Did anyone put up a post about this? I thought it was interesting, and learned a LOT about the racist groups living in that area...and around Coeur d'Al..."/>


Spokane Bomb

UPDATED: Monday, January 24, 2011 11:20
PAGE 1 of 1

Friday, January 21, 2011 1:46 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Did anyone put up a post about this? I thought it was interesting, and learned a LOT about the racist groups living in that area...and around Coeur d'Alene, which is such a gorgeous place, it saddens me to think it harbors so much racism and hate.

The FBI offered a reward for information about a potentially lethal bomb found in a backpack along the downtown route of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade. The discovery before Monday's parade in honor of the slain civil rights leader raised the possibility of a racial motive in a region that has been home to the white supremacist Aryan Nations. The parade route was changed to avoid the device. A bomb disposal unit disabled it without incident. The FBI received no warnings and did not have a suspect, said Frank Harrill, special agent in charge of the Spokane FBI office. No one has claimed credit for planting the bomb.

Investigators would not disclose what kind of explosive it was, except to say that it was “potentially deadly” and could have caused “multiple casualties” had the device detonated.

While the FBI hasn’t provided direct evidence that the explosive device was connected to the MLK Day march, an agency spokesman said the backpack’s proximity to the route was “not coincidental.”

“The confluence of the holiday, the march and the device is inescapable, but we are not at the point where we can draw any particular motive,” said Frank Harrill, special agent in charge of the Spokane FBI office.

The suspicious backpack was spotted by three city employees at an intersection in downtown Spokane about an hour before the parade was to start Monday, Harrill said. They saw wires and immediately alerted law enforcement, who disabled it without incident, he said.

The discovery before the parade for the slain civil rights leader raised the possibility of a racial motive in a region that has been home to the white supremacist Aryan Nations.

Spokane Mayor Mary Verner said the attempted bombing was unacceptable.

“I was struck that on a day when we celebrate Dr. King, a champion of nonviolence, we were faced with a significant violent threat,” Verner said. “This is unacceptable in our community or any community.”


I was intrigued by the fact that this one seems to have been definitely for real; both the complexity of the bomb and the way it was positioned (remote trigger, on a metal bench, against a wall which would direct the blast outward, filled with shrapnel) indicate to me this was a serious attempt.

Yet I've seen no thread on it...and if this isn't a real world event, I don't know what is. Is violence only interesting if it isn't stopped, or it's perpetrated by Muslims or something? Just struck me...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Friday, January 21, 2011 3:43 PM


I caught this story. I think it's a total hoax, another fake terror alarm like they've been doing for the last decade to give us some reason to believe that there should be a DHS. No one here is a credible witness.

Again, just as in science arguments, I point you to statistics: If there were bombs in unattended bags, and % of unattended bags in public areas checked by security is 0.001% or so, then it would seem a hundred thousand bombs would go off before they stopped one.


It's a got a level of probability lower than martian invasion, and a known agency with a credibility of zero with a vested interest in the story being true. Ergo, they grab some poor sucker's bag, and made up a story to cover and explain why they made off with the bag.


Friday, January 21, 2011 3:55 PM


America loves a winner!

why leave a couple of shirts in a backpack which would likely be obliterated, if it were to go off ?

Clearly, they were 'meant' to be found. Found by who? Possibly the very folks tho planted the bomb in the first place.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, January 21, 2011 3:58 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
why leave a couple of shirts in a backpack which would likely be obliterated, if it were to go off ?

Clearly, they were 'meant' to be found. Found by who? Possibly the very folks tho planted the bomb in the first place.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "

Spot on.

Oh, sorry about the snark at your state.


Friday, January 21, 2011 4:50 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Oh, sorry about the snark at your state.

No worries... hey, huh? Where did you snark at my state ?

( sorry, I missed it )

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, January 21, 2011 5:42 PM


Oh, in the USSA thread. It was a good snark, but I felt uneasy about it. I'm sure you would get it right away anyway, being from there. I've been to Georgia many times, I used to live not far away, an a lot of my family still lives right there, either side of the border actually.


Saturday, January 22, 2011 12:04 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Is violence only interesting if it isn't stopped, or it's perpetrated by Muslims or something?

No. I think some people have lost so much faith in govt security (both competence and integrity) that they don't believe these near-miss bomb scares are genuine anymore.

It is as interesting as grand-standing theatrics.

Can't Take (my gorram) Sky
Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Saturday, January 22, 2011 1:28 PM


Yes, I thought it was impressive how universal that feeling is becoming. I'm a little surprised frem hasn't weighted in


Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:43 PM


That's cause Frem was kinda busy with some H4H supplymongering... and got paid off in cookies, thankee muchly...
(ThinMints rock, really..)

But just like William Krar, or the Ricin mailings, soon as the suspects are revealed to not be politically convenient muslims, all interest in any kind of investigation dries up immediately, from both the media and the authorities.

I think this'll bite us on the ass sooner or later, but no doubt when that happens the very asshats who looked the other way will then use it as an excuse to grab more power and authority, so to them it's win-win.

I doubt it was a straight plant, but wouldn't put it outside the realm of an agent provokateur, since alphabet agency support and funding is all that's holding the white supremicists up these days, and that's been true for YEARS.

So, likely your so-called protectors once again "protecting" you, by victimizing you before the bad guys do, and you pay for it...



Sunday, January 23, 2011 8:08 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


that they don't believe these near-miss bomb scares are genuine anymore.
I tend to agree, as well as with the idea that if it isn't Muslim and doesn't go off, nobody cares. Speaks to a number of things...the MSM's "If it bleeds, it leads" of course, but more than that, the population's attitude. In a way I'm glad to see people finally coming around to disbelieving this stuff, it lessens the amount of paranoia stoked (which there is PLENTY enough of anyway), but at he same time, I fear something actually happening, either by mistake (the government) or for real (actual terrorists, foreign-born or otherwise). It's a sad state we've come to...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Sunday, January 23, 2011 4:35 PM


Well Nixie (and isn't it ironic I get compared to a Kappa this week, both river-spirits), this story has been with us a long time, better known as the boy who cried wolf, yes ?

Between the fearmongering of the Big Pharma Complex, and that of the Security State, if ever a *real* threat comes along, rare that such is, it's gonna bite us in the ass all that much harder cause no one will believe folk who have so utterly blown their own credibility - something I have been concerned about for quite a while now.

On the other hand, never thought I would be *grateful* for the cynicism and apathy of the people as a whole, since in the last few recent years it has served so effectively to completely cock-block that whole neo-feudo-fascist plan which both parties have had on the back burner since 1788 - you'd *think* they might have the goddamn sense to give up by now, wouldn't you ?

Hell, even a monkey eventually lets GO of the damn banana to get its hand out of the jar, and are we not smarter than a monkey ?

Sometimes I wonder if that's really true, though.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, January 24, 2011 11:20 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


it's gonna bite us in the ass all that much harder cause no one will believe folk who have so utterly blown their own credibility
You're probably right.

As to us being smarter than monkeys...I think the jury's still out on that one! You wouldn't think so, the way we never learn and keep fucking up, would you?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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