Season by Season review: Season 1

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 9, 2002 12:31
VIEWED: 3770
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Monday, July 8, 2002 8:53 AM


Hello all,

A while back (January of this year to be exact) I wrote out an episode by episode overview/review of Buffy Season 1 for the alt-tv.-buffy-v.-slayer. I think it would be somewhat appropriate (given the ongoing debate about Season 6) to post the review here in slightly changed form, both as an overview of my general opinions on the series and as sort of a guide as to how I became the "partial purist" that I am today (I'm not a total purist as they think the greatness ended with Season 2, I think it was good to great through Season 5 ). Please be warned that this post contains spoilers as to season 1 and if you read it you have only yourself to blame (yeah I know its been awhile but I have to make sure).

Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest- I rate them together as they aired together, they play as one episode on the video tapes, and they work better as 1 episode (I don't think you have the option of airing them as one on the DVD which I'm not sure I like). I have to say that this was probably the perfect way to start a series as it introduced you to the characters well and brought you into its world. I remember loving this episode at the time in 1997 (when I only tuned in at the time because I thought SMG looked cute in Beverly Hills Family Robinson :) ) and getting almost instantly addicted to the series then. My dad and my brother saw the episode with me and that began a two year tradition of watching the show as a group (which only ended up being broken when I left for college the next year). One of the best introductions to a series that I have seen as it introduces the main players, shows you something of their characters, while never really coming off as pure exposition.

The Witch- A lot of people might write this off as a monster of the week episode but it had a good metaphor, some nice action, good humor,
and of course was the first appearance of Elizabeth Anne Allen as Amy (historians take note ).

Teacher's Pet- David Greenwalt has done a lot of good things in the Buffyverse but it is worth noting that he has not been one of the great episode writers of the show. This was a rather run of the mill monster of the week that really didn't have a lot to redeem it. Not great and, in some parts, pretty bad. Though this did start the "Xander-Demon Magnet" trend so it wasn't all bad :).

Never Kill A Boy on the First Date- Buffy wants to date Owen (an annoying guy who likes Emily Dickinson) and sort of blows off her responsibilities to do so. Giles is put in danger as a result (trying to stop the creation of the Annointed One) but Buffy shows up (while
trying to keep Owen from realizing the truth during the date) and saves him. This was a bunch of bad comic book cliches stuck together (especially in regard to "secret identity" issues)
with very little to save it. The Annointed One was created here and serves as the biggest plotline that the series just blew off when they
realized it wasn't working (as opposed to Buffy/Riley which the writers morphed into another plotline when they realized it wasn't

The Pack-This one I liked, it had a nice theme on "clics" and was just in general decent. Not phenomenal or anything but it made me wish I
had gotten to see it back when it originally aired. Plus since I seem to be the only person in existence who liked Principal Flutie this is of course somewhat memorable as his last appearance (yes I know Principal Synder was better as a foil but still...).

Angel- The episode which set in stone the uniqueness of Buffy and Angel (which the writers are currently killing with the Spike thing
but that's another post). I liked the fact that guns were used against the slayer for the first time, I liked how it really set up Buffy and Angels future relationship as well. Unfortunately I can't say that this episode is as good as everyone thinks it is, more "historically important" as opposed to great.

I Robot, You Jane- One of those episodes that I like more than other people. I don't see why everyone dislikes this. It featured some
nice character development for Willow and introduced Jenny Calendar so it was at least enjoyable. I realize that this isn't great but there doesn't seem to be any great problem with it.

The Puppet Show- I have to go on record as saying I really didn't like huge parts of this. About the best part was the bit at the end with
Buffy, Willow, And Xander doing a rendition of Oedipus. Cordelia singing was also pretty funny but beyond that I just don't have lot to
like in this one. I should also mention that I heard that this episode earned the lowest rating of an episode ever (I believe 1.9) so perhaps others agreed with me on this one.

Nightmares- Someone remind me to do a comparison between this one and Fear Itself sometime (on the maturing and changing of a theme). This was an interesting look inside the characters heads as well as providing some nice development as the group faced their fears. Plus I just love the scene where Buffy confronts the Ugly Man "Scary. I'll tell you something though. There are a lot more scarier things out there than you. And I'm one of them." This is also the only appearance of Buffy as a vampire (well
sort of).

Invisible Girl- Not technically a great episode but it is very enjoyable. This was also the first real character development that Cordelia got in the series which started the process that had her join the crew in season 2. Wasn't Marcie played by actress Clea Duvall (But I'm a Cheerleader and The Faculty)? All in all a decent enough
episode that handled showing invisibility far better than Gone did. Trivia note: The director of this episode was Reza Badiyi, who is a friend of legendary director Robert Altman (he was an assistant director on Altman's first feature, THe Delinquents) and was interviewed for the Fox Movie Classics special ALtman: on his own terms.

Prophecy Girl- The point at which the series went from clever and fun to really, really great. The final confrontation with The Master (you know I sort of miss him) is well done and who expected Buffy to die at the time (even if it was as short as it was)? This episode more than any other set the tone for what amounted to the best of the series.

This episode had it all, humor, drama (a whole lot of that), and action as well. This episode also served as a sign that Buffy was not going to be having a happy existence (to put it mildly). This episode also served to bring Jenny and Cordelia into the group more setting the stage for next season. All in All one of the best of the series.

The season as a whole: This certainly wasn't the best season (and several people on Usenet are down on record as saying its the worst) as several of the actors needed to improve somewhat for things to click fully (David Boreanz I'm looking in your direction on this one ) and some of the writing wasn't quite as strong as in future years (its worth noting that only Whedon, Greenwalt, and the team of Des Hotel & Battalia wrote for the next season) though having said that I should note that it wasn't exactly weak either.

That having been said it was an excellent introduction to the season and "establishing the rules" of the universe in which its set (which the most recent season gleefully violated, to much ill effect) as well as providing some good action and revisionist horror. As an asside: Three episodes from this season come off as being worthy of inclusion on a best of list: The Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest combination (if taken together as they first aired), Nightmares (first deep exploration of mature themes), and Prophecy Girl.

Please feel free to post your own comments as I look forward to reading them and I hope you enjoyed mine.


Monday, July 8, 2002 9:38 AM


Notice the [ spoiler ] command. Allows you to make spoiler text black-on-black so people have to highlight it to read it.

Long reviews. Hate em. Can't read em, certainly can't write em.

S1: OK. Lots of good acting. Stories pretty good, but lacking in protacted suspense that made seasons 2-5 so much fun.

Too bad there were only 13 eps. That left maybe a half-dozen to cover Buffy's duel with The Master and The Chosen one. Not enough screen time to do it properly. The final ep, Prophecy Girl, was very good, but lost a lot of impact because

Select to view spoiler:

there wasn't enough build-up to the turning point of the ep, where Buffy goes to face the Master, knowing for a fact that he's going to kill her.

You know, that isn't really a spoiler, everybody knows about it. But if I don't hide it, people will bitch and moan.

The big draw of the cartoon version is that it will probably feature the scripts they didn't get a chance to use in S1. But I'm not sure I want to watch a Buffy voiced by anybody but Sarah Gellar.


Monday, July 8, 2002 1:47 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

The big draw of the cartoon version is that it will probably feature the scripts they didn't get a chance to use in S1. But I'm not sure I want to watch a Buffy voiced by anybody but Sarah Gellar.

I thought that all of the cast, sans Head, had signed on to do the animated series... I remember Gellar raving about how good of an idea it was at one point.

Edited to add: Well, I was *half* right. The original cast have done the first three episodes that have already been completed. The rest will have a new set of actors providing the voices. (source: http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-4977/ ). I just hope they're good...

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generatorâ„¢
Buffy: I'm Buffy, the vampire slayer. And you are?


Monday, July 8, 2002 3:15 PM



Originally posted by Novagrass:

Edited to add: Well, I was *half* right. The original cast have done the first three episodes that have already been completed. The rest will have a new set of actors providing the voices.

I find it odd they would do that. Continuity of voices and all. But there are so many conflicting reports on casting I don't know what to believe.

--- Joe


Monday, July 8, 2002 3:24 PM



Originally posted by mojoeca:

I find it odd they would do that. Continuity of voices and all. But there are so many conflicting reports on casting I don't know what to believe.

Well, unless they can sign the original actors to do it permanently, they don't have any good choices. No matter when they change, people will notice the change. Better to have familiar voices to begin with, to give the series a chance to attract a following.

One interesting detail: Dawn will be a character, as if all the "false memories" on the TV show are non-false. Which actually doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's not always the point!


Monday, July 8, 2002 3:42 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
Well, unless they can sign the original actors to do it permanently, they don't have any good choices. No matter when they change, people will notice the change. Better to have familiar voices to begin with, to give the series a chance to attract a following.

One interesting detail: Dawn will be a character, as if all the "false memories" on the TV show are non-false. Which actually doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's not always the point!

ACK! That's a spoiler!

j/k. I remember Joss suggested, when he first pitched BUFFY ANIMATED to the fans, he might do it as if Dawn had always been there, but I hadn't heard any confirmation on that. I *love* the idea, though.

On the voice casting, I would have expected that NB and AH, maybe, would have the time to voice permanenetly at the very least. But with SMG, DB, and now ASH likely too busy, maybe it is best just to have an entirely different cast. It keeps the budget down.

--- Joe


Monday, July 8, 2002 7:06 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:

Originally posted by mojoeca:

I find it odd they would do that. Continuity of voices and all. But there are so many conflicting reports on casting I don't know what to believe.

Well, unless they can sign the original actors to do it permanently, they don't have any good choices. No matter when they change, people will notice the change. Better to have familiar voices to begin with, to give the series a chance to attract a following.

But you forget that most American voice actors are failed live action actors. They are labled as failed for a reason.

Unless Whedon has decided to reach outside the current voice talent pool, there's very little hope for a decent cast. I can just imagine E.G. Daly as Buffy. :cringe:

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

The Ultimate Buffy-Angel Quote Generatorâ„¢
out of service


Monday, July 8, 2002 9:23 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
S1: OK. Lots of good acting. Stories pretty good, but lacking in protacted suspense that made seasons 2-5 so much fun.

Too bad there were only 13 eps.



"I dunno ... SPACESHIPS!"
- Tim Minear on why Firefly will be cool


Monday, July 8, 2002 9:41 PM



Originally posted by Zicsoft:
One interesting detail: Dawn will be a character, as if all the "false memories" on the TV show are non-false. Which actually doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's not always the point!

I've never really seen this as a problem. Both the with-Dawn and without-Dawn timelines of Buffyverse history are equally fictitious from our point of view - so both are valid for telling stories in.

From the Buffyverse point of view - that's how the gang would 'now' remember their school-days.

And that's before we get into the argument about whether the monks changed history or not (they did) with their spell.



Tuesday, July 9, 2002 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:
But you forget that most American voice actors are failed live action actors. They are labled as failed for a reason.

Hey, watch it! One of my favorite actors (mainly because of her voice) is Jennifer Lien. She mostly does voice work these days.

I can't speak with authority -- I don't watch a lot of cartoons -- but I find your generalization about "failed" actors pretty irritating. There a lot more talented actors around then there are full-time roles for them to fill. And there are priorities other than talent. Lien didn't get fired from Voyager because she wasn't good. She got fired because her tits weren't big enough.


Tuesday, July 9, 2002 12:31 PM



But you forget that most American voice actors are failed live action actors. They are labled as failed for a reason.

I think the stigma with being a voice actor is over and has been for awhile. Voice actors now have agents that specialize in getting them jobs in animated TV shows, animated feature films, and commercials.

Hollywood actors are flocking to the sound booths as well. Check the voice credits of any cartoon of the past 5-10 years and you're bound to recognize the names of about half of the cast. Mark Hamill, Phil LeMarr, Rene Auberjonois, Kurtwood Smith, Teri Garr, Rachel Leigh Cook... these are not failed actors!

The actors are ecstatic about being able to bring the heroes/villains of their youth alive in an animated form. They are equally excited about being able to show up at work in their pajamas.







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