No, Lucas, not Bush. I'm a big fan. Years ago when we had our home secretarial service, I worked with one of his ILM special-effects guys for a long tim..."/>


Ahhhh, George...

UPDATED: Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:19
VIEWED: 2167
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Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:45 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

No, Lucas, not Bush. I'm a big fan. Years ago when we had our home secretarial service, I worked with one of his ILM special-effects guys for a long time on a movie script he was writing about his experiences in 'Nam. So I got entry to ILM when it was a fledgling company here in San Rafael, and oooo, was it fun! Leeetle tiny company out in our light industrial area...where it all "began"

A few years later, when he still lived a few blocks from us in San Anselmo, he paid a landscaper to fix up the median strip across from our supermarket; people said he frequented it a lot, but I never saw him.

Then he bought the land and put up Skywalker Ranch, a self-contained filmmaking site:

Here's an aerial photo of the Ranch Including "Ewok Lake"; it's gorgeous out there

Skywalker Sound even has a vineyard!

The land is off "Lucas Valley Road"--not named after him, but I'll bet he got a kick out of it! I remember the people who around there when he wanted to put up an electric deer fence. "If he doesn't like deer, he should live somewhere else!" Hee, hee, hee. They fought whenever he wanted to expand, and it took him 10 years to finally get county approval to do so.

Still later I desktop published a propsal for the insurance company where I worked, and got to go along to the meeting, so I got entry into his offices/studios out in Terra Linda, and discovered all the pies he's got his finger in...and they are MANY, not just movies.

LucasArts: (check it out, it's a gas)
ILM of course:
Lucas Online:
LucasLearning: (I CREATED the logo in the top rightp-hand corner!)

...and more. You might get a kick out of those first four sites, they've got some FUN stuff!

Like Spielberg, he's one of those who "gives back" wouldn't believe the perqs his employees get!

He donated 800 acres of Skwalker to become the Lucas Valley Open Space Preserve in 2005 (we can even hike there), when they moved most of the facility to the new structure he built in the Presidio in SF (which was turned over to Golden Gate National Recreation Center when the military moved out). The goal was to turn the Presidio into the only self-sufficient national park site in the US, by allowing some companies to redevelop parts of it. How I WISH I still had the contacts to get back into ILM!


• The Letterman Digital Arts Center is the new San Francisco home of Lucasfilm Ltd., Industrial Light & Magic and LucasArts. The campus includes:
o A state-of-the-art high-performance data network with more than 300 10-gigabyte ports and 1,500 1-gigabyte ports -- the largest in the entertainment industry
o Fiber-optics cable pulled to every artist desktop, enabling Lucasfilm to deliver high-resolution images to each digital artist
o 600 miles of cable throughout the four buildings on the campus
o Raised floors throughout the building, opening the layout of the studio and enabling the workspace to be reconfigured with each new project
o Data storage (at opening) of more than 100 terabytes
o A Media Data Center to host custom-designed media servers to deliver high-resolution images to the on-campus digital theaters, screening rooms and desktops
o Systems for image and sound editing, color management and correction, and high-speed compositing
o A Media Control Room that manages media input, output, format conversions and duplication
• A 13,500-square-foot data center houses a render farm, file servers and storage systems (a "render farm" is a cluster of computers that work around the clock to process synthetic images), including:
o More than 3,000 AMD processors
o Proprietary render-management tools, allowing desktop workstations to be added to the render farm pool after hours, expanding the processing capacity to more than 5,000 processors
• The campus houses a 300-seat theater with a 49'x21' screen, optimized for both digital and film projection
• There are two 65-seat dailies theaters for viewing visual effects work and for digital color timing

Don'tcha just WISH we could sneak in there???

So he's kind of "been around" our lives since we moved here, and like I said, I'm a big fan. Of the guy himself, not just the director/producer/innovator.

All this is by way of explaining why, when I saw this in the news today, I wanted to share it:

When a young filmmaker named George Lucas pitched his idea for a space saga, FOX and most people were wondering how he was going to pull it off. The movie called for more cuts, action sequences and imaginative landscapes that had never been done before. When the studio asked him how he planed to do that, though Lucas had no clue he boldly told them he would figure it out.

"WIth Star Wars I want to do an action picture," George Lucas said, repeating his original intentions for the iconic film in Creating the Impossible. The Encore documentary, which airs Nov. 12, focuses on the revolutionary special effects company ILM. "I want to do something where I can pan with the space ship. I want to do quick cuts. There's a lot of rhythm, a lot of pace. There's a lot of movement on the screen. I want it to be very cinematic, and at that point in time that was impossible."

To complete this monumental task, Lucas founded his own special effects company to complete the difficult scenes needed in Star Wars. The company was named Industrial Light and Magic, better known as ILM. Over 300 films later, ILM has proven to be the industry leader in special effects, one of the first purveyors of computer generated imagery and the original parent company of animation giant Pixar. From Jurassic Park to Avatar, the company has put their stamp on some of the biggest films of all time.

Before ILM most studios had their own in-house special effects teams. Lucas' company was one of the first to open their doors to filmmakers. Since the company was willing to experiment with new techniques, ILM found itself in the forefront of many cutting-edge technologies. From the unheard of over 360 special effects shots needed for Star Wars to the first computer graphics visual effect in Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, the company found new ways to solve their problems. "Those were massive tasks that no one was going to undertake," said ILM's John Knoll to Techland. The visual effects supervisor has worked on films including Captain Eo, Avatar, The Abyss and Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III.

"George always seemed pretty confident. He would always say, ‘Oh, you guys will figure it out!'” Knoll said.

Smaller films like Forrest Gump have also benefited from ILM's expertise. The famous scene where Gump is playing ping pong is actually an ILM effect Recently, Knoll worked on Confessions of a Shopaholic. In one scene, the film has talking mannequins and Knoll said he jumped on the opportunity to test out some new techniques.

Perhaps ILM's greatest achievement lies in the realm of inspiring new inventions and companies. Pixar was formed out of ILM's computer animation department. Knoll himself was inspired by photo editing software he saw at ILM. When his brother told Knoll about his PhD thesis regarding a photo editing program for home computers, the two worked together and co-created Photoshop. “ILM was the first place I went to that had a computer graphics department,” Knoll said. “So in a way, George had kind of fostered the creation of Photoshop.”

“His influence is huge because not only the technical contributions of ILM, but the people that have come through the company,” Iwerks said.

More at

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, November 13, 2010 9:59 AM


Finally, you posted something cool!! Don't make me like you..... I can't.


Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:19 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Damn, now I've got going, dunno when to stop! The Skywalker Library is gorgeous, it's got a forty-foot stained glass dome set in the ceiling casting down its component colors of gold, red, and orange. A second level accessible via a spiral staircase is home to more books and original paintings.

I LOVE that he made the main ranch house in Victorian style, complete with solarium. Here's the ranch house from the rear:

He lives there, and it's home to many of the young artists and film students who stay at Skywalker.

Skywalker sound at the Ranch inside:

I imagine things will change somewhat now that he's moved all the facilities into the Presidio, which is about a half hour South of the Ranch. I bet he won't be able to make it as unique there. We used to motorcycle Lucas Valley Road--it's a GREAT motorcycle road, real twisty and challenging, you had to watch your ass, but it's gorgeous country.

Makes me giggle that the spot he picked in the Presidio is right next to our Palace of Fine Arts, which the caption says could have come right out of the "idyllic world of Naboo":

It's actually built as part of the The Panama Pacific Exposition of 1915, but when the Exposition was torn down, SF loved the Palace so much they raised the money to save it. In the 1950s they too castings of it, tore it down and rebuilt it with permanent materials, and we love it.

The rotunda is really neat, and the details are fantastic. it's got women leaning INWARD on every corner--weird, but neat.

This got off track from Lucas, so I'll stop now. But first I'll say, those of you who get a kick out of graphics and games and stuff, DO check out those first four links; Lucas' people do really kewl stuff, even on their websites!

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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