Gold to Go

UPDATED: Friday, May 28, 2010 19:03
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Thursday, May 27, 2010 4:43 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I think there is a gold bubble right now. Gold will never be worthless, but it's not worth what they say it's worth in times of panic.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

"You can lose a quark you don't girth." -Dreamtrove's words to live by, translated by Ipad


Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Thing is, if you're in a position to need that money, to need to sell your gold, you're not in a position to demand top dollar for it. And you're not alone in needing to get rid of it right now, all at once.


"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero, Real World Event Discussions


Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:36 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


True enough. If people know you're stuck, then they'll stick it to you some more.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner

"You can lose a quark you don't girth." -Dreamtrove's words to live by, translated by Ipad


Friday, May 28, 2010 2:51 AM


Pfffth, part of that inflated bullshit-bubble is the simple fact that most of that "gold" exists only on paper.

S'why I never, EVER buy points or shares of precious stones, but the uncut stones themselves outright, and why I keep my silver close at hand.

Cause I learned my lesson from Old Court Savings and Loan, oh indeed I did - if you think that when it hits the fan, they're gonna HONOR that fuckin paper ?....

Well, I got some paper here says that bank owes me about eighteen hundred bucks, and I'll sell it to you for about half that - any takers ?

Ted Butler is, admittedly, a bit of a shyster, but that just makes him very damned good at unravelling other peoples scams, especially those of big business.
Money for Nothing

If you have an investment in 1000 oz silver bars which are stored for you and you don’t have serial numbers and specific weights, you don’t own real silver. If you have a pool account you don’t own real silver. It you have any account where you don’t have the clear ability to demand delivery at anytime with no additional fabrication charges, you don’t own real silver. Period. If the dealer you bought the silver from stores it for you, and it is not an independent storage facility that is holding it in your name, you are taking great risks.

If you have paid full value for your stored silver, including storage and insurance fees, and don’t have the serial numbers and weights on your 1000-ounce bars, you must rectify that circumstance immediately. By not actually buying and storing the real metal to back the customers’ purchase, financial firms can greatly enhance their bottom line profits through the free use of the customers’ funds. Morgan Stanley’s actions were not in any way unique in this practice. In fact, in the court documents summarizing the proposed settlement, one of Morgan Stanley’s defenses was that they were not doing anything unusual by charging storage on metal that didn’t exist, as this is a widespread industry practice.

On a purely financial basis, the institution is given cash by the client and does not have to return it until the client sells his silver, which may not be for years or decades. For the entire time the client does not sell, the firm has full use of his money on a zero cost of funds basis. Those firms who charged, and still charge, storage and insurance fees for the non-existent silver rake in even more from the client. Honest dealings aside, this is a very cash-flow positive business for these institutions. Even if silver doubles or triples in price, there is no margin call to the selling institution, as clients don’t issue margin calls. As long as clients don’t sell on a net basis, the issuing institution still doesn’t experience negative cash flow. In our short-term world, that is all that matters. If you or I arranged to do what hundreds of world financial institutions have done, we would quickly be put in jail, as it is fraud, pure and simple.

The Real Deal

The warning is simply this - if you make, or have made, the decision to buy silver, then make sure you buy or hold real silver in the right form. Make sure you have the real deal and not some pure paper substitute.

This is not an attempt to warn of temporary price risk or reward in silver, that’s an entirely different and separate matter. Every asset is subject to short-term price movement and this is something unavoidable and immaterial on a long-term basis. The danger I am referring to is both very much avoidable and material to your financial health.

In fact, the greatest risk possible to silver investors is not the price of silver, but in holding the wrong form of silver and suddenly discovering that silver doesn’t exist. Investors in such non-existent silver face the very real risk of a total loss, even if silver soars in price. While you must allow for short term prices to fluctuate, there should be no allowance for holding silver in the wrong form. And you can and must rely on your common sense to determine if your silver is in the right form.

Clearly, there is no risk of a total loss to those holding real silver in their own safe personal possession. That’s what makes such silver the very best form of investment silver, and is precisely why investors hold it in that form. The warnings do not apply to this form of silver. The only warning to these investors is that they may not own enough real silver.

I take that one step further and say without reservation that NO storage can be trusted, cause if it hits the fan hard enough that you want your stuff, they'll lock the place down and clean it out lickety split - and that's if the Government doesn't do it first.

Of course, most folks don't think deep enough about supply and demand, trade goods and the like - a chunk of gold isn't gonna buy shit from a farmer who needs fuel for his tractor, you know ?

Most precious metals require a pretty high tech base to *BE* of value, and apparently the doomsday stockpilers ain't quite realized that if their armageddon comes, all that metal is gonna be is dead weight, or in the case of "paper gold", toilet paper.

It's the derivatives bullshit all over again, most of that paper is short by up to 95%, so if these fools ever DO try to call in their markers, the folks holding them are gonna laugh in their face as they run off to Dubai with all the money.



Friday, May 28, 2010 1:13 PM


Good point, most of the gold doesn't really exist. My 2 cents:

1. Gold is open to monopoly in a way that other resources aren't.

2. The value of gold is set artificially by international financiers, it is not a free market. Some Chinese govt officials and tiny republics like kuwait would Iike to see an international gold standard. If this were to happen, the value of gold would be about a thousand times what it is. Absent that, gold is not worthless but is pretty damn close. Most of the gold is sequestered by gold mongers, and doesn't reach the small industrial demand which is easily satiated.

3. Gold is far more of a religious belief. There was plenty of gold in ancient Egypt before the switch to the gold standard, but no one thought it valuable. Traditionally, is has been used to make ornaments and tools as a soft metal found in elemental form, which is rare for a metal. Ergo, it's very useful to stone age man, and not so much to us.

Whether having gold is a good idea depends on the stability of that religious belief.

Similarly, deeds to land exist only in our heads. Real power probably lies in swords and plowshares. Seeds are not rare, but are incredibly powerful, probably just blatantly more than anything else on earth. Second would come soil and water, which means land, river floodplains in particular. After that, medicine. These are the things I think are valuable, and I suspect that you would not need weapons to protect them, but Some form of defense would come somewhere around here.

If this sounds anarchronistic, that might be because most people live in the city. Out here, the above can do you just fine without money. I've never actually had gold, or much money. I don't think it's a necessary component of life, or even of business.

One of my gripes with the president is the healthcare fees, and this pending herbal ban is another. It's been in the works for a while, but all of this is about forcing you to take part in the absurd fiat economy, which deals an infinite share to the ruling elite, and doles out pittance to the poor and heaps debt on the masses. This, is the disaster, the apocalypse, I think you will have to survive. It's not an invading mexican Muslim army, it's the return of an old institution, slavery. America was the escape for Europeans from this kind of mandate, but now it's creeping up on us. Finally, I suspect that this is a breakdown of separation of church and state, since being a part of a recognized religion is going to be the last escape left.

Basic financial survival for Americans? No debt. After that, own property, then try to own it tax free. After that, have your own swords and plowshares.


Friday, May 28, 2010 3:25 PM


Allies, DT, the value of allies...

See, I know jack diddly shit about farming, ok - but I do know where to get unpoisoned (aka, not GM single use sterile) seed stock(1), can fix damn near anything mechanical and happen to be a damn useful fellow, in a pinch.

But the real rub, well, I like having a solid and reliable food supply - and happen to be really good at makin very bad shit happen to people intent on fouling that up, which them farmers are well aware of, and eager to support, you know ?

Besides, you never wanna piss off a farmer anyhow, cause the whole time they're shootin at you, they ain't producin food, which is gonna hurt you worse in the long run - that was one reason the whiskey rebellion so horrified Hamilton and his cronies, cause if they didn't crush it quick, that coulda HURT them.


(1) Fuckin Monsanto - you wanna talk armageddon, how bout that damn terminator seed which infects every crop it contacts as the dominant strain and tends to kill pollinators besides, putting the whole damn biosphere at risk for their profit, and they bloody well know it too, since at least one of them doomsday vaults they packed fulla seed stock and whatnot is run by them.

You wanna see where that goes, read/watch Cormac McCarthy's The Road - cause that's where that game ends.


Friday, May 28, 2010 3:43 PM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:


I think there is a gold bubble right now. Gold will never be worthless, but it's not worth what they say it's worth in times of panic.


You might be right, or we could be looking at a reasonable response to the debasement of the World reserve currencies. I tend towards the bubble idea because there was a Gold bubble in the 1970's that resulted from currency devaluation that lead to a 70% drop in gold prices as the World economy stabilized. If you think we're looking at hyper-inflation and a worthless dollar, by all means by physical gold and hide it under your mattress. I think if things get to that point you might be better off investing in freeze dried food, guns and ammo.


Friday, May 28, 2010 3:48 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

"I think if things get to that point you might be better off investing in freeze dried food, guns and ammo."


Yes, things that you can use to sustain your life AND trade to others might prove to be the better endgame resource.


"On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you." --Auraptor

"This vile and revolting malice - this is their true colors, always has been, you're just seeing it without the mask of justifications and excuses they hide it behind, is all. Make sure to remember it once they put the mask back on." --Fremdfirma


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:02 PM


And the whiskey, Kirk, don't forget the whiskey.

Anyone half competent can make slash or shine, but good whiskey's an investment, and only improves with age.



Friday, May 28, 2010 5:28 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

And the whiskey, Kirk, don't forget the whiskey.

Anyone half competent can make slash or shine, but good whiskey's an investment, and only improves with age.


I have a hard time stockpiling good bourbon whiskey for the obvious reason. You're right though, if things get rough a bottle of Knob Creek would be worth more than a big pile of gold.


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:39 PM


Monsanto is infamously evil. In fact, monsanto is so evil that monsanto evil is the firsf autocomplete, or used to be. Monsanto of course deniers that it has terminator seeds which it patented, because...

My understand is, terminator seeds do not infect other crops, they are a mule. Ergo, they're not a dominant strain because they're not a strain. The next generation of seeds are inviable, and this would be true of any crossbreed between a terminator and a strain. But this is one area where Michael Chrichton was right: nature finds a way. In fact, evolution fights the terminator quickly and fairly effectively, as has been demonstrated when they tried the idea on insect populations.

You're right that this is a doomsday machine. I'm of the opinion that just like there's no such thing as a natural desert, that there's no such thing as a natural famine. People who argue these generally don't have a solid grasp of nature or plants. In this case, the Manipulation of food supply creates a situation where the quantity produced could be dependent upon market supply. If monsanto wants to exterminate the population they can. Also, much more likely, if they fail to come through, they can inadvertently wipe out large populations. They're assuming that they'd always be able to come through. Picture this more in a trillion human future than in today's world as a very real possibility.

Solution: use a wide variety of strains, and plant them all from fruit, not from purchased seed. A store-bought tomato should be able to produce tomato offspring. If it cannot, then it is probably not strictly speaking a tomato. It's not just that if might be part fish, it has also been either modified or irradiated.

Of course, all food is pretty much GMO now, and has been, but that's nothing new. My tomatoes are likely the result of Aztecs and incas, like corn. I grow a wide variety of tomatoes, but the prizes of my collection are backbred.

Sometimes they don't even look like tomatoes. The stalks are tall and thick, much more in a natural plant way (plants tend to be mostly plant, not mostly fruit, something which disappears with manipulation, because we have no use for the plant itself.) but of course, what matters is how much tomato in in your tomato, meaning lycopene et al, and not how much water cellulose and fish DNA. Ugliripes make great tomatoes.

This year I'm experimenting with a move towards permaculture. I noticed by accident that tomatoes which are collocated with sunflowers do significantly better than tomatoes collocated with tomatoes. What's truly bizarre about this is that sunflowers consume radically more resources than tomatoes. Logically, it would seem that tomatoes should not do well at all if they are interlaced with sunflowers, yet they're doing about twice as well as their non-sun flowered counterparts. I know this is true with the clover, which donates nitrogen, I don't know why it should be even more true of sunflowers. I have a suspicion that the whole line of inquiry will lead us to the conclusion that unspoiled rainforest produces more food than ideal farmland. I'd go so far as to guess a ratio, I'm expecting that it will be about ten times as efficient as farmland. The main secret here is water, but there are inter-ddpendencies of nutrient balance as well, without going into the effect on fertilization with respect to insect populations etc.

Your right. Allies. Allies are very important. Allies are not just important for the ones that help you out, but also the ones who would be attacking you if they weren't your allies. Swiss neutrality is based on being an ally of both sides, but a pragmatic ally. You need a reason for them to be your ally. In WWII, I suspect it was finance. If anyone invaded, all the money would go to the other side. That was different from invading other people, when you got their resources. You have to make sure not only that knowing you is beneficial, but that defeating you is distinctly disadvantageous, even if they do it to you themselves.


Friday, May 28, 2010 5:39 PM


Double post


Friday, May 28, 2010 7:03 PM


Heh, speakin of fruit - site three has a couple apple and cherry trees, originally installed for decorative purposes, but they'd do well enough as seed stock too, AND I have explicit permission to raid em as I please, as no one else will do so since they seem almost frightened of the idea of eating non-store-bought fruit, silly people, the raccoons and local wildlife are eatin it with no ill effects, other than bummer, who waits for it to ferment a bit so he can get blasted on it - that's funny to watch, he's a crafty ole coot, stealin the bait out of the livetraps with a stick (he has a thing for bologna, which is what they bait the traps with) and trying to recruit a new posse to raid the dumpsters with...

And that last part amuses me the most, cause while I might be an asshole, shoot ME, and then who's gonna fix your tractor, your generator, your power windmill ?

Of course, that presumes folk can think that far ahead, and a lot of em don't - although that'd be less and less of a problem over time, wouldn't it now ?

That, and without the hassle of legal consequences for doin so, my inclination to respond to threat with violence would be a pretty strong deterrent cause I believe in overkill as an object lesson.







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