It took a long, long, time but I finally figure it out. The RWAs here really don't think. They really DO haver compartmentalized minds. If the Dems pu..."/>


I've finallly 'grokked' it

UPDATED: Monday, September 20, 2010 05:51
VIEWED: 1205
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Friday, September 17, 2010 11:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

It took a long, long, time but I finally figure it out.

The RWAs here really don't think. They really DO haver compartmentalized minds. If the Dems put up candidates anything like O'Donnell or Angle, they'd be all over them, laughing their asses off and ridiculing their history, their absurd stances, etc.

Yet these are Tea Party candidates. So none of that matters. No matter HOW out in "right" field they go, no matter how bad their past--I mean like not having a JOB???--it's unimportant, it's ignored.

The instinct is to snarl at people like I, who worked all my life and now at 61 am unable to do so, so am getting back the money I paid into SSI, and tell me to get a job. Yet this woman comes along, having lived off the dole, college loans, contributions to campaigns she lost, and it means absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing! Phenomenal. I understood the "compartmentalized thinking", but never realized it was true to such an amazing extent.

Notice that not a SINGLE negative thing has ever been said here by the RWAs against any of the new, extremely extreme, candidates by them, as far as I can tell. Not one. Yet those on the left have freely admitted many, many things wrong with candidates on the left, with Obama, etc., etc. That speaks volumes.

Their past misdeeds can't even be ACKNOWLEDGED; their kooky statements and stances can't be defended or even MENTIONED. If they've got "R" after their name or belong to the Tea Party, they quite literally can say or do nothing wrong in the eyes of RWAs. It took these people coming to the fore, and the realization of what they would say about them if they were democrats, to finally make me understand. It saddens me deeply, but I get it now.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, September 17, 2010 12:40 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

They also have no problem with people like Angle, who as far as anyone can tell has never had a private-sector job, who has spent her entire life living off the government, and whose husband lives off a gubmint pension after working his entire life for the government, and who hates the government so much she wants to go live off the big gubmint tit for the rest of her life.

Yeah, she's really got the tea-baggers' interests at heart. Of course she does. ;)

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 20:32 To AnthonyT:
Go fuck yourself.
On this matter, make no mistake. I want you to go fuck yourself long and hard, as well as anyone who agrees with you. I got no use for you.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Friday, September 17, 2010 12:57 PM


America loves a winner!

Thus speaketh, the Lord and Lady.

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Friday, September 17, 2010 1:24 PM


And thus replyeth, the one who has nothing.

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Saturday, September 18, 2010 7:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Really Mike? I didn't know that about her...have to check it out for a good laugh... what a kick!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:00 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
It took a long, long, time but I finally figure it out.

How long DID it take? I'm dyin' to know.


The RWAs here really don't think. They really DO haver compartmentalized minds. If the Dems put up candidates anything like O'Donnell or Angle, they'd be all over them, laughing their asses off and ridiculing their history, their absurd stances, etc.

Wow!. You really nailed it there.....who can think anymore after everything Obama & Pelosi & Reid have done to us with their disasterous socialist assault and spending orgy the last 20 months!? Compartmentalized minds??? Oh for sure, with just one ultra-narrow objective left, the barest minimum that our shell-shocked pea-brains can still remember. Stop Obama! Stop Obama! Stop Obama! Stop the monster! Stop the un-American President! Stop the madness! Yep, not much room there for trivial compartments.


Yet these are Tea Party candidates. So none of that matters. No matter HOW out in "right" field they go, no matter how bad their past--I mean like not having a JOB???--it's unimportant, it's ignored.

Of course it's better to have billionnaire politicians with Ivy League diplomas running things, but alas, some Americans, even some good eggs, never had opportunities like that. Mostly just ordinary folk with no damn silver spoon credentials I'm afraid. 10%-15% unemployment around the nation would render a lot of good people unqualified for public office by some people's standards.


Yet this woman comes along, having lived off the dole, college loans, contributions to campaigns she lost, and it means absolutely nothing. Absolutely nothing! Phenomenal. I understood the "compartmentalized thinking", but never realized it was true to such an amazing extent.

Yeah, with such great and mighty Democrat stalwarts of the Party like Charles Rangel, Maxine Waters, and the rest of the crooks going to trial for criminal ethics violations is the perfect time to criticize opponents. I'll wager that Democrat candidate for Senator from So. Carolina, Alvin Greene, coincidentally facing indecent exposure charges while he campaigns, is making you feel superior again to any Conservative or Tea Partyer. I can't even imagine how good that must feel!


Notice that not a SINGLE negative thing has ever been said here by the RWAs against any of the new, extremely extreme, candidates by them, as far as I can tell. Not one. Yet those on the left have freely admitted many, many things wrong with candidates on the left, with Obama, etc., etc. That speaks volumes.

That's wrong, as I have posted my concerns about some of Angle's statements here before. But she or anyone else who would have been running against the despicable Harry Reid would have my full support even if they advocated eating prairie dog shish kabobs on a stick. Reid's gotta go, Pelosi must be sent back to her "little" desk, and Obama's transformation of America into an alien entity must be stopped now. The agenda stops now, and then the head of the snake goes in 2012.


Their past misdeeds can't even be ACKNOWLEDGED; their kooky statements and stances can't be defended or even MENTIONED.

Same goes for your current lot of rabid radical Democrats. Want to read the long list of Biden's gaffes? or Pelosi's? or Reid's? or Hillary's? or even, at the risk of being accused of blasphemy, the great Messiah Obama's gaffes? Funny how only Conservative gaffes catch your attention.


If they've got "R" after their name or belong to the Tea Party, they quite literally can say or do nothing wrong in the eyes of RWAs. It took these people coming to the fore, and the realization of what they would say about them if they were democrats, to finally make me understand. It saddens me deeply, but I get it now.

The Pelosi Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. Americans have spoken loudly at their Congressmen in clear voices for 18 months that they hated Obamacare & Stimulus, Auto Bailouts, and the Pelosi Hair Spray For Life Act, but Obama and Reid proceeded hell-bent at any cost or means to arrogantly dismiss what Americans want. The "we know what's best for you" crowd passed bankrupting legislation that they admittedly never even read. Then Idiot Obama sues Arizona, despite 60% national/70% local support for their Law. Professor Obama says Hey Americans, like I care what any of you non-Harvard people think!? I hope to see Democrats get slaughtered on Election Day. It couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.


Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:24 PM


I think what you've said about the right can be applied equally to the left, but I like the "Stranger in a strange land" reference. Though, if I remember correctly, he grokked that they were actually all correct in their own way, which I admit was more than a little confusing to me.


Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:37 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Thus speaketh, the Lord and Lady.

And replyath NOT to my other post have YOU.
Sorry, didn't mean to nail you so good as to be...uncomfortable.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:45 PM


I hope your women folk aren't hardcore Liberals. If by chance they are, you might want to keep them out of the house on Election Night. Otherwise you might risk hearing their haunting and tearful lamentaions.


Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:47 PM



Originally posted by Riverlove:
I hope your women folk aren't



Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:09 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

How long did it take? Until I put up this post--I haven't kept track. It was watching the extreme, religious-minded candidates who the Tea Party nominated this midterms made me realize the dichotomy; that if it's done by a Republican, it's okay, no matter what; if it's done by a Democrat, it's a big deal and horrible; if the contradiction is pointed out, the response is "yeah, but the DEMOCRATS..." That's how long. I thought it was just ideology previously, but never dreamed it was deliberate blindness to SUCH an extreme extent.

They want religion in your LIVES, in the GOVERNMENT; they want to...ach, why bother.

As to billionaire politicians, we've been there--there are at least as many of them on the right as the left, and until there is some kind of reform of the campaign system, there always will be.

Yeah, Grayson's a nut...I think he's put out there as a sacrificial lamb, to say all the things the Dems don't have the guts to say. But listen to some of what these candidates are saying; it doesn't hold a CANDLE to what Gayson's little show does!

I just do NOT understand why, after eight years of truly horrific things happening to the country at the hands of the Bush administration (and I certainly don't blame HIM exclusively, at all), 20 months is viewed as so earth-shatteringly horrific.

Obama's done NOTHING that comes close to what happened then. The deficit was horrific coming in, all he's done is make it worse. Actually, that's all he's done about much of anything; continue Bush's policies. So where was the sky falling under Bush, when it started?

He's tried to do health care; which ever President talked about a lot and, except for Clinton, never even TRIED. Yeah, I'm displeased with it too, but it's not the end of the world, it's not leading us to socialism, and hopefully it's only a first step. Something HAD to be done, and I'm still convinced if the Republicans had been willing to work with them, something better would have been passed. Even if they'd only supported the parts they originally proposed (before Obama) or supported, I think it'd have been a massively better bill.

I just don't get the visceral, intense hatred. I didn't like Bush, and some of what he did made me truly scared for this country--and now I'm scared for a different reason, because the hate mongering and fear stoking is defeating us better than anything Al Qaeda could ever have done.

Same thing with scandals. I shouldn't even have to MAKE that argument, after all the prosecutions, investigations, adultery, etc., that goes on by politicians on the right. Again; it happens on both sides, why no recognition of that?

Because someone is running against Reid, you'd vote for them no matter what. That's an insane statement; what if a Muslim were running, or an avowed Communist, or someone straight out of the looney bin? There HAVE to be some criteria besides "they're not rich or Ivy League" or "if they'll defeat Reid", don't there?

And no, I've been quite up front about the people I think are idjits and "villains", and had a few choice things to say about Rangle and others. I'm glad to see you have questions about Angle, bu now you'll support her no matter how crazy she is; I'd NEVER have supported Rangle no matter WHO his opponent was.

I'm ashamed of Greene, and I don't know how he won. I'd never vote for him, either, he's a joke at best. But you'll vote for anyone, as long as they're Republican...why IS that?

The crack about womenfolk, like all the crowing and predictions of tears, are weird. If the crazies get in office, I'll be shaking my head and very sad--for America--but I don't think ANYONE here will be wailing or crying.

The over-the-top statements I guess don't need responding to, we've already been there/done that. It's the extremism and joyous willingness to embrace people who are so obviously unqalified for office that blows me away. Bush put inept people in office via cronyism; it's been proven over and over and the country suffered for it. Yet you'd do exactly as he did, just to defeat Democrats, and for no better reason.

I understand, but it will always mystify me how people who might otherwise be sensible believe, say and act the way they do when it comes to politics. That's all.

Okay, I bothered to respond. Given what I've learned, it wasn't even necessary, as some of the things claimed were already obvious, such as rich Republican politicians; scandals on right and left both; "Ivy League" Republicans existing right alongside Democrats; the wrongness of putting unqalified people in office just to "send a message". It'll get nowhere, just bring the same over-the-top sneers and snarls, so I quit. It was just an observation.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:13 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by chrisisall:

And replyath NOT to my other post have YOU.
Sorry, didn't mean to nail you so good as to be...uncomfortable.

Seems you have me confused w/ another. Perhaps one who cares ?

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:18 AM



Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:21 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by chrisisall:

And replyath NOT to my other post have YOU.
Sorry, didn't mean to nail you so good as to be...uncomfortable.

Seems you have me confused w/ another. Perhaps one who cares ?

You don't care? :( That's not a good sign.

Then again, there is such a thing as caring too much.


Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:32 AM




Monday, September 20, 2010 4:02 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
How long did it take? Until I put up this post--I haven't kept track. It was watching the extreme, religious-minded candidates who the Tea Party nominated this midterms made me realize the dichotomy; that if it's done by a Republican, it's okay, no matter what; if it's done by a Democrat, it's a big deal and horrible; if the contradiction is pointed out, the response is "yeah, but the DEMOCRATS..." That's how long. I thought it was just ideology previously, but never dreamed it was deliberate blindness to SUCH an extreme extent.

They want religion in your LIVES, in the GOVERNMENT; they want to...ach, why bother.

As to billionaire politicians, we've been there--there are at least as many of them on the right as the left, and until there is some kind of reform of the campaign system, there always will be.

Yeah, Grayson's a nut...I think he's put out there as a sacrificial lamb, to say all the things the Dems don't have the guts to say. But listen to some of what these candidates are saying; it doesn't hold a CANDLE to what Gayson's little show does!

I just do NOT understand why, after eight years of truly horrific things happening to the country at the hands of the Bush administration (and I certainly don't blame HIM exclusively, at all), 20 months is viewed as so earth-shatteringly horrific.

Obama's done NOTHING that comes close to what happened then. The deficit was horrific coming in, all he's done is make it worse. Actually, that's all he's done about much of anything; continue Bush's policies. So where was the sky falling under Bush, when it started?

He's tried to do health care; which ever President talked about a lot and, except for Clinton, never even TRIED. Yeah, I'm displeased with it too, but it's not the end of the world, it's not leading us to socialism, and hopefully it's only a first step. Something HAD to be done, and I'm still convinced if the Republicans had been willing to work with them, something better would have been passed. Even if they'd only supported the parts they originally proposed (before Obama) or supported, I think it'd have been a massively better bill.

I just don't get the visceral, intense hatred. I didn't like Bush, and some of what he did made me truly scared for this country--and now I'm scared for a different reason, because the hate mongering and fear stoking is defeating us better than anything Al Qaeda could ever have done.

Same thing with scandals. I shouldn't even have to MAKE that argument, after all the prosecutions, investigations, adultery, etc., that goes on by politicians on the right. Again; it happens on both sides, why no recognition of that?

Because someone is running against Reid, you'd vote for them no matter what. That's an insane statement; what if a Muslim were running, or an avowed Communist, or someone straight out of the looney bin? There HAVE to be some criteria besides "they're not rich or Ivy League" or "if they'll defeat Reid", don't there?

And no, I've been quite up front about the people I think are idjits and "villains", and had a few choice things to say about Rangle and others. I'm glad to see you have questions about Angle, bu now you'll support her no matter how crazy she is; I'd NEVER have supported Rangle no matter WHO his opponent was.

I'm ashamed of Greene, and I don't know how he won. I'd never vote for him, either, he's a joke at best. But you'll vote for anyone, as long as they're Republican...why IS that?

The crack about womenfolk, like all the crowing and predictions of tears, are weird. If the crazies get in office, I'll be shaking my head and very sad--for America--but I don't think ANYONE here will be wailing or crying.

The over-the-top statements I guess don't need responding to, we've already been there/done that. It's the extremism and joyous willingness to embrace people who are so obviously unqalified for office that blows me away. Bush put inept people in office via cronyism; it's been proven over and over and the country suffered for it. Yet you'd do exactly as he did, just to defeat Democrats, and for no better reason.

I understand, but it will always mystify me how people who might otherwise be sensible believe, say and act the way they do when it comes to politics. That's all.

Okay, I bothered to respond. Given what I've learned, it wasn't even necessary, as some of the things claimed were already obvious, such as rich Republican politicians; scandals on right and left both; "Ivy League" Republicans existing right alongside Democrats; the wrongness of putting unqalified people in office just to "send a message". It'll get nowhere, just bring the same over-the-top sneers and snarls, so I quit. It was just an observation.

That's a great post! The honesty you posted is quite refreshing and inspiring. Despite our many, many differences, I think you're sincere.


Monday, September 20, 2010 5:51 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Wow. Thanx, RL, you're very kind to say so.

I'm not good enough at satire to be insincere 99% of the time, and when I am, it's abundantly clear! I don't do "subtle" as well as Chris and Anthony! I have no interest in playing games or sockpuppeting or that sort of thing; reality is entirely too interesting to waste it. So what I say, right or wrong to anyone else, is what I believe. It's also easiest, and I'm lazy that way.

I suppose it can mostly be written off to my love of language; I write so damned long because clear communication is big to me (you'd never have guessed, huh?), so I TRY to be as clear as I can. Which makes for tons of duplication, even I know that, but hey, I'm human and more fallible than many!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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