Obama opposes outsourcing of jobs

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 9, 2010 03:42
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010 3:42 AM


America loves a winner!

Well, depending on the audience he's talking to....


June - 2008

Washington, June 28:

Taking a tough stand against outsourcing, the presumptive Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama said that the choice is between giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas or give benefit to those corporations that keep jobs domestically.
"We can keep giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, or we can give tax benefits to companies that invest right here in New Hampshire," Senator Obama said at a joint appearance with Senator Hillary Clinton in Unity, New Hampshire.

"We can have a tax code that rewards wealth and hands out billions of dollars more to big corporations and multimillionaires. Or we can provide a USD 1,000 tax cut to 95 per cent of families in America, start rewarding work and not just wealth, and eliminate income taxes for seniors making USD 50,000 a year or less," Obama said, adding that's an agenda for change that we can believe in. That's the choice that we can make in this election.

"We can allow millions of Americans to work full-time but still not make enough to support their families, or we can raise the minimum wage, index it to inflation, and ensure that hard work pays off in America," the Illinois Senator said.

And now, today....


Obama does a back flip on outsourcing; IT/BPO industry relieved

As US President Barack Obama mellowed down his anti-outsourcing stance at his joint press conference with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Indian software industry heaved a sigh of relief.

Som Mittal, chief of India's powerful National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) — an umbrella body of information technology and business process outsourcing (BPO) firms — said the apparent change in the president's attitude was more than welcome.

"It is a good result from the (President's ) visit," said Mittal, speaking shortly after Obama and Manmohan Singh held a joint press conference.

At the press conference, Obama emphasised that trade in goods and services between the two countries is not a "one-way street" of American jobs and companies moving to India.

Unlike his 'Buffalo, not Bangalore' election rhetoric, Obama was eager to point out that even as some jobs left the US for India, other jobs were getting created there because of India.

"Whenever I'm asked about Indians taking away our jobs, I want to say: You know what, they've just created 50,000 jobs," he said, a reference to the $10-15 billion worth of business deals entered into by Indian firms and the government with US firms over the past few months.

So, the concept of outsourcing jobs to India? Not so bad after all.


"The modern definition of 'racist' is someone who is winning an argument with a liberal."






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