Time to kick up the old antidepressants, apparently:[quote]When Dina Khiry is feeling a bit down, she reaches for chocolate. "I like Reese's peanut butte..."/>


Chocolate and depression go hand in hand

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 08:50
VIEWED: 2740
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Monday, April 26, 2010 3:44 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Time to kick up the old antidepressants, apparently:

When Dina Khiry is feeling a bit down, she reaches for chocolate. "I like Reese's peanut butter cups, Hershey's bars, and chocolate cake batter," says the 24-year-old public relations associate. "I feel better in the moment -- and then worse later on, when I realize that I just consumed thousands of calories."

Khiry's emotional relationship with chocolate isn't uncommon, new research suggests. According to a study published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, people who feel depressed eat about 55 percent more chocolate than their non-depressed peers. And the more depressed they feel, the more chocolate they tend to eat.

Although gorging on chocolate and sweets to beat the blues has become a cliché thanks to sitcoms and romantic comedies, there's been "little prior scientific literature linking chocolate and depression," says the lead author of the study, Dr. Beatrice Golomb, a professor of medicine at the University of California at San Diego School of Medicine. The study, she says, provides evidence to support "the popular perception that when people need a pick-me-up, they pick up chocolate."

It's unclear, however, whether depressed people eat more chocolate simply because they crave it, or whether chocolate consumption itself somehow contributes to a depressed mood.

In the study, Golomb and her colleagues surveyed more than 900 people about their weekly chocolate consumption and their overall diet. They also gauged the moods of the participants using a standard questionnaire used to screen for depression. (People who were taking antidepressants were excluded from the study.)

The men and women who were considered to be depressed ate 8.4 servings of chocolate per month, while their counterparts who weren't depressed consumed just 5.4 servings each month.

Study participants who scored higher on the depression scale ate even more chocolate, nearly 12 servings per month, the researchers found. (An average serving was defined as one small chocolate bar or one ounce of chocolate candy.)

To zero in on the chocolate-mood connection, the researchers took into account a range of other dietary factors, such as calorie, fat, and carbohydrate intake. These measures were similar in the depressed and non-depressed people, which suggests that the link between chocolate and depression is unique in some way, according to the researchers.

While popular culture usually depicts women as emotional chocoholics, the study shows that men, too, may reach for chocolate when they're down and out. Seventy percent of the participants were men, and the results were similar in men and women.

Explaining the apparent link between chocolate and depression is a classic chicken-or-egg question, says Golomb. Eating chocolate -- which has been shown to improve mood in animal studies -- may be a form of self-medication for depressed people, she and her colleagues suggest, or chocolate may simply be a comfort food.

Susan Albers, a psychologist and colleague of Bea's at the Cleveland Clinic, says that chocolate raises levels of the brain chemical serotonin -- as do some antidepressants -- and also boosts blood-sugar levels, which can make you feel more energetic.


Ah-HAH! THAT explains why I've been on a See's Candy binge for the past two weeks! (either that, or I just love the damned stuff and have no willpower...)

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 5:54 PM


These studies always do make me laugh.

It has been shown that regarding such things, dark chocolate is slightly more effective, and more healthy, than milk chocolate though.

Mind you, I say this as I happen to be munching on some, mmmm, yummy.



Monday, April 26, 2010 6:31 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, I remember...there was a study some time back about dark chocolate actually being good for you (in moderation, of course)...anti-oxidants I think? Could be wrong.

They found Dove dark chocolate had the most of whatever it is, which is great because when it comes to chocolate BARS, Dove is my favorite.

And I can't stand milk chocolate anyway--it always tastes chalky to me, so dark is all I've ever liked.

And See's...manna from heaven! Pardon me while I go get another molasses chip...covered in dark chocolate, of course...

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Monday, April 26, 2010 8:03 PM


Well, part of the reason american chocolate tastes a little different is that it is emulsified, ostensibly and initially to prevent it's use for making shit go boom - yes, that IS possible, and no, I will not explain the mechanics of it.

But also in that it serves the same purpose as Hydrogenated stuff, to keep the chocolate solid at a higher temperature and humidity than would otherwise be possible, so your little munchkins don't wind up getting it all over everything with little sticky fingers...
(as if they don't anyway ? it's like a rule of nature, innit ?)

Fair Warning, I can go on a bit when it comes to chocolate, hehehehehe!

If you're interested in some *serious* decadence on the cheap, here's a suggestion for ya, cause this stuff rocks.
Not bad for the price, neither.



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 5:25 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mmmm, yeah, Godiva is around here, too. What's been bothering me for some time now, however, is the INCREDIBLE influx of "designer chocolates" by the check-out counter, priced and $3 and $4 for one bar about the size of a Hershey bar! There are whole rows of each, differing in "strength", and I don't get it.

So, do you know why all the dark chocolate Hersheys puts out are so awful? I couldn't figure it out...I can't tolerate the stuff, it tastes awful, and Choey says the same.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:01 AM


Has to do with how they emulsify and what they use, Egg Yolk stablizer versus Soy stabilizers and what not, formulation is also very important.

And yes, Hersheys chocolate now sucks - they were, long before this whole wall street mess, one of the few bailouts I did support cause I considered em a national resource, but then the bastards sold out for a profit and ran off with the dosh, the pricks, and quality has gone downhill ever since.

As for all those specialty blends, yah, I noticed it too, and I guess there's a pretty good market in catering chocolate to exact tastes, but of course at a premium price - some of em are kinda neat, picked up this chocolate-orange thingie on the clearance rack a while back, you whack it on something, unwrap it and it falls apart into little orange slice shapes with an interesting flavor, not something I'd have gone outta my way for, but it was kinda neat.

The dark chocolate I am currently munching I got from a whole foods market, in a largish brick which was so damn tough I couldn't cut it even with my Ginsu or Regent-Sheffield knives, which is sayin something cause those bastards are sharp and tough enough to make a Klingon dance with joy - so I wound up melting it in a saucepan while rolling it with a spoon to catch up the air bubbles and give it a cruncy aspect to distribute the flavor better - yummy!

I am such an evil hedonistic slut, yes - comes with being a "damn libertine", I guess...

You wanna talk decadence ultimate though, there's these largish bon-bons I find sometimes that come in a pretty sizeable bag, they're creme filled, with a light crispy shell, covered by chocolate and each one is like evil incarnate, they're SOOOoooooooo good!

Cursed if I can remember, but it's a large yellow bag, keep an eye out in the stores around holidays, is all I can say to it.

I did note I can go on about this stuff...



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:34 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ahhh, you mean Terry's Chocolate Orange:

Terry's Chocolate Orange is a popular chocolate product, made by Kraft Foods, originally sold only in the United Kingdom, but now sold all across the world. It is a ball of chocolate mixed with orange oil, divided into 20 "segments", similar to a real orange, and wrapped in orange-coloured foil. Although a recent claim by a Mr. L Wood has led many people to believe that the product is made with real oranges, this is not the case. As the segments, when packaged, are stuck together firmly, the traditional method of getting ready to eat them is: prior to unwrapping the ball, to tap it severely on a hard surface to cause the segments to separate from each other.

Jo adored the damned things, and was tickled they're available here in the States. But they're milk chocolate, so of no interest to me, except I think the packaging idea is cool.

Me, I'm a died-in-the-wool See's fan from childhood. My first boyfriend got me an entire one-pound box of their Dark Bordeaux for my birthday when I was about 17, never forgot it.

We used to work in one of the E's (Embarcadero buildings) in the City for eight years...downstairs was a See's. Very convenient; I was a regular! One time I sent him down to get some for me (I have a very specific taste). He actually SAVED the list and used it from then on that's what I get for my birthday!

Ironically, it turns out their Bordeaux and Chocolate Butter are their two most popular candies; both of which are MY favorites.

See's is only in the Western US, which is a shame. They began in 1920, EXPANDED during the Depression, and only sell their candy out of their own shops, with a few exceptions.

You go into the store and either buy a pre-packaged box or tell the salesperson which ones you want from behind the counter and they make up a box or bag for you. Lots of places used to do that in the old days, and many are doing it now, but See's was one of the first businesses to do it and continue the tradition nonstop, despite how big they grew.

The candies to this date are handmade, and they moved their headquarters from Pasadena (where they began) to So. San Francisco after Warren Buffet bought the company. It's a high-class organization, and their candy is the best in the world (tho' I imagine some Swiss chocolatiers might argue that).

Yes, I can go on forever, too, on that subject!

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:43 AM



Eating chocolate (lots of it at any rate) makes you fat.

Being fat is looked down upon.

A fat person suffers depression.

Really? Can it be that simple?

Case (of bon-bons) closed.



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7:42 AM


My 5'6" 140lb arse disagrees with you on that subject, given I bag up chocolate like it's goin outta style and practically chug a lug pizza right out of the box - and yet one of the girls I know struggles with being large despite that she never hardly eats NOTHIN, despite my admonitions that doin that cannot possibly be healthy.

So there's more to it than your black and white simplicity Wulf, and if yer gonna discuss that, start a different topic, THIS one is about a celebration of chocolate decadence, and don't go tempting me to dunk your ass in a fondue pot like the Evil Overlord I am, neh ?
Hell of a way to go though, I bet cannibals would love it.

Jo adored the damned things, and was tickled they're available here in the States. But they're milk chocolate, so of no interest to me, except I think the packaging idea is cool.

FWOOP, wrong answer!

They come in dark chocolate, which is what encouraged me to snatch that sucker out of the clearance bin - my passion for sweets causes a rather annoyin level of amusement from the folks I know, cause a bin full of clearance candy will swiftly result in me bouncing up and down like Hinaichigo from Rozen Maiden, giggling while I loot the damned thing.

(WARNING: Cuteness Overload Imminent)

And yes, I really *DO* bounce just like that when I score some major sugar loaded loot - shaddap.
This is of course of immense hilarity to folks more familiar with my nasty side.



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7:59 AM



Hey... I like chocolate!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:24 AM


Ah, but what KIND of chocolate?

My ex likes white chocolate, occasionally she mixes some Godiva white chocolate liquer (and guess *who* hasta go find it for her, since it's tough to get your hands on!) with some milk to make a very sweet cocktail...

And given her propensity to be easily distracted and short attention span, this results in Kallista jamming her little kitty face in it and going to town till someone chases her off - which is odd cause Kallista doesn't care for milk, particularly.

And THEN results in the somewhat sloshed kitty talking shit to, and getting into it with, the other cats - and INEVITABLE comment about where she learned *that* behavior from the ex...

Chocolate is horribly, horribly bad for cats, but whatever you do, don't take your eyes off it around Kallista!

Although the fudge thing was a riot - when I get really GOOD fudge, I freeze it so it keeps better, and I had put a chunk on a saucer and left it on the coffee table to defrost a bit, and sure enough, here comes Kallista, and me watching her out of the corner of my eye with malicious amusement while pretending to be clueless...

FROZEN fudge, mind you.

So she creeps up all sneaky liken pops her head up over the back of the table and licks... only to have her tongue stuck to it as neatly as any damn fool kid on the flagpole dare, then compounds this by rearing her head back and subsequently getting whacked right on top of the head by the still frozen chunk of fudge as she dislodges her tongue from it.

Cue her slinking off and giving me a dirty look while I tell her that's what she gets for tryin to jack my fudge.

I do let her lick the bowl when I am done with chocolate ice cream, I shouldn't, but there's not all that much left when I get done with it, and it makes her so happy...

She also goes flat ballistic over caramel, and will actually ambush you and try to TAKE it from you - I had some fun making smallish caramel-vanilla ice planets on a string, and her resultant attempts to eat it were tremendously entertaining for us both.



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:48 AM


Chocolate and migraine salve goes in MY hand. Along with a few other medicinal uses.

Is it bad I already knew about chocolate explosives? I hear technically coffee beans have some of that property too.

Sees is very good. My grandpa used to get it for the family for Christmas. once again, being vegan, I can't eat the milk chocolate anymore. I'll eat dark-chocolate and semi-sweet, I've gotten to like the taste and texture of it, very smooth if you get good quality. Often on my recreational writing Fridays I'll be chomping on chocolate chips for brain food.

Still none of that holds a CANDLE to these babies:

Excuse me while I wipe up the puddle of drool.

They're only available once a year around Easter time, and any store that stocks them quickly gets sold out. There is hoarding involved, and competition near the likes of people fighting over the last of the year's hottest christmas toy.

They got this sweet candy coating, super-sweet, M&Ms got NOTHING on the delish. The inside is the creamiest best chocolate ever.

Frankly, those little things are orgasmic. Is that Too Much Information? I don't CARE. You need to UNDERSTAND. These things could STOP or START a WAR.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:49 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Hee, hee, hee...cats can get SO embarrassed over being caught doing something stupid or unbalanced. Ya gotta love it!

The string thing, I do with Midi, by tying a string around a raisin or tiny piece of apple (rabbits love apples and raisins MUCH more than carrotts, you probably know). She's a gas to watch, she sits up on her little hind legs and bats at it, chases it around...

Yes, chocolate is terrible for dogs AND cats--literally toxic. Doesn't mean I don't sneak one or the other of the huskies a BITE of See's now and again.

For Valentines Day one year Jo gave me this huge chocolate heart. Her dog got it before I did, ate the whole thing. We called the vet, frantic and told him what she'd done. When we told him the size and volume, he said it's okay, that's not enough to kill her, but she'll be wired as hell for the next 12 hours or so. Boy, WAS she--if you can imagine an English Springer Spaniel wound up like a spring, you've got the picture!

They make those in dark, too, eh? Still wouldn't do for me, I don't like fruit and chocolate together. I'm one who'd be chasing that caramel around, or anything filled with chocolate butter or bordeaux (which is kinda brown sugarish heaven).

And no, Wulf, they're not talking about eating it all the time, didn't you get that? It's something people reach for when depressed--if you're depressed all the time, you need meds or something! I've lost 30 lbs in the past couple of months, so I can honestly say now (which I couldn't before) that my 6-foot, 180-lb frame disputes the claim as well. Tho' I admit to being stuck at 180 ever since I went on the See's binge...nonetheless, I haven't GAINED any back! And now the binge is over, I'll go back to having cereal for dessert to lose the rest.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:57 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Okay, I'll 'fess up. Cadbury eggs are about the only SINGLE thing I like enough to eat the damned milk chocolate, since they don't (yet) make them in dark. Yes--I'm not familiar with what you put up, and given it's solid milk chocolate I wouldn't be interested, but the usual Cadbury eggs with the creme centers, I HAVE given in to temptation and bought them. But I'll deny it if you repeat it...

Does your lady know, Frem, that white chocolate is just the effluent left over when they make chocolate? Don't tell her, for heaven's sake, let her enjoy it, but it's not really "chocolate".

Me, I'm tickled pink that dark chocolate is FINALLY catching on in this country. I binged badly when M&Ms came out with dark, and only recently so has Reese's...Jim loves Reese's and it's the only dessert he allows himself (arteriosclerosis), so whenever I go to the drugstore, I always buy him a bag of the mini Reese's dark chocolate PB cups. And of course, at easter a giant See's PB egg! The dark chocolate isn't all that great (it IS Hershey's after all), but the big cups even I like in dark.

By the way, Wulf: Desserts is "stressed" spelled backward...if the universe didn't want us to eat sweets when stressed, why is that the case?

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:52 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Frankly, those little things are orgasmic. Is that Too Much Information? I don't CARE. You need to UNDERSTAND. These things could STOP or START a WAR.

Hell YES.
*cranks a round into his Nerfblaster*
So YOU are one of the rampaging horde are ya now ?

Just kiddin, as an Evil Overlord I have an independant supply line, oh of COURSE I do, you bet, and damned if I happen to be inclined to share!

Oh yeah, and...



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 11:55 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Does your lady know, Frem, that white chocolate is just the effluent left over when they make chocolate? Don't tell her, for heaven's sake, let her enjoy it, but it's not really "chocolate".

Know ? Tell her ?

This is the girl, mind you, I had the "magic strawberries" conversation with, so, ummm, no.

And following on that, her belief that those T-day turkeys having nothing to do with living creatures and are delivered by the Butterball Faeries.

So it's MAGIC chocolate, yeah, that's it....



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:01 PM


Unfortunately, I still can't have the dark chocolate ones. I can only eat dark chocolate that doesn't have milk in it.

Cadbury Mini-Eggs are the only thing I miss about being vegan.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:15 PM


Cheat - Carob is pretty close, and vegan compatible.
Meh heh heh

I can corrupt anyone, given enough time....



Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:26 PM


Yeah, carob... Tastes funny. That's why I stick to the few super dark or semi-sweet chocolates I can eat.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:52 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Niki, don't know if you're aware, or if it's been mentioned yet (haven't read all the replies yet), but the Terry's Chocolate Orange IS available in dark chocolate. Target carries them around here. They also have a raspberry dark chocolate one, which isn't really as good as the orange. And they're now made by Toblerone.

Still awesome, though.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 8:41 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
It's unclear, however, whether depressed people eat more chocolate simply because they crave it, or whether chocolate consumption itself somehow contributes to a depressed mood.

Whoever wrote this should have consulted an endocrinologist and a chemist. Chocolate contains theobromine, which has been seen to boost serotonin levels, hence it is craved by people with low serotonin levels, the leading cause of depression and anxiety. My own doctor has told me this several times when I've struggled with chocolate cravings in times of high stress. The craving is created as the body attempts to compensate for what it's lacking. No, it doesn't fix the problem, but that doesn't stop the craving from happening. The unfortunate side effects of weight gain and potential insulin imbalance, both of which can lead to further issues with depression, come from the sugar heaped into the chocolate to make it palatable. Chocolate consumption itself couldn't contribute to a depressed mood, by all known laws of chemistry. Sweet things in general are craved at times of high stress, anxiety, and depression, and it's the high concentration of sugar and fructose that can cause insulin or other endocrine imbalances, creating the vicious cycle many people find themselves in. I don't see how or why anyone would place blame on cacao, when it has so many benefits.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010 8:50 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Bingo River. Everything you said, and the article DOES mention the seratonin connection, if I didn't copy the whole thing.

Yeah, I've known about the seratonin thing for years (I'm bipolar remember). And I like my chocolate in bars deep, DEEP dark--when it gets to the point where it starts tasting like coffee is when I stop! Ah, I found it: "Susan Albers, a psychologist and colleague of Bea's at the Cleveland Clinic, says that chocolate raises levels of the brain chemical serotonin -- as do some antidepressants -- and also boosts blood-sugar levels, which can make you feel more energetic."

The connection to chocolate consumption CAUSING depression was that if one ate too much, one would gain weight, which would contribute to the depression, that's all.
You're right about cacao, too...think I mentioned that study they did a while back which showed that dark chocolate was actually GOOD for you (in moderation) and I believe found Dove Dark to be the best.

Yeah, Mike, someone mentioned the Terry comes in dark now...doesn't do me any good since I don't like mixing fruit and chocolate. Glad to know it does now, tho', the more dark chocolate America wants, the better for ME!

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10






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