Just in case you've forgotten the "clusterleak" in the few short months since it happened; it's still happening:[quote] ..."/>


It's still there...

UPDATED: Saturday, October 23, 2010 05:46
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, October 22, 2010 8:16 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Just in case you've forgotten the "clusterleak" in the few short months since it happened; it's still happening:

Tar in Gulf Shores

Volunteer Field Observer Program -Volunteers Still Needed

The Volunteer Field Observer Program (VFOB) is recruiting additional volunteers to monitor shorelines for oil and affected wildlife over the next several months. Based on ACF's existing Shoreline Assessment Program, ACF partnered with Mobile Baykeeper and the State of Alabama to implement the program, which uses trained volunteers to monitor shorelines for oil impacts.

Upon finding evidence of oil, VFOB's report their findings to Incident Command, then document their findings with GPS coordinates and photographs.

Help is still needed! We have a lot of coastline that is still being impacted by oil-- your eyes and ears are critical to finding the oil as soon as possible so that the clean-up crews can respond.

I know we all have short memories, but I don't want people to think everything's hunkey-dorey down there...we need to remember it's still going on. Wish I could be part of it, but that one's impossible, it covers too wide a territory and I'm broke from the last one!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, October 22, 2010 10:50 AM


America loves a winner!

C'mon Niki, give it a rest.

Obama plugged the hole.

The gulf seafood is the safest and most bountiful it's been in recent memory.

That BP stuff is sooooo last summer.

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Friday, October 22, 2010 11:13 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Friday, October 22, 2010 11:19 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Geezer:
According to the caption on that photo, it was taken in June 2010.

See ?

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Friday, October 22, 2010 11:42 AM


Niki2, will you lie about anything? What's with the old pic and you posting like that shit flowed on shore yesturday? Hippies. It's like a page out of the Al Gore playbook. Next you will be posting the hockey-stick chart.....


Friday, October 22, 2010 12:30 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

By now I'd think you'd know better than to challenge me. I research stuff. I don't put up what I know to be false or misleading. Challenging me just encourages me.

What I posted was an update from the Alabama Coastal Foundaton Newsletter I got today--I get updates from the Gulf via e-mail. I assume the photo was stock and convenient, but it's no effort to find recent stuff. My computer crashed or I'd have responded earlier. Had to go back and find the links again. So:

Shrimp with blackened gills from Venice marina, Oct. 18, 2010

Photos by PJ Hahn/Plaquemines Parish in Barataria Bay, October, 2010.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010: Once the well stopped spewing crude, it didn't take long for the media to pull out. Without dramatic visuals of a volcano of crude gushing from the bottom of the sea, there were other stories to pursue. But even though most media left, the oil never did. It still washes in with the tide as tar balls and sheen, visible when boat engines kick up the mud in the shallow waters of the marsh.

Despite the protests of many fishermen concerned about oil on the bottom, the fishing grounds are nearly all open. But Gulf seafood markets have crashed. America refuses to buy it and some fishermen can't pay for the gas for their boats with the price they're getting for shrimp at the docks.

"It's hardly worth it to go out," said Marvin Smith, who parked his boat in the Venice commercial docks last week to unload a night's catch of white and brown shrimp. "They pay less than two dollars a pound, but I got to go out and get them while I can." Smith looked wearily out at the harbor. He would head out again that night, but the market price was not about to change.

"A lot of people here are hurting because fishing is the only life they know," says Mike Brewer, an oil clean-up consultant who ran for the local Parish council this fall. "They are trying to get back on their feet but no one knows what the future holds. It's going to be a painful winter for a lot of folks here."


Six-Month Anniversary of the BP Oil Disaster

October 20, 2010: Volunteers continue to find oil - small, medium or large bits are still being found out there. There are days when you can smell it on the beach or even in downtown Mobile (some 30 miles north of the Gulf) and the seafood industry has yet to actually rebound. We continue to hear stories about people going to the beach or, for those less risk averse, swimming in the Gulf still seeing and feeling oil in the sand or water. So to those of you who ask if things have settled down now that the oil is gone, please forgive me when my response is so passionate.

more at http://blog.al.com/press-releases/2010/10/six_month_anniversary_of_the

6 months after Gulf oil spill, much remains unknown
Published: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 6:36 AM

Six months after the April 20 Deepwater Horizon explosion, the environment and economy of the entire northern Gulf of Mexico region remain in a state of uncertainty, with overturned livelihoods, out-of-work fishermen, reluctant tourists, widespread emotional anguish and untold damage to the sea and its shores.

"I can honestly say, I guess, I'm very pessimistic about it," said Byron Encalade, president of the Louisiana Oystermen Association, whose oyster beds are all dead or dying. "We don't know where we're at. We don't even have a complete assessment of the damage or how long it's going to take to correct it. This is our life, though. We have nowhere else to go."

"This will be with us for decades for sure," he said. The country might be turning its attention away prematurely, considering the very real damage that has been done.

In this Oct. 14, 2010 picture, a streak of oiled marsh grass winds through Bay Jimmy near the Louisiana coast.

http://blog.al.com/wire/2010/10/6_months_after_gulf_oil_spill.html lower Gulf's health grade 6 months after Deepwater Horizon explosion
Published: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 4:00 PM

35 researchers who study the Gulf lowered their rating of its ecological health by several points, compared to their assessment before the BP well gushed millions of gallons of oil. But the drop in grade wasn’t dramatic. On a scale of 0 to 100, the overall average grade for the oiled Gulf was 65 — down from 71 before the spill.

This reflects scientists’ views that the spilled 172 million gallons of oil further eroded what was already a beleaguered body of water — tainted for years by farm runoff from the Mississippi River, overfishing, and oil from smaller spills and natural seepage.

Steve Murawski, the chief fisheries scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, compared scientists research to a TV crime drama: “It’s the end of the story that counts, not all the steps along the way.”

We’re only at the 30-minute break in an hour-long drama, Murawski said.

And there’s a plot twist. Research findings already released have led scientists and the government to shift their focus from the sea’s surface to deeper waters and the ocean bottom

Georgia scientists say the samples smelled like an auto repair shop. They took 78 cores of sediment and only five had live worms in them. Usually they would all have life, said University of Georgia scientist Samantha Joye. She called it a “graveyard for the macrofauna.”

“The fact that there isn’t living fauna is a signal that something happened to these sites and these sediments,” Joye said in a phone interview Friday. “The horrible thing is they’ve been inundated with this oily material... There’s dead animals on the bottom and it stinks to high heaven of oil.”

University of South Florida’s Ernst Peebles said the oil on the floor “is undermining the ecosystem from the bottom up.”

David Hollander, also at South Florida, found some of the first plumes of the oil beneath the surface, something that government officials first disputed but now concede is real.

There are several reasons a sizable amount of oil didn’t make it to the surface where it could do more visual harm. For one thing, BP used 1.8 million gallons of chemical dispersants to break up the oil. But scientists give more credit to the high pressure and high temperature of the gusher that spewed the oil in droplets so tiny, they didn’t float to the surface.

Scientists worry the oil deep below will get into plankton and the food web, maybe not killing species directly but causing genetic mutations, stress or weakening some species, with effects that will only be seen years later.

“I think populations are going to be affected for years to come,” said Diane Blake, a Tulane University biochemist. “This is going to cause selective (evolutionary) pressure that’s going to change the Gulf in ways we don’t even know yet.”

One of the species mentioned most often during two days of scientific sessions in Florida doesn’t even live in the Gulf. It’s herring. After 1989’s much smaller Exxon Valdez spill, it took awhile for the effects on Alaska’s herring to be noticed, but the once prolific species crashed to extremely low levels. While other species in Prince William Sound recovered, the herring population has yet to bounce back. And Gulf researchers are wondering if that sort of thing will happen again.

If one species in the Gulf is likely to wind up like the herring, it’s probably the bluefin tuna. The spill, 50 miles off the Louisiana coast, happened in the precise place at just the right time to threaten the bluefin larvae bobbing on the surface. The Gulf of Mexico is the only known spawning area for western Atlantic bluefin.


Want more?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, October 22, 2010 12:39 PM


America loves a winner!


Want more?

Actually, yes.

If the MSM won't show it, at least it can be shown here.

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Friday, October 22, 2010 1:16 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Want more? NOLA has a awhole website, photos from a tour of oil cleanup hot spots at http://photos.nola.com/4500/gallery/tour_of_oil_cleanup_hot_spots/inde

From Grand Isle, where I was...this guy was more persistent than I was. He didn't stop at the State Park and get turned back, as I did, he went onto a public beach, away from where BP was working, to get this footage. CHECK THIS OUT if you think it's all over now:
BREAKING NEWS: Fresh Oil Dead Fish Cover Grand Isle As Crews Bury Fish On Public Beach

Tar mats are excavated along Grand Terre Island near Grand Isle. Coast Guard tour of the oil hot spots from Cat Island, Ms. to Grand Isle, La. Tuesday, October 19, 2010.

Wisner land field inspector Forrest Travirca, III oil fouled material taken from the area the surf Tuesday, September 14, 2010. The beach may appear devoid of oil, but scratching the surface reveals oil just below the top layer of sand.

Oil seeps out of a tar patty on the beach between Fourchon and Elmer's Island Tuesday, September 14, 2010.

A tar patty sits on the beach between Fourchon and Elmer's Island near Grand Isle Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How about over in Florida?

BP abandons oils spill cleanup efforts, shuts down hotline
September 23rd, 2010 7:52 pm ET.

BP has been running television commercials that assure Gulf Coast and Tampa, Florida residents that BP, who is responsible for the worst oil spill in American history, will not abandon their efforts before the job is done. But according to the announcement on their cleanup company's website, that is exactly what BP is doing.“Plant Performance Services has been proud to support the Gulf Coast cleanup and recovery efforts in response to the Deepwater Horizon incident. Since May 2010, P2S has provided beach cleanup services, warehousing and logistics management, and wildlife.

There is still oil covering Louisiana wetlands. Thousands of birds and fish have lost their nesting grounds, the effects on the ecosystem of almost 2 million gallons of Corexit dispersant and 5 million barrels of spilled oil are still unknown, and there are still vast areas of the Gulf of Mexico that is unsafe for fishing. But as far as BP is concerned, they are done with their clean up of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.


Scientists make disturbing discovery in exams of dead Gulf oil spill dolphins, Kemps ridley turtles
July 14th, 2010 11:39 pm ET. (Yeah, it was in July...zat make it any less real?)

Scientists at the University of Florida in Gainesville have been performing tests on dead dolphins and Kemp’s Ridley turtles that have been collected and tagged as victims of the BP Gulf oil spill. Their findings are raising disturbing questions.

The New York Times reports, “Studies show that dispersants, which break down oil into tiny droplets and can also break down cell membranes, make oil more toxic for some animals. And the solvents they contain can break down red blood cells, causing hemorrhaging. A fresh dolphin carcass found in the Gulf was bleeding from the mouth and blowhole, according to Lori Deangelis, a dolphin tour operator in Perdido Bay. “

Dr. Brian Stacy, a veterinary pathologist, found evidence to suggest that some of the dead animals recovered from the oil spill are also exhibiting strange behavior in the moments before their death. An examination on a Kemps Ridley turtle revealed that the last thing the animal ate was a shrimp.

“You don’t see shrimp consumed as part of the normal diet” of Kemp’s ridleys, Dr. Stacy said.

The turtle’s last uncharacteristic meal may be a clue to something much bigger; the affects of the oil spill on the brain.

“Oil inhaled or ingested, can cause brain lesions, pneumonia, kidney damage, stress and death. Scientists working on the BP spill have seen oil-mired animals that are suffering from extreme exhaustion and hyperthermia.”

Reports of dolphins dying painful, bloody deaths as a result of the Gulf oil spill can be particularly disturbing to residents of Tampa Bay. The playful, charming mammals are as much a part of Central Florida’s marine landscape as the gulls and pelicans seen from beach blankets. Their loss from Tampa waters would be an insufferable tragedy.


Want a video of current conditions in Florida?

October 3, 2010

That enough? Or should I keep going? I'll be more careful when I get an update next time, be SURE I get current photos, not the stock ones accompanying the update, to go with the text. Sorry about that, but I hope I've corrected it by now.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, October 22, 2010 1:23 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Raptor, the MSM has no more interest in the Gulf, unless something "new and exciting" comes up. They're busy with the midterms, terrorists, the latest news from Hollywood, you know how that goes. They've moved on, we all knew they would, but just like Haiti and so many other news stores they got bored with, it doesn't mean the disaster has stopped...

There's TONS on the internet.

GET THIS!! That first video I posted in the previous post is from a guy who was at Grand Isle two weeks after I was! I don't think that's what I got photos of them doing, tho' it could have been...others will have to judge that with this new info. I couldn't get close enough to see the tide line, but he was smarter (or more persevering) than I. I just stopped at the end of the road, which was the beginning of the State Park, and walked to th beach, so they were able to keep me out.

His original story is at http://bpoilslick.blogspot.com/2010/10/breaking-news-fresh-oil-dead-fi
and has the caption "This is Not the State Park But Zone 1 Public Beach", which explains how he could get out there while I couldn't. Never said I was any good at this detective work, sorry! I'd have ADORED to get out there and really see it and really photograph it.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, October 22, 2010 1:32 PM


America loves a winner!

As much as I LOVE the story of hungry hungry microbes, doing away with all those millions of gallons of oil in like - weeks ? Nature doesn't work on man's time table, or the cable news network's cycle of 'what's HOT , what's NOW !'

I GET that there's a vested interest in not showing this stuff....

- economic impact to the gulf region

- oil and disaster fatigue, especially for that part of the country

- and not the least of which is ... Obama's Katrina. ( It CAN'T be that bad, so we'll make sure it isn't ! ) Dismiss the last one all you want, I think it goes even deeper than that ( no pun intended ) but even with out the politics involved, directly, there's reasons a plenty to ignore what's really going on. And they all SUCK

"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Friday, October 22, 2010 5:32 PM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
By now I'd think you'd know better than to challenge me. I research stuff. I don't put up what I know to be false or misleading.

No. You just don't do the research to verify that the stuff you post, like the June 2010 picture, is true. You also post most of your stuff without attribution. If you're posting from reliable and non-biased sources, you should provide links.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Saturday, October 23, 2010 5:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I already went through that a couple of days ago. I used to post links to everything I put up...nobody cared and I got lazy, especially given that others don't bother to attribute what they put up. I'm not sure, but I think it was Chris (?) who mentioned it a few days ago, and I said sure, if anyone cares I'll put up links to EVERYTHING again, just as I used to. Which is what I've done ever since.

Ergo, your statement is wrong. I have carefully put up links to everything I posted, even silly stuff or unimportant stuff. I quit for a while, but am doing so again now.

As to checking if things are valid, I check on the internet for several articles usually, if I can find one, one on the other side, before I put anything up.

In this case, as I said, it was an e-mail update from one of the organizations I joined, and apparently the photo was stock. So when questioned I put up one TON of photos and a couple of videos and several stories, all but two of which were from October, and those two from September, and provided links to each and every one.

Your need to diss me reflects on you, not me, especially that you would claim what you did when the opposite is true. I notice those who don't put up references on a regular basis and recall times they put up things that were just plain false; go chew them out.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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