My heart goes out to the rest of the world....

UPDATED: Monday, July 5, 2010 09:20
VIEWED: 2807
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Sunday, June 27, 2010 10:21 AM


I'm sitting here on my deck over looking the lake and my thoughts began to wonder a bit(It may have something to do with the beers I enjoyed) I feel sorry for the rest of the world. See, I live in the greatest country the world has ever known. It's not the fact that we are the strongest, wealthiest, and best looking. We can go to any grocery store and have more varieties of food in one isle than most countries have collectively. We have Oranges from Florida, Beef from Texas, lettuce from California all year long. Seeing we are not a tiny island nation(Great Britain) we have resources that are unrivaled...Not only are we the only nation on earth that can feed itself we also feed many other people, showing our humanitarian greatness. We dominate every real sport on earth...Boxing, Football, Baseball, Basketball, and lawn darts.
So, what is my point? well I'm beginning to feel bad that people around the world don't, can't, and will never have the ability to have the confidence and self respect we Americans have. It's almost sad. It's kind of like trying to explain to an eleven yr. old what it's like to be an adult...there is a disconnect.

Other Americans here will know what I mean. I wish you could all be Americans. My heart goes out to those that are not......Living in a land with so much greatness can be very taxing


Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:36 PM


Taxes are a fairly major issue. I wonder sometimes. This country has a lot of plusses, but some minuses as well. But feel comforted in this: most of them actually do know what its like to be an american. I have travelled a fair amount, and most of the movers and shakers you meet have lived here at some point.

Anyway, there are some pretty nice places out there.


Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:54 PM



Originally posted by kaneman:
I wish you could all be Americans. My heart goes out to those that are not

How very Americentrically sweet of you, K!

Personally, I thank the Lords Of Kobol for every Reeses Big Cup I eat. Only here, man.
Only here.

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:12 PM


Ah the greatest on earth...and I was just talking about your ego.


Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:32 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Ah the greatest on earth...and I was just talking about your ego.

Not ME? Right? You must mean the K-man...

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:36 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Somebody's been smokin too much Frankenreefer, probably full of paraquat and PCP.

Much of the world pays $10-cents/gallon for gas...full service.

Much of the world has no speed limits, no traffic lights, no redlight scameras, no speed traps, no traffic court, with instant death penalty for any cop who writes a traffic ticket.

Much of the world don't arrest 30% of its citizens every year.

Much of the world deports illegal aliens.

Much of the world don't export their own jobs.

Much of the world has no GMO foods to cause Crohns Disease.

Much of the world has no MSG, high fructose corn syrup and freakish fats to cause 75% of its citizens to be fat and ugly as birth control.

Much of the world has no fluoride in water and beverages to cause cancer and mind control.

Much of the world don't inject its babies with 35 deadly poisons.

Much of the world don't genocide 2% of its own citizens every year.

Much of the world don't invade innocent nations to genocide millions of innocent people.

Much of the world don't pay enemy soldiers to attack its own troops.

Much of the world don't grow opium and cocaine, or force psy meds on 90% of its people.

Much of the world don't give 80% of its own oil away to foreign nations.

Much of the world has no income tax.

Much of the world has no sales tax.

Much of the world has no property tax.

Much of the world has banks that charge no interest.

Much of the world don't have private jew banksters counterfeiting all money then loaning it to the govt at interest, to steal 100% of income taxes.

Much of the world don't have its leaders performing ritual human sacrifice to a 50-foot-tall idol of Satan and running around nekked holding each others penises as they urinate in public.

Much of the world don't hijack their own airliners and bomb their own skyscrapers, then blame an innocent nation to start wars, just like Adolf Hitler.

Much of the world don't fake science fiction moon landings, while genociding millions of people in foreign nations, and importing heroin in 10,000s of corpses of its own soldiers.

Much of the world don't bomb, machine gun, burn down and slaughter entire churches of its own citizens.

Much of the world don't kill their own leaders on live TV.

Much of the world don't nuke its own citizens 1,050 times.

Other than that, USA is a picture of health.

Now go drink your beer, watch your porn, and STFU.

Or Big Brother will kill you.


Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:59 PM


Clowns to the left of me, clowns to the right...
Stuck in the middle again


Sunday, June 27, 2010 5:12 PM


America loves a winner!

What separates this country from the rest of the world isn't natural resources, but



a strong work ethic

Those 2 things combine to allow for near limitless potential.


Sunday, June 27, 2010 6:07 PM


When I was at school, the kid who went around telling everyone how great he/she was, usually had problems at home.

Anyways, time to post THE map again.


Sunday, June 27, 2010 6:29 PM


The World According to America Map is the most accurate map I have ever seen! It could be improved upon, however, if we cut out the left and west coast, colored them pink, and wrote "here be homos." For serious.

Also, if I were not American, I would absolutely hate America. Hell, I am American, and I hated America until Obama was elected. Now I'm only indifferent to it, though I do dig the puritan work ethic.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010 10:40 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
When I was at school, the kid who went around telling everyone how great he/she was, usually had problems at home.

Anyways, time to post THE map again.

I thought this map was perfect...then I saw "santa!!!" up top. Even Americans know that is were Eskimo's come from.....


Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:13 PM


I love many things about living in America. Resources, freedoms, most of our legal institutions, access to mental healthcare (PN needs to look into it)

I think my real gripe is with American culture. A lot of the elements we have decided to emphasize about our society and to entrench ourselves in.

The way we condescend to other nations (see our charitable efforts and the piddling on that comes with them)

Our closeminded ignorance, and the association of that ignorance with "pride" that makes it self-sustaining. Also crime levels are a legitimate concern.

I wonder how our culture would be different if we made one major change. We didn't work so hard. Now now, just hear me out. I'm not saying we become a socialist nation, or any of that jazz that will chum the water for auraraptor and Wulfy, I'm saying look at Germany, England, many of our other friends in Western/Central Europe. They are industrious, they are effective nations, but as a people, they don't work themselves to the bone in the same way. They tend to take vacations (holiday) for longer than we do, they work a few less hours on average. And in return they live in smaller homes, have to be more choosy about luxuries on average. Maybe this makes me Un-American, but while I'm no anti-materialist that style of living appeals to me, the concept of peace of mind, and more time to enjoy my life is worth more to me than having a heart attack at 55, but damn it, I have that humvee in my 6 car garage. I don't know stats, but I bet mental breakdowns, depression, all sorts of thigns are less common in this environment.

Oh and the emphasis on education in those nations is different in a way that appeals to me (some of them not all), but that's a different rant for a different time. However, that does figure into my comment about ignorance. i live in Illinois, every European I've ever met can tell me what the capitol of Illinois is, I bet many Americans cannot, much less tell me the capital of the Czech Republic, or even know that there IS a Czech republic.

PN listed banes upon society, many of them imaginary, but several that are very true. And so many of those things could be medicated if the American public didn't have the kind of cerebral apathy we see.

We idolize football stars, aging rockers who feel compelled to find love on VH1 and a family of 2 beautiful sisters and 1 ugly one who contribute virtually NOTHING to society other than being rich and pretty. American values sometimes rub me the wrong way, and that's really what the rest of the Western world looks at us funny for.

Outside of the Western world, and in some of the poorer Western nations however, oh yeah, I'll stick to America thank you. Just try to be the change I wish to see in the world. Educated, open-minded. value family, friends and good memories more than money and do what I can to improve the world around me so that when I have a family, I can see they have a quality life, not just a well funded one.

"...we need a hood ornament..."


Tuesday, June 29, 2010 11:26 PM


Reenct, Work less...I like your style. There is a difference between ignorance and not giving a fuck. I hear people always saying "American ignorance". We Americans are not ignorant to the rest of the worlds desires or culture. We just know in our hearts that our way is better, thus we don't give a shit what a Frenchmen or Brit thinks or wants. I find it hilarious when "ignorance" is used to describe our collective "middle finger" to the rest of the world....but, if they feel better about the slight by saying we are for me


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 4:07 AM


I like the idea of not working as hard. 30 hr work weeks sound great to me.

Something sounds just as nice, and a whole lot more healthy...

Less income taxes. Now, hear me out..

5% to the local gov, and 5% to the National. No sales tax above 2%.

Try and imagine that.

If you make 30 grand... 3 grand is what you pay.

If you make 50 grand... 5 grand is what you pay.

100 grand...10 grand. And so on.

The rest is yours, free and clear, to do with as you see fit.

Im toying, also, with the idea that you cannot charge more than 40-50% above cost of production (to try and keep products reasonably priced...) but that violates free market principles.

How about that?

No more sliding scales, no more marriage taxes ect. Just 10%

AND, it wouldn't apply to savings, or investments. Only direct, earned income.

You could save your money, invest it as you saw fit, and not have to pay taxes on the earnings.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 4:13 AM


I agree with Kaneman that we are very fortunate to live in America. But I would bet that the vast majority of citizens of foreign countries feel the same way about their country. I have just about everything I ever wanted out of life, and many things I never imagined I could have....but does all that make me happy? Not really....only love can make you happy, and you can experience love even in the poorest hellholes on Earth.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 4:34 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Wulfie, as always, you're going to get bogged down in the details. You've already just said that you'd leave a giant loophole for the rich (investments, savings, capital gains). Why? What is it that makes you want to give the rich more, while taking more from the poor?

If you make $10,000 a year, 10% is a pretty big chunk of money. That means you have to decide which month you're not eating. If you make a million bucks a year, and you give up $100,000, you're not missing any meals. As such, this is a far harsher tax on the poor than it is on the rich.

Make that tax a flat tax on everything you accrue - interest, investments, capital gains, etc., every penny added to your overall wealth - and maybe we can talk. Or just go with a sales tax on everything that's not food. You buy something, you pay 10%. Buy a Hyundai, pay 10%; buy a Bugatti, pay 10%.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 4:48 AM


By not taxing investments gains, you encourage people TO invest. Better for the overall health of the nation.

Now lets say you ARE making 10 grand a year. Ok. Lets also say that you are never going to get a better job, never going to be promoted, never going to do anything else with your life than work a job that highschool kids do. Ok.

Thats rough. Considering that you would end up paying 1 grand over 12 months, which is less than 100 bucks a month and you couldn't eat?

Ok.. isnt that what homeless shelters, food drives ect are for?

People in American, believe it or not, are very generous. People here might be hungry, but I don't think they STARVE.

And, as an added benefit to my idea, it would cause folks to plan-ahead abit more about their life. Getting preggers at 16 probably isnt the best idea if there is no welfare to keep you floating. Raising children on your own? Probably ALSO not a good idea.

The benefits for the many outweigh the costs for the few.

Yes, in this rare case, I am channeling Spock.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 4:59 AM



I don't care for the public institutions of this country. I like the rights the citizens used to have, I'm not sure that they still have them. The best things about this land are the land, and the people. The people who tend to know where the Czech republic is, and what it's capital is, which i think is pretty much everyone, in spite of the fact that our education is pathetic, even though it is more or less on a par with that of the Czech republic.

The problem with patriotic rhetoric is that it leads to jackboot licking. You have two boots to choose from, left and right. When I lo at the things I like about this country, they almost always turn out to be things done by private citizens, often corporations, and seldom by the govt, except in research labs. Often, also, they're things that come from universities.

The country and its govt are not the same thing. Im not sure what you meant about legal institutions. I'm pretty sure they all suck. Ive spent three years in the mental health services offered here, they resoundingly suck and are based on total ignorance of the topic. Pirate news is no insane, he's faking. I think he used to me, but has whethered thaf storm. So haven't we all. Oh, and my sympathy to those who haven't yet...


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 5:04 AM



The map is missing India, they solve our computer problems.

It's also missing Africa. Maybe that was intentional, but really Americans know a fair amount about African, and not just the portion who are African Americans. I think you want to put something here like people are in trouble here.

You also left out the UK, ironically. I think that they fit into the american consciousness, as does Israel " allies.." also, you might want to add in the BP oil spill, that being about the same size as England ;)

ETA: John has a point.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 8:30 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Much of the world pays $10-cents/gallon for gas...full service
Wow, you thrive on your blindness. I’ve BEEN to other places in the world... and...well, here:
Nation, City, Price per us gallon
Netherlands, Amsterdam, $6.48
Norway, Oslo, $6.27
Italy, Milan, $5.96
Denmark, Copenhagen, $5.93
Belgium, Brussels, $5.91
Sweden, Stockholm, $5.80
United Kingdom, London, $5.79
Germany, Frankfurt, $5.57
France, Paris, $5.54
Portugal, Lisbon, $5.35
Hungary, Budapest, $4.94
Luxembourg, , $4.82
Croatia, Zagreb, $4.81
Ireland, Dublin, $4.78
Switzerland, Geneva, $4.74
Spain, Madrid, $4.55
Japan, Tokyo, $4.24
Czech Republic, Prague, $4.19
Romania, Bucharest, $4.09
Andorra, , $4.08
Estonia, Tallinn, $3.62
Bulgaria, Sofia, $3.52
Brazil, Brasilia, $3.12
Cuba, Havana, $3.03
Taiwan, Taipei, $2.84
Lebanon, Beirut, $2.63
South Africa, Johannesburg, $2.62
Nicaragua, Managua, $2.61
Panama, Panama City, $2.19
Russia, Moscow, $2.10
Puerto Rico, San Juan, $1.74
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, $0.91
Kuwait, Kuwait City, $0.78
Egypt, Cairo, $0.65
Nigeria, Lagos, $0.38
Venezuela, Caracas, $0.12

NONE of them pay ten cents a gallon, and most of them pay more than we do. That’s so easy to debunk, it’s hardly worth it. When you say something that stupid, I stop reading right there. Where DO you get these ideas, or do you just throw them out there to be an ass?

Freedom and a sound work ethic, eh, Crappy? Yeah. Oh, I’ll hit that one, happily. Only I’ll give you why Americans FEEL superior (of which you are the best example I know):

Americans look around the planet and see themselves as the last remaining super power, the nation with the most wealth, the most extensive military. They see themselves as a model, a country that everyone should both respect and emulate. Each day we are becoming more and more a nation characterized not by idealism but rather by arrogance. It is exactly this arrogance that can keep us from achieving the real international leadership to which we feel called. The first step back from this dangerous precipice is to recognize why Americans feel superior.

1. Geography. Because Americans live in their own hemisphere which they have dominated since the Monroe Doctrine in the early 19th century, they have had the liberty to live a very isolated existence. They have as a result not just physically, but also emotionally , distanced themselves from the rest of the world.

One reason why Americans feel superior is because our geography has so long protected us from reality. There are other powers on this earth that can do us harm. Unless we experience our own vulnerability we will continue to be insensitive to the daily suffering of people around the world

2. American Superiority in Battle. World Wars I and Ii gave Americans the feeling that there was no foe capable of besting us. Our success in turning the tide and playing a decisive roll in the winning of those wars gave us a sense military strength beyond that of any other nation. We have believed for generations that when we step into a battle we automatically change the context of that battle. We see ourselves as the decisive force capable of winning the day. Somewhere along the way our very real military power began to be seen as always having the right answer to every problem. Internationally that attitude of arrogance has cost us friends and allies.

3. Wealth. We are such a wealthy nation and so much of our own domestic pecking order has become based on wealth, that we have begun to see our wealth, too, as being equivalent to knowledge. In our international relations we too often proceed as if having unprecedented wealth makes us ipso facto the intellectual super star of the international community. Wealth can be impressive and flashy, but even in small circles wealth never guarantees that you are correct.

Americans have heard for so long about how wealthy we are. We have wrapped ourselves in our material possessions. We consistently want more, of everything. All that seems to satisfy us is feeding our insatiable desire for more things. As we pursue more and more we seem to care little about the condition of the rest of the planet. We feel that we are not obliged to be concerned about the fate of humanity as long as we have what we want, now.
4. By our bootstraps. Americans have taught each succeeding generation that the way Americans have become great is through their own efforts. Americans have worked hard, they say, for everything they have. Americans want to believe that the way to wealth is the old fashioned way. Americans are great, the story goes, because they have pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps. No one helped Americans. They just toughed it out and worked hard, that's how Americans became the leaders of the free world and the most powerful nation of all times.

The only problem with that vision is that it lacks truth. American economic power has from the beginning had little to do with bootstraps and a lot to do with riding the backs of slaves, immigrants and third world nations. Americans still struggle to see themselves through the prism of truth and insist on the myth of the boot straps.

This belief in their own hard work and ignorance of the reality of how America's wealth is acquired is a major reason why Americans feel superior.

5. An English language education. There is a real irony in the fact that many Americans are working so hard to make certain that all Americans learn to speak and use English regularly. The irony lies in the fact that it is exactly this linguistic isolation that is part of the reason why Americans feel superior.

Everything Americans see on television, listen to on radio or read in magazines and newspapers is in English. We are only interested in what we are the center of. We know appallingly little about anyone else's culture, religion , sports, or daily life. We assume that because we don't know about something that it is automatically inferior to what we do comprehend

Americans miss out on so much culture that is written in other languages. We seldom experience the music, art or drama of other cultures. If it's not in English we aren't interested. One huge reason why Americans feel superior is because we are so totally ignorant of what else is out there.

President Bush asked and answered the question "Why do terrorists hate us so much?" His answer was because they hate democracy. Could they also perhaps not like us because of the arrogance we display? Knowing the reasons why we have become a people who feel superior to others may help us to move back towards the nation we truly want to be. .

You epitomize the party to which you are most affiliated:

While 91% of Republicans say the United States is the world’s best nation, just 60% of Democrats feel that way. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Democratic voters say America is not the best, and nearly as many (20%) are undecided. Sixty-eight percent (68%) of unaffiliated voters feel America is the best, while 14% disagree.
Doesn’t make you right. Many other nations have freedom...some more than we do. I’ll tell you why America is NOT the best country on earth:

1. America spends 51% of tax dollars on the armed forces (even though they are the biggest and best in the world)

2. America ranks 12th on the human development index, this is a combination of life expectancy, literacy, education and the gross domestic product, i.e. the standard of living.

3. America incarcerates more people than any other nation on earth. the incarceration rate is 4 times that of the rest of the world.

4. The majority of americans have a very insular perspective on the rest of the world. they don’t care. apathy and ignorance reign supreme for the average american in regard to what is going on in the rest of the world.

5. America ranks 37th worldwide in quality of healthcare. that is not where the greatest nation on earth should rank in an area that is so incredibly important. france and italy are #1 & 2. we’re behind nations like oman, colombia, saudi arabi, united arab emirates and costa rica, and cuba is just 2 spots behind us.

6. America ranks 12th worldwide in test scoring for 4th graders, 28th for 8th graders and 19th for 12th graders.

7. The American government, the richest on earth by far, ranks 12th among first world nations in regard to the percentage amount given towards humanitarian aid, such as charities, development in foreign nations, international disaster relief, etc.

Magons, that map is magnificent. It shows that attitude of superiority (which we don’t deserve) perfectly, thank you!

Reenact, excellent; I agree with most every point, and as you can see from the above, so do others.

Kane also epitomizes that mindset that we are the best, and for exactly the reasons stated above, as well. It’s truly sad; if so many of us didn’t have this sense of superiority (undeserved), maybe we could work on actually IMPROVING this country and BE the best. But as long as you’re complacent and think “we’re number one”, little will ever improve, as it’s only the minority who know better, and as such have little chance to convince the others that we have work to do.

JS, well said! Possibly we are the “richest” in material things, but that leaves us FAR “poorer” in the things that truly matter.

By not taxing investments gains, you encourage people TO invest
That’s a lie, it’s been shown over and over and over that tax cuts for the rich DO NOT create jobs, improve standard of living, or much of anything else. You just refuse to get self-educated.

DT, I oh dear:

The people who tend to know where the Czech republic is, and what it's capital is, which i think is pretty much everyone, in spite of the fact that our education is pathetic, even though it is more or less on a par with that of the Czech republic.

really Americans know a fair amount about African
Unfortunately, you can be proven wrong by virtually any man-on-the-street interview, which shows the abysmal lack of even geographic knowledge of most Americans. Check it out; it always astonishes me how ignorant the citizenry of this country is of even the most basic facts. One that I saw, of both Americans and Israelis in their own country, showed that they knew a LOT more about us than we did about them. See my above retort about why Americans THINK we’re superior as to some of the reasons why. I do agree about the land, however; we got an enormous start over almost all countries by having a gigantic, rich land to “grow up” in. Russia and China have the expanse, but they’re older than us, Russia more divided into separate “countries”, China overpopulated. Australia’s expanse isn’t as arable as ours; Canada’s is less arable because of climate. We have it good, on that score. Young, not heavily populated, rich land for food, minerals, etc., and unconquered by anyone else.

Our mental-health system isn’t good, freely grant you that. But there are far worse, like in some Asian and Far East countries, where mental illness is deeply hidden and not even admitted to, much less treated, but rather viewed with such stigma that it scares the pants off people to even admit they have a problem. Vast improvement needed, yes; worse than many places elsewhere, no.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Wednesday, June 30, 2010 8:36 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

Good things about America:

Optimism, patriotism, entrepeneurial spirit, work ethic, melting pot, a culture that gave us the Simpsons.

Bad things about America:

Partisan + reactionary/demagogic politics, insularity, social problems, a culture that gave us the Simpsons...

'American freedom' - that appeal is still lost on me (a bit like Miss Kaneman's 'land of milk and honey' argument). If I was to transplant my life from Europe to the USA, how would my life be different? I guess I would feel some invisible weight off my shoulders, some scales would fall from my eyes, I would be able to see new colours I'd never seen before, or some such...?

Heads should roll


Friday, July 2, 2010 4:36 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

The map is missing India, they solve our computer problems.

It's also missing Africa. Maybe that was intentional, but really Americans know a fair amount about African, and not just the portion who are African Americans. I think you want to put something here like people are in trouble here.

You also left out the UK, ironically. I think that they fit into the american consciousness, as does Israel " allies.." also, you might want to add in the BP oil spill, that being about the same size as England ;)

ETA: John has a point.

I didn't create the map. I don't have that much time or energy to be thinking about such things.

Here's another that might suit you better.


Friday, July 2, 2010 4:42 PM



Originally posted by kpo:
Good things about America:

Optimism, patriotism, entrepeneurial spirit, work ethic, melting pot, a culture that gave us the Simpsons.

Heads should roll

'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundral.'

If you want to see how much patriotism sucks, view it in another culture. It looks kind of scary at times, everyone shouting how great they are and so on. Pride in one's country is a good thing, but patriotism has been tainted for me. It's a term that people bandy about when they want others to tow the line or they want to get elected.

What I admire about America is the optimism and the 'can do' culture, although I see it in Canadians as well, so I tend to think of it as a North American trait.

Work ethic...hell I think we should all work less. Wasn't that what the technological age suppose to bring us? What a load of rubbish then.


Friday, July 2, 2010 9:33 PM


Oh, and America gave the world Firefly - for that I salute you all.


Friday, July 2, 2010 10:07 PM


It warms my heart to see that some things never really change. Thankee kindly, Kane, for once again stirring up the hornets nest.


Friday, July 2, 2010 11:20 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:

Originally posted by dreamtrove:

The map is missing India, they solve our computer problems.

It's also missing Africa. Maybe that was intentional, but really Americans know a fair amount about African, and not just the portion who are African Americans. I think you want to put something here like people are in trouble here.

You also left out the UK, ironically. I think that they fit into the american consciousness, as does Israel " allies.." also, you might want to add in the BP oil spill, that being about the same size as England ;)

ETA: John has a point.

I didn't create the map. I don't have that much time or energy to be thinking about such things.

Here's another that might suit you better.

I know you did not make this map, but for the record...America gives more monetary/humanitarian aid to Africa than the rest of the world combined. So showing it as an empty space is wrong. It should say "where our basketball players come from"......


Friday, July 2, 2010 11:45 PM


So you dont find it funny then?


Saturday, July 3, 2010 1:19 AM


I think Steinberg's Ninth Avenue map displays this more accurately. Given that our media is NY based there's a lot of this

This is a pretty classic one. I suspect all the Americans have seen it before, but it just occurred to me that Europe actually does not register on the map, except for Russia. I think that's accurate and should be noted. Of course, it's a media world view, not a personal one.

To somewhere around 13% of Americans, of African descent, Africa is pretty big. But also, it does tend to always be in the news here. Usually as a place of human suffering. This is probably a good part of why americans donate so much to Africa.

All americans know where India is, and there are Indian restaurants all over the place. The same could be said of Italy.

Japan and the bomb is a European view, not an american one. It's strange how often the war will come up in a conversation about Germany, and how not with Japan, with whom we fought much more of a war. But Americans never think about the war with Japan, there is far too much Japanese influence post 1945, to the point where Japan has a curious exalted status: buying Japanese is almost like buying american. It might be obvious that anime fans are big on japan, but less so that the NASCAR crowd and rednecks are, or the computer geeks, all for different reasons. They you have the serious nippophiles who take karate and eat miso and have the or own shoji screens.

Thing is that was easy. Making a similar run down on china would also be easy, but how much can I say about brazil?

Canada has a huge impact here, but not a very visible one. People tend not to know when things are canadian, so indefinitely creates the effect that Mexico has more of an impact.

All of this says a lot more about other countries and the degree to which they penetrate the consciousness of America, which largely means through food, media or manufactured goods, than it says about america.


Saturday, July 3, 2010 1:36 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by mincingbeast:

Hell, I am American, and I hated America until Obama was elected.

You and Michelle Obama got 1 thing in common, at least.


Saturday, July 3, 2010 1:46 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by mincingbeast:

Hell, I am American, and I hated America until Obama was elected.

You and Michelle Obama got 1 thing in common, at least.

Could not have said it better....*tip of the hat*


Saturday, July 3, 2010 5:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


AND, it wouldn't apply to savings, or investments. Only direct, earned income.
I'd do completely opposite. Investment is income that YOU didn't work for, someone else did. You just skimmed it. It's your reward for being a lazy owner, not a worker...
something we should not be encouraging.

OTOH- I could go for your 5% + 5% IF corporations were taxed the same way: no deducted expenses, no depreciation, no exemptions, no credits.


Just straight-across tax on all income. Wouldn't THAT be sweet!


Saturday, July 3, 2010 5:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

DT... LOVE the map, but... why does Kansas City even register??? Been to KC. It's about as "nowhere" as one can get! What's with KC, anyway?


Saturday, July 3, 2010 5:32 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


It's a term that people bandy about when they want others to tow the line or they want to get elected.
Mmmm, well said Magons.

And I like the “where our basketball players come from”, that’s excellent. Yes, we do give a lot, that IS one thing I will give you about Americans; in all my travels and living overseas, and compared to other cultures, I saw them as more-than-average generous. Of course, that’s counting that we’re a very RICH country (or were!), so giving is a bit easier...

That other map is a New York point of view, obviously. I don’t know any of those places...I’d like to see one from the California point of view; should be amusing.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Saturday, July 3, 2010 5:36 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SignyM:
What's with KC, anyway?

Everything's up to date in Kansas City. And Robert Altman's from there.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, July 3, 2010 9:16 AM


You'd be surprised, DT - pretty much the only reason Anime caught on with me it that you can find intriguing, well told stories instead of a remake of a rehash of a remake of a tired old milked to death concept.. HOW many stupid as fuck superhero movies did we have to wince through to get something as sorta passable as Iron Man - and you know that was a one shotter...

But other than a fondness for older Honda engines and some of their artists, I couldn't care much, and I have some seriously deep *issues* with their culture, for a lot of the same damn reasons I got with ours.

Readin Shutting out the Sun is very informative cause it applies to both societies, and if you really think it through, explains *WHY* certain personality types simply can not adapt without a tremendous deal of emotional trauma and psychological aberration, so they don't, they slam the door and turn their back upon that society - and in some cases actively declare war on it, although not in so many words and not that most of em really cogitate that's what they're doin...

The cultures I find more tolerable are the ones who managed to find within themselves two things, a certain mutualism based in clan-tribe type bonds, rather common in Iceland, for example, and the idea of having "enough", which is a more Swedish concept.

Ask an american to share and they're like I got mine, fuck you, get your own - and that lack of empathy is a HUGE part of why we got a lotta problems we do... and yet Japan and the actual need, due to population pressure and social order, to suppress individual to the mold, that causes a similar form of the same thing, but is culturally hard to explain to a westerner.

Ask an icelander to share and they're like, sure bro, hey, you got any X ? - it's cultural-reflexive, a share-trade instinct that they wisely never crushed out of their society - the breakpoint on that was when they wound up telling both "sides" of WWII to piss up a rope cause they'd rather die than be somebodys bitch.

Swiss are a bit odd in that the inclination comes without asking, even, more like "Hey, this is more than I need, you want some ?" which seems to work out for them cause culturally they've managed to prettymuch always be who they are, again, by not getting involved in dumbassery or bowing to some other country... although lately they've been too damn tolerant of american financial espionage and threats, despite cutting off most of their american clients in response.

Anyhow, the two things that seem to preserve a culture from social and pyschological self destruction are mutual empathy, and the concept of having enough - without those two things, all hell breaks loose.

The latter, simply developing THAT would do wonders for america, but part of the problem is.. exactly how much of those pretty toys do the stupid fuckers actually OWN ?
The bank owns that car, the mortage company owns that house, the credit card company owns that TV, that Stereo, all those toys dangled as a carrot on a stick to keep you running your ass off on the Corporate treadmill and enriching THEM, such a nice, neat, perfect little trap, isn't it ?

And if you don't play, they just print more fiat money and rob the value of what you have till you have to, it's all win-win for them...

Right up till folks start thinkin maybe Mario Buda had the right idea, and that *IS* comin, oh boy is it ever - finding a third option to that is kind of my own holy grail quest, don't ya know.

Ain't political neither, so let's not take it there, it's economic, it's social, is what it is.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, July 3, 2010 2:52 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by mincingbeast:

Hell, I am American, and I hated America until Obama was elected.

You and Michelle Obama got 1 thing in common, at least.

Dude, I set you up with this thinly-veiled reference to comments attributed to your First Lady on June 27th, and you're only getting to it now? Better late than never, I suppose. I'm going to stop setting 'em up for you. And you're gonna be sorry.

PS: i hate america, and am practicing greeting our mexican/chinese conquerors at the border. "thank you for getting rid of all that awful liberty"


Saturday, July 3, 2010 4:21 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundral.'

I like it. Though I don't like scoundrels. So I guess I'm torn.

Heads should roll


Saturday, July 3, 2010 5:26 PM


DreamTrove, I was mostly referring to legal institutions, the courts, our Legal system. I can think of several countries that are very nice and comparable to the US in many ways... UNTIL you get arrested. Then things get scary.

However, I totally agree, the state medical facilities, namely mental health facilities are scary/backwards/stunted/just plain bad.

"...we need a hood ornament..."


Saturday, July 3, 2010 6:38 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by mincingbeast:

Hell, I am American, and I hated America until Obama was elected.

You and Michelle Obama got 1 thing in common, at least.

Yeah, while you and the Klan only hate America SINCE Obama got elected.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Monday, July 5, 2010 7:54 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mike, he, and a few of the others here, have a lot in common with the Clan, John Birch Society, McCarthy and especially the Tea Party Hateriots. They can have 'em. It's all just a fullisade of jerkass rhetoric; they're welcom to 'em.

"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Howard Zinn (not Thomas Jefferson, to whom it is erroneously attributed)

"Dissent" is different from "rebellion"; there seem to be those who thought Dumbya was "a great American" and that any dissent then was "unamerican" and comparable to terrorism, but want to tear our country down now that he's no longer king.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
signing off


Monday, July 5, 2010 9:20 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Niki2:


Much of the world pays $10-cents/gallon for gas...full service

Wow, you thrive on your blindness. I’ve BEEN to other places in the world... and...well, here:

Nation, City, Price per us gallon
Netherlands, Amsterdam, $6.48
Norway, Oslo, $6.27
Italy, Milan, $5.96
Denmark, Copenhagen, $5.93
Belgium, Brussels, $5.91
Sweden, Stockholm, $5.80
United Kingdom, London, $5.79
Germany, Frankfurt, $5.57
France, Paris, $5.54
Portugal, Lisbon, $5.35
Hungary, Budapest, $4.94
Luxembourg, , $4.82
Croatia, Zagreb, $4.81
Ireland, Dublin, $4.78
Switzerland, Geneva, $4.74
Spain, Madrid, $4.55
Japan, Tokyo, $4.24
Czech Republic, Prague, $4.19
Romania, Bucharest, $4.09
Andorra, , $4.08
Estonia, Tallinn, $3.62
Bulgaria, Sofia, $3.52
Brazil, Brasilia, $3.12
Cuba, Havana, $3.03
Taiwan, Taipei, $2.84
Lebanon, Beirut, $2.63
South Africa, Johannesburg, $2.62
Nicaragua, Managua, $2.61
Panama, Panama City, $2.19
Russia, Moscow, $2.10
Puerto Rico, San Juan, $1.74
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, $0.91
Kuwait, Kuwait City, $0.78
Egypt, Cairo, $0.65
Nigeria, Lagos, $0.38
Venezuela, Caracas, $0.12

NONE of them pay ten cents a gallon, and most of them pay more than we do.

Jew mafiya on Wall Street sets the price of oil in every "civilized" nation enslaved by the Jew World Odor.

Iraq refused to do that (praise Allah).


Gasoline Costs 5 Cents a Gallon in Iraq Thanks to US Taxpayers

June 6, 2004

While Americans are shelling out record prices for fuel, Iraqis pay only about 5 cents a gallon for gasoline - a benefit of hundreds of millions of dollars subsidies bankrolled by American taxpayers.

Filling a 22-gallon tank in Baghdad with low-grade fuel costs just $1.10, plus a 50-cent tip for the attendant. A tankful of high-test costs $2.75.

In Britain, by contrast, gasoline prices hit $5.79 per gallon last week - $127 for a tankful.

Every nation gets $100-millions or billions in subsidies from the American taxslave.

Now gas costs 65-cents a gallon in Iraq, thanks to Haliburton importing it from Kuwait.

Kill the juice! Nuke Israel!