Bloomberg , Left, continue to get it wrong.

UPDATED: Thursday, May 13, 2010 12:12
VIEWED: 3404
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:01 AM


America loves a winner!


“There is no credible evidence so far that this attack was more than at least one person, the driver,” said Mayor Mike Bloomberg. “After that there is no evidence that anyone else was involved. It may be, but we can’t say that it is.”…

“If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that,” Bloomberg said. “Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.”

There's evidence it was more than 1 person. ( several have been arrested in Pakistan )
It wasn't a home grown terrorist.
It wasn't a tea party type, angry at the health care bill
It wasn't " anything ". It was exactly one thing. A radical Islamic Jihaddists, who wants to kill innocent people.

Did 9/11 not teach you anything ?


Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:05 AM


America loves a winner!


MSNBC's Contessa Brewer 'Frustrated' That Times Square Bomber Is a Muslim

MSNBC host Contessa Brewer appeared on the liberal Stephanie Miller radio show on Tuesday and lamented the fact that the person arrested for the attempted Times Square bombing is a Pakistani American. She complained, "I get frustrated...There was part of me that was hoping this was not going to be anybody with ties to any kind of Islamic country."

"...There are a lot of people who want to use terrorist intent to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way or come from certain countries or whose skin color is a certain way. I mean they use it as justification for really outdated bigotry."

Read more:

media bias ?

what media bias ?

Left wing agenda ? Ha! There's no such thing!

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 2:17 AM



There's evidence it was more than 1 person. ( several have been arrested in Pakistan )
It wasn't a home grown terrorist.
It wasn't a tea party type, angry at the health care bill
It wasn't " anything ". It was exactly one thing. A radical Islamic Jihaddists, who wants to kill innocent people.
Did 9/11 not teach you anything ?


I agree with you on one point. "It wasn't a tea party type, angry at the health care bill"

It seems very unlikely to me that this was a tea partier. They would probably react to the healthcare bill by electing someone different, not by blowing up time square.

I suspect it's a random loon, and I have no idea what he was up to, i don't have any reason to suspect muslims, other than that they now have a tremendous grudge against us because we keep murdering their families.

Bloomberg is undoubtedly right, or mostly right, this looks like a random guy.

This, OTOH, just has no logical connection:
"There's evidence it was more than 1 person. ( several have been arrested in Pakistan )"

People being arrested is not evidence.

Yes, 9-11 taught us something: That federal official would make a mountain out of a mole hill. The wars are way out of proportion with 9-11. Ditto for pearl harbor. Arrest the people responsible, beef up your defenses and call it a day. Isn't that what Jesus would really do?

"An eye for and eye for an eye makes the whole world blind' - Mahatma Ghandi


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:18 AM


America loves a winner!


" evidence " as in circumstantial , as in HE claimed to have been trained in Pakistan, spent months there, and then several folks were arrested. May be they're all innocent , maybe not. But there's a lot there which suggests he wasn't acting alone.

So, when in doubt, why stick your foot in your mouth as Bloomberg did, so early into the investigation?

This mayor got stuck on stupid.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 4:47 AM


Did you personally here him say it? I didn't. I suspect about 80% of this story is fiction.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 5:20 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Lone nut or crazy jihadi, he's an American citizen as well. Seems plenty of folks are upset that he was Mirandized, believing that even U.S. citizens should no longer have that right.

Hell, Joe Lieberman wants an amendment that would strip citizenship rights from Americans on the mere say-so of the government's claim that said people have undesirable associations.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 5:26 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Did you personally here him say it? I didn't. I suspect about 80% of this story is fiction.

Who him?

Read the quotes, watch YouTube ... I fail to see where your
issue is here.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 6:45 AM



Him pakistani-american him, guy on watchlist, but probably not associated with this event... just total unscared in ny...


Yes, McCain has gone off the deep end too. Apparently, we should just execute american citizens now.

Kill baby kill.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 7:25 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

“There is no credible evidence so far that this attack was more than at least one person, the driver,” said Mayor Mike Bloomberg. “After that there is no evidence that anyone else was involved. It may be, but we can’t say that it is.”…

“If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that,” Bloomberg said. “Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.”

There's evidence it was more than 1 person. ( several have been arrested in Pakistan )

There is NOW evidence that there were others "involved", but at the time Bloomberg said it, the guy was still on the loose and they had no such evidence. Would you rather he just go on wild bouts of speculation and blame it on Iraq?

Also, define "involved". If I went on a "terrorist" attack, and my activities here were looked into, couldn't YOU be said to be "involved" as one of my known associates here?


It wasn't a home grown terrorist.

Actually, this guy pretty much IS a home-grown terrorist, allegedly. He lived here much of his life, he went to school here, worked here, lived the "American Dream" for a time, became a LEGAL United States citizen (the kind you're for, remember), and then it all collapsed around him, and he went off the rails. He's certainly not unique in any way in that. Happens to Americans pretty regularly.


It wasn't a tea party type, angry at the health care bill

Seems to be more angry at the economy, really.


It wasn't " anything ". It was exactly one thing. A radical Islamic Jihaddists, who wants to kill innocent people.

I haven't seen much evidence that he was any kind of devout fundamentalist Muslim, much less a crazed radical Islamic jihadist. He seems to have wanted to kill innocent people, though. That part is accurate.


Did 9/11 not teach you anything ?

Always blame Saddam?


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 7:36 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, I'm coming in late, so maybe I have updates not here.

As usual, Crappy jumped the gun, misspoke and quoted someone from the left to make them look bad. He WAS a homegrown terrorist, from his background, it was only one person in that he sought out a terrorist camp (of COURSE arrests have been made; he gave up information that led them to the camp where he trained, naturally they've arrested people from there!), he WASN'T a "radical Islamic Jihaddist" from the start--but yeah, I have no doubt he wasn't a Tea Partier. Bloomberg also said "may be, but we can’t say that it is", which, at the time, was true. He also said "Homegrown maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda", which is absolutely right on.

His background shows motivation more than anything else.

Acquaintance: Shahzad Against, Bush, Iraq War

He's an American citizen of Pakistani descent who apparently had misgivings about the Iraq war.

The portrait of an admitted terrorist is becoming clearer by the hour. We now know he's the son of a prominent member of the Pakistani military. We now have the timeline of his years in this country. And on Tuesday night we learned his feelings about President Bush and American policy on Iraq from the one man who heard them first hand.

"He didn't like the war and he didn't like the president," Igor Djuric told CBS 2 HD.

Djuric met the now admitted terrorist when Faisal Shahzad was buying a home in the quite town of Shelton. Shahzad had already been in the country for six years.

In 1998, Shahzad emigrated to the U.S., and later graduated from the University of Bridgeport.

It was in 2004 that he purchased a three-bedroom colonial-style home. Djuric was his real estate broker.

"He said he was from Pakistan and maybe that's how the (conversation) started," Djuric said.

It was a conversation that quickly revealed Shahzad's feelings about the Iraq war.

"He said he didn't like policy and didn't think it was the right thing to go invade Iraq," Djuric said. "Something like they had nothing to do with 9/11, maybe he mentioned."

Generally reclusive, Shahzad shared few of his opinions. Instead, while a junior financial analyst at Affinion Group, he kept to himself.

"Now seeing and understanding who he was and what he had done is a shocking," then-neighbor Debbie Bussolari said.

The man who had that firsthand encounter has contacted the FBI. The home he sold to Shahzad is now in foreclosure. A hearing to finalize that foreclosure was reportedly held a week before the Times Square bombing attempt

It looks like Faisal Shahzad came to America to go to college when he was 18. First he went to school in Washington, DC, then he transferred to the University of Bridgeport. He got a BA in computer science and then an MBA from UB. Then at some point it looks like he worked as an office temp in Stamford for a while.

He bought a house in Shelton in 2004. Neighbors remember him living there with his wife and two kids. For a while he worked at a marketing and consulting firm in Norwalk called the Affinion Group.

In 2009 he took out a home equity loan, but court documents show he couldn't keep up with the payments for that loan or his primary mortgage. The bank foreclosed on that house in September. His last check to the power company bounced.

It looks like Shahzad and his family moved back to Pakistan after they lost the Shelton house. A couple of months ago, neighbors in Bridgeport say he showed up there and rented the apartment the FBI raided Monday night.

Bridgeport city leaders said Tuesday they are disappointed but not completely surprised to learn of the ties to this community.

I see a "profile" here, not unlike the guy who flew his plane into the IRS office. I see a guy who came to pursue the "American dream". It went well for him for years, and during that time he had strong feelings about our involvement in Iraq.

Then things go bad, he loses his home and is forced to return to Pakistan. Victim of the financial crisis that rocked this country. Maybe his disappointment in losing his dream, added to his feelings about Iraq, pushed him over the line, then got fueled by the terrorist camp.

He returned to the US, with training (poor as it was) in bomb making, and gained citizenship. I'd bet he did that with some kind of intentions toward making his mark, which he did.

To believe he was a terrorist with intentions from the beginning is, to me, ridiculous. He left his family behind when he came back and there's no sign that he was involved in any terrorist activities prior to leaving and coming was while in Pakistan he learned how to make a bomb.

I think we're a fearful country, seeing terrorism everywhere. This guy to me is pretty easy to understand--obviously not to condone! Given he came here for a good life, had strong feelings about Iraq in the first place, news is full of terrorism, then his dream died, it all fits together for ME. He became disillusioned and no doubt resentful about this country because of Iraq, disappointed and probably resentful at losing his good life here, and returned to strike out. Simple as that. Yeah, not that simple, but the chronology tells a story. Add to that mental instability, because nobody tries to bomb people without being at least a bit "off"--except those with a bent that way in the beginning, which he showed no signs of.

The Miranda thing bothers me more than anything else. This guy fits into the shoe-bomber pattern perfectly as far as inept attempt to strike out, but the comparisons are sickening. There already IS an exception to the Miranda ruling which is perfectly adequate: “In New York v. Quarles, 467 U.S. 649 (1984), the High Court held that in limited circumstances where legitimate concerns about public safety exist, evidence and statements are admissible in a subsequent trial even when a suspect is not informed of his Miranda rights.” It fits—probably why he was read his rights AFTER being questioned. He’s the perfect example of Quarles.

Yet, Richard Reid (British citizen) — the “shoe bomber” — was read or reminded of his Miranda rights four times in two days under Dumbya, beginning five minutes after being taken into custody. He was interrogated several times after that, read his rights four of those times, and agreed to plead guilty to federal terrorism charges. The lead prosecutor at the time, U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan, insisted the case provided important information. Abdulmutallab (Nigerian) was Mirandized. The FBI interrogators were able to get what was called “actionable” intelligence in that first 50-minute interview, and then Abdulmutallab stopped talking after his surgery. And he’s talking now.

Shahzad is an American citizen—it took him ten years to gain citizenship, and ten years ago, there’s no indication he was any kind of “sleeper”. Note it’s Republicans who are screaming loudest about this guy and Miranda, DESPITE the fact that he gave information both before and after being read his rights.

As to the involvement of "others", I find that ridiculous. He went to a terrorist camp where he got some pretty poor training. What he did was poorl done; if he'd had accomplices, does anyone believe his attempt would have been so sloppy? To say he didn't "act alone" is absurd on the face of it, to me; he went to people who would train him to build a bomb (which either they or he did poorly). That doesn't make them accomplices, only a terrorist camp willing to train anyone. We'll see what comes out, but it's pretty logical to me that he acted alone and for his own personal reasons, with encouragement from a terrorist group.

Not even a good try, Crappy. And yeah, 9/11 DID teach us something; that people can be frightened into ignoring logic and jumping to conclusions. Congratulations. And maybe that followers of Dumbya are more easily scared and more willing to see shadows and leave our Constitution behind in their fear.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 7:40 AM


Contessa Brewer is effortlessly hilarious. Wow. I'm suspicious of those who substitute hopes for facts.

In this instance, it is not remarkable that a dude from Pakistan (though naturalized citizen) tried to kill infidels. Nor is it remarkable that squishy liberals would attribute this to his sorrow over a foreclosure, or conservatives blame it on his faith. This is part of the script, right? Why hasn't anyone mentioned Palestine yet?

Regarding Miranda, the warning is not a magical talisman--its more part of pop culture than sound criminal law. First, there are a number of exceptions, public safety being one. Under this exception, at least, when the emergency passes, the warning needs to be given. However, the warning only needs only be offered if the People intend to use the evidence received at trial. If the suspect is dead to rights, there is really no need to Mirandize the suspect (or even question him, I guess). Here, the State could grill dude as much as they want, warning or no, so long as they don't mind giving up evidence. Whether or not we give Miranda warnings to terror suspects is a non-issue, accordingly.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 7:40 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
HE claimed to have been trained in Pakistan, spent months there, and then several folks were arrested.

I... guess now we invade Pakistan...?

Oh crap.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 11:28 AM


The whole thing isn't passing the sniff test, imma wait for the evidence - since there was a rush to float the whole "terrorism" angle before ANYTHING was known, pure opportunism in the same fashion that the asshats in charge kept screaming "WMD! WMD!" even when it was bloody obvious there weren't any cause that was the justification they chose to go with.

And it was real funny to watch the all of the sudden backstepping from their phony credit claim arranged via a false-front "jihad" site run by some dipshit named Cohen (gee, doesn't sound arabic to me!) when it became known to them AFTER they started banging that drum and pointing the finger at pakistan (convenient, with the arguments over those drone attacks, innit ?) that the tapes had been wilded and they had to come up with a different story...

You doubt ?

Watch the tapes, run em through enhancement, and then try to tell me the guy they arrested is the guy on the tape, see if you can keep a straight face.

Once again, politics trump the facts - oh, and count the propane tanks in the truck, before and after the initial search, that's a fun game too.



Wednesday, May 5, 2010 11:49 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

The whole thing isn't passing the sniff test, imma wait for the evidence

In the mean time, can the government interest you in a complimentary round of "The Running Man?"

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:02 PM


Only if I get home field advantage - screw Le Parkour, I'm too old and lazy!

Hell, they wanna come play with me in the icy cold darkness of my lair though, imma hafta hand off a handicap or two just to make it fair.



Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:02 PM



Frem is right. There's just no incident. At least, not without a much better story. IMHO? wanted an incident, so they took this one and ran with it. Hey, it's better than blowing up skyscrapers or sinking a ship.

Oh, I think everyone should be informed if they are put on the terrorist watchlist, so they can get the hell out of dodge if necessary.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:16 PM


No, Frem is in error. That's fine, because error is the natural state of human affairs. Whether or not the suspect is guilty of anything, I cannot say. That is the province of a jury. Yet to deny that there was an incident, or a suspect, and to claim that Obama somehow had an incentive in it, stretches credulity. Were I a birther, or Truther, such paranoid fantasies masquerading as a hunger for "facts" would be seductive. Alas, I am not seduced. Seduce me, would you?


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:18 PM



Originally posted by mincingbeast:
No, Frem is in error. That's fine, because error is the natural state of human affairs.

Would you feel better if YOU were in error, Minc?


The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:25 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by mincingbeast:
No, Frem is in error. That's fine, because error is the natural state of human affairs.

Would you feel better if YOU were in error, Minc?


The laughing Chrisisall

Fool! I do not feel.

I am an error. I am in error, and the error is in me.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:31 PM


That's the first step, my friend.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:35 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Him pakistani-american him, guy on watchlist, but probably not associated with this event... just total unscared in ny...


Yes, McCain has gone off the deep end too. Apparently, we should just execute american citizens now.

Kill baby kill.

You're suggesting the guy who was ID'd by the one who sold him the SUV, the one's whose keys were left in the ignition, the one who ADMITTED to doing this is " probably not associated with this event " ???

dunno 'bout McCain, 'cept that he's trying to win a primary.....

Boy, you and Contessa Brewer must be separated at birth or something.....

again - wow.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:46 PM


America loves a winner!

If Bloomie didn't know , he should have not speculated either way. Many figured that OK City was done by some mid-east types, before it was known to be McVeigh.

You're the mayor of NY F'n City. You just dodged a bullet, because some dumb schmuck couldn't follow simple instructions. And YOU want to go off making not just p.c. sensitive remarks, but god damn POLITICAL statements, which are WRONG?

If I were a resident of NYC, I'd be fuckin' pissed!

Hell..... EVERY American citizen should be pissed.....every HUMAN BEING should be pissed.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 12:51 PM


wait, Rappy, are you pissed or not? are you pissed at anything in particular?


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 1:02 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by mincingbeast:
wait, Rappy, are you pissed or not? are you pissed at anything in particular?

you're pissin' me off, pal.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 1:36 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


dunno 'bout McCain, 'cept that he's trying to win a primary.....

So you're okay with McCain saying that American citizens aren't due their constitutional rights if they're merely suspects (not convicted of anything, as of yet), as long as he's saying it to win an election? Am I reading you right? You're good with having your politicians campaign on the idea of doing away with the Constitution?

I thought you were claiming to be FOR that document before. Seems you had issue with some congressman or other not knowing some parts of it.

Guess your concern is somewhat lessened when it's Republicans saying we should sidestep it...


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 1:50 PM


Yep, look just like her. I am her.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 2:23 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

dunno 'bout McCain, 'cept that he's trying to win a primary.....

So you're okay with McCain saying that American citizens aren't due their constitutional rights if they're merely suspects (not convicted of anything, as of yet), as long as he's saying it to win an election? Am I reading you right? You're good with having your politicians campaign on the idea of doing away with the Constitution?

I thought you were claiming to be FOR that document before. Seems you had issue with some congressman or other not knowing some parts of it.

Guess your concern is somewhat lessened when it's Republicans saying we should sidestep it...


what did I say ?

That i was ok with something he said?

or that i didn't know ? ( hint - it was the 2nd one )

I can't comment on what McCain said if I don't KNOW what he's said.

That's for others , not me.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 2:26 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

So you're okay with {anyone on the right} saying that American citizens aren't due their constitutional rights if they're merely suspects (not convicted of anything, as of yet)

That's a big YEPPERS! in Rappyworld!

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 2:40 PM



The comment in question was that the pakistani suspect should not be read his miranda rights and should be executed as an example to future terrorists. bear in mind that this is a US citizen, and a lot of us are doubt the entire story down to the testimony as just being way too pat compared to the total incompetence that this would represent as a terrorist attack. I mean, quite frankly, I think that if we started chucking bagels at Barack, it would be more effective in ending the war than the alleged bomb. IMHO


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 2:44 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
bear in mind that this is a US citizen

You forfeit your citizenship when you are suspected of a crime that seems terrorist-y, Dream, didn't you get the memo???

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:05 PM


McCain forfeits marbles. Did you see him bouncing around Sarah Palin like a lovesick puppy who didn't know what year it was?


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:09 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Sarah Palin

Oh YEAH! I'd like to get me a piece o' THAT!!

The tortured Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:10 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by dreamtrove:
McCain forfeits marbles. Did you see him bouncing around Sarah Palin like a lovesick puppy who didn't know what year it was?

I LOL'd.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:19 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

The comment in question was that the pakistani suspect should not be read his miranda rights and should be executed as an example to future terrorists. bear in mind that this is a US citizen, and a lot of us are doubt the entire story down to the testimony as just being way too pat compared to the total incompetence that this would represent as a terrorist attack. I mean, quite frankly, I think that if we started chucking bagels at Barack, it would be more effective in ending the war than the alleged bomb. IMHO

nothing i said or posted remotely addresses the issue of mirandizing the suspect , what so ever.

are you suggesting that "someone" in this gov't STAGED this event ?

those are 2 entirely different issues, worthy of their own thread. my only issue was that bloomberg and contessa brewer were all fit to be tied that this wasn't a white, southern male, say, from georgia, s.carolina or alahbama, who was all fussy over a black man being in the white house.

in fact, it was muslim man, from Connecticut, a registered democrat.... it was a left winger's worst night mare.... an actual islamic terrorist, the very ones who attacked us before, who said they'd attack us again...but who the left refuses to acknowledge even exists!

( the moron who changed the original subject title of this isn't man enough to even show where i'm wrong )

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:26 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

in fact, it was muslim man, from Connecticut, a registered democrat.... it was a left winger's worst night mare....

Nuts are on either side of the aisle, your very posts prove that AU.

Silly silly British man.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


in fact, it was muslim man, from Connecticut, a registered democrat.... it was a left winger's worst night mare.... an actual islamic terrorist, the very ones who attacked us before, who said they'd attack us again...but who the left refuses to acknowledge even exists!

Can you show me any cites where "the left" refuses to acknowledge the existence of Islamic terrorists? Are you maybe perhaps exaggerating a bit?


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:51 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by AURaptor:

in fact, it was muslim man, from Connecticut, a registered democrat.... it was a left winger's worst night mare....

Nuts are on either side of the aisle, your very posts prove that AU.

Silly silly British man.

The laughing Chrisisall

wouldn't it be fun to be british ? seriously.....

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 3:56 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Kwicko:

in fact, it was muslim man, from Connecticut, a registered democrat.... it was a left winger's worst night mare.... an actual islamic terrorist, the very ones who attacked us before, who said they'd attack us again...but who the left refuses to acknowledge even exists!

Can you show me any cites where "the left" refuses to acknowledge the existence of Islamic terrorists? Are you maybe perhaps exaggerating a bit?

remember at the end of shindig, when mal and inara are enjoying kaylees fresh wine, and mal reminds 'nara that he got stabbed ?

this thread is like that.... that is to say, it's kinda all about the left overlooking the fact that islamo terrorists would want nothing better than to blow up u.s. cities... new york, even.

examples given.... bloomberg? msnbc's contessa brewer ? remember ?

" i got stabbed....right here!"

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 4:07 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Can you show me any cites where "the left" refuses to acknowledge the existence of Islamic terrorists? Are you maybe perhaps exaggerating a bit?


The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 4:08 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

wouldn't it be fun to be british ? seriously.....

I am. Nearly half, in point of fact.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 4:12 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

remember at the end of shindig, when mal and inara are enjoying kaylees fresh wine, and mal reminds 'nara that he got stabbed ?

Yeah, he specifically stated that Ath was an Islamo-Muslim terrorist spy for the New Muslim Order in the Alliance. Dang, these nuts are everywhere, under our beds even!!!
Be afraid. Be very afraid.

The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 5:02 PM


1) I thought you were asking what McCain said, that's what he said, hence the relevenciness
2) Like Bloomberg, still not on the left
3) Probably okay to be British right now, looks like Labour might get pwner. Bear in mind that, due to the recent manipulations and gerrymandering, Tories need 40% to win, Labour needs 33%.


are you suggesting that "someone" in this gov't STAGED this event ?

Why? What would be the point? No. I think they're running with a non-story, and trying to make it into a giant conspiracy, so as to paint themselves, the Obama admin, TSA, etc, as heroes. It's a no-brainer. Bush did it several times. Clinton too, I think it's probably as old as the press. But yeah, there was a guy with a bomb, or at least some propane tanks, and a stolen license plate. That much I buy. It the 20%. Not sure about the rest. Yet.

The more the "evidence" piles up, the more skeptical I will become. Here's why: I've spent a many years writing, study life, the way they happen, how the two relate, and the very random nature of reality. When things happen as if they were written in a script to benefit the main characters, such as Bush or Obama or Condorman, it's just not believable.

Think about it. Life doesn't follow this pattern,. like, ever.

For example: There's a terrorist, and his ring hails from

a) Pakistan

Wasn't that just what you were expecting? In spite of basically no pretense to believe that this would be the case?

b) A garage in a Jersey suburb

Random, but very likely and believable, not at all expected.

Now, he was in pakistan to visit....

c) Vist an Al Qaeda training camp!

Hey, it's a great tourist destination

This guy couldn't make a bomb. Anyone could make a bomb, he's not only a sucky terrorist, he's a moron. Our intelligence apparatus constantly fails to find Al Qaeda training camps, and hence it bombs lots of civilians in hopes of hitting such a camp. And the logic gets worse. If this a formidable foes, and they have these top secret high powered training camps responsible for 9-11, capable of circumventing every defense of every branch of the US civilian and military authorities, yet they can't teach a regular guy how to make a bomb? This isn't rocket science, okay, maybe it is, but you don't even need the anarchist cookbook, you can find this stuff on wikipedia. Screw the al qaeda training, just ask jeeves.


d) to visit his gay lover

Again, unexpected, but thoroughly believable. A story, if true, should fill out like this.

I remember when the Tiger Woods story first broke, and we had this: He was injured in a car wreck at the end of his driveway. I said "He cheated on his wife and she hit him with a golf club" I'm sure a lot of people here made that call right away. My brother said "no, she's gorgeous, there's no way he cheated on her, and besides, it's just a car crash. I said "look at the time and location of the crash, it's almost impossible to wreck a car or yourself in a driveway. Watch, I'll be right." Okay, it's not a great insight, it's the simple application of logic and the natural chaos of life.

So, every once in a while comes a story which totally defies that order.. Ironically, it's always some extremely high profile case that has deep implications for US domestic or foreign policy.

Stories usually break down much more like Michael Vick or Eric Massa. Maybe they're terrorists ;)


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 5:11 PM


America loves a winner!

McCain is a non issue w/ me in this thread.

Bloomberg is a liberal. Republican, but liberal. Might not be " Leftist " , but still....

Your conspiracy theory is a bit much for me to tackle at this time, so I'll just save it for later.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 5:41 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

in fact, it was muslim man, from Connecticut, a registered democrat.... it was a left winger's worst night mare.... an actual islamic terrorist, the very ones who attacked us before, who said they'd attack us again...but who the left refuses to acknowledge even exists!

Can you show me any cites where "the left" refuses to acknowledge the existence of Islamic terrorists? Are you maybe perhaps exaggerating a bit?

remember at the end of shindig, when mal and inara are enjoying kaylees fresh wine, and mal reminds 'nara that he got stabbed ?

this thread is like that.... that is to say, it's kinda all about the left overlooking the fact that islamo terrorists would want nothing better than to blow up u.s. cities... new york, even.

examples given.... bloomberg? msnbc's contessa brewer ? remember ?

Can you show me the quotes where they said they don't believe there are Islamic terrorists, or that such terrorists don't exist?

Hell, LOTS of people would like to blow up U.S. cities - lots of so-called conservatives have endorsed things lake taking the top ten floors off the U.N., or wishing that the Eastern Seaboard were gone.

Oh, and while you're digging up those cites, can you show me any hard evidence that this guy was a registered Democrat, as you claimed earlier? I'm sure you've got hard factual information on that; it's not the kind of thing you'd fabricate, or pass along if it were false. Right?


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 5:43 PM


Bloomberg is sort of at the heart of capitalism.

Which was the conspiracy theory? About the British election?

The rest wasn't conspiracy theory, it was just the natural b^!!$#!+ detector, I figure that a cops job is to lie, as in "we have your buddy in the other room, and he's already confessed" and if that's what you do for a living, or did, before you became TSA or whatever, you get a distored world view, to say nothing of politicians.

In short, people make things up, for political gain, and it's fairly easy to tell when they are doing it, though less easy to tell what they are up to, but I think Frem said "doesn't pass the sniff test," or something like that, which is basically what I'm saying.

And if you meant the British elections, okay, that's a conspiracy theory, but I think it's a pretty sound one. The statistical chances of Labour winning are much higher as a result of policy changes made by a labour govt., which, sure, is a conspiracy, and if I have it right, they win on 33% and tories win around 40%, which they may get. I don't doubt that tories will get more votes, I'm just not sure that they can win outright, and I'm not sure how far Brown would go to hold on to power


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 5:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:
McCain is a non issue w/ me in this thread.

Imagine that. McCain says something utterly stupid, asks for the Constitution to be outright ignored, and that's a non-issue with you. Imagine my lack of surprise.


Bloomberg is a liberal. Republican, but liberal. Might not be " Leftist " , but still....

... but still, you'll call him a "leftist" even though he calls himself a conservative Republican... I guess you know everybody better than they know themselves!


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 6:40 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mincing, I never said it was ‘sorrow over a foreclosure’. Please read what I actually SAY, if you were directing that at me. I see the combination of someone who comes from a poor country, makes good, doesn’t like the Iraq war, loses it all, goes home to Pakistan and no doubt hears hatred of the US, who gets it into his head to join the jihad and seeks training in bombs. That’s not “sorrow” of any kind, it’s pressure, disappointment, resentment, anger, and quite possibly a slightly “off” person to start with, being utilized and encouraged to do harm.

Uh, Frem, are you talking about the guy on tape who took his shirt off? They’ve said now that it wasn’t the guy they arrested, so no, it’s not the same person. If that’s not what you’re referring to, what tapes are you talking about?

As to the guy’s ineptness, didn’t we just have a few inept attempts at terrorism which were just about as laughable? I don’t see any problem with him being an idiot, among other things...idiots abound, and I’m sure quite a few of them are stuffed more with hate and a wish to do violence than they are with brains! And what training camp did he go to? Was it a class-A Al Qaeda camp, or some shmucks...would he, as having lived in America so long and being on the path to citizenship, be taken for granted by a legitimate terrorist group, so easily and so quickly? Isn’t it possible there are all KINDS of “terrorist training camps”, and a lot of them are the same kind of home-grown idiots as many of our “militias” are? Stupidity is world-wide, you know. They may be out to get us, but that doesn’t mean they’re all smart enough to be able to!

Just because something seems too stupid to be real doesn't mean it's not real. How about the shoe bomber and the other one? Both failed because of pure ineptness; it's not possible this guy was as dumb as either of them? Duh...I think it's too easy to say "this can't be real, it doesn't seem real to ME" then call it fact.

As to conspiracy where this is concerned:

Yet to deny that there was an incident, or a suspect, and to claim that Obama somehow had an incentive in it, stretches credulity. Were I a birther, or Truther, such paranoid fantasies masquerading as a hunger for "facts" would be seductive.
I don't think they're even making more of it than it was, because ANY perceived attack is used to make Obama look soft on terrorism and American safety.

Now, making it look like more than it WAS, that I might buy. Except, damn, it’s still more useful for the right than Obama, as it gives them the excuse to holler “What IF...?” and say it wasn’t Obama who “saved” us, it was a t-shirt vendor. So no, I doubt either concept, neither makes sense as a plus for Obama. Can anyone tell me HOW exactly blowing it up would benefit Obama? I’m not seeing it. At all.

You want a conspiracy, better to imagine RIGHT-WING conspirators; they're all over the TV yelling about "How did this guy get so close??" and "If he'd been any more efficient..." I sure as hell don't see Obama gaining from this; the bomb car was spotted by a t-shirt vendor, for heaven's sake! That doesn't make it look like Obama's on the ball, looks like it was pure luck something didn't happen.

To call Bloomberg a "leftist" is patently ridiculous, but since it fits your hate for the left, go for it.

What I’m hearing now is a bill being written to strip ANY American of their civil rights if—who, the government?—thinks they are in any way allied with a terrorist group. Uh...anyone remember McCarthy? This has gone so far beyond the pale, it’s almost like Dumbya used 9/11 to stir up so much fear that some (usually on the right, sorry) aren’t able to think straight anymore!

I never heard anything about this guy being a “registered democrat”, can you cite that please? I’ve also never heard of anyone on the right OR the left refusing to acknowledge terrorists even exist. Oh, wait, shit, I’m reading Crappy’s post...silly me! Yeah, Chris got it

Nuts are on either side of the aisle, your very posts prove that AU.
Oh shit, here he goes AGAIN, too:

all about the left overlooking the fact that islamo terrorists would want nothing better than to blow up u.s. cities... new york, even.
Wow, that delusionary world must be fascinating.

Chris, was your link a joke? It didn’t come through for me, I thought it might be good for a laugh...

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Oh, he is. He’s very very VERY afraid...of every shadow...and the left...and virtually everything ELSE from what he writes. Been trained well. “Fruit Loops!”, if anyone remember that one.

"I'm just right. Kinda like the sun rising in the east and the world being round...its not a need its just the way it is." The Delusional "Hero", 3/1/10


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 10:06 PM


Sequence of events, Niki.

See, due to a fluke of blind luck, I got to watch this mess go down in realtime, tipped off by an Indymedia rep who happened to be en route to get himself a chili-dog, you see.

Incident happens.

Some "jihadi" website set up to point the finger at Pakistan starts claiming credit.

Authorities realize someone else has gotten to the nearby cameras and has copies of the data, the mechanics of that i'll not discuss cause it isn't mine to tell.

Now they come out and have to dismiss the website claims as non-credible.

A supposed suspect extremely convenient ancestry and belief is rounded up.

Those who didn't get word continue with the claim that the suspect is the guy on the tape, playing to the pre-set gameplan.

Only, the suspect DOESN'T match the guy on the tape, which wouldn't have been a problem if those tapes hadn't "gotten loose".

And where DID that third propane tank come from, or the metal box full of fertilizer, hmmm ?

It all bears the hallmark of a pre-planned bullshit story that didn't fly because contrary evidence got loose and folks unaware of that stuck to the game-plan - kinda look a crook or cops sticking to their pre-practiced bullshit story unaware the investigator damn well knows they're lying.

Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Oh. Wow. Gee Whiz. Looky here. You know we're always fascinated when we find leg irons with no legs in them. Who held the keys sir?
Old Guard: Me.
Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Where those keys at?
Old Guard: I don't know.
Poole: Care to revise your statement, sir?
Old Guard: What?
Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Do you want to change your bullshit story, sir?

So, while in lieu of hard evidence, I dunno the what...
(I bet by now the NYPD does, and has been told by the powers that be to keep their traps shut about it - which means they'll blab it, sooner or later)

But I DO know this shows all the signs of a set-piece gameplan gone all wrong, anything from taking advantage of some random crazy by just lettin it happen and playin on it, to.. well, whatever, but I do know the official story don't hold water.

Stuff like this always makes me wonder how it mighta went if Emad Salem really DID sabotage the bomb in 1993 - be funny to hear media reporting an explosion that didn't happen, oh, and didn't that happen eight years later, when someone got a little.. EARLY, on reporting something of that nature, hmm ?

Or, with that in mind, what mighta happened if the passengers had taken one of those jets back, the questions that mighta come out of that, and in my darker moods I wonder if perhaps that mighta been *why* United 93 caught itself a missle...



Wednesday, May 5, 2010 11:27 PM


America loves a winner!


you offered a long list of conspiracy nonsense, imo. Too much to fret over in this thread.


I'll type slowly, so you can follow along. Bloomberg is a liberal Republican. He can cal himself anything he wants, he's a politician. But it's clear, he's a liberal, if not an out and out Leftist.

I'll not even bother w/ a response on your other, nonsensical remark, except to say, this thread is proof enough for what you're asking.

Bones: "Don't 'rawr' her!"
Booth: "What? she'rawred' me first."


Thursday, May 6, 2010 1:32 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

In other words, you got nothin', Rappy. It's okay; you can admit it.






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