Why car insurance is never mandatory

UPDATED: Saturday, November 13, 2010 16:51
VIEWED: 1214
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Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:30 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


"Government control of communications and transportation."
-Communist Manifesto, 6th Plank

Obama’s Claiming More Power Over Americans Than King George III, Says Virginia Attorney General

Terrence P. Jeffrey
CNS News

Virginia Atty. Gen. Ken Cuccinelli, who has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn the health-care law signed by President Barack Obama last March, says Obama and the Congress that enacted that law--which mandates that individuals must buy government-approved health insurance plans--are seeking a power over the lives of Americans that even King George III did not claim to possess.

“We now have a Congress and a president who believe they can order you to buy a product when King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain, whom we rebelled against, acknowledged that they could not,” Cuccinelli said in a video interview with

In October, U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson heard arguments on the merits of Virginia's case against Obamacare.

Lawyers for the U.S. Justice Department, representing the Obama administration, argued that the federal government derives the power to force individual Americans to buy health insurance from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which authorizes Congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the several states and with Indian tribes. Virginia Solicitor General Duncan Getchell Jr., representing Cuccinelli and the state of Virginia, argued that an individual who does not buy health insurance is not engaging in commerce and that the U.S. government has never before attempted to force individual Americans to buy any good or service.

Judge Hudson said he would issue a decision on the merits of the case by the end of this year. Cuccinelli told that whichever way the judge rules, one side or the other will appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and then to the U.S. Supreme Court. Ultimately, the Supreme Court will need to decide whether in fact the Constitution does give the federal government a power it has never exercised before: the power to order individuals to buy things.

Virginia has enacted its own state law--directly countering President Obama’s health-care law--that specifically states that Virginians cannot be forced to buy health insurance.

In his interview with, Cuccinelli pointed out that the First Continental Congress, convened by the American colonies in 1774, called for a boycott of British goods. When King George III and the British Parliament had the question legally analyzed by the British solicitor general, said Cuccinelli, they discovered that the colonists were within their legal rights to freely decide not to purchase a product—even if the king and Parliament would prefer that they did purchase it.

“When you have a case that’s unprecedented like this,” Cuccinelli said, referring to Virginia’s suit against Obamacare, “you literally span the length and breadth of American history in discussing the meaning of the particular power at issue. And if you go back before 1776, just two years, to 1774, go to the First Continental Congress, delegates from all 13 colonies showed up, signed a document where they ‘cheerfully acknowledged’--their phrase—‘cheerfully acknowledged' the right of the Parliament and the king to regulate their commerce and, in the same document, they boycotted British goods.”

“Go across the Atlantic and King George III and the Parliament aren’t happy about this because their merchants are taking a beating on it, just taking a beating,” said Cuccinelli. “So, of course, they call their lawyer, what everybody does--then, as now, the solicitor general--and they had a conversation and determined that, in fact, the colonists were within their legal rights and that they couldn’t compel them to buy British goods.

“Now, go forward 236 years and you see where I’m going,” said Cuccinelli. “We now have a Congress and a president who believe they can order you to buy a product when King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain, whom we rebelled against, acknowledged that they could not.”

Cuccinelli concluded that it is not possible to believe the Founding Fathers of this country invested the new federal government they created after the American Revolution with a power they had rightfully refused to grant to the British Parliament and king before the revolution.

“Now, Americans endlessly debate the meaning of each part of the Constitution,” said Cuccinelli. “But one thing that every American should be able to agree on, if you think in terms of Venn Diagrams--I was an engineer before I was a lawyer, so I do things like this--the circle of power that represents federal power under the Constitution must be entirely within the circle of power exercised by King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain. Otherwise, why rebel? And, yet, here we have a Congress and a president who are exercising power that even Parliament and King George III acknowledged they did not have.”

Cuccinelli said he believes it will take about two years for Virginia’s suit against Obamacare to reach the Supreme Court. In the meantime, however, U.S. District Judge Hudson could strike the law down as unconstitutional in Virginia as soon as next month.

In a separate case, Florida is representing a group of 20 states that also have sued the federal government claiming Obamacare is unconstitutional.


Press conference and briefs by VA AG vs Al Qaeda Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro Dark Knight of the British Empire


Saturday, November 13, 2010 3:52 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
Obama’s Claiming More Power Over Americans Than King George III, Says Virginia Attorney General

Terrence P. Jeffrey
CNS News

Virginia Atty. Gen. Ken Cuccinelli, who has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn the health-care law signed by President Barack Obama last March, says Obama and the Congress that enacted that law--which mandates that individuals must buy government-approved health insurance plans--are seeking a power over the lives of Americans that even King George III did not claim to possess.

“We now have a Congress and a president who believe they can order you to buy a product when King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain, whom we rebelled against, acknowledged that they could not,” Cuccinelli said in a video interview with

In October, U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson heard arguments on the merits of Virginia's case against Obamacare.

Lawyers for the U.S. Justice Department, representing the Obama administration, argued that the federal government derives the power to force individual Americans to buy health insurance from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which authorizes Congress to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the several states and with Indian tribes. Virginia Solicitor General Duncan Getchell Jr., representing Cuccinelli and the state of Virginia, argued that an individual who does not buy health insurance is not engaging in commerce and that the U.S. government has never before attempted to force individual Americans to buy any good or service.

Judge Hudson said he would issue a decision on the merits of the case by the end of this year. Cuccinelli told that whichever way the judge rules, one side or the other will appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and then to the U.S. Supreme Court. Ultimately, the Supreme Court will need to decide whether in fact the Constitution does give the federal government a power it has never exercised before: the power to order individuals to buy things.

Virginia has enacted its own state law--directly countering President Obama’s health-care law--that specifically states that Virginians cannot be forced to buy health insurance.

In his interview with, Cuccinelli pointed out that the First Continental Congress, convened by the American colonies in 1774, called for a boycott of British goods. When King George III and the British Parliament had the question legally analyzed by the British solicitor general, said Cuccinelli, they discovered that the colonists were within their legal rights to freely decide not to purchase a product—even if the king and Parliament would prefer that they did purchase it.

“When you have a case that’s unprecedented like this,” Cuccinelli said, referring to Virginia’s suit against Obamacare, “you literally span the length and breadth of American history in discussing the meaning of the particular power at issue. And if you go back before 1776, just two years, to 1774, go to the First Continental Congress, delegates from all 13 colonies showed up, signed a document where they ‘cheerfully acknowledged’--their phrase—‘cheerfully acknowledged' the right of the Parliament and the king to regulate their commerce and, in the same document, they boycotted British goods.”

“Go across the Atlantic and King George III and the Parliament aren’t happy about this because their merchants are taking a beating on it, just taking a beating,” said Cuccinelli. “So, of course, they call their lawyer, what everybody does--then, as now, the solicitor general--and they had a conversation and determined that, in fact, the colonists were within their legal rights and that they couldn’t compel them to buy British goods.

“Now, go forward 236 years and you see where I’m going,” said Cuccinelli. “We now have a Congress and a president who believe they can order you to buy a product when King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain, whom we rebelled against, acknowledged that they could not.”

Cuccinelli concluded that it is not possible to believe the Founding Fathers of this country invested the new federal government they created after the American Revolution with a power they had rightfully refused to grant to the British Parliament and king before the revolution.

“Now, Americans endlessly debate the meaning of each part of the Constitution,” said Cuccinelli. “But one thing that every American should be able to agree on, if you think in terms of Venn Diagrams--I was an engineer before I was a lawyer, so I do things like this--the circle of power that represents federal power under the Constitution must be entirely within the circle of power exercised by King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain. Otherwise, why rebel? And, yet, here we have a Congress and a president who are exercising power that even Parliament and King George III acknowledged they did not have.”

Cuccinelli said he believes it will take about two years for Virginia’s suit against Obamacare to reach the Supreme Court. In the meantime, however, U.S. District Judge Hudson could strike the law down as unconstitutional in Virginia as soon as next month.

In a separate case, Florida is representing a group of 20 states that also have sued the federal government claiming Obamacare is unconstitutional.


Press conference and briefs by VA AG vs Al Qaeda Dictator Hussein Obama Soetoro Dark Knight of the British Empire

So I've been paying $800 a year for nothing? So help me PN if you're not telling me the truth I'm going to drive to Knoxville, come on your radio show and make you pay my "State Farm" bill on the air! Get your check book out!.... and I want a T-Shirt!


Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:08 PM


'...The news of the Battle of Lexington and Battle of Concord, received in North Carolina a month later, further weakened British authority. Unable to stem the tide of revolution in the colony, Governor Martin abandoned New Bern and fled to Fort Johnston on the lower Cape Fear, arriving there on June 2. Within 6 weeks, the North Carolina militia forced him to flee again, this time offshore to the British warship HMS Cruizer, as the fort burned behind him.

In exile, Martin laid plans of the reconquest of North Carolina. First, he would raise in that colony an army of 10,000 men, 2/3 of them Highlanders and Regulators with strong loyalist feelings. Next, this army would march to the coast and rendezvous with a powerful expeditionary force under Gen. Lord Charles Cornwallis, Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, and Gen. Sir Peter Parker. These combined army and naval forces were to concentrate at Brunswick, a seaport town below Wilmington, by February 15. Together they would re-establish British authority in the Carolinas, striking wherever the rebellion showed itself. Martin persuaded his superiors in London and Commander-in-Chief Gen. Gen. Thomas Gage that this host could easily restore order. The British Ministry approved the plan and dispatched orders to the several commanders.

On January 10, he called upon all loyal subjects to unite to put down "a most daring, horrid, and unnatural Rebellion." Six months earlier, Gage had sent Col. Donald MacDonald and Maj. Donald McLeod to North Carolina to recruit a Highland battalion. Martin now appointed MacDonald a brigadier general and McLeod a lieutenant colonel in the loyalist militia and directed them and others to enlist men.

To all Highlanders who pledged service to the Crown, the British government promised 200 acres of land, cancellation of land fees, and tax exemption for 20 years. These terms, and Martin's efforts among other groups, brought in recruits, though not nearly as many as had been expected., The call went out for loyalists to assemble under MacDonald near Cross Creek and then march to the coast.

On February 15, when the force was organized, there were about 1,600 men present. Meanwhile, the Americans had not been idle. While Martin was at sea, they began to mobilize their forces. Since Martin was technically out of the colony, the Americans, in August and September 1775, set up a Provincial Council to govern in his place. Upon the recommendation of the Continental Congress, 2 regiments of the Continental Line and several battalions of minutemen and militia were raised. At the news that the loyalists were assembling at Cross Creek , the patriots began gathering their forces. In Wilmington, they threw up breastworks and prepared for fighting. In New Bern, authorities mustered the district's militia, under Col. Richard Caswell, and ordered it to join with other militia in countering the loyalists. Col. James Moore was given command. The loyalists' plan was to advance along the southwest side of the Cape Fear to the coast, provision the British troops arriving by sea, and then join them in conquering the colony.

On February 20, MacDonald began his movement toward the coast. Blocked by Moore at Rockfish Creek, he marched eastward in the general direction of Caswell's force, crossed the Cape Fear, and proceeded toward the Negro Head Point Road, a route into Wilmington along which he expected little opposition. Outmaneuvered by MacDonald's march tactics, Caswell withdrew from defending Corbett's Ferry on the Black River in order to "take possession of the Bridge upon Widow Moore's Creek." some 20 miles above Wilmington and a place the loyalists had to cross on their way to the coast. After sending Col. Alexander Lillington to join Caswell, Moore fell back toward Wilmington, hoping to fall on the rear of MacDonald's column as Caswell obstructed him in front.

On February 25, when Lillington arrived at the bridge, he quickly saw the position's defensive advantages. The creek, a dark, sluggish, stream about 35 feet wide, wound through swampy terrain and could be crossed in the vicinity of only over this bridge. To dominate the crossing, Lillington built a low earthwork on a slight rise overlooking the bridge and its approach from the east. Joining Lillington the next day, Caswell sent his men across the bridge to throw up earthworks there.

On February 26, in the evening, the Americans straddled the bridge. Lillington with 150 men waited on the east side of the creek, and Caswell with 850 men were camped on the west. MacDonald's loyalists, 1,600 strong but with arms for less than half that many, camped 6 miles away. MacDonald had lost the race to the bridge and now had to decide whether to avoid fighting once more or to cut through their opponents. At a council-of-war, the younger leader carried the debate, and eventually all agreed that the enemy should be attacked. An element in the decision was the report by a scout that Caswell's position lay on their side of the river and was thus vulnerable.

On February 27, at 1:00 A.M., the loyalists set out on their march, with a party of 75 picked broadswordsmen under Capt. John Campbell in the lead. By now MacDonald had fallen ill, and Donald McLeod was in command. The going was slow, for the route lay through thickets and swampy ground. During the night Caswell abandoned the camp and withdrew across the creek. Once on the other side, Caswell's men removed the planks and greased the girders. Posting artillery to cover the bridge, they waited in darkness for the advancing Scots.

An hour before dawn, the loyalists came upon Caswell's deserted camp and found the fires burning low. Moving on to nearly woods, McLeod regrouped his men and passed the rallying cry - "King George and Broad Swords" - along the line. There, they waited for daybreak. Suddenly gunfire sounded near the bridge. Though it was not yet light, McLeod couldn't wait any longer. Three cheers rang out - the signal for the attack - and the loyalists rushed the partly demolished bridge with broadswords out and bagpipes skirling. Picking their way over the bridge and onto the opposite bank, they got within 30 paces of the American earthworks before they were met by a withering fire of musketry and artillery. Nearly all the advance party were cut down, and the whole force soon retreated. It was all over in a few minutes. Pursuit turned the repulse into a rout.

Within weeks, the Americans had captured "all suspected person" and disarmed them. The spoils included 1,500 rifles, 350 "guns and shot-bags," 150 swords and dirks, and £15,000 sterling. Some 850 "common Soldiers" and most of the loyalists were captured. The leaders were imprisoned or banished from the colony. The soldiers were paroled to their homes.

Though the battle was a small one, the implications were large. The American victory demonstrated the surprising strength in the countryside, discouraged the growth of loyalist sentiment in the Carolinas, and spurred revolutionary feeling throughout the American colonies.'


Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:46 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by whozit:

So I've been paying $800 a year for nothing? So help me PN if you're not telling me the truth I'm going to drive to Knoxville, come on your radio show and make you pay my "State Farm" bill on the air! Get your check book out!.... and I want a T-Shirt!

The way scam works is the only US citizens who have any legal rights or freedoms, are those who are educated in the secret rules for winning in court. Everyone else is a slave.

Dozens of States attorney generals are now suing the US Govt to overturn an alleged federal law to require every US citizen to buy medical insurance from a private corporation, or pay $10,000s in fines and go to jail. There is no such State law requiring purchase of "car insurance" from private corporations -- it's called "financial responsibility" -- which has many "exemptions" under Title 55 of Tennessee Code. Basically, the only drivers required to have car insurance are non-govt employees, who can afford to buy it, who don't self-insure, who crash by their own fault and cause damage to someone else, and refuse to pay for that damage. No one else is "required" to buy car insurance. Doh! If you don't like freedom, move to Commie China -- they own your mortgage anyway.

Half of US citizens cannor afford insurance. The only way to require mandatory car insurance is for the govt to pay every person a $50,000 paycheck.

Note that insurance salesman George Gordon admits that only 5% of insurance company revenue is used to pay claims. Attorney and presidential candidate Ralph Nader says insurance executives pay themselves $200,000 per WEEK salary, per person...not counting Warren Buffet, owner of GEICO Govt Employees Insurance Corp, who paid himself $30-BILLION per year, TAX FREE.



Saturday, November 13, 2010 4:51 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by out2theblack:

The news of the Battle of Lexington and Battle of Concord, received in North Carolina a month later, further weakened British authority.

Insurance salesman George Gordon: Ben Franklin said that we should exclude Jews from America in the 1787 convention

"Mandatory insurance" is just another bailout of the bankrupt jews.






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