the third world at home

UPDATED: Thursday, March 3, 2011 16:27
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Thursday, March 3, 2011 1:17 PM


I recently watched The Wild and Wonderful Whites, , hoping to enjoy a good ugly laugh at Southern rural poverty. And also hoping to get closer to Jesco White, my gas huffing idol.

I was disappointed, because the film made me think. I hate thinking and am accomplished at avoiding it.

The film made the troubling point that West Virginia is functionally a third world country. The state has long been owned by outside interests who strip it of its resource, devastate the local environment, and corrupt everything. West Virginians were once essentially slaves, beholden to company stores and in debt their entire lives. See generally Merle Travis' 16 Tons ("Saint Peter don't you call me cause I can't go/I owe my soul to the company store").

Anyway, the Whites got me to thinking, which hopefully will only last as long as the intervals between deep inhalations of gasoline fumes. Are there other regional pockets of third world abuses that we organize as states? Other places in the country that we collectively exploit, and then laugh at as cultural wastelands? Just curious, as a snide Californian.


Thursday, March 3, 2011 1:35 PM


Not just WV, but also MS.

(Coincidentally, they are the only two states that don't allow vaccine choice, which I like to attribute to their poverty and vulnerability to Big Pharm bribery. But I digress....)

I used to do social work in the rural Deep South. I grew up in the third world, so I know it well. What I saw amongst the American rural poor was very similar. Then there are Native Americans, and foreign/illegal migrant workers. Of course, the worst happens amongst the homeless, who are even less visible than the first three populations. You can call all of them combined: America's Invisible Third World.

I think the exploitation and discard of these populations is pretty obvious.

Thanks for bringing up a good topic.


Thursday, March 3, 2011 4:27 PM


Damn near all 50.

Here's the way I see it. New York set itself up as the FED, but that doesn't help the state much. DC it a Non-State govt, but it spills over into VA, MD and a little bit of Delaware. New England is a separate country which the union annexed, comprised of 6 states, and NYC spills over into NJ and CT. This is the Empire.

Now, let's look at the possessions. My state, Upstate NY, gets occassional protections mixed with abuse from NYC. We're basically 1/2 third world, 1/2 industrial country. If we seceded, we'd do fine. What we have other than NYC is our own part of the Great Lakes industry. This benefits NY, OH, and IL most, Indiana is a mixed bag, and PA seems to get just about none of it.

If you have frackers, or anything like them, you're a slave possession. Upstate NY right now is trying to prove that it's not a slave possession. (PS> If you happen to be a more powerful zionist than myself please tell Mr. Israel and his Satmar class to pass a statewide ban, not just Sullivan county. I mean, guys, we're all connected, waterwise.)

Now all the industrial states have a benefit, in that if they were independent, they would do okay, but they still suffer from their association with the union. Anyway, so, outside the great lakes, it's the pacific states, AK, CA and WA, and to lesser extent HI and OR.

Texas is a special case. They get the most presidents, pork, etc, and have set themselves up to be the recipients of the govts. money. I'm sure third world Texas exists, but they are definitely on top here.

FL also has its third world parts, Belle glade for the blacks and crackerland for the whites.

But having a rich/poor Hatian split is common in the third world. so you have a lot of those like LA or AR, but then you have places like SC. (drive through sometime)

A lot of places also just have regional class differences that are based on inherited wealth or lack there of. Eastern kentucky is a third world country, but the area around lexington is covered in money. old money.

But it's not just the south, I'm sure if you roam through ID MT SD you find a lot of this. IA, where I'm currently dealing with nonsense, is a pretty screwed up welfare state. The whole state runs on huge subsidies as a benefit of having the first primary. All politicians want to be first out of the gate, so they all offer handouts to Iowa. That's why every podunk town of 90 people has its own state park, golf course and airport. It also makes it impossible to hire anyone. Thank god for mexicans.

Some possessions do better than others, but all across much of this country you get the real possession feeling, OK, MO, etc. There are pockets of relative success, but do these places actually have any self determination?

Anyway, WV is way down there, but there are a few others, SC MI AL come to mind. Most states however are not *all* third world, they're part rich/part poor, but it's important to remember that this is how most of the third world is as well.

Anyway, you make me want to watch the movie.






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