Hooo lordy

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 03:58
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Monday, September 13, 2010 3:22 AM


JUST the freakin thing to start my monday friggin morning...

Jackie (aka Princess Jacqueline de Croy) and Morkhoven have dropped one holy hell of a bombshell, pun intended, on the local churches, with a brutally accurate 200 page report on their internal misconduct.
(although not explicitly stated, pretty sure it's obvious who the expert who put it together works for, if not publicly known)

One of the big problems with our coordination is thus: I only speak english, Jackie only speaks french, and the Morkies only speak dutch - and some of this stuff you really don't wanna shove through an auto translator and set off red flags all over the place... worse, the only one who CAN translate all three, Yuriko, is both something of a nutter, and sequestered in Italy right now trying to cram college level material for a future career in Interpol, so clobbering her with grey-area-legality translation work is a no-no, she'd do it for me, since she thinks imma greater Kitsune-Kami (toldja she's nuts) but I don't wanna risk her career aspirations.

Belgium has kind of a history of this problem, since it seems to be party central for ethically challenged high ranking politicians of the EU, as that scumbag Jean-Michel Nihoul would be all too happy to tell you, since he made the arrangements to feed their depravity, while Lelievre and Dutroux did the snatch work, backed up by Weinstein, their pet gunman, who out of them all was the scariest, having won out several gunfights with the police singlehandedly - Dutrox would eventually become so afraid of him he poisoned him, then beat him to death to make sure.

Mind you, first time they dropped a bomb like this the Belgian police outright assassinated the head of Morkhoven, which they responded to by machine gunning a couple of the jerks those police were trying to protect, and the second time, it more or less collapsed the existing governmental structure (the Dutroux case) and implicated those police as active accomplices...

We bagged up "Candyman" aka Wayne Camolli of Ft Launderdale, FL on the followup to that, so this isn't JUST a Belgian problem, since these asshats DO have connections in the US, mostly based in North Carolina at this time.

So this is gonna be rough, especially since the cops hauled in Marcel, the current honcho of the Morkies, on trumped up and obvious bullshit, and we don't know where he is, or even if he's alive, and they tend to get pissy in a lethally violent way when fucked with, which is bitterly and wholeheartedly supported by the community, see also: White March.
And yes, to some degree the Morkies *are* outlaws, but what the hell does one expect when they got proof of half the fucking judiciary and police dept being in on the crimes - and actively out for their blood as often as they can get it ?

Hell, Jackies been shot at more than once, by elements of her own country, sworn to her service!

Of course, mainstream news doesn't want to touch this hot potato, but I am concerned, not the least because I care very much for the House of Croy, you understand ?

And I bet those pompous papal bastards go running straight to the Vatican to hide too - hmmph, if there ever was cause for the US to perform an international "police action" there ya go, fuck the swiss guards, go GET these bastards, and demand an accounting, HOLD them accountable - shit, arrest the goddamn Pope if you have to.

Not to mention, of COURSE me telling Jackie to lay low is both futile and ridiculous, she won't listen no more than I would, and once she gets enraged by something like this one will be reminded VERY quickly she's a direct descendant of Vlad Tepes...

Better known as fuckin DRACULA.

So with that in mind, I ain't exactly sure which side is in more danger here...
*headdesk headdesk headdesk*

Anyhows, means imma be... busy, for a while.
First stop, U of M, raid me the foreign language studies building, and then some phone calls to make.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, September 13, 2010 8:09 AM



The head of the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium acknowledged on Monday the scale of the scandal that has engulfed the country over sexual abuse by priests and promised to engage further with victims

Sometimes I wonder if American newspapers aren't first put through some sort of bizarre auto-translator. Come on, that's as bad as calling the last day of the Burning Man festival the "climax."

As for the story... Freakin' creepy peds and the even scarier child abduction and sex slave rings that service them. Tendrils everywhere. Eastern Europe notoriously infested.


Monday, September 13, 2010 5:42 PM


Dammit, never rains but it freakin pours - no one told me Manuel is back to his old tricks.

Molester Manual making the rounds

That's Manny, aka "Mules" work, no-doubt, bastard has a habit of writing this kind of thing, and there's history to that too, since the bastard works for NAMBLA.

Mind you, free speech and all, the revolting thing is legal, just as a manual for how to steal a car or build a bomb would be - and if folks had any SENSE, instead of screaming and howling for the destruction of free speech they'd take this as a gift cause knowing their tactical doctrine is a big advantage in effectively protecting our kids from these predatory fuckheads...

Not to mention it's use for building a better psychological profile, which is a VERY handy aid to an actual professional interrogation, as opposed to simply beating them till they tell you what you wanna hear.

However, if one of them is caught committing such a crime with it in their possession, not only should they take an extra hit for premediation, there should be some legal/financial responsibility involved for whomeever passed it to them, same as would be if you handed someone with obvious intent to do harm a weapon, but how much is the question - and that is why we have courts, too bad they're just some fucking prosecutors rubber stamp these days, grrr.

Anyhow, history - Manny wrote one of these before, and NAMBLA mass mailed it to their membership, two of whom used that information (they had the damn thing on em when arrested) to then lure, torture and murder Jeffrey Curley.

Ok, that ain't free speech any more, that's pre-meditated criminal conspiracy, you get me?

In order to better understand - it's my viewpoint of the whole yelling fire in a theatre debate, sure, it's free speech, sure, you can DO it - but you ARE responsible for the bloody-obvious consequences of your own behavior.

And in THIS case, they did every whit of it with malice aforethought.

But the ACLU, after utterly refusing every single child-rights case I'd ever brought them, well over a hundred - not only jumped right on it, but did so with a defense strategy that not only protected the identities of the perps, but would render THEM responsible for damages, which struck me as a bridge too far, because that meant that the ACLU had officially "sided" with them even if they were flat-out guilty of the crime.

Hard to explain without the legalese, but basically the ACLU was insinuating that what the two men did should be legal - consider that, in light of their utter refusal to stand up for youth rights, ever...

Of course, the guy who's brainchild that little plan was, Virgina ACLU director Charles Rust-Tierney, got hisself busted for being a freak and a predator, so it's not like the WHY they did it is any kind of mystery any more - and that bust also exposed one of the organizations funnelling money into the Libertarian Party as a front for predators...

And the LP.. KEPT TAKING THE MONEY, while coming out against youth-protective legislation, in case ya ever wondered why I find the ACLU and LP so despicable, and don't even get me started on NCMEC - even is pissed at em right now considering their own preliminary findings have verified what I been telling their rooted-in-denial asses for about two years running, grrr.

Anyhows, thing is, there ARE no good guys in a fight like this, there's only bad guys and badder guys, and you want the meanest, nastiest, most ruthless ones on your side, cause decent people can't DO this job - something Justin is gonna hafta answer for come tomorrow afternoon, related to this.

I mean, if some american general got his hands on al-qeadas battle plans and his response was to run in a screaming circle demanding the radio intercept equipment be shut off, and torching the plans, unseen, unread, as an offense to mankind... he'd be lucky if cashiered was all he got, right ?
(Not that our generals aren't capable of that extreme a level of nuttery *COUGH*wesley clark*COUGH*)

Those morons acting in knee-jerk reflex and programming, running around in a circle like chicken fucking little and howling for the death of free speech are lookin at this all wrong, but that's par for the course since they're only acting on pre-existing conditioning and puritan instinct...

Manny just handed us all his little buddies on a PLATE, out of pure damn fool ignorance only paralleled by the incompetence of most of their opposition - incompetence I do not, and have never, shared.

And THIS, is why decent people cannot do this.
And why Justin is gonna get a long nasty strip torn off his ass bright and early in the morning, not for keepin this from me, as is his right, but for not using it as the fucking weapon it can be out of a blind moral outrage he can ill-afford when the stakes are so high.

So yeah, he's gettin the "You have FAILED me!" speech, sans pit trap, although I might throw in the obligatory backhand for traditions sake.

If you want it done right....


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, September 13, 2010 6:26 PM


From a non-atheistic point of view, I can say that I never agreed with the religion I was "born into". Plenty of Christian religions allow the "priests" or their counterparts to be married (likely a vast majority of them), and I think that's a very healthy thing.

Really????? What do they do to Catholic priests to make sure abuse doesn't happen? Feed them saltpeter with every government funded meal?

Not only is the sexual urge a strong one with humans, just as animals, but it one of the BASIC SURVIVAL MECHANISMS OF MANKIND. To deny this urge into Catholic priesthood is like committing yourself to a lifetime prison sentence. Anybody who's seen OZ knows what that can lead to. I'm sure we haven't even heard half of it yet, and the stories are just going to get even more morose as time goes on.

I've never been confirmed myself in any religion, but I do believe that I would subscribe to one form of Christianity or another. I just can't buy into the Catholic splinter group, if for no other reason than the priests not getting married thing.

Really???? It's okay to eat fish on Fridays during lent, but it's not okay for a priest to marry a woman and live like a normal human being? WTF????

Shame on Catholicism for helping shape such a negative opinion about religion today in an increasing secular society. Might I be so bold as to say that, at least in America, Catholicism has been more detrimental to Religion and the practice thereof than what we all witnessed on 9/11.


"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, September 14, 2010 3:58 AM


All this stuff about "basic human need..." You know, I don't buy it. Plenty of people get by just fine without it. Reproduction might be important in the sense of furthering the species, it might even be instinctive, but many instincts are not necessarily part and parcel of individual survival.

Sorry, but I just don't think people need that as much as they need to eat, breath, drink, and eliminate waste. Those processes keep the bodies going on an energy level, phosphates to AMP, ADP, ATP. What does sex do in that sense? Nothing. Nuh-THING.

So chastity really isn't hard at all, and why people think it's so unfathomable or even mystical (which is why priests take vows of chastity, this was taken from pagan mysteries) is strange.

It also bothers me that the explanation here for sex abuse of minors is that someone can't control their libido. Nuh-uh. This is about power, is what it is, plain and simple. It's never about anything ELSE.

So you might really want to wonder about why the doctrine of the Catholic church seems to attract the power-hungry and abusive, and THERE, I think, is where you might find yourself an answer.






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