Doctor Who Question

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 06:47
VIEWED: 3311
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Saturday, September 29, 2007 2:11 PM


So I've been enjoying the latest series of doctor who and decided to watch some of the older doctor who stuff, one thing I'd like to see, is something about the "time war" the big event in which all the time lords and gallifrey itself were destroyed.

So my question is, does such a thing exist? And if so what's it called. Or is the whole time war thing part of this latest installment of the series and so there is nothing about it out there. Thanks for any help anyone has.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Saturday, September 29, 2007 2:41 PM


I just started watching myself, and from what I've been told, there isn't any reference to the Time War before the new series.

By the way, there's threads for DW and Torchwood in this section, if you're interested.


"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin'. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd."


Saturday, September 29, 2007 2:54 PM


The Time War is new to this installment of Doctor Who and has been mentioned on occassion for the past 3 seasons, though not so much in Season 2. It was used to introduce the new (9th) Doctor played by Chris Eccleston.

That said, we have yet to see an on-screen regeneration by the 8th Doctor, Paul McGann becoming the the 9th Doctor. The number of years spanning the end of the Doctor Who tv series from McCoy's era to the late 90's arrival of Paul McGann as the newly regenerated Doctor via the Doctor Who movie was substantial. The movie was, of course, in hopes of spawning a revival of the franchise which was unsuccessful until the current series beginning with Chris Eccleston.


Now that we have covered the history and reason why we haven't seen an on-screen Time War story, we can cover what we know about it.

The 9th Doctor, Eccleston, is the 'lone' survivor of the Time War between the Daleks and the Time Lords of Gallifrey (not counting the arrival of The Master in the episodes "Utopia", "The Sound of Drums" and "Last of the Time Lords" rounding out Season 3). As the story has been revealed, The Doctor (assumed to be Paul McGann's 8th Doctor incarnation at this point) tried every possible way to defeat the Daleks, but was left with one option... to destroy the Daleks and save the universe from 'temporal' corruption at their hands, he would have to sacrifice his own people and the planet of Gallifrey. Gallifrey is mentioned on occassion as having "burned", leaving the Doctor as its last survivor.

Though the Doctor succeeded in stopping the Daleks, they did return in the new series Season 1 having hidden away a portion of their planet's numbers from ultimate destruction (begun in the episode titled "Dalek" Season 1, then followed by "Doomsday" in Season 2) and then finally in Season 3 as the final four Daleks face the Doctor once again (Daleks In Manhatten & Evolution of the Daleks).

Typical of older Doctor Who, previous incarnations have shared screen time with whatever current Doctor exists making for some interesting and memorable episodes. My hope would be that they would visit the Time War in a flashback episode or crossover with David Tennent, the 10th Doctor. It would be exciting to see and hopefully even allow Paul McGann to complete his tenure on-screen as the 8th Doctor in proper fashion... with a regeneration into the 9th Doctor, Chris Eccleston. To be honest, they may find a way to tell the story without showing the regeneration, since this has been done before (Jon Pertwee, 3rd Doctor for example). I would just like to see Paul McGann again as the Doctor and with the current series writing team, that would be a sight to see.

To finally answer your question, though... the Time War has never been shown on-screen since this is a new piece of Doctor Who history created specifically for the new series.

Hope that helps! :D


Saturday, September 29, 2007 3:31 PM



Originally posted by Mudkicker:
That said, we have yet to see an on-screen regeneration by the 8th Doctor, Paul McGann becoming the the 9th Doctor. Quite similiar to the missing regeneration of the 7th Doctor, Sylvester McCoy, into the 8th Doctor due to the number of years spanning the end of the Doctor Who tv series from McCoy's era to the late 90's arrival of Paul McGann as the newly regenerated Doctor via the Doctor Who movie.

Umm, not to be rude or anything, but have you seen the movie??? the regeneration IS on screen, allbeit under a sheet on a mourge slab (McCoy covered up, spooky blue lightning, McGann "wakes up" and pulls the sheet off his face), but Sylvester McCoy IS the Doctor for the first, 10 -15 minutes of the film

I used to have a copy of it (the Movie that is) somewhere, found it on bit torrent a while ago, no longer have the file.....might have burned it....
so umm yeah..

Make Cartoons, Not War
- Sue Blu
Well played, Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Saturday, September 29, 2007 3:35 PM



Umm, not to be rude or anything, but have you seen the movie??? the regeneration IS on screen, allbeit under a sheet on a mourge slab (McCoy covered up, spooky blue lightning, McGann "wakes up" and pulls the sheet off his face), but Sylvester McCoy IS the Doctor for the first, 10 -15 minutes of the film

My mistake, I corrected it... I forgot about McCoy being in the movie. Duh on my part. Thx! :D


Monday, October 1, 2007 12:30 PM


Well, you can argue that the time war starts with Genesis of the Daleks (when the Doctor is sent back in time to Skaro to prevent or alter the birth of the Daleks) and every subsequent Dalek episode features part of their war against the Time Lords.

But the pieces we hear about (Gallifrey being destroyed, the Doctor's role in the war, etc) aren't part of the original series where Gallifrey is presented as more of a threat (they put the Doctor on trial twice for one thing).


Monday, October 1, 2007 11:57 PM


the time war was never broadcast, although some fans thought the destruction of galafrey was a reference to the 5th doctor book series but the tv series does not need the books, for you to understand it.

their may never be (in books, audio or in the TV series) the time war revealed, however it has been referenced in the first and third series of the new doctor who series.

as fo the actual fighting involved, you will have to use your imagination

Play with the best die like the rest


Tuesday, October 2, 2007 6:47 AM


I could have sworn that at some point during Tom Baker-Peter Davidson years I heard reference to the Time War, Gallifrey, etc. I watched those on PBS in the 80's...

Those are the only years I watched Dr. Who and even didn't see all those episodes. When these things were mentioned in the new series, they were not news to me -- or am I missing something in the conversation here?

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"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."






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