Biker arrested for 'wiretapping' undercover cop brandishing gun during traffic stop, 5 years jail for youtube vid

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 07:27
VIEWED: 6655
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Friday, April 16, 2010 6:00 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Herr Joseph D Uhler, Maryland State Police Badge #3316TFC, Work Location (2008) Golden Ring Barrack
(410) 866-3867, 8114 Philadelphia Rd, Rosedale, MD 21237-2849?

VIDEO: So A Psycho In Plain Clothes And An Unmarked Car Cuts You Off And Pulls A Gun...

Motorcyclist spends 26 hours in jail on wiretapping charge for filming cop with gun, judge's name on search warrant is SECRET

What Would YOU Do?


“Graber did not inform Tfc. Uhler that he was recording him by video or audio, thus violating criminal law 10-402(b).”

§ 10-402. Removing human remains without authority.

Am I missing something, here?

Oops, looks like the unsigned search warrant was invalid...

5 years prison, $10,000 fine and $15,000 bail for youtube video:


Assuming all these facts are true, it would support a malicious prosecution claim against the prosecutor in Maryland. The tort has four elements:

1) a criminal proceeding instituted or continued by the defendant against the plaintiff;
2) without probable cause;
3) with malice, or with a motive other than to bring the offender to justice; and
4) termination of the proceeding in favor of the plaintiff.

Heron v. Strader, 361 Md. 258, 264, 761 A.2d 56 (2000)

Graber paid the fine for speeding and the case was closed. Now they are charging him with reckless driving and negligent driving. Double jeopardy defense wins dismissal those frivolous charges, with disbarment of the prosecutor. (Unless all speeding tickets in state courts are civil not criminal in his state, as it is in Florida, then it's like a civil forfeiture case in a civil court, during a prosecution in criminal court.)

An Equal Protection argument will beat the 'wiretapping' by videotape charge, since cops are allowed to record video/audio of citizens without warrants. Note that the TV station uses that same videotape on its broadcast, which is now a public record as evidence in the case. Undercover cops always testify (testilie) in open court, subject to videotape and broadcast.

All speeding charges can likewise be beat by Equal Protection, since cops are never allowed to speed (chase) without both emergency lights (blue) and siren turned on. Either the cop goes to jail for speeding faster than the bike to catch up, or all charges must be dismissed against the biker.

US Constitution... it's THE LAW!

The gun does matter, since it was "brandished" and not kept in its holster. All cops are required to holster their guns during traffic stops, but keep their hand on the gun ready for quick draw. Instant arrest of any mere citizen who does exactly the same thing.

This undercover unbadged cop made a de facto citizen's arrest. Any citizen is allowed to make a citizen's arrest on any person who breaks any traffic law, including citizen's arrest of any cop. If this case sets a precedent allowing this cop to win in a court of appeals, then any citizen will be allowed to brandish a gun while making citizen's arrest on any cop for speeding, and to shot and kill that cop, if required, during that citizen's arrest, in that jurisdiction.

PS: Biker is a current US soldier, paid to kill traffic cops for Uncle Scam. Google Battle of Athens TN, to see how soldiers deal with traffic cops for speeding tickets.

Full video:


Friday, April 16, 2010 8:25 PM


Even the squad car that pulled up behind the bike did not have lights on.

I have been pulled over several times by different law enforcement agencies and never had a gun drawn. It may have been a matter of them looking for a dangerous suspect on a motorcycle, but why would they not have had their lights on?
Even after they were stopped they need to have their lights on to let others know an emergency situation is occuring.


Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:45 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by traveler:

I have been pulled over several times by different law enforcement agencies...

Frakkin criminals!

Bikers get special treatment, since all bikers are obviously criminals.

Here in TN cops just kill bikers without bothering with pesky traffic stops:


Saturday, April 17, 2010 7:15 AM


Well, that's Maryland, and their cops, I can attest, are some of the scummiest, most unprofessional cretins in the biz - the Baltimore City PD and Prince Georges County PD actually do deserve those nightmarish reputations they have, especially in light of just how sycophantic the press is toward then, so you can imagine just how much worse the opinion of folk who actually live there is, yes ?

That said, I watched the second video, and the guy on the motorcycle was in fact operating his vehicle safely, checkin his zone, stayin out of folks way and playing it safe - the only time he throttled up was to get past the bus and the traffic with it, and that was, law be damned, the smart, SAFE thing to do - cause a crowd of traffic with blind angles and visibility issues is a death sentence for a biker trapped in that mess with inattentive cage pushers, so he did the safe thing and put the whole matter in his rear view mirror, than slowed to cruising speed.

Trust me, you do NOT wanna be next to a bus on a cycle, they cannot see you, and because of the bus blocking their angles, nor can most of the cars, I've been accidently slapped off the road by an MTA bus myself once on Ft Smallwood road back in MD, and I got off lucky with bumps, bruises and about $230.00USD worth of damage to my vehicle - and being that said bus didn't stop, and I couldn't pursue it on my damaged vehicle, I just had to suck it up and eat the damages, cause calling the crooked jackboot cops would just be askin for trouble, and if you dare report an insurance claim you're lookin at tripled payments.

So yeah, he did the only smart thing TO do, that being the problem with rules written (in theory) to preserve peoples safety when those rules become more important than the very thing they were installed to protect, and used as a revenue producing device.

Now, all that said - some asshole jumps out of a car like that at me and pulls a gun without identifying himself, and he *DID NOT DO THIS* prior to drawing it, he's not gonna get a chance to, cause imma put a trio of .380Corbon Powerballs in center mass and haul ass in case he has buddies in that car.

Right there at 3:16 - he hasn't identified himself, is CLEARLY drawing a firearm, and I have a zero-deflection shot on him that does not endanger bystanders, with a clear view of what is beyond the target, plus an escape route between his vehicle and the car in front of it, up that onramp - the extra second it takes him to haul his weapon out and swing it in my direction would have been all it took to get himself shot.

And of course, no matter how justified it is at that point you're as good as dead - which is eventually going to create serious problems of a Waco last stand sorta thing between citizenry and police when they feel they got nothin to lose.

Cop or not, he should be charged with brandishing (he didn't actually point it AT the motorist) as well as reckless driving and impeding the flow of traffic - and that's just the beginning, since the biker dared call them out, resulting in the police raiding his home, trashing it in the process, and carting off his personal electronics, which *IF* he gets back at all, will likely be screwed up beyond repair, not to mention the MD cops have a tendancy to "find" things on seized computer equipment which weren't there when it was confiscated.
(we sell a LOT of scramdrives and related drive-spike equipment to MD residents)

Then there's the lies, oh yes, the lies, like the cops claim that the bike exceeded 100mph (false) and popped a wheelie while passing him (false) the front end came up when he accellerated, but that's an issue with most sport bikes cause of the weight distribution, and trying to hold it down can make you lose control - remember folks, I ride, or used to, and that gives me a perspective on this a cage-pusher don't have.

And of course, the soon to be impending lawsuit, and who pays for this - we do.

The ONLY bright spot of this is the very thing the cops are throwing a hissy about, the fact that their USUAL BEHAVIOR got on taped and wilded to the internet, turning their goddamn surveillence society against em, which they went predictably ballistic about - and the high probability the public is gonna ram it up their ass crossways like they deserve.

And damn right imma suggest to that public they take the tack my township has - why pay these assholes to abuse your citizens instead of protecting them, and THEN have to pay for the lawsuits they cause - take it out of THEIR budget, and keep freakin hacking on it till they learn to behave, or you can afford to hire someone more professional and accountable than a badge bearing mafia who thinks they're some kinda protected nobility.

Watchin the whole thing gives me a sinkin feeling though, *knowing* that in that situation I woulda shot him dead and realizing just how easily anyones life can be destroyed by one of these assholes and their despicable behavior - and yet should you defend yourself appropriately from it, you might as well save one round for yourself.

That's a fuckin awful thought, but one you SHOULD sit for a minute and contemplate, especially the next time the police budget comes up as an issue in your locality.



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:22 AM


You know, Radley Balko rocks it, he strikes right to the root of the matter with this related bit.

And of course, once again it's Maryland under the thumb, just like it was with Officer Riveri manhandling the skateboarder, and hundreds of other abuses - now you begin to get the idea why I hated that state, and why I have such a hate-on for Police, since I grew up around the worst of the Baltimore City PD, Prince Georges County's NOTORIOUSLY evil PD, and the general attitude of Maryland cops is equal to LAPD's RAMPART on their worst day, every day.

But Radley is correct, any law protecting the publics right to use the same surveillence on cops they're so keen to use on us needs some really big teeth cause otherwise you just reinforce the Lords vs Peons dynamic, and we NEED to break that shit, they're a public employee and thus should have ZERO expectation of privacy while on duty - argue it as you like, but it's like respect, you don't GIVE none, you don't GET none, and since they think us non-cops don't deserve any fuckin privacy whatever...

Quid. Pro. Quo.



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7:14 AM


Also, in respect to this - as more and more "police" show their true colors around here as a protection racket more interested in the financial shakedowns of traffic tickets(1) and asset forfeiture(2) - and get their budgets cut or departments thrown out on their ear as a result, whole neighborhoods are finding out the hard way that despite the abuses and the huge tax bill, you cannot depend on the blue suit mafia to do anything *BUT* see to themselves, and have begun responding by either engaging Contract security like us, or forming their own neighborhood defense teams.

Jackrabbit deserves a special mention here, as his efforts have been singled out for media attention.
A neighborhood watch with firepower

Problem is, the cops are *VERY* protective of their precious little monopoly, it being only through exploiting a loophole of Michigan Public Act 330 of 1968 that we can operate at all, being that it was passed in direct response to the idea of replacing police with more accountable folks after the 1968 police riots which showed how brutal and unaccountable they were...

And thus, I know damn well the Police are gonna run screaming to their collaborators in the media trying to get these neighborhood watches labelled as gangs or domestic terrorists, to protect their abusive monopoly and give the bastards an excuse to come down on them - but every step they take with clanging jackboot just amplifies the resistance against them, were they actually serving the community instead of preying on it, folks might be a little more supporting.

So you have to ask yourself, is a criminal still a criminal, even when they have a badge, a uniform and official sanction ?

Because THOSE kinds of criminals have caused more death and destruction in this world than any other ever has, and as such, I think it's only good judgement to be skeptical and distrustful of them, especially when they behave in such a way to have obvious intentions of that nature.

So far we have managed, just barely in a few cases, to not have an exchange of gunfire between a neighborhood and the police on a scale larger than individual - but as this is going, I think it's a very real possibility and one I am greatly concerned about.

And no, disarming the citizens is NOT an answer, given that the police have proven out to be as much abusers as any criminal, the criminals will then outgun the citizens, and it's not like the police can be bothered to protect them when they're busy making money - not to mention the illegality of even trying.

We never shoulda let it get this far - perceived legitimacy is a damn dangerous thing.


(1) - Michigan is still not in compliance with certain federal laws regarding speed limits, and still using artificially low speed limits as a boobytrap to obtain ticket income.

(2) - Wayne County is also notorious for using Asset Forfeiture provisions in a way that constitutes outright theft.

And for the record, they go BERSERK when it gets applied to them, which almost got me shot by em a couple times during the City Council fiasco.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7:27 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Since so many bikers engage in illegal activities, wouldn't it make sense to hold a biker rally and then just imprison everyone who shows up?

And yes, that is said firmly tongue in cheek. PN advocates such behavior, but not against WHITE people.






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