When Life Resembles a Horror Show

UPDATED: Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:48
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 5:54 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


This seems to be another of those chicken and egg mysteries.

Does life imitate art, or does art imitate life?

Either way, this harvesting represents the very worst side of human beings.


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010 6:06 AM


Are you referring to art as in "Dirty Pretty Things"?

Anyway, I think most times, art simply exposes the existing dark side of people. It either highlights an existing problem or it highlights a sick appetite for fantasy problems (Saw, anyone?).

Excuse me while I again.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010 2:26 PM


You mean the old saw "That's just an urban myth!"

Anthony, there's things in this world so awful, so horrific, that people DO NOT WANT to believe them, and will contrive any excuse not to do so, even if it defies all logic - this is prevalent in my own work, too, we originally called it "bigfoot effect", cause of a perp who used a bigfoot costume while attempting to molest kids hiking in the nearby woods - of COURSE no one would believe them, and when it came to court, despite a full confession, despite them actually having the outfit in evidence, the bastard was aquitted.

The same thing with other freaks, who use the whole satanic trappings bit which not only allows them to increase the value of their product while concealing their identities - it also renders the testimony of the victims all but useless, because even if they get confessions, even if they have the robes and candles and all that in evidence, no jury will convinct them - because NO ONE WANTS TO BELIEVE IT.. and they *play* on that.
(FYI: They're not Satanists, really, it's just a scam to terrify the victim and make the testimony useless, is all.)
And getting it classed as "An Urban Myth" makes it all that much sweeter for them cause even if they're caught in the act folks will ASSUME it's a hoax.

People are like this, like someone who sees another person trying to slimjim a cars door open, they tell themselves "Oh, he probably just locked his keys in there", cause they don't WANT to believe otherwise, so they tell themselves a convenient little lie so they don't have to face the ugly realities of life - a practice so conditioned into most people by the public school system and our society that they do it instantly, reflexively, without even noticing it, much less questioning it.

The conventional organ-theft story mythos, and that whole waking up in the bathtub thing is bullshit, sure - but I was friends with the Baltimore City Medical Examiner when they started pulling bodies out of the Patapsco River with bricks in their body cavity and surgically removed organs, whoever did it back then was preying on military personnel cause obviously they are healthy enough to pass a physical, and Ft Meade *did* issue a couple alerts about it, only to have them dismissed as a prank or hoax.

I don't have that specific info handy any more, but I forwarded it a long time ago to Dave Emory, who was at the time doing a bit of urban-myth busting for - and we got into a discussion of how Urban Myth is often factually based, as I recall we both had an eyebrow lift at the completely bizzare prevalence of "child found syringe in..." incidents in the state of PA, everything from cereal boxes to stuffed animals, since there had been EIGHT of those confirmed in the month previous, which we never did find any explaination for.

He was, however, rather firmly convinced organ theft and trafficking was a myth, and I rather pointedly disabused him of this notion by presenting him with substantial evidence to the contrary... which mighta had something to do with him wigging out a bit, shortly thereafter.

You have to also remember, that many of the things I have stood up about, WERE considered nothing more than Urban Myths at the time when I first took a stand... rampant abuse in the Catholic Church, which I was BITTERLY FLAMED for even taking seriously, shouted down, laughed at...
Not very fucking funny now, is it ?

Or, of course, the Hellcamps - even daring to publicly speak of their EXISTENCE was considered as out-there as an Elvis sighting or Close Encounter, and to speak of the horrors within would again, get you dismissed, shouted down, laughed at...
Hell, even here, when I first brought it up, most folk took it as "Conspiracy Theory".

So yeah, there *ARE* horrors in this world, Anthony, that just the *knowing of*, can hurt you, damage you pyschologically just by realizing just what goes on under our polite facade of civilization - did it not occur to you, especially when I've flat out said it, that I choose carefully what to discuss in part for those reasons ?

As for WHY, well, that's a simple answer.
Why Does the World Feel Wrong?

Our battle for liberty appears not just as a conflict between those who want freedom versus those who want control, but instead as the battle between normal people and the psychopaths. I have found incredible explanatory power of our world within the psychopathic hypothesis: The world feels wrong because psychopaths run it. In a country trained to discount and ridicule all ideas more than a standard deviation from the average, coherent explanations of observable social phenomena don't get much press. Without understanding physical laws, we would never have gained the massive improvements in our quality of life from technological developments. Similarly, without understanding our social systems, we will never escape from the tyranny unleashed on us by psychopaths. We should spread the word and explore this rich vein of thought with vigor.

In short, the lunatics are running the asylum, and us sane folk are in the cells.

And changing THAT, is what I have devoted an entire lifetime towards accomplishing.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, December 16, 2010 4:59 AM


America loves a winner!


Fremdfirma wrote:
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 14:26

You mean the old saw "That's just an urban myth!"

Anthony, there's things in this world so awful, so horrific, that people DO NOT WANT to believe them, and will contrive any excuse not to do so, even if it defies all logic

Spike T.V. has a show - Deadliest Warrior. It's a pretty in depth look at the great warriors and military leaders, through out history. They attempt to figure out who'd win, if two legendary figures in time were to face off, in the field of battle.

Examples - Comanche vs Mongol , Sun Tzu vs Vlad the Impaler...

While exploring just who these warriors were, and what made them so successful, the show gets into some pretty detailed history. Vlad the Impaler, for example, gets his title for obvious reasons. What I didn't know was, the exact method by which the victims were impaled.

It's beyond horrific. It's said that THOUSANDS of victims who faced such a gruesome, unspeakable fate.... were alive, for as long as they could endure, when being "displayed".

If such a thing occurred once, is a crime against nature itself. But that it happened countless times, over and over.... almost makes me wish this planet were taken out by another meteor impact, or that the sun would hurry up and engulf us all.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, December 16, 2010 5:45 AM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
You mean the old saw "That's just an urban myth!"

I meant horror movies. I wonder maybe people like horror movies because they can dismiss all things horrible into the realm of fiction.

I've heard enough real horror stories...the kind of stuff you're talking about Frem.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Thursday, December 16, 2010 7:15 AM


America loves a winner!



Thursday, December 16, 2010 8:54 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Fremdfirma wrote:
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 14:26

You mean the old saw "That's just an urban myth!"

Anthony, there's things in this world so awful, so horrific, that people DO NOT WANT to believe them, and will contrive any excuse not to do so, even if it defies all logic

Spike T.V. has a show - Deadliest Warrior. It's a pretty in depth look at the great warriors and military leaders, through out history. They attempt to figure out who'd win, if two legendary figures in time were to face off, in the field of battle.

Examples - Comanche vs Mongol , Sun Tzu vs Vlad the Impaler...

While exploring just who these warriors were, and what made them so successful, the show gets into some pretty detailed history. Vlad the Impaler, for example, gets his title for obvious reasons. What I didn't know was, the exact method by which the victims were impaled.

It's beyond horrific. It's said that THOUSANDS of victims who faced such a gruesome, unspeakable fate.... were alive, for as long as they could endure, when being "displayed".

If such a thing occurred once, is a crime against nature itself. But that it happened countless times, over and over.... almost makes me wish this planet were taken out by another meteor impact, or that the sun would hurry up and engulf us all.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "

It's worse than you know. Vlad didn't just do these things - he'd often eat al fresco, out among his "garden", among the screams and wails of the dying. Most horrific of all is that it's said many of them actually died of starvation, not from the impaling.

Now go look up the Catherine Wheel and the Brazen Cow.

This Space For Rent!


Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:48 AM


You know, that's one of the few places I have some serious disagreement with one of my "allies" - Jackie, aka Jaqueline De Croy, is a direct descendant of old Vlad, and something of an apologist for the old bastard, which I kinda just brush off rather than take seriously, cause we're so NOT going to agree on that topic...

But mess with the children going to her sponsored schools, and you'll quickly be reminded she *IS* a direct descendant of friggin Dracula, no doubt about it.

If it'd been up to her, Dutroux and all his merry band in Chaleroi WOULD have been impaled, and honestly I wouldn't have had much of a problem with that.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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