Frackin Hell (this for DT)

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 1, 2010 12:56
PAGE 1 of 1

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1:33 PM


Merry Xmas.

NY Assembly Approves Hydraulic Fracturing Moratorium


The bill prohibits the issuing of new permits for hydraulic fracturing—the controversial drilling practice also known as fracking—until May 2011.



Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1:42 PM


It's "Christmas" not "Xmas", if you weren't a member of a left-wing cartoon hate group you'd know this.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1:54 PM


Cartoon hate group, thats excellent.

Frem, why do you hate cartoons?


Tuesday, November 30, 2010 2:02 PM


Yep, thanks, caught that last night.

My postmistress' neighbor didn't sign, but NY has a policy called "forced integration" meaning if they have bought mineral rights to 60% of a square mile they can claim mineral rights even over those who didn't sign draw and they can draw that mile any funky shape they want. So, they drew it our to her lawn, and then claimed they had mineral rights. They said "Oh, we're not fracking, not yet, we're exploring and testing." Well they then drove several big trucks up and dynamited her property into rubble. Then they said "Well, we might want to build a gas plant here." Just speculating like. You know exploration. And she lives upstream from me.

Mineral rights are the most extreme rights ever granted to anyone. They're more than rights that are granted to legal combatants in a time of war, and much much more than personal ownership rights. So, I can only have limited riparian rights I can't put anything in, that is, but someone with no ownership rights at all can use an assumed mineral rights to poison the river passed repair?

So, I have figured that this is in no way legal, it's war is what it is. And we have to fight back, and I have to figure out how.

So, the moratorium will go into effect. Now here's a couple of screw deals: The bill was for an 18 month moratorium. But it was first suggested a year ago, so they're counting that year, and only giving us 6 months, even though during those 12 months it wasn't banned.

By May 2011, we need to be ready for war. That's a tall order, and I gotta work fast. I think that we have to make a very strong showing against the idea, but I'm really open to any suggestion.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010 4:57 PM



Originally posted by whozit:
It's "Christmas" not "Xmas", if you weren't a member of a left-wing cartoon hate group you'd know this.

My Gawd, it is christmas. I thought it had something to do with snowboarding and skateboarding....silly me.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010 6:50 PM


Well, it's all about leverage, DT - they might have you economically, but there's many, many kinds of leverage, and La Mordida lives even in todays world.

As for the snark, technically it's friggin Yule - I was making a polite compromise to your cross huggin punks, which is a bit of a stretch for me at any time, and even more so since they've had to arrest several more Baptist scum around here for being crooks, perverts and would-be molesters, ok ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 7:28 AM


I was going to comment on that, since neither me nor you are Xtians. ;)

Oh, thanks for this thread... I'm open to any ideas.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 8:24 AM


Still thinkin it over - just a matter of applying pressure in the right places, and honestly I dunno enough about the local politics to say, yet...

That, and being leery of being too damn obvious about it, as well.

And *some* damn smartass just put me in for Macomb County Sheriff too, seriously, WTF?! - how crazy ARE these people ?
Apparently Hackel is retiring come Jan, and they started taking applications online this morning...
Eric (the prosecutor) is gonna shit a brick when they tell him, when I first moved here it was to Macomb County, and they've not forgotten (nor forgiven) what happened soon after, oh no.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 8:53 AM


I've also been talking to DT about what he might be able to do on a litigation or remediation side, but it's possible there might be some agendas here at the federal or international level, in which case resistance by litigation may fail.

Speaking of pressure, there are ways to neutralize the chemicals in question using their chemical properties, which can happen potentially even before leaking while the materials are being stored, which is the biggest problem here. Engineering controls in your community to maybe get ready for this, because it's doubtful these jerks will put in proper engineering controls. Permeable Reactive Barriers, biological and chemical oxidizers to break down the waste products if you can slip it into barrels or ponds before they even leak.


And *some* damn smartass just put me in for Macomb County Sheriff too, seriously, WTF?! - how crazy ARE these people ?

XD Sorry, I know that's rough on you, but it's also kind of awesome.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 12:56 PM


Oh, you'd be perfect for Sheriff. Isn't the Sheriff just a deputized criminal overlord anyway?

Tactics and obvious, some of this is prolly going to fall on the "don't post this on a public forum" thing.

Here's some pieces of local politics.

The frackers are doing some "exploring" anyway, which means blowing up land. There is "Forced integration" which means they can blow up your land even if you didn't sign, 'cause someone else signed.

They're conveniently setting up next to lakes and rivers, and it's apparently legal for them to pour the sludge right in, because the are calling it "water." One industry guy said visiting the plant they came with about 100 feet of the "water" and suddenly he felt ill. Two members of the team collapse vomiting. That's some water.

Actually, it's called "Produced water" but they classify it as water, which it ain't, any more than blood is water. (We're just going to inject you with this here 'water' and we promise that it is less than 1% HIV virus by weight!)

The political jurisdiction is that state is everywhere, county controls property tax and has some minimal authority to say what you can and can't do. The counties are divided into townships with very little power, and then villages and cities. Usually a village is a subset of the town, it the settlement and the township are the same, we call it a town, and we call it a city if it's larger, but anything with a post office has a govt. They have zoning authority but that's about it.

The toxic goop runs downstream and through the groundwater. It can easily travel from somewhere it's legal to somewhere it ain't without it being stoppable.

These frackers truck in hundreds of trucks of junk over little roads that could maybe be regulated some way.






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