The Gorgon's Stare coming to kill your town soon

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 18:32
VIEWED: 3828
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011 5:50 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Pentagon psychos in love with lesbian serial killer

Al Qaeda Dictator Saddam Hussein Obama Bin Laden to deploy Gorgon Stare drone

MQ9 Reaper Predator Terminator drone has genocided 1,000s of innocent women and children


Tuesday, January 4, 2011 11:15 PM


you're not wrong


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 3:43 AM


Technology giveth, and technology taketh away.

Sure, that might work on backwater hicks in third world countries with no industrial base, or countries we've bombed and wrecked back into the stone age - but then again...

Not to mention subverting or disabling the controls, smacking the damn thing with a HERF or other EM device, the possibilities are endless.

In fact, one REASON they want to get more altitude out of these things is because police forces using them in test programs have lost a few that way, not a completely unexpected result given they were using em in socal and decided to overfly berserkerly... gee, THAT was smart, NOT!

Damn police were lucky, what if some hacktivist had taken control of it and pile-drived it into the stations fuel supply ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 7:16 AM


Yeah, but you know when it actually does happen that someone on the other side hijacks a predator drone and sends it back home as payback, our govt. will call it a terrorist attack using weapons that either they made from shoeboxes or bought from the Chinese.

Weapons like this are useless for what we want to do. As witness, attacking the world trade center did nothing to stop globalization. We need things that target specific individuals, and hopefully *don't* kill them, so they can get their actual comeuppance, which IMHO would involve taking them and placing them in the very situations that they are creating for the people they call the undesirables, excess world population, etc.

Everyone deserves to be nailed by their own spears, stick a guillotine in the town square, you know what you deserve, and by what these guys have done, you know what they deserve. That's why as evil overlord I'm going to make my maximum punishment for those who have wronged me "exile." that way I know where I'm going when I fall.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 7:32 AM


Any weapon, monitoring, or tech developed by a government, will eventually be used against its populace.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 10:11 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Everyone deserves to be nailed by their own spears, stick a guillotine in the town square, you know what you deserve, and by what these guys have done, you know what they deserve. That's why as evil overlord I'm going to make my maximum punishment for those who have wronged me "exile." that way I know where I'm going when I fall.



Fell right into the forgive-forget-get-ANOTHER-knife-in-the-back-scam, eh ?
And plan to play it yourself, too, eh ?!
Fuck that noise.

Look, while my primary focus is trying to subvert the system to prevent the production of these sociopathic fuckheads, and kneecap their advancement - once they HAVE fully formed and had a taste of power, ANY forgiveness of ANY kind condones their behavior, rewards it, quite literally guarantees they'll repeat it.

When it comes to THEM, Robespierre had the right goddamn idea, he was just a damn fool in that he was working the wrong end of the pipeline, standing at the bottom of the mountain trying to stem a landslide instead of up top preventing one.

How many times does this have to bite us, how many people have to die, because over and over, we forgive, forget, and the snickering bastards do unto us again.

Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over....

Fucking hell, look at history - shit, if we had impeached John Adams and hung his ass for the Alien and Sedition Acts...
If we had impeached Wilson over the Sedition Act and swung HIS ass from a rope...
And so on and so forth (Smitch Act, Hatch Act,McCarran Act, CCA...)

Do you really think the Patriot Act would have ever seen the light of day ?

But no, we keep lettin it go, and despite attempts to repair the damage, like a decaying orbit we never really do gain back all the ground we lost - so you gotta think about the future, not what it's gonna be like, but whether we're going to HAVE one at all, cause it won't take too goddamn many more acts of idiotic forgiveness to push us over the brink.

To hear you friggin *advocate* it makes me wanna beat you senseless with a nerfbat, man.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 1:21 PM


Kinda agree with DT here. Definitely not against the poetic justice idea either; I think there's a good range of punishment between exile and mutilation/death that are useful and justifiable. I just think killing people is not the most effective punishment or deterrent. Something people learn from, that forces them to see what they put their victims through differently, that seems really effective.

I can also understand Frem's point that some people you just don't want to give a chance to regroup, it'd be nice if there were a non-death related way to accomplish that. Personally, I think there probably are. It's a waste of resources and potential to kill anyone.

If you get the society you want, "just kill the bastards" isn't going to be an applicable option anymore. Heck, if you want to GET the society you want, then "kill the bastards" might not get you there either. If you found your system with violence, my suspicion is it'll end with violence.

Don't get me wrong, violence has it's place, but I think it has to be applied judiciously.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 2:25 PM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
If you get the society you want, "just kill the bastards" isn't going to be an applicable option anymore. Heck, if you want to GET the society you want, then "kill the bastards" might not get you there either.

That's kinda part of the point, to make such a thing wholly unnecessary, ever.

But until them, here's the meme imma workin with.
Cause sometimes you gotta have someone willing to remove a couple heads, and it's a damn good idea if they fully retain an awareness of just what a bloody awful, wasteful, last-ditch kinda thing that is, while still remaining able to DO it.

Lord Byron was not without his values, you know.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 2:41 PM


There, I can agree with you. And honestly, when I hear people screaming for someone like Bernie Madoff or the Banks and Wall Street guys to get strung up, I really kinda doubt I'd intervene.

Part of me thinks torches and pitchforks are the single most effective way to scare the powerful into playing it straight.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011 6:32 PM


Well, see, that's just it, Byte.

Protest marches evolved from peasant riots...

Back in the day, some lord would transgress on his peasants just one too damn many times, and so they'd go down there and storm his place, rip him and his goons limb from limb and burn it to the fekkin ground.
Didn't take too many of those before the lords realized that negotiating at that point was a pretty good idea.
This was preferable to the peasants as well, since there was no guarantee the new lord wouldn't be even worse, and that whole dealing with the devil you know thing as well.
And so it came to the point of rather than a full-on revolt, simply showing up with enough force to prove you COULD do it, and beginning negotiations.

But what folk forget is that these were NOT polite requests, they were *demands*, with a very heavy "Or Else!" standing behind them, cause what'd happen if you removed the "Or Else!" from the equation ?

Peasants: "Taxes too high, not enough food, reduce the burden on us!"
Baron: "Or what?"
Peasants: "We'll stand around holding signs and chanting!"
Baron: "HAHAHAHA, Guards!.. go out there and teach them a lesson, hell, go ahead and kill a few, but not too many."
Gaurds: "Yes sir!"
Peasants: "Aieee! Aieee! Augh!"
Baron: "And now you will pay MORE taxes, for offending me!"

Well golly gee, that sounds a whole lot like what happens today, doesn't it ?

Either we put "Or Else!" back into the equation, or we find another way, I'm ok with either solution, just not with continuing a really blatant, obvious bit of inexcusable stupidity just because the folk who benefit the most FROM it have taught us "this is how it's done"... and why do we believe THEM anyway ?

Just as a beggar teaches giving is noble, or an authoritarian teaches submission is, the very folk who taught us such forgiveness did it to exploit us, not to humanize us, that was merely an unintended side effect.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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