The Ancient Groveling Response

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 15:57
VIEWED: 1156
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Sunday, February 13, 2011 9:29 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Monday, February 14, 2011 3:23 AM



This was interesting. Do you have a link to the information he's talking about, their ten rules of dealing wih the police, their website, or anything like that?

I ran into the sort of situation he is talking about recently, though it wasn't a search, i was stopped by a cook county sheriff, maybe the cook con sheriff, but what he did was force me to sign a document under threat of violence. The document was written in four point type, and was orange on yellow type, and I was in just about in total darkness. I started to try to read it anyway, and he interrupted, I asked him for time to read what I was signing, and he repeatedly denied to give me time or to let me try to read it, or to read it himself.

I still don't know what I signed, but I assume it was a confession to a traffic violation that I was not responsible for, but such a society could force someone to sign a lot worse. I felt the incident needed reporting, but I didn't know to whom.


Monday, February 14, 2011 6:08 AM


You shoulda asked him his name and used that as the signature. XD

Oh, I'm a bad person.


Monday, February 14, 2011 11:17 AM


Ok, you might wanna get out the asbestos shields here - FAIR WARNING.

I hear it time and time again, don't argue with the cop, the street is not the time and place, wait for your day in court, bend the knee and take it like a good little bitch, yadda yadda yadda.


Okay, firstoff this presumes you SURVIVE to have your day in court, that you don't catch yourself a case of that highly contagious disease called "Excited Delirum", which seems to be contracted from police cruiser seats, but only the back ones... or fall down the stairs, or wind up with restraint asphixia, or any number of accidental sudden custody deaths which are oh-so "unfortunate" but never penalized...


And of course, there's the fact that the other side now has you in THEIR power, in THEIR control, you have no access to communication, to resources, that they do not allow you to have, and do you really think that if they've *already* broken the "rules" with a bullshit arrest, they're suddenly gonna turn around and play fair - oh hell no, especially if they're aware this might come back on them, if you might be socially or financially "important" enough for this to become a problem, they're going to want to pass the buck, or make that problem GO AWAY.

This is usually accomplished by throwing a couple bullshit charges at you to plead you out and insulate them, which of course surrenders your right to dispute the matter, since that's the game, plead and walk, or get bound over, remanded, or face some astronomical bail several times the entire collected value of your own assets - which is in and of itself a complete constitutional violation carried out every day, since the purpose of bail is to ensure the defendant shows up, and by setting it in excess of a defendants assets whatever it violates the provision against being excessive, and yet we have an entire INDUSTRY (bail bonds) set up around a blatant constitutional violation, so tell me again where and when you expect them to play fair ?

And I'll skip the million little ways they rig the game for brevity, as I have discussed them before and will add on request later if needs be, and get right to the ping pong game.

Either you don't make bail, in which case they use your incarceration as a wedge, by postponing the trial over and over and over every time you refuse to plead guilty - while your whole life crumbles, you lose your house, your relationship shatters, your job is gone, and so on and so forth, because you caved when you shoulda fought.
Sure, you might, maybe, get out with your life (remember, prison is an ugly place), but that's ALL you will have, and what is it worth then ?
Especially if you DO plead it, and wind up with the forever-felony mark of enternal DOOM....

Or you do make bail, and they go round and round with the same postponement game while the police union, fraternal order of police, and all the little bootlickers and hangers-on try in earnest to wreck your life, coming by to "ask a few questions" of your friends and employers in such a way as to make you look like a pervert, degenerate, or whatever will push the right buttons, while dropping all kinds of hints about what a scumbag you are and how associating with you could lead to problems for them....
Eventually the charade reaches its end and they'll dismiss the case, often as not, but not before they've really, really fucked your life up in every way they possibly can.

All because you bent the knee.

Lemme turn that around for you - remove the badge and spiffy uniform, and essentially we're talkin about a thug with a gun, and we all know the old saw "cooperate with the assailant", kindly given to us by the same assholes who once told women the proper response to rape was to lie back and enjoy it - so exactly how much credence should you give a bunch of enabling fucks, who just like the criminals they suppposedly work against, but are often indistinguisable from, DEPEND on that meek compliance reflex to successfully execute their whims against you ?

Think about it, they pull a gun, you stand there like a headlit deer(1), they point it at you, demand your wallet, etc - you comply, and keep complying till you're on your knees facing away from them and recieve a couple bullets through the braincase to eliminate the witness.
(See Also: Vachss, Lifestyle-violent offenders)

Maybe complying in the first place was a bad fucking idea, how about that ?
(1) - This is a crucial difference between anarchists and most people I cannot ever express often enough, there is no self-delusion, no this-can't-be-happening-to-me, no automatic assumption your assailant will refrain from harming you... simply trying to DRAW the weapon in their presence is a lethal threat causing an instant and immediate response.

And so that comes to this - a thug with a gun wants to take you somewhere.
When it comes to that, regarding a criminal perp, ask anyone with half a brain or any training, and what will every single one of em tell you.


Because wherever they wanna go, whatever they wanna do, it's gonna be worse than what they can do right here, right now - they wanna do whatever within THEIR comfort zone, which is this is not, maybe there's a chance of being caught, being seen, or you getting away, and they want to remove that danger TO THEMSELVES by putting you in THEIR comfort zone, where you should never, ever go.

How is this different than a bullshit arrest ?
It's not, that is what I am telling you.

All this idiotic concept does is reinforce the atrocious behavior of the bastards in blue, is what it does - and yes, I am very well aware that once you engage you are fucked, because society doesn't condone anything but servile boot licking, but if you're for the long fall ANYWAY, if you're going to have your life destroyed ANYWAY, if they're gonna kill you ANYWAY...

Why let them ? Why make it quick, easy and painless for em ?
Hell, one of the things I hold *against* Cory Maye was that he stopped firing after three rounds and surrendered.
Fat lot of good that did him, didn't it ?
Shit, ask many of the branch davidians how much good surrenderring did, oh wait, you can't...

Because this I'll tell you, if the bum in blue gets the notion that he might not necessarily SURVIVE the encounter, realizes that the person he wanted to fuck with for amusement is in fact, fully prepared to kill him and as many of his thug buddies as they can, often enough, it DOESN'T come to that.
It's when that meek, enabling compliance eggs them on that people start dying - and if you disbelieve me, go look at the records yourselves, more people WHO COOPERATED are killed by cops than even hardcore criminal perps who shot back, and what does THAT tell you ?

The notion isn't to go down swinging, mind you - it's that if you are really, truly PREPARED to, you might not have to.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Monday, February 14, 2011 4:49 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

This was interesting. Do you have a link to the information he's talking about, their ten rules of dealing wih the police, their website, or anything like that?


I ran into the sort of situation he is talking about recently, though it wasn't a search, i was stopped by a cook county sheriff, maybe the cook con sheriff, but what he did was force me to sign a document under threat of violence. The document was written in four point type, and was orange on yellow type, and I was in just about in total darkness. I started to try to read it anyway, and he interrupted, I asked him for time to read what I was signing, and he repeatedly denied to give me time or to let me try to read it, or to read it himself.

I still don't know what I signed, but I assume it was a confession to a traffic violation that I was not responsible for, but such a society could force someone to sign a lot worse. I felt the incident needed reporting, but I didn't know to whom.

I sign my internal passport Communist ID card "driver license" and "traffic tickets" "Under Protest" or "under duress" beside my signature, with the # of the state statute for UCC Commercial Instruments "Acceptance of performance of rights". This denies the "traffic court" both personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction. This is explained by Pastor Rick Strawcutter, who's a certified paralegal and registered law student who won several trials in traffic court, and says you won't be allowed to win on this point, but helps motivate a judge to let you win on other points:


Wednesday, February 16, 2011 12:11 PM


Will Grigg has an excellent piece, also on this.

"Don't Resist": The Refrain of Rapists, Police, and Other Degenerates


Owing entirely to public pressure put on the Passaic municipal government, Rios has been charged with aggravated assault and official misconduct. He has entered a plea of "not guilty by virtue of a government-provided wardrobe."

"I did what was proper," lied Rios in a June 2009 press conference. "I did what I was trained to do under circumstances that existed at that time. I stand by my actions."

His attorney, Anthony J. Iacullo, defended the assault as a pre-emptive strike against some unspecified threat posed by an uppity Mundane: "Based upon what Officer Rios feared might happen, and based upon his not submitting to arrest, the actions were taken."

Holloway's "resistance" consisted of cringing and covering up in confusion and terror as Rios rained down punches and baton strikes. In New Jersey -- as is the case elsewhere in the Soyuz -- even such minimal and reflexive attempts to protect one's self from State-sanctified violence is treated as a criminal offense.

And while not really well written (and the author themselves admits this, and that it's a work in progress) there is a compelling case made here.


Of course, you can figure what's gonna happen to the poor bastard once the blue suit mafia hears someone decry their superiority, right ?

And isn't that ENOUGH reason, right fuckin there ?


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011 3:43 PM


I always feel it necessary to point out that it was not the Germany army that committed the holocaust, it was the police.

ETA: That's a good list, but it's in very serious need of editing. It repeats itself about half a dozen times on each point. I think there's probably 10-20 tweet sized pieces of information there, just a brief scanning.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011 3:57 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

How? (<--- this is not snarky, but genuine desire to know)

If you have money, you lawyer up and fight that way. But if you don't, I am unclear how one would fight it without bringing all manner of hell upon one's head.

Hell, the only reason the Government hates crime at all is that it despises competition. - Frem






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