Blackwater and the master plan.

UPDATED: Friday, January 21, 2011 09:43
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Thursday, January 20, 2011 8:07 PM


Well, well, well...

Looks like Eriks little master plan has finally come out, he wants to go down to Somalia and build himself another Rhodesia, be king of his own little kingdom run by rich white assholes, yanno, cause that worked out SO well the first time...

But of course he ain't half as dumb as ole Cecil was so he won't be so blatant, probably prop up some local strongarm dictator for a mouthpiece complete with handy police state for perpetual employment of his goons, and as police states do, inevitably create an ongoing NEED for his goons.

Not to mention getting a base outside of US jurisdiction, cause he's still spitting bile over the BATFE and FAA coming down on him like ten tons of bricks, albeit all nice and quiet like...
(And how *DID* that taste, Erik, you dick - shouldn't have fucked with Sikorsky, mano!)

Dubai don't mind em doin biz there, but they don't want the bases or training camps cause that'll make em a target, not to mention armed wackos in close proximity to that much discreet biz and cashflow is a damn bad idea to begin with, especially quasi-religious nutters like Eriks goons.

Bastard has financial backing from DeVos, Snyder and some of the other critters from their little republicanazi club over in Holland, MI, so he's got the funds and the tech, but not the troops, unless he can recruit native, but given the cultural and religious conflict I doubt it - we loot their countries, use their people for medical/biowarfare experimentation, thumb our nose at em, pollute their seas, and so forth so on...
Was I them, I'd hate whitey too!
Although it makes UN and actual humanitarian aid problematic when they can't trust you.

So no, he's gone and started recruiting from the AOG(1)-White-Right-Religious horde (former Bush allies), all the while trying to sell the State Dept and Media some shill story about radical islam and al qeada warlords, and all the usual pre-invasion tripe and bullshit WE usually use to wind up the suckers and the stupids.

How do I know all this ?
Well, you can look a lot of it up yourself, since word got out and he ain't denyin it whatever, more like running with the ball now that it's loose...

But I think he waited too long, cause for all the problems Somalia does have, by now it's also got a crowd of dedicated Anarchistas who will NOT be pleased to see a police state, nor another racial class war like Rhodesia, and you know, if you don't have to actually fire it anywhere, just so you know it's not THAT hard to make a pistol-type fission weapon, provided you have the materials - which said toxic waste dumping handed them on a fucking plate, didn't it now ?

I feel for the Somalians, I do - but watching what they'll do to Erik and his goons...
Well, that'll be almost as satisfyin as watching Kissinger boiled in oil.

(1) AoG = Assembly of God, and yeah verily there's some bad blood between me and them, mostly over the fact that they run one of the few remaining sets of hellcamps, under the name "Teen Challenge", but every bit as abusive or even more so, than the WWASP ones, with heavy forced religious indoctrination on top of it - and financed by taxpayer dollars under that "Faith Based Initiative" bullshit, which amounted to Government sponsorship of religion and didja notice that damn near NONE of that money ever made it down to relief for the poor, hmmm ?

State Funding

What REALLY goes on

Recent case

THIS is where Erik is recruiting his quasi-religious stormtroopers from at the moment, just so you know.
Now imagine those guys ramped up on racism and islamaphobia down in Somalia with big guns and no oversight.

Yeah, that'll go well.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Thursday, January 20, 2011 9:43 PM


Rhodesia was named by the Matabele, posthumously, after Cecil Rhodes, who fought for the rights of Africans while he was alive. He didn't really get his empire until he was dead, even if he was an illuminati member. It always irks me a little bit that his name gets thrown around as if he were King Leopold II.

Ian Smith is another one, though he was much more of Mr. Kurtz, he still was not the bad guy he was painted to be. There's a problem with a lot of these african empires, lines drawn on the map often contained large ethnic groups that hated each other, and majority rule, when it came, resulted in slaughter, a point that both Smith and Rhodes tried to make to the British.

I doubt that Prince *really* wants to rule Somalia, he probably just wants to take advantage of the chaos and lack of govt.


Friday, January 21, 2011 3:07 AM


Thanks for the heads up on this, Frem. Very disturbing.

AOG was the church that excommunicated me for finally coming to the conclusion that God decides who is saved, not them. It was a rather cruel and vicious excommunication, so I am not that fond of those assholes.

I can see how those authoritarian idiots with evil streaks could be manipulated by Prince. They are already itching to take total control over somebody, anybody.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Friday, January 21, 2011 3:42 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


Excommunication is the heart of hubris. It seems to convey, "I judge, and God obeys."


Assured by friends that the signal-to-noise ratio has improved on this forum, I have disabled web filtering.


Friday, January 21, 2011 4:01 AM



Originally posted by AnthonyT:
Excommunication is the heart of hubris. It seems to convey, "I judge, and God obeys."

Elegantly put.

Of course, they think they are simply implementing God's judgment. Religious evil from the beginning of time has always used that same pretext to inflict their horrors.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Friday, January 21, 2011 9:43 AM


Yanno, DT, sometimes your apologism for these berks makes me wonder, given the facts of historical record, and how despite their monstrous behavior, you always seem to have some kind of fucking *excuse* when it comes to the hardball rightwingnuts, all the while flaming the leftwingnuts...

Perhaps, I think, you should visit your own intentions once in a while - or maybe that I was affliated with Eagle/A-1 Services Ltd, and have a bitter, passionate hatred for Executive Outcomes and their spritual descendants like Sandline, DynCorp, Triple-Canopy and Blackwater, never quite clued you in that I know maybe a little more about this bullshit than I usually let on.

So perhaps you should give a little thought to the notion that I learned of these things from folks who were there instead of some neatly sanitized american pro-fascist set of excuses from the same folk who seem to think Franco and Stalin were heros, Lincoln was a decent human being, and even Adolf was just a little misguided.

For crying out loud did it *never* occur to you that one of the reasons, beyond being plain bugfuck nuts, that I despise Palin so is that she is also a frontperson for the fucking AoG ?
Hell, that was what CONVINCED me she was batshit crazy to begin with.

But Erik is far more dangerous, since his brand of nuttery appeals to every jackboot licker trained from birth or brutally conditioned to submission via Hellcamp, across the board - his father is actually the founder of Dobsons little cult, and he's drinkin buddies with THAT sumbitch, and what ties it all together with even Mormon jackboots like Romney is those damn hellcamps, and a whole lot of money backed up by a supply of really fucked up in the head people oh-so-happy to be on the OTHER end of the whip, who display an appalling amount of sadomasochistic tendency when you consider we happen to be giving these nutters lots of hardware (often on the taxpayer dime) and damn near unlimited power with about jack shit for oversight.

Hell, the religious interlinks alone are so goddamn horrifyin even PN won't go there despite me endlessly baiting his ass about it, what does THAT tell you ?
You know damn well I keep a chart of those financial and religious links, I've posted it, you've seen it, and you know that is the tip of the iceberg considering the secular and political links on the chart I'll not post.

So do me the favor of saving that kind of apologism for monsters like Rhodes and Smith for someone who might actually buy that bullshit, and don't even try to sell me that what Erik is intending here isn't the same goddamn thing, ok - I ain't buyin it, and your endless partisan excuses for monstrous behavior by some, while decrying it by others, have more or less convinced me your intentions are not what you say they are.

Mine however are clear, because I flat-out TELL folk what imma do, watch them conveniently dismiss it, and go on dismissing it on economy of effort and mental laziness till it *happens* to them, I've never been whatever unclear about my intentions and goals, and any confusion can be rectified by simple asking.

And in this case, given access to arabic translation, imma help make sure they stomp Erik and his stupid plan flat, to the very limit of my ability to do so without stickin my neck out for em.

Especially since they've already tried infiltration, which was unbelievably stupid - like steroid bulked white males carrying badly forged paperwork and military grade weaponry don't stand out in a crowd of skinny underfed Somalians, like it ain't BLOODY OBVIOUS who they are and who they work for ?
And for the record, I AGREE with the bastard who dragged them out into the boonies and set them on fire, I think that's the kind of message you SHOULD send, when some fucks like Erik and his backers start lookin at your country with their eyes on installing a throne.

Not that, yanno, the setting on fire incident made the american news...

Anyhow, you underestimate how despicable I find such people, and in order to do that you have to then ignore the tremendous evidence of their crimes, or find excuses for it, something I utterly REFUSE to do, since that justifies it by acceptance.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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