If Anarchists ran things.....

UPDATED: Thursday, October 21, 2010 06:29
PAGE 1 of 1

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 8:12 AM


For you, Frem, just for you.

"I got no strings, so I have fun
I'm not tied up when we need one
They've got strings but you can see
There are no strings on me!"


Wednesday, October 20, 2010 8:56 AM


Still pondering over the Anarchist running things bit...seems a mite contradictory, but that was ruttin Hi-larius


Wednesday, October 20, 2010 3:59 PM


You poor, dumb, deluded fool... and worse, having the misfortune to wind up with me addressing this rather than HKCav, who might be tempted to reason with you, when all I intend to do is properly bitchslap your dumb ass.

THAT, is not Anarchy, I dunno WTF that is, I'd be tempted to say Nihilism but it lacks the essential futility, so maybe just flat Chaos, which, yanno, outside of a fekkin war, or the aftermath of a failed Government, never happens in a natural course of events, neither of which those two mentioned things are, and both of which are inevitable products OF Government, one could say.

You see, people CAN mutually agree on things without a fucking gun stuffed down their throat, you know - do you really think it's threat of force that causes folk to mostly obey the rules of the road, to mostly behave in a civilized fashion in the grocery store, hell no, it's simple mutual cooperation of the most basic form, and it's HARD WIRED into our nature, which has it's own disadvantages in that this is what shitheels who sell you bullshit stories like your little propaganda video here play on in order to exploit and abuse the populace.

And it *IS* a bullshit story, cause it's a propaganda bit to cause FUD, and it's the same old goddamn sadass story, that people need to be "controlled" for their own good, always and ever offered by the people who offer to DO such controlling, supposedly out of the kindness of their own hearts, yeah right - and there you are gobbling it up and begging for more like the moron I know you to be.

Even worse, that's generally a Liberal-Authoritarian meme, the fodder of those you CLAIM to be your worst enemies, or is it just that you've grown so fond of the taste of jackboot you don't care which flavor you happen to be licking any more ?

If you suddenly removed "the rules" all at once, total chaos would not instantly erupt, humans do not work that way, unless you put them in the most unnatural of environments and deliberately provoke them beyond endurance while denying basic necessities, which is almost exclusively the action of a Government, and one could make a case that such is a function of Government, at least when it comes to Gov-run "Education" in my experience.

That's as lame as these stupidass faery-tale stories about how a person handed power will immediately and instantly go crazy with it, even if such is in direct contravention to their basic nature, it's all a sham, propaganda, to cause you to fear making your own decisions without the guiding hand of the State telling you what do do.
And for an example of what REALLY happens when someone with a timid nature is given power, although it's mostly a kids show, I do reccommend Kamichu!, since it's a far more realistic depiction that the shoveljob handed you by people with an agenda so obvious only your intentional, willfull blindness hides.

When that big blackout hit up here, the world didn't go crazy, chaos did not erupt, there was not panic and disorder in the streets, but rather a reasoned, human response, starting with a rather epic cookout of stuff that wouldn't keep, and folks who had, feeding the less fortunate - not because someone stuck a gun down their throat and ordered it, but rather cause it was the decent, humane thing to do, and waste not, want not.

Nor did out authorities, even misliked as they are, run wild and start abusing people, mostly cause they're human too - the locals outnumbering them and being well armed was a factor, sure, but if anything WE were comforting THEM, cause them being Authoritarian in nature, they were more freaked out than we were!

Hell, I used my little three wheeler to help them distribute bottled water donated by local merchants, again, not because of anyone ordering me to, but because my tiny and fuel efficient vehicle was damn near exclusively suited to the purpose, and I felt a responsibility to my fellow man to assist as I could when things got tight - as did prettymuch everyone else, so when every bit of evidence falls against that myth, why would you believe in it except that you WANT to, that you cling to the very Authorities you claim to despise cause you're a well trained little skinner rat who will jump on command for anyone who knows how to push your buttons correctly, even me, even when I tell you in advance imma do it ?

And yet you never QUESTION it, the one time you even came close, your unreasoning terror at the idea of the State not being there to hold your hand, or being left to fend for yourself, lead you to run off and hide under a rock, then come back here spouting the very propaganda of the folk you pretend to oppose, unaware or uncaring of the dichotomy of your own actions.

And I am supposed to even for a moment countenance your ridiculous ass, shilling for "The Man" even as you decry the notion ?

Do you really, even for a moment think, that people would abandon their own personal morals and values the instant you removed force from the equation ?

Cause if so, as usual, we got nothin to talk about cause you are stupid and insane, and do not know that you are stupid and insane.

For more Reference:

Historical Examples of Anarchy without Chaos

Anarchy in Australia (And It's Not Chaos)

Anarchist Catalonia



I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, October 21, 2010 3:37 AM


The ad forgot to mention one thing about Anarchists.

They don't have a sense of humor.

"I got no strings, so I have fun
I'm not tied up when we need one
They've got strings but you can see
There are no strings on me!"


Thursday, October 21, 2010 6:29 AM


Oh we have a fine sense of humor, and of irony - very much, of irony, you just can't see it for the same reason your programming blinds you to even the most basic of common sense.

That, and you being prettymuch the victim of said sense of humor due to your own willful, intentional, and seemingly unbreachable ignorance.

But here, since you're so damn clueless, I'll put it in YOUR language, as an act of mercy.






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