UK TV Programme on The Tea Party.

UPDATED: Thursday, November 4, 2010 02:41
VIEWED: 1890
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010 3:37 AM


Keeping order in every verse

Yesterday, the BBC in the UK broadcast an "idiots guide" to the US Tea Party movement. It was hosted by Andrew Marr, who is one of our leading political journalists.
This was interesting to say the least. He spent a few weeks following supporters of the movement, mainly from the Dayton, Ohio area. He ended up at a mass rally in Washington hosted by some big Fox TV news Magnate. (Beck, I think his name was).
In short, the programme brought me to some conclusions. (Backed up by Mr Marr)

1. The Tea Party seems to be romanticising some sort of post-revolutionary dream that never actually existed.I know your constitution is based on people being able to govern themselves, but that has NEVER and WILL NEVER actually happen, unless ANARCHY is really your bag!!!

2. The Tea Party is latching onto the image of Abe Lincoln as it's shining example.Abe Lincoln was a prime example of how a BIG GOVERNMENT overthrew the wishes of half the country who wanted to govern themselves. (Welcome to the contradiction).

3.The Tea Party is hijacking the black vote by preaching from the same lecturn as Martin Luther King and comparing themselves to him, primarily in order to not see themselves as Racist. Black people are up in arms, because they distance themselves from the party. MLK wanted black people to be INCLUDED in the state and LOOKED after by it.

4.The Tea Party is a natural reaction by Middle Class People (the world over) when they suddenly realise that they too can be affected by financial troubles.Whereas before, they couldn't give a shit about the problems of the less well off in their society, now they are experiencing it for themselves,it only now becomes an issue.

5.They want a smaller government but at the same time insist the National Debt be significantly reduced.WITHOUT GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION!!!! HOW???????

6. Sarah Palin really is a screechy,whiny woman!!!!

7. It is the politics of Middle Class American Soccer Moms. Be careful about putting someone like Palin in power. We had ONE female PM (Thatcher) and because she wanted to show that her balls were bigger than any bloke's, she sent the country into chaos.(Tongue in cheek comment, in case I get acused of Misogyny).

These comments may be considered flippant, but the truth of the matter is, the Tea Party Movement just didn't portray itself in a particularly positive light to the outside world. Comparing Winston Churchill to Adolf Hitler because of his feelings on gun control is a teency step too far over the threshold for any one to take it seriously, regardless of how well meant they are.
Anyway,consume and discuss at your pleasure.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 4:16 AM


Churchill was pretty much a collaborator [/snark]

But some comments:

1. Yeah, this is pretty on target

2. Not Lincoln. Half our country hates Lincoln still.

3. The Tea Party has a pretty small black membership, and no anticipation of having any. They're trying to shed stereotypes of racism that plague any majority-white group. They're doing it badly.

4. This is generally the reason for this sort of thing, but in this case, its nonsense. I've talked to these people, lots of them, and they're pretty well versed in economics.

5. You really don't grasp our financial system, do you? 90% of our national debt is not really owed. It's called the FED. a private corporation which Wilson gave control of our currency to in 1913. End the FED means exactly that. People are willing to pay the money we owe to China. It's the money that Wall Street says we owe that we don't really owe.

6. and 7. If I for a second thought that Sarah Palin was Margaret Thatcher I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 4:39 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

British Brainwashing Corporation, owned by the German Nazi Queen Sax Coberg Gotha that's annexing the US colonies, "forgot" to include the actual Tea Party platform...

Koshr Rothschild bitch & BP owner German Nazi Queen Elizabeth Sax Coberg Gotha
is a 17x Trillionaire of the 53-nation British Empire
USA annexed in 2008 via and 2009 via UN COP15 Hopenhagen Hell Treaty
British Petroleum gets 80% to oil in Alaska for export to Commie China and Japan
BP is perpetrator of the world's largest environmental disaster at oil well Deep Horizon in USA


Queen Elizabeth II fronts for the Rothschilds. She is the largest landowner on Earth. She is Head of State of the United Kingdom and of thirty one other states and territories, and is the legal owner of 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the Earth's land surface. A conservative estimate of the value of the Crown Temple syndicate's land holding, under the Queen's signature, is £17.6 trillion.

Queen Elizabeth Fronts for Jew Rothschilds Says Jew

The United States Remains a British Colony

"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."
-Nazi Prince Philip King of the British Empire, owner/director of British Petroleum in charge of bioweapons labs, husband of German Queen of England Elizabeth Sax Coberg Gotha, a/k/a Queen of Babylon at jewish Bohemian Grove homosexual nudist compound for snuff kiddie porn, If I Were an Animal; United Kingdom, Robin Clark Ltd., 1986

Cut the bitch's head off, like the Puritans did. (British Republic not a monarchy)

Tea Party candidate outraged after TV reporters leave accidental voicemail likening his supporters to child molesters


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 6:04 AM


The tea party latching on to Abe lincoln? I think that reporter was smoking something...If he said Jefferson....If you don't think we can govern ourselves, I'd invite you to come to any town meeting on zoning or a budget....That is where democracy works best, on the local level. That is what the tea party is aiming for....Shrink, the democracy stealing, federal government.....Nothing more.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 6:53 AM


America loves a winner!

The Brits are still miffed that Barry gave the Queen an MP3 full of his greatest speeches.

That, and the box set of DVD's that don't work on their machines.

Or it could be that whole revolution thing ?

The times they are a changin'


"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 6:59 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by kaneman:
The tea party latching on to Abe lincoln? I think that reporter was smoking something...If he said Jefferson....If you don't think we can govern ourselves, I'd invite you to come to any town meeting on zoning or a budget....That is where democracy works best, on the local level. That is what the tea party is aiming for....Shrink, the democracy stealing, federal government.....Nothing more.

This Beck fella introduced Palin to the crowd as "Simply a mom". Then she was bangin on about how she wasnt a politician, but purely the raiser of a War Veteran. All this was in front of the Washington Monument and behind the stage were giant pictures of Lincoln and King, whom she constantly referred to as Giants you should be looking up to. So, yes, Lincoln.Recorded and referred to in glorious technicolour. However, I do see that woman as something of a caricature.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 7:09 AM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.


It was hosted by Andrew Marr, who is one of our leading political journalists.

I think it was Andrew Neil, the scottish guy? I've found the vid on BBCiplayer and I'll give it a watch when I can (my pc is playing up).

It's not personal. It's just war.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 7:52 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by kaneman:
The tea party latching on to Abe lincoln? I think that reporter was smoking something...If he said Jefferson....If you don't think we can govern ourselves, I'd invite you to come to any town meeting on zoning or a budget....That is where democracy works best, on the local level. That is what the tea party is aiming for....Shrink, the democracy stealing, federal government.....Nothing more.

Man, you tea-baggers are high-larious! You mean those zoning meetings where they unanimously approved a community center two blocks from ground zero, and then every single tea-bagger in the country simultaneously shit their pants?

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 7:56 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by kaneman:
The tea party latching on to Abe lincoln? I think that reporter was smoking something...If he said Jefferson....If you don't think we can govern ourselves, I'd invite you to come to any town meeting on zoning or a budget....That is where democracy works best, on the local level. That is what the tea party is aiming for....Shrink, the democracy stealing, federal government.....Nothing more.

Man, you tea-baggers are high-larious! You mean those zoning meetings where they unanimously approved a community center two blocks from ground zero, and then every single tea-bagger in the country simultaneously shit their pants?

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.

No numbnuttz, libertarians could care less about some bullshit religious crap. Nor, should you...get a clue. I'm over it.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 11:58 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

You pretty much nailed it, PK. Good to see you. Good to know some of the rest of the world can see this clearly, because that about sums it up. A few things tho':

Beck is a joke. He said HIMSELF

I’m a rodeo clown,’ he said in an interview, adding with a coy smile, “It takes great skill.” “He added later: “I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“
f course, that was before he got a pulpit, a huge, ignorant audience and started taking HIMSELF seriously. Unfortunately, his followers all conveniently forgot what he said and take him dead seriously and believe every word out of his mouth. He's crazier than a coot.

1. They’re quite happy to talk about anarchy and revolution if they don’t get their way. Some talk about the “second amendment solution” (2nd amendment = gun ownership) and so forth. They have no idea what it would really MEAN, and they don’t particularly care. It sounds good.

2. Abe Lincoln, yes; in fact they love hollering about the "Founding Fathers" even tho' they know little or nothing about them. More than that, tho', Reagan, which is even funnier.

3. Not hijacking the black vote; the Tea Party has been not-so-subtly doing what the Repubs have done for years, it's called the Southern Strategy. Subtle buzz words and sentences to play to the racism still alive and well in our country. Only now they've added Hispanics and Muslims to the racism against Blacks, and it's working quite well for far.

4. Absofuckinglootely. That’s what it’s all about (and racism, which is running rampant now we’ve got a Black President).

5. What’s even funnier Is you should see the signs at their rallies. Right alongside “smaller government!” will be a sign saying “don’t take away my Social Security!” And as for the debt, they’re quite happy with not letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the rich, which would increase the debt hugely, not to mention being for “smaller government” but wanting that government in our bedrooms and everywhere else we’re doing anything THEY don’t like.

6. Don’t get me started on Palin...!

7. Yup, right on target. They may pay for it, but what the hell, we survived Bush, we’ll survive her, and the Tea Party. Things change, but things remain the same...

Good to hear outside perspectives see it for what it is, that's reassuring I know conservatism is on the rise globally, so maybe we can be a warning to other countries before THEY go too far. One can only hope...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 12:18 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by kpo:

It was hosted by Andrew Marr, who is one of our leading political journalists.

I think it was Andrew Neil, the scottish guy? I've found the vid on BBCiplayer and I'll give it a watch when I can (my pc is playing up).

It's not personal. It's just war.

Sorry, you are quite right. Andrew Marr is the big eared chap, but also a political commentator. An honest mistake on my part.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 12:54 AM


Keeping order in every verse


Originally posted by Niki2:
You pretty much nailed it, PK. Good to see you. Good to know some of the rest of the world can see this clearly, because that about sums it up. A few things tho':

Beck is a joke. He said HIMSELF

I’m a rodeo clown,’ he said in an interview, adding with a coy smile, “It takes great skill.” “He added later: “I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’“
f course, that was before he got a pulpit, a huge, ignorant audience and started taking HIMSELF seriously. Unfortunately, his followers all conveniently forgot what he said and take him dead seriously and believe every word out of his mouth. He's crazier than a coot.

1. They’re quite happy to talk about anarchy and revolution if they don’t get their way. Some talk about the “second amendment solution” (2nd amendment = gun ownership) and so forth. They have no idea what it would really MEAN, and they don’t particularly care. It sounds good.

2. Abe Lincoln, yes; in fact they love hollering about the "Founding Fathers" even tho' they know little or nothing about them. More than that, tho', Reagan, which is even funnier.

3. Not hijacking the black vote; the Tea Party has been not-so-subtly doing what the Repubs have done for years, it's called the Southern Strategy. Subtle buzz words and sentences to play to the racism still alive and well in our country. Only now they've added Hispanics and Muslims to the racism against Blacks, and it's working quite well for far.

4. Absofuckinglootely. That’s what it’s all about (and racism, which is running rampant now we’ve got a Black President).

5. What’s even funnier Is you should see the signs at their rallies. Right alongside “smaller government!” will be a sign saying “don’t take away my Social Security!” And as for the debt, they’re quite happy with not letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the rich, which would increase the debt hugely, not to mention being for “smaller government” but wanting that government in our bedrooms and everywhere else we’re doing anything THEY don’t like.

6. Don’t get me started on Palin...!

7. Yup, right on target. They may pay for it, but what the hell, we survived Bush, we’ll survive her, and the Tea Party. Things change, but things remain the same...

Good to hear outside perspectives see it for what it is, that's reassuring I know conservatism is on the rise globally, so maybe we can be a warning to other countries before THEY go too far. One can only hope...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off

To be honest, Niki, I tend to lean to the right myself and don't really have a problem with "Global Conservativism". I think a lot of "Socialist" Governments do tend to over pander to the "have nots" at the expense of the "earned lots", so I do get where some of these ideas come from. We have elected a Conservative government on similar parameters. So I would probably be Republican if I were a US voter.
Having said that , I understand the need for fairness. "Don't shit on people on the way up, as you will meet them on the way down" is a good model to have. It seems that the TeaBaggers are the kind of people that have done a lot of shitting and can't take having some of it land on their doorstep, is all!!! I'm all for protecting the rights of the individual and the right to earn mega bucks etc, etc, but these people just don't have enough tactical nous to be taken seriously, although they do have one or two justifiable arguments.They are the Bull charging down to fuck one, rather than walking down to fuck em all" if you catch my drift.?

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 2:59 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by peacekeeper:
These comments may be considered flippant, but the truth of the matter is, the Tea Party Movement just didn't portray itself in a particularly positive light to the outside world.

Well, apparently Andrew Neil didn't portray them in a particularly positive light. As has been noted previously the Tea Party isn't a homogeneous group by any stretch of the imagination. If someone wanted to find members who reflected unpopular beliefs, it'd sure be possible. You could do the same in pretty much any political party.


Comparing Winston Churchill to Adolf Hitler because of his feelings on gun control is a teency step too far over the threshold for any one to take it seriously...

Don't think I've ever heard anyone make that comparison, but perhaps Mr. Neil could have found one. Portraying that as a wide-spread belief among Tea Partiers, or anyone else, would be bad journalism.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3:05 AM


Keeping order in every verse

The Gentleman who made the comparison was a respected Doctor, I believe. However, I grant you this is probably a one off extreme view. But having said that, it only takes one to create a stereotype, IMO.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3:52 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Portraying that as a wide-spread belief among Tea Partiers, or anyone else, would be bad journalism.

So it was someone from FauxNews or Breitbart, then.

The modern definition of "socialist" is anyone who's winning an argument against a tea-bagger.

AURaptor's Greatest Hits:

Friday, September 24, 2010
I hate Obama's America. You're damn right about that.

Friday, May 28, 2010 - 18:26 To President Obama:
Mr. President, you're a god damn, mother fucking liar.
Fuck you, you cock sucking community activist piece of shit.
... go fuck yourself, Mr. President.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 10:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

PK, I got nothing against "tend to lean to the right"...either ideology taken to extremes is bad. But these guys don't "lean", they bend so far over as to practically fall down (which a few of the worst DID, thank goodness!)...and sure, they're not homongeous, but those who SPEAK FOR THEM tend to say pretty much the same if they disagree in large number, then you have to wonder about supporting those extremists.

It seems that the TeaBaggers are the kind of people that have done a lot of shitting and can't take having some of it land on their doorstep.
Oh, I don't think so. I think most of them are plain old Americans who are scared shitless by the way our country has been going under eight years of Bush, and thought Obama and the Dems would "fix it all" in short order. The didn't, so it's the only way we have over here that resembles a "vote of no confidence", if you will. They'll find out they're no better off under the Repubs,probably even worse, and it will swing back eventually.

The saddest thing, to me, is that Repubs might have been smart enough to stalemate virtually ANYTHING that moved the country forward until now, then will try to pass legislation which will improve things, with the Dems compromising so much it lets them. Then the country will improve and they can crow "See, we did it!" OR the country will start improving and because of what Obama and the Dems put in place (despite the Repubs) and they'll take credit.

I don't want the Dems stonewalling any more than the "Party of No" has, but I also don't want Repubs taking credit for what they voted against, and I don't want the Dems "compromising" on bad legislation.

See, Obama and the Dems did something actually rather heroic; they spent their capital getting things through that were vital long-term, but didn't help unemployment short term. They passed legislation Presidents have been grousing about for decades but never did anything about: healthcare, Wall Stree reform, etc. They had to fight like mad to get them through, and stupidly compromised away things that would really help right NOW, but they did it anyway. Now their capital is gone, but we have a start on those things. Third rails no Prez (but Clinton on healthcare) had the balls to confront, which will be built on in the future (like Social Security and Medicare, which were bad bills to start).

But America thinks in terms of short-term only, so the failure of a public option and the weakness of the legislation, coupled with the great job of manipulation and trashing of anything the Dems did, convinced enough of the people that they voted against their best interests.

The Tea Party sounded good, the way it was advertised, and everyone's sick of the way our government has been run for a long time, scared and angry about unemployment and the economy, so people bought the "change" tactic that EVERY politician pulls out of the hat. They won't see the fruits of the Dems ACTUAL changes for a long time to come, and by then it'll be forgotten. Watch the Repubs start taking credit for jobs created under the stimulus (they already ARE and have been for a while), which they fought tooth and nail, watch healthcare being less of a drain on the country, Wall Street having SOME curbs on its excesses. Just watch.

Not only do we have too much focus on short term, we have short memories to boot. The Repubs/Tea Party's truly effective propaganda machine (Fox) will revise history to the best of its ability.

And so it goes...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 10:07 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


If someone wanted to find members who reflected unpopular beliefs, it'd sure be possible.
Geezer, I disagree. Of the people put up by the Tea Party, a goodly number of them have espoused beliefs unpopular with the majority of Americans over and over, and done it quite openly. Like I said; if they didn't represent the Tea Party, why did the Tea Party nominate them then laud them to the skies? If they believed other than those like O'Donnel, Paul, Angle and others, why didn't they speak up? Otherwise, those people DO represent the Tea Party, as is reflected by the polls and the signs carried at rallies, too.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 11:07 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
Geezer, I disagree. Of the people put up by the Tea Party, a goodly number of them have espoused beliefs unpopular with the majority of Americans over and over, and done it quite openly.

Yet a goodly number of them were popular enough with their constituents to get elected. From what I've gathered, the more extreme Tea Party-backed candidates (Angle, e.g.) were generally in those races that a conservative couldn't have won no matter how centerist their views. I'd also guess that a pretty significant number of voters chose conservatives for their fiscal views (smaller government, balanced budget, etc.), and held their noses at the candidates' less liberal social views (anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc.).

I tend to "waste" my vote on Libertarians because I generally can't stomach either candidate the major parties put forward in national elections. On occasion I've even written in "None of The Above".

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 11:14 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


I'd also guess that a pretty significant number of voters chose conservatives for their fiscal views (smaller government, balanced budget, etc.), and held their noses at the candidates' less liberal social views (anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc.).
THAT I will agree with, no question.

But the other; are you saying they put up candidates they knew couldn't win just to rile up the base or something? Why would you put up candidates with even LESS chance of winning than try to find one that had a shot? Doesn't make sense to me. Especially where Reid is concerned..>EVERYBODY hates Reid, so why not put up a viable candidate?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Thursday, November 4, 2010 2:41 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
But the other; are you saying they put up candidates they knew couldn't win just to rile up the base or something? Why would you put up candidates with even LESS chance of winning than try to find one that had a shot? Doesn't make sense to me. Especially where Reid is concerned..>EVERYBODY hates Reid, so why not put up a viable candidate?

I've heard it mentioned that the Republicans were running a "50 State" strategy this year, but there are some congressional races they knew they couldn't win no matter who they ran. I wonder if they didn't run the more extreme candidates, Tea Party or not, in these races to, as you say, "rile up the base" - or at least the more socially conservative segment - nationally.

Angle was probably a mistake on the Tea Party's side, as she beat out a more reasonable Republican in the Primary due to their backing. It could be they were more interested in showing their power within the party. From stuff I've read, her views motivated Reid's base among Blacks, Latinos, and Asians to get out and vote.

For example:

CNN's exit polls show that men and white voters broke for Angle by significant margins. Angle carried white voters by a 53 percent to 41 percent margin and men by a 48 percent to 46 percent margin. Reid made that up among women (53 percent), African Americans (78 percent), Latinos (68 percent) and Asians (79 percent). Even though white voters made up 72 percent of the vote and Reid only carried 41 percent of that block, those large margins among other ethnic groups carried him to victory. In terms of turnout, Reid benefitted from higher than anticipated turnout among Latinos, which was crucial to his win.

"Keep the Shiny side up"






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