Pubic School System

UPDATED: Thursday, September 23, 2010 06:46
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:43 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Something to add a smirk to your day. :-)


Due to the use of Naomi 3.3.2 Beta web filtering, the following people may need to private-message me if they wish to contact me: Auraptor, Kaneman, Piratenews. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 1:35 AM


Yes, it's funny.

Kinda-sorta rantish stuff follows, ignore at will.
South Bend/Elkhart ?

I ain't surprised, given how half of them people up there think education is a plague that needs to be eradicated...

But it is damn funny, yeah - be a bit funnier if I didn't get into an ugly situation very similar to what kicks off events in the movie Tank in a nearby podunk burg called Wakarusa.

Mighta mentioned that before, about how they shut off the power to try and keep me from gettin to the internet, which is amusing in it's own way cause I give em this, bad spelling or not, they ain't THAT dumb...

Anyhow, I hold a grudge against the entire state for that one.

Oh, and in retrospect, since the statue of limitations has run out for the warrant...

They shoulda THANKED me, the girl I stole from their town was in fact responsible for about 80% of the local crime (as I said, a podunk burg) and single-handedly responsible for the wave of homemade bombs that summer, mostly against those guilty of complicity or negligence as her family mistreated her for years.

And of course, certain legal threats forced her to return in attempts to resolve a situation, whereupon her mother learned to her peril that no female of any association with me does NOT recieve self defense training, and wound up on her ass in short order when she tried to resort to her usual method of "reasoning" with the girl, ka-pow.

Cue a quick phone call to her drinking buddy, the judge - and despite it being a trap and an ambush, a warrant for trespassing, breaking and entering, felony assault and battery*, and so on and so forth, for BOTH of us, despite me being 400 miles away at the time, but not for bloody long, when they blocked the roads and started LOOKIN for her...

*Twas that charge which caused MI authorities to tell em to stick it, Felony Battery must carry actual risk of death or crippling and a split lip doesn't cut it, so MI refused to pass or enforce the warrant, told em they could send one unarmed corrections officer to try to serve it, and good luck with that.

Knowing the warrant would not stand scrutiny, they sent a court date to her, with a postmark AFTER the scheduled date, and a new date several days hence crudely penciled in over it - this is a setup for "failure to appear", an old trick when the original warrant won't stand, cause it doesn't get checked in THAT hearing, and once your ass is in slam, they've got you by the balls - and of course the court metal detectors eliminate that pesky self-defense problem, right ?

The real tipoff was when they told her she was not allowed to bring a lawyer, and if she did they'd arrest him too, and charge her with contempt.

So it came down to "You Want Her ? - MOLONE LABE!", but it's a dead issue now, except that I hold a massive grudge about it towards His "Honor" Robert O Bowen, the judge who knowingly allowed and abetted this criminal conspiracy, firm in the knowledge that it's damn near IMPOSSIBLE to remove a judge, no matter how slimy, from the bench...

So long as his ass warms the bench, my teeth will be in his ankle, forever and ever.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 2:03 AM


No, yanno what, fuck it, might as well tell the worst of it, so you understand why I am so pissed.

The "bait" for the ambush was a rigged custody "hearing" set up by Bowen and her mother, using her child as a hook to drag her back in the ring, and said child was of course, nowhere to be found when the trap was sprung - Girl got outta there, but was unable to get out of the town when they sealed it up.
(which of course brought me comin at high speed, crash boom bang.)

They got their "hearing" within a day of chucking the warrant at us, a closed-door bullshit session with only two people in there, yon judge and yon pyscho mother, who re-assigned custody to the Girls mom without so much as a how do you do - not that she was actually gonna take care of the kid, you understand, but as a trophy thing and retaliation against her daughters escape from her clutches.

What the bitch never quite realized is that by indiana law, that makes next of kin the older sister, having no other family left on that side, and so when her drinking and wild living habits finally do her in, custody will (and did) revert to big sis, who... by law, is actually the Girl I stole.

Yep, so she's biologically this kids mother, but LEGALLY, the kids older sister - that's Indiana for you, and you thought your family was fucked up ?

And I couldn't get a goddamn thing done about it, cause nobody gave a shit, and when it became apparent to the Girl in question that the ONLY effective resolution was going to require some very serious bloodshed, she put her foot down about it, and I had to stand to - cause all this came out of a religious-based offer of True Sanctuary, and I *keep* a promise like that, even when certain other folk, in addition to her family, took issue and started hostilities cause they were told a bullshit story BY said family and didn't wanna believe otherwise even when they knew better.

So I defended this Girl against all comers for damn near five years, and she left, finally safe, rather hating me for it.

And that's only ONE of the reasons I despise Indiana.


PS. Sorry Anthony, that just hit me in a sensitive spot right now, as I just very recently learned that they held ME up to that kid the whole time as some kind of boogeyman they were "protecting" her from to keep her in line and justify the abuse they heaped on her that I was unable to prevent cause Girl wouldn't let me do what it'd take to stop it.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010 9:09 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

"Pubic Schools"? Maybe that's where they hold the sex-ed classes.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Thursday, September 23, 2010 6:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, I caught that one.

No, by the way, if the Tea Party had its way, "public schools" would be where people learn to be CHRISTIANS only and learn creationism exclusively. Forward, society!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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