Detroit Police Station Attacked.

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 15:10
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Sunday, January 23, 2011 5:49 PM


Four police shot in Detroit precinct, gunman killed

Yes, I've been hearing about it, and hearing about it, and hearing about it.. *groan*.

Frankly I am surprised something like that didn't happen long before it did, and I don't think anyone here in RWED really needs me to repeat WHY this was so likely as to be fucking inevitable, do we now ?

But no, the DPD is going on, we need more restrictions, more security, more abuse, get that jackboot crushed into the spines of the peons even harder, yeah!
As if that wasn't the cause, as if that isn't gonna feed the cycle, and not ONE SINGLE MENTION of just how much at fault might be the abuses of the DPD, the utter contempt for the population and unwillingness to do their supposed job all the while preying on the very folk they're supposed to be protecting...
Nooo, couldn't have anything to do with THAT, could it now, Ralphie ?

What about the several consent decrees they've been in violation of for years?
What about the federal task force supposed to make em behave, here at our expense and recently firing the leader of such after admissions of instead helping ENABLE further abuses in exchange for monetary compensation ?
What about the rampant corruption ?
What about the budget drain to where EMT and Fire Depts cannot even respond effectively, if at all ?
What about that posh new casino HQ they want so bad, willing to spend millions we ain't even GOT ?
What about all the agents and infiltrators and setups and harrassment, from the Dearborn Mosques to the goddamned Huttaree (who, mind you, have prettymuch been cleared) ?

So what ABOUT it, Ralphie ?

Or maybe the fact that most neighborhoods have either vigilantes, neighborhood watch, or contracted security to do what the goddamn police won't, and in some cases, to protect them FROM THE FUCKING POLICE ?
Who of course, we pay ruinous taxes to fund, into a "public safety" budget which gets looted by them, so we have to piss so much money away in hopes of EMT and Fire getting enough leftovers to even function, instead of a seperate budget we could CUT when the bastards misbehave, as we did one county over...

So how ABOUT it, Ralphie ?

You really wanna stop a repeat of what happened, maybe you better look to having your police dept do something other than act as one more street gang, one more mafia, only with official sanction, no oversight worth a shit, and zero effective accountability.

But no, it's all the citizens fault, for not being servile enough, for not being cowed enough - this is, on a larger social scale the same dynamic of abusiveness within so many families, when the child takes a swing at the abusive father, and all the abusive fathers friends chime in and tell him he was too merciful, he wasn't abusive ENOUGH, he shoulda hit harder, more often, cowed them more completely...

From the family, to the nation, up the chain it goes, which is why I wanna break it at the fucking source, you know ?

“As long as the child will be trained not by love, but by fear, so long will humanity live not by justice, but by force. As long as the child will be ruled by the educator’s threat and by the father’s rod, so long will mankind be dominated by the policeman’s club, by fear of jail, and by panic of invasion by armies and navies.”

Boris Sidis, from “A lecture on the abuse of the fear instinct in early education” in Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1919.

It is what it is, truly, like a handful of sand, the harder they squeeze, the more slips right through their fingers... into MINE.

Over here, with a combination of carrot and stick, we've actually gotten things to slide the other way, finally - despite the profession and it's construction being kinda hopelessly corrupt, there's been at least a pretense of civility between the sheriffs dept, the contract guys and the neighborhoods - to the point where after a recent armed robbery several citizens took it upon themselves to follow the perps and report their location, cause those assholes were dangerous to EVERYONE, and that simple act of coordination speaks volumes of how far the Sheriffs dept has come with the county over on this side, does it not ?

I just hope this doesn't start unravelling the progress made here, grrr - although another current thorn in the side of the people as a whole is the tremendous amount of pomp and peagentry (at taxpayer expense, no less) when a policemans own voluntary career risks (which are NOT as great as they would have you believe) finally catch up with them, versus innocent folk killed via negligence or malice don't even get a fucking acknowledgement, much less an apology, and not even a squad of officers to hang their heads over the grave as a gesture of contrition, something *I* think should be MANDATORY in a death due to police negligence or malice.

Thousands mourn slain officer

But no, they act as if they're some kinda royalty, is it any wonder the peons they stomp on occasionally decide to retaliate ?
And of course it just feeds the cycle, people like Ralphie are so fucking blind to even the simplest of cause and effect because in order to survive their own upbringing they MUST blind themselves to it, and by that action, wind up subconsciously repeating it, on a scale from the personal, to the national.

The Ignorance or How we produce the Evil

He's a lost cause, are you ?

Cause in the end, that's really my only question here - what are YOU, going to do ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, January 23, 2011 6:28 PM



Yes, I've been hearing about it, and hearing about it, and hearing about it.. *groan*.

Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Give them their mourning period, because otherwise you might turn people against you who might be allies, but I have a clever and funny idea to mess with them.

Get a bunch of people together outside the Detroit Police station and have them sing "what's it all about, Alfie" but change the name as appropriate.


Sunday, January 23, 2011 7:18 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Notice how the commander was shot in the back while running away...

I bet it was just one cop bangin another cop's wife once too often...


Or an unemployed Governator having roidrage flashbacks to his movie days. What was it he said before shooting up the police station...'I'll be back!'


Monday, January 24, 2011 1:57 AM


Nah, the wife-banging thing is more of a Wayne County issue, than the city proper - I presume you're talking of the the tasering incident over in Canton recently, then ?
Or perhaps the murder-suicide back in 2009, also in Canton ?
They do seem to have serious "domestic issues" on the force over there.

No idea what this guy was up to, but shit like THIS, case in point, just feeds the flames - remember I mentioned the tremendous abuse of forfeiture law, right ?

Compare THESE two stories.

Oakland County raids medical marijuana complex

NO mention of them taking the money, zero, zip, nada.

Oakland County deputies raid medical marijuana complex, make no arrests but seize cash


But they took nothing except about $20,000 in cash, gathered from receipts, the offices and wallets of about 10 employees and patients, he said.

That clip WAS originally taken from the Freep story - which means it was EDITED OUT, later.

Also bear in mind that the informants that prick Bouchard is using, the "fake" cards they have were run off the same fuckin machine as the real ones, it's impossible to tell the difference cause there IS NO DIFFERENCE.

It's a setup, basically the Oakland cops don't LIKE the law, don't LIKE that it's legalized, and so then usurp the power that rightfully belongs elsewhere, and what this does is make the rule of law a fucking joke, and presents them as the rapacious murdering thugs they really are - it rubs off the polite bullshit fiction we convince ourselves of in order to tolerate them, you see ?

And don't EVEN get me started on what they did over in Wayne county over the holidays with that asset-forfeiture shit... "holiday shopping", grrr, the bastards.

Anyhow, people are pissed, I've done stated that many neighborhoods were on the verge of open warfare with the force, and something like this was only a matter of time - it's the WHY which is important to me, although the fact that they haven't already started the smear tactics and demonization strikes me as the guy maybe having a legit gripe and the cops needing time to concoct a palatable bullshit story and feed it to a compliant media while leaning on them a bit a to how to spin it.

Speakin of which, imma have *WORDS* today with the editor of the fekkin "Free Press", bad enough they're prettymuch rightwing jackboot lickers to begin with, making an after-the-fact edit like that is gonna cost em something, I just ain't decided what quite yet, but it will...

Will Grigg has it right - you wanna take a bite out of crime, start with the badge bearing mafia.

Fewer Snouts in the Trough, Less Crime in the Streets

That's actually true - around here when we cut a bunch of these pricks off, crime dropped dramatically, and that has been echoed in other townships which have made the same decision, yet in the ONE township that increased it's overpaid, underworked police force (amongst questions from the folk who live there askin why they have a force FOUR TIMES LARGER, that is paid 180% more, than any other township in the state that size) actually experienced a sharp INCREASE in crime, how about that ?

So from the evidence right here in front of me every day, I gotta side with Will on this, he's entirely correct, mostly cause it cuts out the setups, entrapments, provocateurs, and a lot of the petty bullshit which shouldn't even BE "crime" in the first place - as if we really give a shit if you wanna smoke a phattie on your own damn front porch, yeahhh...

Oh, and just cause it ties in with the whole security-state bullshit ole Ralphie is spouting off, I think we've found a new source of income via the Geek Farm - quick-detatch license plate holders.

Servant or snoop in the parking garage?,


"What if a divorce attorney came and asked who was in the mall? Or someone looking to repossess vehicles for past nonpayment?" said Chris Calabrese, the American Civil Liberties Union's legislative counsel in Washington. "The unintended consequences can be huge."

No shit, or a process server, or a stalker, or someone with a grudge, etc etc.
Sooo, the ability to REMOVE your license plates and chuck em in the trunk will no doubt be worth a couple bucks to dedicated paranoids while the issue is addressed legally and otherwise - myself I doubt those cameras will last past one misuse, especially if it gets someone killed, but you never know.

Oh, and just for laughs, since I "care" as much about their privacy as they "care" about ours, most of the "dedicated paranoids" who actually buy SCRAMdrives, drive-spikers, Faraday wallets and suchlike ?
They're government employees, and what does THAT tell you ?

Anyhow, the two truest things about this are real simple.

A: Cause and Effect - you DO shit to people, people DO shit *to you*.

B: Children who know nothing but force and submission, grow up to be adults who know nothing but force and submission.

And then they get elected.....


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, January 24, 2011 4:18 AM


America loves a winner!

Know of a cop in Detroit from another board. Sucks to hear that happening anywhere, of course, but hate it for him. He's o.k., but work goes on for those guys.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Monday, January 24, 2011 4:30 AM


I think most cops have an unenviable job on most days. Mind numbing boredom most days interspersed with hazardous calls.

But it doesn't take many bad apples to ruin the whole bushel.

Still, common workers have been attacked on the job by disgruntled associates. Why should cops be any different?

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.

...and he that has no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36


Monday, January 24, 2011 7:18 PM


America loves a winner!

The shooter was another nut case. Possibly wanted to suicide himself, via cop.

( sorry PN, seems like you lost that bet ... )

The defect walked in and opened up w/ a shot gun.... using bird shot.

Hell, even Dick Cheney knew that wouldn't kill, even in the face.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 11:57 AM


Well, the DPD has certainly outdone themselves in trying to demonize this guy so far, took em a while though, which is indicative that they had to cook it up, cause you know damn well if they had "dirt" on him to begin with, they woulda been shouting it from the rooftops within minutes, right ?

One of the more ridiculous assertions is that Hibbit is in any way related to him, and you'll notice the papers shovelling that load are covering their tracks, note the wording "alleged", "suspected to be", and so forth and so on...
Lies on page 1 in large bold font, retractions on page 16 in microscopic text a week later, as usual.

The fine and charge in Dearborn is for DWB (aka Driving While Black) and I dunno where they got the dogfight story from, since it was a TRAFFIC stop, ergo he wasn't *attending* anything, and we all know how "arrested for resisting arrest" goes, especially when it comes to the DPD, since they fined him for resisting and obstructing, and NOTHING ELSE, indicative of what are often called "cover charges", when the cops got nothing real to bust someone on.

Of course, the most suspicious assertion is of course the most obvious one, yet to be comfirmed by anyone who doesn't have a vested interest in the case - and the home where this supposedly happened oh-so-conveniently burned down at 3:00am this morning, coincidentally destroying any evidence, something which cannot be hung on the perp cause he is, yanno... dead.
Some folk in the neighborhood report seeing two unmarked units on the block just prior to the fire, but have no intention of coming forward with that given what will happen to them if they do.

For a fact, most arson is committed to cover another crime, ask any fire marshal or prosecutor if you don't believe me, and the fire itself is awful damn suspicious and convenient, isn't it ?

This whole thing fails the sniff test, but one thing which is IMHO the most *likely* cause is a recent custody hearing where he lost out to his ex-girlfriend custody of his son, and while unable to verify such at this time, the character of the ex makes me think that's probably what set him off - not that this guy is any paragon of human nature hisself, mind you.

But there's something in this which hasn't come out yet, and the DPD story fails the sniff test, coming on top of a really suspicious arson they couldn't possibly blame on Moore, which strikes me as something else at work here - and I damn well mean to find the hell out what it is, especially since the DPD wants it buried quick and deep...

Were it not for the arson, I mighta thought Moore was maybe involved with certain very bad people I've been watching for a while, and that still might be the case, but if so why the hell would the DPD wanna sink it instead of rounding up those evil bastards using this as pretense/probable cause, since they could prolly hang the arson on em too even if they didn't do it ?

As usual, *everybody* is lying through their teeth, most especially the media, and everyone seems guilty of SOMETHING, within this....

The only thing which doesn't seem in doubt is that this was suicide-by-cop, Moore was loading game shot, and not packing any extra shells, so he certainly didn't expect to walk out of there - which brings up the moral question of whether you think it's right for police to deliberately execute someone without a trial, cause lets not bullshit ourselves, if they didn't kill him on the spot, and WERE able to take him into custody alive, do you really think they would have ?

Not that I have too many moral qualms about blowing away someone who has fired on you even if they are wounded and disarmed, mind you, but dead people are kinda hard to question.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:46 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

The only thing which doesn't seem in doubt is that this was suicide-by-cop, Moore was loading game shot, and not packing any extra shells, so he certainly didn't expect to walk out of there - which brings up the moral question of whether you think it's right for police to deliberately execute someone without a trial, cause lets not bullshit ourselves, if they didn't kill him on the spot, and WERE able to take him into custody alive, do you really think they would have ?

Not that I have too many moral qualms about blowing away someone who has fired on you even if they are wounded and disarmed, mind you, but dead people are kinda hard to question.


Because it's standard operating procedure to NOT return fire on a suspect who's wielding a shot gun and has already discharged it, hit several officers.....

Someone shoots at you, you fire back. Period.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:11 PM


Yeah but when they're down, and their weapon is out of reach - morally, police officers are supposed to apprehend the neutralised suspect, not pump more rounds into em, that's a villain perogative.

Not sure if that bothers me more from a moral perspective or as a "turf" issue, but I think acceptance of it is as offensive as acceptance of prison rape as part and parcel of sentencing.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:22 PM


America loves a winner!

How you equate police officers acting in self defense to the condoning of prison rape is beyond me.

That's a leap,comparing one w/ the other, that not even Super Man could make.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:10 PM


I'm saying, that the notion that Police have some kind of divine right to kill a man even after putting him out of commission should NOT be arbitrarily accepted by society.

If you were a CCW holder, and you dropped someone, at which point they lost their firearm - and then shot them EVEN ONE MORE TIME after that, you would go to jail, yes ?

But no, we act as if it's "Ok" for the Lords in Blue to execute someone, sans trial, in the same situation, I reject THAT, categorically.

Here's the rest of it though, since you can't seem to get it through your thickass skull unless I put it in terms a four year old could understand, no matter the subject...

I got no issue with them shootin this guy, and for a fact if someone has engaged you, damn right you go for the dead-right-there shot if you can do it, CNS lockup is the fastest way to put em away before more harm is done, so you DO that - but in the eventuality they are NOT dead when they hit the floor, lose contact with their weapon, you have a moral obligation to not kill em, and (apparently) a legal one as well, if you're not of the Lordly and Protected Class...

Hell, I've even heard whining about the one cop who got shot in the back, which I find also offensive cause rule number one, take cover, THEN shoot back, fuck that hollywood bullshit - he was tryin to do that, and got unlucky, it happens.

Anyhows, when the perp is down and out but still suckin air, you roll up, put your boot on the weapon and you cuff his ass - you don't pump several more rounds in out of a fit of pique for lese majeste...

That people find this notion acceptable bothers me, cause just like the slippery slide regarding Taser use, where they went from lethal force substitute to control/compliance device, something which might I add - I was entirely correct about despite being shouted down by ignorant halfwits, one of which was, specifically YOU...

Sooner or later it's gonna come to bullshit like "I found his verbal disrespect threatening." and cops shooting folk for no more than not being servile enough.
Well, more than they ALREADY do.

You accept the unacceptable, it'll escalate, it always does.

And apropros of nothing, do you have ANY FUCKING IDEA what it's like when someone as villainous as me has to be the one to take the moral stand ?
I feel like Sauron decrying a lynching!


I do not serve the Blind God.






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