Now that she’s won, O’Donnel is undergoing the same “makeover” that Angle did. Her website has been all spruced up, and some of those endorsing her have..."/>


The culture wars are back...

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 08:42
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 8:42 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Now that she’s won, O’Donnel is undergoing the same “makeover” that Angle did. Her website has been all spruced up, and some of those endorsing her have been removed from the official endorsements page. Among them, the Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, one of whom stated

We will take a literal fight to every street and capitol building in every state. We the people will gladly and with honor replenish that tree of liberty with the blood of new patriots in order to sustain that shade of liberty which protects ourselves and our posterity from the destructive heat of tyranny.
Another is Catholic Families of America, which has candidates fill out a four-page questionnaire. Two of the questions:

Do you promise to advocate that judges who attempt to establish secularism atheism as the state religion should be removed from office?

Will you vote to protect the sovereignty of Latin American countries such as Honduras against takeovers by Castro Chavez leftist who are aided and abetted by our own President?

So they really fear judges are going to do away with God and Obama is about to invade Honduras?

A goodly number of those “purged” from the endorsements page are anti-abortion groups and other ultra-fringers who might, you know, make readers wonder what she's really all about. Heaven forbid.

The current marketing of the extreme right candidates is all about fiscal conservatism, not social issues. But what we’re seeing and hearing shows otherwise. Now five right-wing candidates are supporting making abortions illegal even in the case of rape or incest:

Christine O’Donnel
Sharron Angle
Ken Buck
Rand Paul
Joe Miller

They all want the government to intervene if a woman gets pregnant because of rape or incest, to force a woman or a girl in that situation to have the rapist’s or their relative’s baby, no matter what she or her doctor want.

Other Republicans are espousing social issues as well:

Mike Pence:

We are not living in a world where an American leader can just focus on the financial ledger. A political party that would govern this great nation...must work to protect jobs AND innocent human life and defend traditional marriage. To those who say marriage is not relevant to our budget crisis, I say you would not be able to print enough money in a thousand years to pay for the government you would need if the family continues to collapse. To those who say we should focus on cutting spending, I say okay, let’s start by denying all funding for abortion at home and abroad.
Bryan Fischer:

Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to have to choose as a nation between the homosexual agenda and freedom, because the two cannot coexist. Every advance of the homosexual agenda comes at the expense of liberty, particularly religious liberty.
Gary Bauer:

When the world looks at America these days, all too often they see a moral swamp, a culture promoting sex and violence. No wonder our enemies think they can defeat us. This has been the equivalent of a cultural oil spill. It’s not sea otters and ducks that are washing up on shore covered with gunk, it is our kids
Newt Gingrich:

We have to have the courage to tell the truth and we have to have the courage to act on the truth. Our elites are wrong on the basic values that define America. We are allowing a brutalization and a degradation of children in this country, a destructiveness...

Bureaucrats and politicians in Washington think they should decide what kind of light bulb we use, what kind of toilets we flush...they’ll buy your teenage daughter an abortion, but they won’t let her buy a sugary soda in a school vending machine. A lot of the money that we’re spending goes to things that we KNOW will not prevent AIDS, but will indeed continue to spread the disease. When a lot of our money goes to distribute condoms in high school, when a lot of our money goes to distribute material that is literally pornographic...
They blow me away. We can cut enough spending to shrink the deficit by denying abortions (how much does the government SPEND on abortions, anyway?? As much as two wars? Wow!). "A lot” of our money goes to buying abortions for people’s teenager daughters, to condoms, pornographic materials (can I get in on that last part?)...again, that’s fantastic, let’s do that, then we can give as much as we want to the wars, Lockheed, Big Pharma, insurance companies...a regular windfall!!

Hey, fighting abortion is EVERY BIT as vital as jobs, don’tcha know? It affects EVERYONE! And it’s responsible for the collapse of the we should focus on that, not anything else that might have contributed or anything else that might seem important to the country's well beng. And by gawd, that “homosexual agenda” is truly destroying us, especially destroying freedom, and religious freedom! Like O’Donnell said, we should have a theocracy which keeps “smut” out of our lives, so our enemies can’t destroy us, ‘cuz that’s what they’re gonna do if we keep giving people the freedom to produce anything WE might consider “pornographic”!

Despite the fact that there are no “sea otters” or “ducks” coming out covered in muck—-there are no sea otters in the Gulf and few ducks swim in the ocean, by the way-—rather it is children, stumbling out of the ocean covered in pornographic gunk. And those goddamned elites are out there degrading and beating up our children, yes they are.

I must have missed all those laws about light bulbs, toilets and sugary sodas, but hey, I DO want to get in on some of that “pornographic material” the government is putting out!

Who ARE these people??? What’s wrong with their brains??? And why in gawd’s name would we want to put them in POWER and let them legislate our lives???

Blows my mind. People eat this stuff up. I weep for America, especially if they get in power.

Meanwhile I gotta go degrade a child and push the "homosexual agenda" so I can destroy marriage and religious freedom!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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