Judge burns 1st Amendment on Constitution Day, reads Miranda rights to Pirate News

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Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:59 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

I'm not allowed to post the audio at this time, or I'd be arrested for contempt of court. That sounds like a free democracy, don't it?

Video of premier broadcast of Pirate News Radio Show that same day of 9/11/2009


John Lee, executive producer of Pirate News TV and Pirate News Radio and candidate for appointment as Commissioner of CTV Board of Knox County: "Your Honor, may I argue...?"

Judge Mary Beth Liebowitz: "No Sir! You are not a party at this time. In my opinion you are not an intervenor, you cannot make yourself an intervenor, and you're not arguing!"

John Lee: "May I...?"

Judge Mary Beth Liebowitz: "No Sir! Wait a minute! Let me explain something to you, Sir! You have violated the process of this Court! Now I suggest you sit down, because I can do one of two things today, and if you want to get counsel, and you want to see if you can become an intervenor, if you want to do it legally, that's fine. But what yo uhave done, with respect to our subpoenas, is major problems for you, I can tell you that right now [without reading any of the pleadings nor looking at any of the subpoenas signed by the court clerk]. You have the right to remain silent! If you say anything, whatever you say can and may be used against you! You have the right to the presence of an attorney! If you cannot afford an attorney one can be appointed to represent you, if you should be accused of an offense, I've given you your rights because you might be! Okay? You have the right to remain silent! I would strongly suggest that you do that until you have talked to counsel!"

—Knox County Criminal Court, Pretrial Hearing on Intervenor John Lee's Motion to Reconsider Motion for Media Access (aka Motion to Intervene), Motion to Intervene and Notice of Appeal, State v Clifford Clark, Docket 90821, 91484, 90252, 90618, Knoxville TN, 11 September 2001

I lawfully subpoenaed the city attorney who violated the TN Open Records Act by refusing to let me read any contracts between the govt and news corporations, such as the $20-million grant given to the Knoxville News Sentinel newspaper. I subpoenaed the editor of the newspaper and the GM of a local TV station, to rebut the city attorney's lies that no contracts exist, and to ask why they lie about redlight camera companies being owned in USA.

Four previous judges ordered in this case that Pirate News TV is "legitimate news media", and I've lawfully served subpoenas pro se and for attorneys for over 25 years per Rule 45 TN Rules of Civil Procedure, including served subpoenas on 5 KPD cops and the Knoxville city court administrator Michael Martin who was fired as result of his testimony of keeping an illegal secret docket of 125,000 annual "misdemeanor citations" (now 200,000 per year in a city of 160,000).

Note that every judge I see gets angry at me, but I always win my case. I've a new trial in my Social Security Disability case on Monday, after I won a remand in fed court and got the previous SSA judge fired. US District Court: "The process used by ALJ in arriving at his decision that the plaintiff is not disabled is most troubling. The vocational specialist's comments to which the ALJ refers in his decision are largely indecipherable. The Court has absolutely no inkling of the qualificiations of the vocational specialist."


"WBIR TV, WATE TV and WVLT TV were first provided copies of the Order of dismissal and the subpoena of the ex-deputy, with explanation of the current deputy’s alleged confession to shooting a red-light camera (which they were very interested in but failed to investigate or report). Without investigative reporting by Pirate News, no 'legitimate news media' would have reported the dismissal of charges against Defendant. 'The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state; but this consists in laying no previous restraints upon publications. Every free man has an undoubted right to lay what sentiments he wishes before the public; to forbid this, is to destroy the freedom of the press.' IV Blackstone’s Commentaries, 151, 152. The public right of access to criminal trials is so clearly entrenched in our judicial system that, in 1948, the U.S. Supreme Court said the right was so secure that the court was “unable to find a single instance of a criminal trial conducted in camera in any federal, state, or municipal court during the history of this country.” In re Oliver, 333 U.S. 257, 268, 68 S. Ct. 499, 504 92 L. Ed. 682 (1948). 'In its nearly two centuries of existence, the Supreme Court has never upheld a prior restraint on pure speech. A prior restraint upon publication was improper absent proof that the publication will surely result in direct, immediate and irreparable damage to our Nation or its people.' Matter of Providence Journal Co., 820 F.2d 1348 (1st Cir. 1986). 'Where the freedom of the press is concerned, however, the status quo is to publish the news promptly that the editors decide to publish. A restraining order disturbs the status quo and impinges on the exercise of editorial discretion. Rather than having no effect, a prior restraint, by . . . definition, has an immediate and irreversible sanction. In the case of prior restraint on pure speech, the hurdle is substantially higher. publication must threaten an interest more fundamental than the First Amendment itself. Indeed, the Supreme Court has never upheld a prior restraint, even faced with the competing interest of national security or the sixth Amendment right to a fair trial.' Proctor & Gamble Co. v. Bankers Trust Co., 78 F.3d 219-227 (6th Cir. 1996). 'Both the history and language of the First Amendment support the view that the press must be left free to publish news, whatever the source, without censorship, injunctions, or prior restraints. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The government’s power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform people. No one can read history of the adoption of the First Amendment without being convinced beyond any doubt that it was injunctions like those sought here that Madison and his collaborators intended to outlaw in this nation for all time.' New York times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 714, 91 S.Ct. 2140-2144 (1971). 'That the printing presses shall be free to every person to examine the proceedings of the legislature; or of any branch or officer of the government, and no law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof. The free communication of thoughts and opinions, is one of the invaluable rights of man, and every citizen may freely speak, right, and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty.' Tenn. CONST., Art. 1, § 19. 'Before a motion for closure can be granted, it must be made in writing, given an expedited hearing by the judge, be on file for a period of at least three days before the hearing, and interested members of the public and media may intervene and be heard in opposition to it.' [not complied with by assistate district attorney Zane Scarlett nor Judge Mary beth Liebowitz] State v. Drake, supra, at 608; see also State v. James, 902 S.W.2d 911 (1995). 'A judge’s personal experience with in-court media coverage, extensive publicity surrounding the case, or a conclusory finding that in-court media coverage might interfere with a defendant’s right to a fair trial, are not sufficient reasons to support a decision to exclude media coverage from the courtroom.' State v. Morrow, 1996 WL 170679 (Tenn. Crim. App.). 'A presiding judge’s decision to deny a motion to preclude or limit media coverage is not error in the absence of proof that media coverage will compromise one of the important interests set forth in Sections (A)(1) and (D)(2) of Rule 30.' State v. Pike. 978 S.W.2d 904, 917 (Tenn. 1998). From the foregoing examination of the development of the law concerning media access pursuant to Rule 30 in Tennessee, it is abundantly clear that conclusory allegations, vague concerns, generalized statements, and blanket derogation of the media generally is not sufficient, as a matter of law, to justify any prior restraint. As the authorities discussed amply demonstrate, there exists no basis in law or fact to justify the sweeping breadth of the Order opined by the Court. To grant the same would result in the Court exceeding all permissible constitutional authority."
—John Lee, executive producer of Pirate News TV and Pirate News Radio and candidate for appointment as Commissioner of CTV Board of Knox County, First Amendment Brief for Media Access, INFORMAL BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR LEAVE TO INTERVENE, MOTION TO ALTER OR AMEND JUDGMENT, OFFER OF PROOF AND OPPOSITION TO ORDER BANNING MEDIA BROADCAST, Knox County Criminal Court, State v Clark, Docket 90821, 91484, 90252, 90618, August 2009

"It is the Court's opinion, as it stated to Mr. Lee in open court, that anyone can make a business card, with at-home equipment as well as a press badge, and bring a hand-held video camera into a courtroom, and declare themselves media. That does not make 'legitimate media' under Rule 30. Any citizen may use the community television stations in any community to broadcast their personal opinions. The use of euquipment by other than legitimate media who directly or indirectly feeds news to the general public and is in business for the purpose of giving news to the general public and is so chartered, is what the Supreme Court intended to be legitimate media. The state opposes Mr. Lee's as the state has opined that Mr. Lee has a specific agenda and is not a legitimate news organization. Thus the motion of Mr. Lee to present himself as media and to be permitted to use a camera or other recording device under Rule 30 of the Supreme Court Rules, is hereby respectfully denied."
—Judge Mary Beth Liebowitz, Knox County Criminal Court, Order Regarding Media Request, State v Clifford Clark, Docket 90821, 91484, 90252, 90618, 22 July 2001 (four previous judges ordered in this case that Pirate News TV is "legitimate news media")

"I don't know what the definition of the appellate courts or supreme court when they made that Rule mean by 'legitmate media'. It may very well be that they mean this to be legitimate media. I don't know. But at this juncture I'm not prepared to declare you 'legitimate media'. But we need to clarify, Mr. Lee, what we mean. Okay? And you are welcome anytime in this courtroom. You may report all you want on whatever you want to report on. My concern is the video. And it's an open courtroom and you are welcome. But at this point I'm not gonna let you video. But I will tell you that because you have made this request, I would like to do a little further research on it and and make a complete ruling at the time that we start for trial, if you wish to prepare an appeal on what you wish to do and not wish to do. Im not... I think that's fair to you right now. I need to figure out what they meant. It's not just a can of worms for me, but a can of worms for a lot of people. Whatever you do with your media work is not my business, basically. I don't care. If you wish me to put down a written order, so you can go through the process of appeal, then I'll put down a written order denying your right to video. I don't want everybody in town videotaping everything. What happens is they splice and dice the tape."
—Judge Mary Beth Liebowitz, Knox County Criminal Court, Transcript of Motion Hearing on Media Request (aka Motion to Intervene per Rule 30 TN Supreme Court Rules and Rule 24 TN Rules of Civil Procedure), State v Clifford Clark, Docket 90821, 91484, 90252, 90618, 1 July 2001

Leslie Nassios, public defender (now a prosecutor): "John Lee's photograph on WBIR TV made my client go insane! I move to ban him from this courtroom, and ban everyone from the courtroom!"

Judge Mary Beth Liebowitz: "I will not ban John Lee from the courtroom. This is the People's court, not the defendant's court."

—Knox County Criminal Court, How to Catch a Government Hitman, State v Charles Daniel Gray, 1995


Saturday, September 12, 2009 2:10 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This audio is for Pirate News' legal counsel and investigative reporters ONLY:

Official court audio for the public will soon be available per TN Open Records Act and TN Rules of Appellate Procedure.


Saturday, September 12, 2009 2:43 PM


On this, all I can say is good luck and give them hell. The judges, the media, the police and all the stooges who serve themselves instead of the office and public trust they serve.


Saturday, September 12, 2009 4:36 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


The judge ordered the prosecutor to investigate criminal charges against me. "Abuse of process" is a civil matter in TN, not criminal, so the judge ordered me to pay all court costs and attorney fees for 3 lawyers who charge $10,000 to write a letter without appearing in court. Which means those lawyers wont get paid, ha, I'm "collection proof" and I'll win on appeal.

Criminal contempt of court (in court) is 10 days in jail in TN.


TN Code 29-9-106. Bail.

(a) Upon an attachment to answer for a contempt, except in not performing a decree, the officer executing the process shall take bail from the defendant as in other cases.

Civil contempt of court (outside of court) is a life sentence on death row in every state, no bail nor appeal allowed.


TN Code 29-9-105. Performance of forbidden act.

If the contempt consists in the performance of a forbidden act, the person may be imprisoned until the act is rectified by placing matters and person in status quo, or by the payment of damages.

My little brother the lawyer was jailed for 10 days for civil contempt of divorce court, until he signed a contract with the judge to destroy his legal career, so he ran against the judge in the next election. The judge then got my TV show banned during the GOP primary, to hide the fact the judge was a convicted deadbeat dad.

Judges can be arrested too for contempt of court in court...

Penis pump judge gets 4-year jail term


29-9-102. Scope of power.

The power of the several courts to issue attachments, and inflict punishments for contempts of court, shall not be construed to extend to any except the following cases:

(1) The willful misbehavior of any person in the presence of the court, or so near thereto as to obstruct the administration of justice;

(2) The willful misbehavior of any of the officers of such courts, in their official transactions;

Judges routinely commit "contempt of citizen", "contempt of pro se litigant" without a lawyer, etc.


TN Code 17-5-302. Judicial offenses.

Offenses of which the court may take cognizance shall include the following:

(1) Willful misconduct relating to the official duties of the office;

(2) Willful or persistent failure to perform the duties of the office;

(3) Violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct as set out in the rules of the supreme court of Tennessee;

(4) The commission of any act constituting a violation of so much of the Tennessee Rules of Professional Conduct as set out in the rules of the supreme court of Tennessee as is applicable to judges;

(5) A persistent pattern of intemperate, irresponsible or injudicious conduct;

(6) A persistent pattern of discourtesy to litigants, witnesses, jurors, court personnel or lawyers;

(7) A persistent pattern of delay in disposing of pending litigation; and

(8) Any other conduct calculated to bring the judiciary into public disrepute or to adversely affect the administration of justice.

Judges are jailed almost as much as cops and prosecutors.

My subpoenas of the city law director and media mafiosi was for the illegal denial of open public records by the city attorney, regarding their own reporting of $20-million grant contracts with the "news" corporations. I had every right to subpoena them under TN Code and TN Rules of Court.


TN Code 10-7-505. Denial of access — Procedures for obtaining access — Court orders — Injunctions — Appeals — Liability for nondisclosure.

(a) Any citizen of Tennessee who shall request the right of personal inspection of any state, county or municipal record as provided in § 10-7-503, and whose request has been in whole or in part denied by the official and/or designee of the official or through any act or regulation of any official or designee of any official, shall be entitled to petition for access to any such record and to obtain judicial review of the actions taken to deny the access.

(b) Such petition shall be filed in the chancery court or circuit court for the county in which the county or municipal records sought are situated.... Upon filing of the petition, the court shall, upon request of the petitioning party, issue an order requiring the defendant or respondent party or parties to immediately appear and show cause, if they have any, why the petition should not be granted.

(c) The burden of proof for justification of nondisclosure of records sought shall be upon the official and/or designee of the official of those records and the justification for the nondisclosure must be shown by a preponderance of the evidence.

(d) The court, in ruling upon the petition of any party proceeding hereunder, shall render written findings of fact and conclusions of law.

(e) Upon a judgment in favor of the petitioner, the court shall order that the records be made available to the petitioner.

(g) If the court finds that the governmental entity, or agent thereof, refusing to disclose a record, knew that such record was public and willfully refused to disclose it, such court may, in its discretion, assess all reasonable costs involved in obtaining the record, including reasonable attorneys' fees, against the nondisclosing governmental entity.

Bring it on.


Saturday, September 12, 2009 4:38 PM


Hmmmm... That's handy to know.

EDIT: This wasn't intended to be sarcastic. Pretend the evil emoticon is not laughing, because that was not the tone I meant to convey.


Saturday, September 12, 2009 5:04 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Bytemite:
Hmmmm... That's handy to know.

EDIT: This wasn't intended to be sarcastic. Pretend the evil emoticon is not laughing, because that was not the tone I meant to convey.

Yes, it is interesting, isn't it?

That's why I actually enjoy the adrenaline rush of this sort of thing. But only winning counts.

I actually did my best to warn the judge what would happen to her if she refused to obey The Law. But I suspect she got lazy (or scared) and refused to read any of my motions, affidavits, briefs or exhibits, and instead listened to only her handlers.

These redlight camera contractors are literally organized crime syndicates. They blackmail, bribe or kill any polician who gets in their way. Judges, sheriffs and district attorney generals are politicians in TN. The evidence in this case indicates the redlight contractors were paying cops to shoot redlight cameras, then billing the taxslaves $77,000 per bullet. Redflex was fired for "suspected bribery and contract fraud" 1 week after defense lawyers confirmed a cop confessed to shooting a redlight camera.

For this judge to dare F with me is suicide for her career. I've already done 3 radio shows about her in 2 days, reaching 400,000 people. I've got a long history of ruining careers of govt crooks... Dont wanna do it, but sometimes I gotta in self defense.


Sunday, September 13, 2009 9:20 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Here's the 1-hour video from my Official Premier Pirate News Radio Show, right after the judge ordered the DA to arrest me:

Audio is from videocam mikes and crappy audio recorder plugged into AM radio. Next show will have videocam wired to audio mixer at the station.

This is a mega low-budget psyop in the Infowar. Best I can do with 100% disability, with my 3rd disability trial today.

My Writ of Habeas Corpus and Power of Attorney are ready in case I get arrested today or this week.

Music by The Gitmos: Yo Gubmit Is Lyin


Monday, September 14, 2009 2:50 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
My Writ of Habeas Corpus and Power of Attorney are ready in case I get arrested today or this week.

I'm laughing at you, they're laughing at you, the police are lauging at you...because your funny.

Your a joke: How many PirateNews does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, cause the commie-jew Nazi-Queen's pedophile Death Squad Judges put chemicals and spyware in the water and the contrails! God help us the Contrails!

Legally speaking the Courts take their lunch orders more serious then your motions, although your legal activity does make a nice toilet paper substitute.

Sometimes I read your rantings to my friends here in the Prosecutor's office...cause they are SO funny. When a local crazytalker starts trouble I tell them about you and say, "your just an amatuer...this PN he's a professional nut, you need to step up your game if you want to be in his league."

I'm not saying your the most crazy person in America...I mean your not even top 1,235...but you got some serious crazy on and perhaps should learn the wonders of civil commitment before you hurt yourself.


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Monday, September 14, 2009 3:41 AM



I'm laughing at you, they're laughing at you, the police are lauging at you

Of course they are, cause they all know it's a dog n pony show, just a bit of public theatre for the masses so they can tell themselves it's not REALLY a Neo-Feudo-Fascist Oligarchy, despite all the evidence that it is.

Of course, you and I both know damn well all the real decisions are made before those poor benighted lesser creatures of the public are even "allowed" in there, don't we - and keeping that secret is one of the reasons for the moratorium on electronic devices within the building, although the idiocy of cell phones does provide a handy excuse.

Just as well that mine weren't technically "in" the building at all, and you know, I did notice no damn shortage of em in there belonging to the State, and accessible to the prosecutor - small wonder guys like you manage to avoid looking like the incompetent morons you are when you have every inch of the damn courthouse including the public defenders office wired for sound.

Something the prosecutor in question actually unintentionally ADMITTED to me with a sly little wink by quoting a few of the perps opinion of being caught out so bad by local security, which I know for an absolute fact she could have obtained no other way.

Not like the "public defender" isn't gonna TELL you anyway in those little "private" discussions before the case, which the public isn't allowed to see, cause taking a dive on command is pretty integral to them ever winding up on YOUR side of the courtroom with the deck stacked in their favor.

The real crazy here isn't PN's usual flakery, but the belief that the system is anything but the scam it truly is.

Remember folks, the key to the shell game isn't getting the mark to pick a shell, it's getting the dumb shit to believe the ball is under any of them shells in the first place!


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, September 14, 2009 4:56 AM


Oh yeah, and since I happen to be in a bad mood, with a triple digit fever, chills, nausea and double vision, thanks to being dragged out at threat of violence to play pattycake with this dog n pony show, around PEOPLE, one of whom passed on the gift of influenza, gee bloody thanks, which'd never have happened if folk left me ALONE like I want...

Imma take it out on Zero here, since he's a card carryin supporter of the frikkin scam we call the "justice" system and thus as viable a target for my annoyance as there ever was.

Y'all know how to BEAT a punk like this in court ?

You don't, technically.

See, because the corrupt collusion between the prosecutor, judge, and law enforcement is utterly integral to making the scam work, each side can pressure the others by threatening obstructionism (cops "forgetting" testimony, prosecutors actually honoring Discovery, Judge not being a yes-man) in order to bend the others, and of this power trio it's the prosecutor who's got the edge cause he controls the field, not only does he always have home field advantage, he HAS to have the deck stacked in his favor in order to function, so he's always got the biggest strongarm to apply of the three.

And a long standing one with contacts, blackmail, time in office, etc ?
Forget it, folks - barring a jury trial, the judge is ALWAYS gonna rule the way the prosecutor wants, no matter what the evidence says, that's just going through the motions and pushing the shells around the table to maintain the illusion.

While Zero here doesn't apparently do it, some prosecutors will make other backroom deals like getting someone cleared by having the judge rule against them in exchange for political dirt, putting a hit on someone troublesome, or to get in the good graces of the local mafia other than the ones in blue.

Come ON folk, what the hell do you THINK they're discussing when one or the other, or even both, attorneys "approach the bench" and have that quiet little whispered conversation ?
One which, mind you, you're NOT invited to!
That's where they cut up the credit and decide mutually what they're gonna do to/with YOU, and piss on what you think about it, you serf!

And they DO view you like that - name anywhere else you're forced under threat of violence to stand ("all rise") and display obeisance to a public offical ?

"And when the band plays hail to the chief, Ooh, they point the cannon at YOU, lord,"

And of course the power this trio has over a Jury (we know where you LIVE, do what we say!) is also a significant problem, especially in combination with a loaded jury pool, illegal instructions, and the ability to threaten and coerce members of the jury to apply pressure to other jurors to get the "right" verdict (for THEM!).

And here you thought you had the right to a fair trial...
Yeah, sure, and the pea is actually under one of them shells, sure, sure...

No, when an opponent has every single advantage on a specific field of battle the key is not to fight them there, or at least, not head on, oh no.

What you do to a creep like Zero, is first and foremost not GIVE him shit to work with, tell the cops nothing, tell your boss nothing, tell your friends nothing - and most ever important especially tell that goddamn public defender NOTHING WHATSOEVER.

This not only protects you from having our incredibly abusive surveillence society used against you (illegal ? HA! has that EVER stopped em?) but also gives the blue suit mafia no reason or motive to come harrass and intimidate your friends and co-workers, although you're prettymuch gonna be fired anyway unless you've known your boss for years, since the cops will show up and drop "hints" just as SOP to destroy your career and livelyhood in order to sabotage your ability to retain a real lawyer.
(and in Indiana, they've a habit of arresting the LAWYER, if you dare buck their petty lords by showing up with one!)

Of course, the whole booking/bail/impound moneymaking scam does a good job of that as well, and let's not even talk about forfeiture - other than to note they get LETHALLY pissed when it's directed at THEM.

First and foremost, give em nothin, let em choke on silence - the ONLY word outta your mouth should be "lawyer", that's IT, not one goddamn thing more, cause when your mouth is open, your brain is shut, you understand ?

And when they send in their mole, aka the "public defender" (ha ha ha) to get to you spill your guts to him so he can bail your case and then hand you to the prosecutor on a plate (let's not pretend it doesn't work this way, we're all adults here.) the only thing you should tell HIM is "I want MY lawyer", and not a word more.

You have any sense at all, you'll have one on retainer with automatic notification, for the same reason you have fire insurance, not that you're expecting it, but in THIS day and age to not prepare for the possibility of the jackboot landing on you is insane.

And you wait till he gets there, and you do NOT talk to him whatever about any goddamn thing in ANY venue under states control, ESPECIALLY the heavily bugged and wired for sound room they offer you just for the purpose of letting your dumb ass hand them the keys to the kingdom - and while they'll professionally and publicly deny it, ask a private lawyer about that in a secure environment if you don't believe me.

And having given them nothing, you MAKE that fucker bring his A-game to the court, and he's gonna respond one of two ways, mostly they will refuse to pursue it, cause without a stacked deck to play from, these incompetent bastards are all but worthless.

Or he's gonna pull out all the stops and it's time for the three ring circus, the main event, and you just kick back and watch the show, we ALL know how it's going to end, so simply wait it out, without ever opening your mouth, refuse to testify, make a statement, anything of that nature, and do it in a way that annoys him if possible - if it's gotten this far he's already made or is making mistakes, anyone human does, and you totally poker face it, ride it out and wait for the inevitable Guilty verdict.

Then you file an appeal, to a DIFFERENT Judge that YOU have been strongarming and cultivating, some old bastard about to retire that you have dirt on or the ability to give something he wants, and he throws it out.

Prosecutor doesn't much care cause it went in HIS file as cleared w/conviction, and other than the inevitable hassle and inconvenience of EVER dealing with the jackboot landing on you at all, intentional or not, it's a walkaway for you as well.

But really, it's all bullshit, and Zero here knows it every bit as much as I do, hinting at it while never quite having the balls to admit it.

Related Links:


WHY you don't ever talk to the police.

Todays "isolated incidents"

So, any QUESTIONS?*Hiiissssss*


PS - Outta friggin cold medicine and can't make it to car to get more, grrrrrrr


Monday, September 14, 2009 4:57 AM


Cause it so applies and imma grouchy bastard when i'm sick.
*hack hack cough sniffle*


Monday, September 14, 2009 5:48 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
But really, it's all bullshit, and Zero here knows it every bit as much as I do, hinting at it while never quite having the balls to admit it.

You go to court and you lose and your looking for someone to blame.

Its not some giant conspiracy. I win because I went to lawschool and learned my trade. I research and write as good as anybody. I can argue with the best of them.

You on the other hand cut and paste the law. You pick the law you like (or make it up) and ignore anything to the contrary while at the same time lacking understanding of what your doing.

For example, I deal with freeman cases about once or twice/year. They love the Uniform Commercial Code...but hate the Traffic and Criminal Codes. So they ignore the Traffic and/or Criminal Code and then apply the UCC to Criminal and Traffic offenses (ignoring the part of the UCC that limits the UCC to commercial issues). They then make lots of noise and lose badly.

Is the system fixed? Yes. They lose because they have bad arguments that are simply not supported by law or precedent. They also lose because I am able to present evidence that proves each and every element of the offense against them. They lose because they fail to cross examine witnesses or present their own witnesses in an effective manner. Finally they lose because the Jury or the Judge (for bench trials) finds them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In short they lack legal foundation, facts, witnesses, and the ability to make a clear and coherant presentation to the court. I have the law, facts, and the ability to put them together in front of a Judge or Jury, so yes...its fixed.

Its like you trying to play in the NBA. You'd do badly...because you don't know the rules and don't have the talent. Sure, you like to pretend the players on both teams and the refs all got together before the game and decided to make you a loser.

My advice for not being found guilty...don't be guilty. Try it next'll find it works pretty good.

Your advice on remaining silent...thats good advice, its the first legal advice a person gets when they are arrested...and it comes from the police officer. Unfortunately...sometimes while folks like you have the right to remain don't have the ability.


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Monday, September 14, 2009 6:23 AM



Work on your reading comprehension.
My part in their idiotic dog n pony show was as witness AGAINST the three creepers I caught red handed with armfuls of stuff that didn't belong to em - caught, cuffed and stuffed.

My presence was *only* required to maintain their precious illusion of "justice" and obtained via force majeure and threat - and I happen to be quite pissed about being thrown to the wolves (three seperate defense attorneys) right up front to wear them down for the testilying police to finish the job.

And since I need the damn badge bearing goons as backup to clean up the mess, fine, dandy, they wanted those stiffs wore out, they got it.

Ninety minutes on the stand, and the ONLY thing the poor bloody bastards got to work with is me underestimating the height of one perp, by two inches, several yards away, in the dark, while he was carryin someone elses television and WAS positively identified complete with physical description and outfit...
(not to mention his frikkin prints all over the TV, helll-O?)

Yeaaaah, good luck with that, especially since it was all documented at the time in quadriplicate and they were run down by the local PD and captured fleeing the vehicle (positive id with plate #) full of the loot, all of which was returned to it's proper owner before my shift was even over.

I am NOT law enforcement, bubba, for ME it's case closed the moment suspects in custody and property returned - draggin me into YOUR petty little realm does naught more than piss me off cause I got little patience for it's lies and hypocrisy, and being around people annoys me.

Should be fuckin glad I was on YOUR side of the courtroom and ever so slightly more pissed at the perps for not pleadin it up front than I was at the dog n pony show - cause given just how easy it is to bait you, just how piss poorly you even understand how and where the knives are going in...

You'd get cut to ribbons by my lawyer if it ever came to the other side, we'd give you nothing, encourage you to let your temper run wild with you, yanno - like it did right here to the point where you didn't even notice which SIDE of the case I was on, yeah real observant, that - do we have to put a sign up so you know which seat to sit in ?

And then we'd just let you ramble YOUR crazytalk and have some judge shitcan it later, where it belongs in the first place, fare thee well.

Honestly you're just mostly pissed cause if the public ever sees through the shell game, public trough slop feeders like you will have to get a REAL job.


It cannot be said enough, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to endlessly repeat it


Monday, September 14, 2009 9:38 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
You'd get cut to ribbons by my lawyer if it ever came to the other side, we'd give you nothing, encourage you to let your temper run wild with you, yanno

I hear that a lot...usually its being screamed at me by persons I've just convicted or Defense Attorneys before I beat the crap out of them in the Courtroom.

- like it did right here to the point where you didn't even notice which SIDE of the case I was on

Its clear from your posting that while you may not have been a considered yourself a victim of the system. I sincerely doubt that you were on the Prosecution's "side".

From your rant I'm not clear why you think you didn't need to testify. Did you think that there was no crime? Was it that you didn't think the Defendants had a right to a trial? Maybe you disagreed with their right to confront their accusers?

I note for the record that ninety minutes seems about right. You may have had precious little information...but your attitude would give them plenty to work with. Only jury I ever lost was because the victim was an ass on the stand and fought with me, the Judge, and the Defense Atty. Jury told me later they agreed he was assaulted, but they really didn't like the victim (the Defendent was a very nice little old lady who kinda lost her head and jumped on this guy...who was ok, till he got on the stand and went all angry).

do we have to put a sign up so you know which seat to sit in ?

Ironically this is something not covered in lawschool and which caused me a great deal of trouble the first couple years since not all courtrooms are laid out the same. Good rule...Prosecutors sit closest to the Jury.

Honestly you're just mostly pissed cause if the public ever sees through the shell game, public trough slop feeders like you will have to get a REAL job.

I'm not pissed...hell, I said it, PN, the freemen...jokes the lot of you. Very funny. Like watching monkeys throw their crap at the zoo.

Come on...rant for a Bananna?


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Monday, September 14, 2009 10:44 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Its not some giant conspiracy. I win because I went to lawschool and learned my trade. I research and write as good as anybody.

Bullshit. Zero, they're all laughing at YOU too, ya know - and so are the rest of us. And you really, really, really DON'T "write as good as anybody". Hell, you don't even write as well as a high school dropout.

"Your funny", too.


Old friend charity
Cruel twisted smile
And the smile signals emptiness
For me
Starless and Bible black


Monday, September 14, 2009 10:47 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Come on...rant for a Bananna?

I rest my case. Find Zero guilty of being a moron.


Monday, September 14, 2009 5:31 PM


If y'all can't make a case against caught-red-handed-with-the-goods suspects without me re-iterating the official report six ways to sunday, what the hell good are you ?

I happen to be doubly pissed now, since apparently the suspects lawyers wanna retaliate by using the "justice" system as a weapon, and dragging me back into this time and time again in an attempt to cost me time, fuel, money and sleep, on top of which I happen to be fighting a nasty bout of the flu I caught from being around people in the first place - which *I* do not get reimbursed jack shit for, but the Cops and Lawyers get paid at their full hourly rate ?

Your "case" isn't worth my livelyhood, my business - or for that matter my time and money, how would YOU like to be repeatedly dragged out to the other end of town time and time again at three in the frickin morning (remember I work overnight, so normal business hours is my sleep time!) under threat of violence in order to participate in meaningless theatre on your own dime at your own expense, while you were sick, eh ?



Monday, September 14, 2009 6:40 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

WHY do the State, the judge and the "news" corporations want to ban Pirate News TV and Pirate News Radio Show from this one courtroom, after I already broadcast on TV 6 court hearings in this case as allowed by 4 other judges (and videotaped other trials in court like the THP trooper who videotaped himself getting a blowjob from pornstar Barbie Cummings during a traffic stop)?


The Case Of The Redlight Camera Sniper

1. A Knox County deputy sheriff was subpoenaed to testify that another Knox deputy confessed to shooting a redlight camera (case dismissed IMMEDIATELY 1 week before trial)

2. KPD, Redflex and prosecutors destroyed all ballistic evidence in this case, threw away 3 bullets, threw away camera housing with bullet holes (no way to test caliber or gun for a match)

3. KPD and KCSO destroyed all audiotape "confessions" and "consent to search" in this case, no written consent to search car nor house

4. There was no redligth camera ticket, nor any other traffic ticket entered into evidence

5. UTPD used forged affidavit for a home invasion by undercover cops in Metallica t-shirts, as testified by UTPD's star witness who denied saying the allegations in the forged affidavit fo complaint

6. When the homeowner pointed a loaded shotgun at an unidentified man with a gun on the 2nd floor of his home, the Metallica t-shirt guy "ran screaming out of the house having flashbacks to Afghanistan"

7. Deputy in Metallica t-shirt and no badge perjured himself in court that the gun safe in the attic was unlocked, when KCSO photos showed the door locked ($10,000 in guns stolen by KCSO)

8. Knoxville News Sentinel newspaper was given $20-million grant by City of Knoxville taxpayers for propaganda services (city attorney subpoenaed for violation of TN Open Records Act for lying that no contracts exist with media corporations)

9. "News" corporations in Kville lie that Redlex is not Australian, and Lasercraft is not Commie Chinese, that have replaced KPD, City Court and City of KVille Govt (that export 90% of ticket revenue)

10. 4 previous judges in this case ordered that Pirate News TV is "legitimate news media" and allowed me to broadcast this trial on TV

11. Judge, court clerk, city attorney and media lawyers refuse to serve process on me for court orders and motions, which makes those motions and orders invalid under TN Rules of Procedure and constitutional due process

IMO, the prosecutor in this case appears either extremely stupid, incompetent and/or corrupt. He makes almost no motions or arguments, and those he does make get slapped down immediately by me, the defense attorney or the judge, so the judge literally has to take over as prosecutor. He illegally refuses to provide defense lawyers with any evidence in discovery, such as repair records for redlight cameras.

The prosecutor filed a "motion to reconsider" the dismissal of the redlight camera shooting case, then withdrew his motion on Friday, without any argument or evidence. "Motions to reconsider" do not exist by that name in TN (only "motion to alter or amend judgment"). That's the textbook definition of a frivolous motion.

The hearing on Friday to seek sanctions against me (without allowing me any notice, argument, evidence nor cross exam) was predecided in an illegal ex parte meeting before the hearing. Even the bailiff told me what the judge's opinion would be before the hearing started. The defense lawyers also caught the judge in ex parte meetings with prosecutors, which will result in a mistrial if the record of alleged evidence isn't corrected. The judge FREAKED in court Friday because the defendant emailed her ex parte a demand to remove that fake evidence from the order, but it's "normal" for the prosecutor or media lawyers communicate with her ex parte.

The TV "news" corporations, who "covered" most hearings in this case so far (in 15 second soundbites), did NOT videotape that hearing by their lawyers on Friday...

BTW, I won $60,000 today in my Social Security Disability trial, pro se. It only took 12 years of appeals, and winning a remand in fed court for a new trial. The new ALJ judge today was very nice and respectful to me, and I thanked him for it. And I don't even have to pay half of my winnings to a lawyer.


"The process used by ALJ in arriving at his decision that the plaintiff is not disabled is most troubling. The vocational specialist's comments to which the ALJ refers in his decision [are] largely indecipherable. The Court has absolutely no inkling of the qualificiations of the vocational specialist. It is recommended that Plaintiff's motion be granted for remanding the case."
-United States Magistrate Dennis Inmam, John Lee v Commissioner of Social Security

That ALJ judge was fired ("transferred") as a result. Now disability lawyers beg me to read my files, since they've never won an appeal in fed court. Most successful lawyers brag they've never even filed an appeal in their entire careers.

Barbie Cummings Gets 29 Traffic Tickets Dismissed With Blowjob Defense


Monday, September 14, 2009 7:01 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Ninety minutes on the stand, and the ONLY thing the poor bloody bastards got to work with is me underestimating the height of one perp, by two inches, several yards away, in the dark, while he was carryin someone elses television and WAS positively identified complete with physical description and outfit...
(not to mention his frikkin prints all over the TV, helll-O?)

I recommend always carrying a digital camera with flash, and a digital audio recorder. Use the recorder at all times during and after arrest, and photo the perps in custody before the cops get there.

Then upload to computer and make CD copies for court ASAP.

This holds true for anybody making a citizens arrest. BTW, cops have no more authority than citizen's arrest, they just have more toys, and more lawyers.


Monday, September 14, 2009 7:21 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Hero:

For example, I deal with freeman cases about once or twice/year. They love the Uniform Commercial Code...but hate the Traffic and Criminal Codes. So they ignore the Traffic and/or Criminal Code and then apply the UCC to Criminal and Traffic offenses (ignoring the part of the UCC that limits the UCC to commercial issues). They then make lots of noise and lose badly.

Is the system fixed? Yes. They lose because they have bad arguments that are simply not supported by law or precedent. They also lose because I am able to present evidence that proves each and every element of the offense against them. They lose because they fail to cross examine witnesses or present their own witnesses in an effective manner. Finally they lose because the Jury or the Judge (for bench trials) finds them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In short they lack legal foundation, facts, witnesses, and the ability to make a clear and coherant presentation to the court.

I agree. Mostly.

Rules of Procedure, Rules of Evidence, Constitutions, caselaw, discovery and trial tactics are vital. And big balls.

I suspect many callers to patriot radio shows are govt operatives sowing psyops like "patriot mythology" (loser legal arguments). But patriot arguments are a great way to get folks interested in learning more about the law.

I audited a 3L class in Trial Practices at UT College of Law (for free), where in moot court I was a cop sued for shooting a guy. That year I was the first graduate of UT Law School to win a trial in Knox County Circuit Court (the real court), which the law professor "Dr Death" got a kick out of. We previously worked together to convict a US Govt hitman, after I provided the star witness, that got him fired as a homicide prosecutor. The assassin now works inside the prosecutors office, after his release from prison 3 years before his earliest parole date.

Driver licenses for non-commercial travelers are voluntary contracts. Duress and fraudulent concealment void all contracts, as declared in state statutes on UCC and 1,000 years of common law. No pilot license is required to fly an airplane in USA, according to FAA. In fact, there's no such animal as a "pilot license" according to FAA.


Tennessee Code §47-1-308 (UCC)

Performance or acceptance under reservation of rights

Title 47. Commercial Instruments And Transactions
Chapter 1. Uniform Commercial Code - General Provisions

(1) "A party who, with explicit reservation of rights, performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as 'without prejudice,' 'under protest' or the like are sufficient."

All it takes one competent pro se to set a legal precedent to ban Commie internal passports in USA, like William Penn argued pro se to the courts of England to stop judges in America from jailing juries until their rendered the "correct" verdict of guilty (then Mr Penn killed a bunch of cops and founded the state of Pennsylvania).

Police Officer Jack McLamb says you dont need no stinkin driver license

75% of judges do not have a license to practice law, so why do you need a license to drive?

500,000 illegal aliens were sold fake ID by THP and court clerks in TN, since they are not required to have "driver licenses" nore show proof of ID to purchase new govt ID.


Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:45 AM



Originally posted by piratenews:
I agree. Mostly.

Rules of Procedure, Rules of Evidence, Constitutions, caselaw, discovery and trial tactics are vital. And big balls.

I suspect many callers to patriot radio shows are govt operatives sowing psyops like "patriot mythology" (loser legal arguments). But patriot arguments are a great way to get folks interested in learning more about the law.

Folks would be better off ignoring the radio shows and watching a couple episodes of Law and Order.

BTW, why did you post the license with the picture of the dead wrestler on it?


"Hero. I have come to respect you"- Chrisisall, 2009.


Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:08 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Why did a deputy sheriff shoot a redlight traffic camera?

Because Redflex paid him (and themselves) $77,000 per bullet, as proven in court in this case.

For some reason the judge, prosecutor, police and their "news" corporations don't want me to broadcast that on TV. Go figure.

The city attorney and lawyers for their "news" contractors refuse to serve process on me for their motions for sanctions, and the judge refuses to serve process on me for her court orders banning me from court. They hold ex parte hearings for sanctions against me while threatening to arrest me if I defend my civil rights in court. Even the bailiff told me before the hearing exactly what the judge's opinion was going to be. Does that sound right to you?

BTW, did I mention I won $60,000 in court pro se this week? No stinkin lawyer fees. No stinkin taxes. And that's just the back pay.

I'm batting 1000 pro se in all courts -- local, county, state, federal, administrative... Not bad for a college dropout with an 8th grade math score, who's the first 3L "graduate" of University of Tennessee College of Law to win a trial in state circuit court. What does it take to win? Do your homework and just read the Rules of Court.


Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:11 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

As of May 2012, all charges were dismisseed and expunged against Mr Clark, after deputies testified they were wearing Metallica and ACDC t-shirts and never identified themselves as cops. Deputies testified they "ran screaming out of the house having flashbacks to Afghanistan" and that Mr Clark never actually pointed a gun at them. Once they identified themselves as police, he surrendered immediately. UTPD sought an arrest warrant based on purjured testimony, according to UTPD's star witnesses. UTPD has never before obtained an arrest warrant at a student's home for trespass on unidentified UT property by an enrolled student invited on "campus" (that covers half of downtown Knoxville, South Knoxville, West Knoxville and North Knoxville and portions of Knox County). The official "reason" Mr Clark was (allegedly and illegally) banned from campus was his website (a violation of the First Amendment), not for the unproven charge he allegedly shot a redlight camera (all charges dismissed with prejudice, costs paid by the government). Mr Clark was illegally denied a hearing in student court, for his Double Secret Probation. The redlight camera charges were dismissed after a Knox County deputy confessed to the crime of shooting a redlight camera, and KPD and Redflex destroyed all ballistic evidence and all audio evidence in this case (which would prove Mr Clark's high-powered 30-06 bullets were not the caliber recovered from inside the camera, since the 3 bullets found inside the camera housing were low powered and unable to exit the 1/8" aluminum case at 10 yards, while 30-06 bullets penetrate 5/8" steel plate at 100 yards). Mr Clark never confessed to shooting a redlight camera, police destroyed all alleged audio recordings of him allegedly confessing to shooting a redlight camera, and Mr Clark always pled Not Guilty, and his defense lawyer (former prosecutor) Ron Newcomb said Mr Clark was "innocent" (Mr Newcomb was re-employed as a prosecutor in Sevier County halfway through Mr Clark's trials and continued to represent him, winning Mr Clark's case). Mr Clark never got a redlight camera ticket, was never sued in city court for a redlight camera ticket, and never paid for a redlight camera "conviction" (actually it's impossible to be convicted of a redlight camera ticket since city court can only handle civil cases without jail sentence). During Mr Clark's trials, the Australian Redflex camera company was reportedly fired by City of Knoxville for suspected bribery and contract fraud, replaced by Lasercraft that exports most revenue to Communist China and England. Due to the stress of being falsely accused of a crime he did not commit, Mr clark suffered a massive stroke, 3 weeks after winning dismissal his case for not shooting a redlight camera. Medicare never pays insurance claims for any person disabled by any illness, until 2.5 years after the disability begins, so Mr Clark got no rehabilitation after his stroke, after his private insurance company cancelled his coverage as "pre-existing", and hospitals refuse to accept cash for services. After Mr Clark was completely incapacited by stroke, the State attorney general illegally continued to prosecute Mr Clark in violation of US Supreme Court order, in violation of agreed order for dismissal signed by the Knox AG and Knox County judge Mary Beth Leibowitz, while Mr Clark was unable to speak to his attorney to file an appeal, and a bogus TN Court of Appeals opinion illegally claims that incompetent defendants can be prosecuted forever, admittedly without ANY law and without ANY court order to cite for that frivolous claim by the AG. Mr Clark is a retired engineer and owner of a software design company who holds numerous patents and copyrights for his inventions. Mr Clark's former website,, is now registered, owned and operated by a pimp in a whorehouse in Australia, HQ of the Redflex redlight camera company.






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