How to run a conspiracy

UPDATED: Sunday, October 24, 2010 19:25
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Saturday, October 23, 2010 9:18 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

How do they keep all of those people quiet?


The fact that the Federal Reserve system is still fully "operational", like the Star Wars Death Star, is proof enough that a large number of people can somehow be persuaded to "keep their mouths shut".

Lateley, there has been much discussion of sexual subversive and pedophillic pervert Alfred Kinsey.

Many have focused on Kinsey, few on the organization behind him. Perhaps the question, "Why did he commit such gross perversions?" should be changed to "Why was he paid good money to commit such depredations?" The answer is not complicated. The Satanic Psychopaths need a way to control those that are aware of their conspiracy and/or in a position to expose it to the light of day. Its all about control. Even Kinsey understood it, and went to great lengths to record his staff and participants so that he could blackmail them if they ever grew a conscience.

"Kinsey's manipulation extended to his choice of staff. His assistants in his studies were selected from young students, both male and female, who were required prior to coming on board to provide their detailed sexual histories. Another requirement was that they be filmed in explicit sexual movies, ostensibly for research, that were shot in Kinsey's attic.

Kinsey's research included observation of child sexuality, the manual and oral stimulation of childrens' genitals, and the timing of child orgasms with stopwatches. Part of Kinsey's collection of sex films included films of children in sex acts and adult-with-child sex."

Clearly, those in the best position to expose Kinsey's fraud could not do so without also exposing themselves. Pedophiles go to prison where they are introduced to a population that does not appreciate their behavior, nor care to hear about their research. Yes, Kinsey's staff became co-conspirators the moment they agreed to compromise their conscience.

Kinsey learned from the best blackmailers in history how to keep his pedophile conspiracy quiet. Make sure those that are in the know also are involved in the heinous deed. Then, threaten them if they don't keep their mouth shut. The more heinous the deed, the greater the threat of exposure.

"You can't put a price on good pussy."
-Pam, Archer, The Rock


Sunday, October 24, 2010 7:06 AM



Uh... What does Kinsey and his sexuality "studies" have to do with the Federal Reserve system?

You're saying that volunteers he interviewed weren't quite anonymous and even years later TPTB have information on these guys keeping them in line and preserving the status quo of the Federal Reserve?

Looking into Kinsey's biography on wikipedia, I can see that much of the grant money came from the Rockefeller foundation. And he worked from Harvard, so interviewing students attending college there could give people access to the reports control over later political and business leaders.

This still seems kind of like a stretch, though, are you sure that this isn't just your "ew gross ick" reaction (to which I can relate)? I don't think highly of Kinsey myself, I really have to wonder what kind of person would WANT to study human sexuality, especially in that day and age, but we should try to remain objective.

Ew, child porn. Yeah, he was a scumbag. But I'm still not sure that indicates he was part of The Conspiracy. Would any of his interviewees still be alive today and in positions of power?


Sunday, October 24, 2010 6:11 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Would any of his interviewees still be alive today and in positions of power?

A few, not many.

What he was, was the pioneer of using this particular "leash" as a method of control politically, although by all appearances inadvertently.
Kinsey himself was just an out and out perv, using ole Sigmund Frauds stuff as an excuse to indulge his own perverse desires, but as always it didn't take long for some political group (a couple of which were involved from the start) to say "Hey, we can USE this!".

And so on and so forth, down the line to Franklin, Abramoff, and now Erik Prince, although Abramoff is out on work release and again in operation from the front of a Baltimore Pizza shop while playing the sympathy card for all it's worth...

Times change, social mores change, you see, times past it was perfectly ok to be a kid-humper so long as your victim was of a lower social class than you, and if you think I am incorrect, do a little research into our "hero" Chris Columbus and find out what him and his merry band of slave traders were shipping all those little boys and girls back to europe FOR, eh ?

Back then the third-rail was male homosexuality, which was practically a stoning offense, and so all the puppetmasters of the time ran the Molly Houses, and so forth and so on...

Of course, this particular leash is itself starting to fray because of the perversity of our society and it's numbness to indecency under an onslaught of torture justification (Shows like 24, et. el.) and "Reality" television that is ever more brutal, and the split between the almost REHEARSED, just-for-effect horror at those victimizing children, while salivating over their sexualization in pure fact. (a certain magazine cover comes to mind..)

But whatever the "unforgivable" crime of the era is, you can damn well bet some group of puppeteers is using it to leash and control various politically involved folk, and can yank them up on it at a moments notice - hell, just look what happened to Spitzer when he went after the big banksters before they were fully prepared politically ?

Although I must say, I am waiting with something close to amusement to see what *happens* to Abramoff, who from his weak and untenable position, is trying to muscle back into the racket up against a bastard as ruthless and competent as Erik Prince... I rather think ole Jack is gonna have "an accident" and right soon now.

Anyhows, Kinsey was kinda the inadvertent pioneer of this shit in american politics, quickly picked up by the corporate robber barons to suborn politicians with, cause when someone already has a tremendous amount of money and power, what then can tempt them but only the most forbidden of fruit ?

For more on that, if you have the stomach for it, watch the movie 8mm.
"Because they CAN."

ETA: Props on the Haruhi Suzumiya pic, John, topically appropriate and amusing as hell, in a twisted sorta way.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, October 24, 2010 6:53 PM


Ew, Kinsey. I had no idea. My image of him was the kind portrayed in the film. Just read through some of Judith Reisman's work on him. Good Gawd.

Intolerance of ambiguity is the mark of an authoritarian personality.
-Theodor Adorno, philosopher and composer (1903-1969)


Sunday, October 24, 2010 7:25 PM


Frem: As you can see, as I dug deeper into Kinsey's biography, what PN was claiming started to make more sense. I agree with you that it was probably inadvertent, I don't see Kinsey being focused enough considering his sex obsession to be a witting part of it all. But the possibility of his work being co-opted is very plausible.

CTTS: Hollywood stories and the movies, rarely ever truth. very few filmmakers willing to expose TPTB. I think that's why so many of us like Joss, even though he has to hide his truths in layers.






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