War on Cops?

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 14:37
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:39 AM


"We don't have any data, but there seems to be a type of criminal out there looking to thwart authority," he told the station - (the most stupid statment of this whole thing.)

So if you dislike authority, don't like being harrassed, hate the over-reach of government... you are automatically lumped in?

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies"


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:44 AM



Originally posted by Wulfenstar:
"We don't have any data, but there seems to be a type of criminal out there looking to thwart authority," he told the station - (the most stupid statment of this whole thing.)

That is a pretty stupid statement. Cause "thwarting authority" is the definition of "criminal."

I think he meant, there seems to be a type of criminal looking to KILL authority.

Nothing good is going to come out of a War on Cops.

Everything I say is just my opinion, not fact.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:00 AM


It's like the Hydra. It will create more cops.

There are always young men whose desire to abuse power exceeds their desire to live (Just look at Juarez)

I went digging once for the number of people killed each year by cops, and it was incredibly difficult to find. They're not required to file, and if they are asked, they lie. But, after much searching, I came to a conclusion of 2/3 to 3/4 of all homocides "involved" a police officer, which was the only solid statistical data I could find, and all the estimates landed in this area. I think about the shootings that have happened around here, and at the very least, the presence of cops can escalate a situation into a firefight. I imagine it's worse in the city. Cops shooting people in LA and Detroit seemed very high, but that doesn't mean that they are representative of the nation.

Other than that, drug deals, and only drug deals involving representatives of large area distributors. An end to prohibition would end this. An end to armed police officers would end the other. Police could solve problems fine without guns. I mean, yes, some situations would need them, and the cop could then say, "Okay, we have a sniper on top of the building. I want some citizen who is really good with a sniper rifle." There's always one nearby

What we really need is universal accountability. If a cop kills someone it should be a crime, and he should suffer the same punishment as a normal citizen. It should also be scaled accordingly. It could be self defense, sure. But it could also be manslaughter, or even murder. Cop kills 7 yo girl in Detroit was clearly murder. Don't recall what happened with that.

Oh, and same goes for doctors. Doctor kills a patient while trying to save their life, it's the same as self defense, becuase IIRC, self defense clause covers things like Jack shoots Steve because Steve has a gun pointed at Sally's head and this is the only solution, because Steve is going to fire in three seconds. However, if a Doctor kills someone by gross negligence, it is probably manslaughter. If a doctor just kills someone because they need the organs for a higher paying customer or whatever, then its murder.

Oh, and Corporations too. Everyone under the same rules.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 11:17 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Given the economic situation and the cutbacks in fire and police departments, it's gonna get worse before it gets better.

I just learned that last year we had 59 cops killed in the line of duty--this year SO FAR we've had 14. Doesn't look promising.

Admittedly I think this is partly due to the actions of some police in abusing their authority, and partly the cynicism and distrust of the government growing in America. Still...

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 11:22 AM


America loves a winner!

State and local municipalities will have to learn to start functioning legitimately now, and stop wasting precious revenue.

I doubt they possess the wisdom to do so.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:27 PM


Well, Will Griggs comments kinda sum it up for me.

But isn't it ironic how they throw out that the notion of folks shooting at cops are "evil cause they're evil" (an assertion I think is universally false from the get-go) rather than acknowledging perhaps police BEHAVIOR might have something to do with it ?

Yanno, shit like this ?



Oh yeah, never mind these tremendous, ongoing lists of so-called "isolated incidents" which seem more "typical conduct" each and every day, or video after video showing the ugliness under the badge, or the recent but redundant (like we didn't *already* know?) info about massive steroid abuse on the force...

I mean, HOW do you answer to it, when Cop training involved hate videos ?

Btw, the local Imam actually has a copy of that flick and finds it "entertaining" in the same way you and I would find Reefer Madness amusing, just cause it's so RIDICULOUSLY over the top stupid - I still told him he oughta get rid of it before getting accused of something in this age of islamaphobia.

Or when they just plain flat out murder innocents ?
(And this here, is by far the worst, go on, TRY to explain or justify this one in any way at all)
Death Squad in Delaware: The Case of the Murdered Marine

Hell, Will Grigg pretty much has it nailed to the wall, as does Radley Balko, and so many others.
Why the Innocent Flee From the Police

For many, even amongst the supposed law-abiding, despite it being impossible to live a normal life without committing numerous violations of the law on a daily basis.

The average professional in this country wakes up in the morning, goes to work, comes home, eats dinner, and then goes to sleep, unaware that he or she has likely committed several federal crimes that day. Why? The answer lies in the very nature of modern federal criminal laws, which have exploded in number but also become impossibly broad and vague. In Three Felonies a Day, Harvey A. Silverglate reveals how federal criminal laws have become dangerously disconnected from the English common law tradition and how prosecutors can pin arguable federal crimes on any one of us, for even the most seemingly innocuous behavior. The volume of federal crimes in recent decades has increased well beyond the statute books and into the morass of the Code of Federal Regulations, handing federal prosecutors an additional trove of vague and exceedingly complex and technical prohibitions to stick on their hapless targets. The dangers spelled out in Three Felonies a Day do not apply solely to “white collar criminals,” state and local politicians, and professionals. No social class or profession is safe from this troubling form of social control by the executive branch, and nothing less than the integrity of our constitutional democracy hangs in the balance.

So, in MY opinion - it's really long past time we faced the facts, the Police are just one more set of "The Bad Guys", and rather than holy crusaders of justice (you can tell I'm sneering, right ?) they're just one more power group, one more gang, in a turf and power dispute with either individuals who resist them, or other gangs.

The ONLY difference, is that they have perceived legitimacy and official sanction because we've bought the lies fed to us about them via a compliant media beholden to, and often threatened by, their mafia machine, don't you doubt for a minute that police unions, the fraternal order of police, and other sympathizers and collaborators DO use threats, harrassment and intimidation to get their way.

It's just like what I said regarding Somali "pirates" - the difference between a "pirate" and a customs inspector ?
Percieved Legitimacy.

So, comes right down to it, if anyone cares for my opinion, or not....
You put the jackboot on and zip it up of your own free will, all else that follows is your own responsibility.

That's another thing, this fetishistic peagentry when one of the badge bearing horde dies, as if they were fucking royalty, while the people they murder don't even get a shame squad to hang their heads over the grave in contrite apology ?

Hell, I'm surprised the general public hasn't resorted to outright assassination, if not IEDs and boobytraps - but that's coming, mark my words, if things don't change, it will become inevitable.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:40 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Cop kills 7 yo girl in Detroit was clearly murder. Don't recall what happened with that.

I presume you mean Aiyana Jones.

Not a damn thing, other than the cops hunted down and shot the guys who had the cellphone footage of what happened, as I mentioned a while back.

On a more positive note, in a nod to Rappy about effective use of resources, we've actually managed a detente between the security companies doing neighborhood protection and the sheriffs dept doing law enforcement, most of this minor nitpick bullshit you really don't NEED a cop for, and it's far cheaper to handle it privately, especially by folks who walk a beat in that community night after night and are seen as members OF that community rather than armed invaders.

This frees up police resources for when and where they really are needed, and reduces the tax bill and budget effectively - since why the hell should folks pay for protection they don't really GET ?
But having the ability to respond is still worth payin for, the hell if I wanna haul guys down to central booking, stuff that like, which is what we pay cops for, sure - not to mention fire and emt, whatnot.

But contracted security is actually quite cheap for a neighborhood, and far more accountable cause if they fuck it up or become abusive you can simply fire them or dispute payment.
Usually the problem with that comes from friction and lack of cooperation between them and local police forces, but we are surmounting that bit by bit, and it has inspired a much greater professionalism on both sides as each competes with the other to remain relevant and employed.

Yes, admittedly, on a personal and political level the local cops hate my guts - but professionally, when on-duty and in uniform, dealing with an ACTUAL "situation" as opposed to nitpick bullshit and harrassment, they're actually quite happy to work with me, to the point of recently coming to back me up on their own discretion when I was approaching a suspicious vehicle and it suddenly took off.
The deputy coming down the road saw that and immediately pulled it over and put his cruiser in between in case they were dangerous (they weren't, they just got scared cause they were lost and panicked when I approached them) a gesture which says a damn lot about how far we've come from when I first came over here and we were on the verge of exchanging violence, yes ?

So it's not all bad, but we NEED to call the boys in blue to heel and make them accountable if we ever want this stuff to change.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:37 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


State and local municipalities will have to learn to start functioning legitimately now, and stop wasting precious revenue.
No, they'll just keep cutting services, like cops and fire departments and schools (you hadn't noticed that yet?), and WE'LL be the ones who pay. And/or they'll go bankrupt. We shall see, but functioning legitimately? Name me one city, state, or our government which ever HAS. Betcha can't come up with more than one, if that.

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off






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