'Bells and whistles? Not on my watch...'

UPDATED: Thursday, October 21, 2010 04:28
VIEWED: 1488
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010 4:58 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

New Subaru ads...

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 2:34 PM


Awesome. But, unfortunately, while finally coming up with an ad which sells the car, they have failed to deliver the product. I can't buy a mediocrity anywhere, according to Suburu's own website dealer locator!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3:20 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by beatupplenty:
That's a joke right? It doesn't really exist.

Sure it does. It suits the man with the average sized penis.

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3:28 PM


If it was, yanno, CHEAP - I'd buy it.

That's the thing, american automakers don't wanna sell you the $6,000.00 USD no-frills, get to work, bare minimum car you WANT, no, they wanna sell you some $30,000.00 piece of shit that gets 18mpg and will leave you in debt forever, making you perpetually their bitch, the last thing they want is a car that outlasts the payments.

And they'll use any legal manipulation they have to, in order to keep anyone else from doing so.

I mean, seriously, you could roll out a subcompact fourbanger RIGHT NOW, on existing tools and lines, for under eight grand that got damn near 28mpg if not more, and it would sell like mutherfrakkin hotcakes - but they don't want to sell us what we WANT, they wanna sell us what THEY want to sell us.

And this is why american automakers are doomed, SHOULD have been doomed years ago, and should NOT have been bailed out - what kind of a business gets by via NOT offering the customer the product they WANT ?

Oh, yeah, bailed out so-called-american (NORTH american, slapped together in mexico out of cheap chinese parts cast from shit-metal I wouldn't boil potatoes in!) automakers, yeah, right...

If I can't buy what I WANT from your company, and you and your corporate buddies have colluded to make sure I can't buy what I WANT anywhere, well then, I will buy nothing at all, and leave you to suck on dust and ashes!

And yet, the government takes my fucking money and gives it to em anyway, and I don't even get the shitty overpriced car for it ?

Something WRONG with that, folks.
And it makes boycotts rather futile and ridiculous, no matter how DESERVED (lookin at YOU, Billy Ford!) they are!


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3:59 PM


America loves a winner!

I know WHY it's done, because we humans, Americans in particular, are such suckers for new, bright, shiny versions of the exact same damn things we already own... the products we were told just a few months ago that we absolutely needed, and we're chumps and losers if we didn't run out and buy it, RIGHT NOW!!

But seriously, why must we have a new car model each and every god damn year ??

Like the lady in the video says..

doors? check
windows? Check
steering wheel? Check


Why not some sort of ads like...

* You want to get around. Go places. Do things. And you want to enjoy life along the way. But isn't the reason you go places so that you can enjoy the destination?

Put less into your ride, and more into life.

AURaptor 2010™

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Wednesday, October 20, 2010 4:20 AM





That was my thought too, but then I realized for an new car, that was pretty middle of the road, unless you didn't exist under the burden of high taxation. Like say, India.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:29 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I do not understand what makes this an ad for Subaru. Clearly, I am missing something.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010 6:13 PM



I mean, seriously, you could roll out a subcompact fourbanger RIGHT NOW, on existing tools and lines, for under eight grand that got damn near 28mpg if not more, and it would sell like mutherfrakkin hotcakes - but they don't want to sell us what we WANT, they wanna sell us what THEY want to sell us.

I used to have something like that. A used manual trans 97 Volkswagen jetta that had about 250,000 miles on it when my mom got it from a coworker for I think $1800. I took it all the way to 400,000 (I drove a lot) and still it ran as if it were brand new. The thing got close to 40mpg, least it did when I drove it, but apparently I shift gears like a European. Then I got in an accident. The crappy new suzuki sedan that hit me turned into an accordion. My car slid half a foot in one direction, bent my door (the door still opened closed and locked after the accident by the way) and bent the axle. unfortunately, a new axle's worth more than my 11 year old car with 400,000 miles on it was.

Now I have a 96 VW GTI (manual trans of course) that has so many little quirks and throws so manny fits, I'm considering mounting dinosaurs on my dash and calling it serenity. The latest issue is it won't stay in 1st or 3rd gear unless you hold the shifter in place and sometimes it won't get into those gears unless to give it a hard shove. Also, it thinks it's a 3 cylinder sometimes, which is really annoying when you are trying to accelerate. 'Course every now and then when the planets are in alignment and the car gods are pleased, it's supercar with excellent acceleration, smooth gear transitions and not spontaneously causing its horn the beep if I slow down and make a sharp right turn. Sometimes my mph gauge even works! But on the bright side, almost all the parts are compatible with the Jetta sitting in my folk's back yard. With the exception of that bent axle and door, the Jetta is in perfect condition.

When I can spare the money, I intend to search the countryside another gem like that 97 jetta I used to love so much.


Thursday, October 21, 2010 1:34 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


The latest issue is it won't stay in 1st or 3rd gear unless you hold the shifter in place and sometimes it won't get into those gears unless to give it a hard shove.

Bent shift fork. You can replace the transmission with a junkyard unit for a couple hundred bucks if you do the work yourself. Or, from the sound of it, you could probably use the tranny from your Jetta.

Cylinder misfire sounds like a stuck fuel injector or a bad connection on one of them. I used to have that happen on one of my Hondas, and it turned out just to be a bent clip that holds the injector wire on. Damned frustrating when it cuts out, though!

Again, your Jetta might provide a good solution. Pull the injectors, take them to a diesel specialist to have them cleaned/refurbished (usually under $100 for four), and then reinstall, making sure the wiring connectors are securely fastened and clipped on. Good time to replace fuel filters, too.

The horn thing is most likely a faulty connection at the horn pad, or it could be a chafed wire near the horn itself. When you slow down, something is causing the circuit to short, or complete the circuit, honking the horn. The contacts at the pad are a likely culprit.

Maybe the steering wheel from your Jetta will swap over? Careful with the airbag, though. Don't want that blowing up in your face while you're working on it!

I'm a big fan of picking up 10-year-old Hondas myself. You get them for pennies on the dollar - they've usually depreciated around 90% at that point - and they still want to run forever. I've found the '88-'92 era to be the most hardy, but those are getting really old now, and hard to find in decent condition.

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Thursday, October 21, 2010 2:32 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

If it was, yanno, CHEAP - I'd buy it.

That's the thing, american automakers don't wanna sell you the $6,000.00 USD no-frills, get to work, bare minimum car you WANT, no, they wanna sell you some $30,000.00 piece of shit that gets 18mpg and will leave you in debt forever, making you perpetually their bitch, the last thing they want is a car that outlasts the payments.

And they'll use any legal manipulation they have to, in order to keep anyone else from doing so.

I mean, seriously, you could roll out a subcompact fourbanger RIGHT NOW, on existing tools and lines, for under eight grand that got damn near 28mpg if not more, and it would sell like mutherfrakkin hotcakes - but they don't want to sell us what we WANT, they wanna sell us what THEY want to sell us.

And this is why american automakers are doomed, SHOULD have been doomed years ago, and should NOT have been bailed out - what kind of a business gets by via NOT offering the customer the product they WANT ?

Oh, yeah, bailed out so-called-american (NORTH american, slapped together in mexico out of cheap chinese parts cast from shit-metal I wouldn't boil potatoes in!) automakers, yeah, right...

If I can't buy what I WANT from your company, and you and your corporate buddies have colluded to make sure I can't buy what I WANT anywhere, well then, I will buy nothing at all, and leave you to suck on dust and ashes!

And yet, the government takes my fucking money and gives it to em anyway, and I don't even get the shitty overpriced car for it ?

Something WRONG with that, folks.
And it makes boycotts rather futile and ridiculous, no matter how DESERVED (lookin at YOU, Billy Ford!) they are!


I do not serve the Blind God.

My informal poll of autos parked at our local mega-mall says you are right: people don't want the cars the automakers make, they want monster mini vans and 4x4 pick-up trucks and HMS SUVs. Seriously, count 'em next time, you may want an Aero or Fiesta or something even more minimal, but most of the US wants a lot of metal and plastic on 4 huge wheels. The nation is dumb struck on cars as status, and since most people can't afford much, size is a quick substitute for quality - that's almost a national design theme...

Bailouts? I would have done it too. We're a car culture, even if a vulgar one, and we're overly sentimental. Imagine how that would play to the national economic anxiety that was already being tested if GM had gone under? No more GM may have made you personally happy - and I would not disagree for a second and even take some joy in it being that for bright enough people they make the worst fracking cars - but across the fifty that would not play very well.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Thursday, October 21, 2010 4:28 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I do not understand what makes this an ad for Subaru. Clearly, I am missing something.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.

I think this is more of an Ad-itude Ad™ - so not that they are selling a specific car (which is kind of funny since Subarus are pretty bland apart from the street racers), but using YouTube to promote and create a brand Image. It's free, the spots can run as long as they want so fewer creative restrictions, and if they go viral there's a huge return on the investment. So, apart from the connection with SATAN, it might make you laugh. If nothing else I think the 3 actors do a great job portraying the angelic, harmless expert. It reminds me of a SNL commercial for the change bank:

ETA: more details:

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -






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