept* is what will be continuing ad naseum by UPN and Fox, probably in various spin-offs like the long-rumored Dawn spin off (which is stupid, I mean if Don Bellisario can get 50% of Quantum Leap why couldn't Whedon get a similar percentage of Buffy to prevent that commericialization?).

Also, regarding the cartoon: Their is an interview of Sarah Michelle Gellar floating around Usenet (from Scifi Wire) where she says that she was never contracted to do the cartoon and that any reports to the contrary are just internet rumor. The exact quote is as follows:


"I don't know anything about the animated series," Gellar
said in an interview. "I'm not part of that. It says that I am [on the
Internet], but the first I heard of it was last week."

Which I don't necessarily feel that strongly about since, by several accounts, the series is being aimed at a Saturday morning slot meaning a lot of the "edge" (I dislike that word but I can't think of a better one) is going to be removed.

Nathan- one step away from complete and total crankdom






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