Cops getting RICO'd - PN will love this.

UPDATED: Friday, July 9, 2010 10:48
PAGE 1 of 1

Thursday, July 8, 2010 2:16 AM


Yes indeedy, the Dearborn Heights PD is gettin RICO'd.

Suit names Dearborn Heights cops in ticket scheme, illegal home entry


A federal lawsuit alleges the city's police department is engaged in an "unconstitutional commercial enterprise" because of the high number of traffic tickets written by police officers.

Of course, they're not gonna SAY "RICO Act" cause of that whole continuing criminal enterprise thing, but that's what this is, when you cut out the obligatory sucking up to the blue horde.

And the traffic extortion thing is really coming back to haunt them too.
Cops' jobs tied to ticket totals
Never mind that it's, yanno, ILLEGAL - not to do it, but to ADMIT to it, or put it in official policy, cause then the public might question the motivations of the department, right ?

Or the Townships.
Many speed limits set too low

Can you say "Criminal Conspiracy" - I knew you could!

Also, I mentioned the "Liberty Massacre", so here's some linkage on that.

Thing is, since the FBI creeps sent here to enforce those consent decress have either been unwilling to do so, or willing co-conspirators in the corruption and abuse, that means someone else has to step in and start putting boot to ass, which has usually been, historically, the USDOJ.
(See Also: George Burdinsky Case)

So Dept of Justice has come into it and plans to bust some balls, and Chief Evans seems to have recovered from whatever mental "issues" he was having and started cleaning house himself before he winds up holding the bag - he's in a bad spot, since he kinda got handed the wheel of the titanic right *after* it hit the iceberg, by folks who have now flown the coop to avoid responsibility for letting things get this bad.

And DOJ seems willing to work with the community and the howling activists who were a couple steps shy of getting the pitchforks and torches, which is a good thing - it helped that the current Federales and DPD had not chance to prepare bullshit stories and coverups cause they got completely and utterly blindsided, quite on purpose.

Of course, it still grinds my nerves that all this is comin out of our tax dollars, a pack of so-called protectors gone rabid and preadatory, then the ones supposed to watch them joining in, and now a THIRD group of watchers watching them both... at what point do we admit the model is broken and maybe do something else, eh ?

At least DOJ seems to be taking it with the seriousness it deserves, since they smacked even MY hands with a ruler a lil bit and told me to quit stirring the kettle, so imma give em a bit of room to work here, for a while.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, July 8, 2010 2:58 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Every citizen who gets a traffic ticket should do the same. I do.


Thursday, July 8, 2010 4:16 PM


I figured you'd enjoy that - between the scam speed limits and short yellows, when you add in the quotas and the recent rabidity of enforcement in light of a massive budget cut, it really does bring into the public eye that they're no more than a state sponsored protection racket, doesn't it ?

And now we get to cram it down their gullet sideways, using one State engine of destruction against two more of em, my only bitch about it is the cost, but it's cheaper in the long run than putting up with this bullshit.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, July 9, 2010 10:48 AM


And it's startin to pile up...

Kind of amazing that any of the cabal gets nailed for doin what they get away with every day, but the involvement of the State Attorney General spells it out for me - ain't that they did it, it's that they belong to the other party, cause all Cox cares about it making points with the GOP...

Seriously, I hate that guy, he's never not bloody once ever done the job we hired him for, and spends all his time and a good chunk of our tax money doin nothin but campaigning for the GOP, sabotaging our state and pointing fingers at Jenny, and political prosecutions while the population is left to swing against the scammers and scum his office is SUPPOSED to act against.

TWO full terms - actual cases pursued by the consumer protection division...

And now he wants to be Governor ?
Shit, Romney wanted to be president, ya can't have everything....


I do not serve the Blind God.