Ghandi, Qaddafi, Obama or Charlie Sheen: Who married a gay jew and loved pedophile incest?

UPDATED: Monday, March 28, 2011 04:36
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Monday, March 28, 2011 4:36 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Who said what, Charlie Sheen, Muammar Quaddafi, Barack Obama or Mahatma Ghandi:


1. "Shit's gettin way too complicated for me. There are white folks, and then there are ignorant mutherfuckers like you! You can put lipstick on a pig. Sorry ass mutherfucker's got nuttin on me. I inhaled frequently - that was the point. Pot helped, and booze. A little blow when you could afford it. Junkie, pothead. That's where I'd been headed. You ain't my bitch nigger, git your own damn fries!"

2. "I cannot imagine a thing as ugly as the intercourse of men and women. If some ruffian had carried you off and you had met your death courageously, my heart would have danced with joy. How completely you have taken possession of my body. This is slavery with a vengeance! Vasoline and cotton wool remind me of you."

3. "Are you aware, Mr. President, of the recent stunning revelations that sixty percent of the 9/11 commissioners have publicly stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11 and that the Pentagon was engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack? gain sir, these are not my opinions or assumptions, this is all a matter of public record, reported through mainstream media, painstakingly fact checked and verified. You’ll notice sir on page one of the dossier dated August of ‘06 from the Washington Post, the statements of John Farmer, senior council to the 9/11 commission, his quote stating, 'I was shocked how different the truth was from the way it was described.' He goes on to further state 'The [NORAD Air Defense] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years….' On pages two and three, sir, are the statements, as well, from commission co-chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, commissioners Bob Kerrey, Timothy Roemer and John Lehman, as well as the statements of commissioner Max Cleland, an ex-Senator from Georgia , who resigned, stating: 'It is a national scandal. This investigation is now compromised. One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9/11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up.' Sir, how can we focus on the future when THE COMMISSION ITSELF is on record stating that they still do not know the truth? Not exactly sir, but let’s be honest. You’re the President of the United States, the leader of the free world, the buck stops with you. 9/11 has been the pretext for the systematic dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Your administration is reading from the same playbook that the Bush administration foisted on America through documented secrecy and deception. Mr. President the parallels are not distorted just because you say they are. Let’s stick to the facts. You promised to abolish the Patriot Act and then voted to re-authorize it. You pledged to end warrantless wire tapping against the American people and now energetically defend it. You decried the practice of rendition and now continue it. You promised over and over again on the campaign trail, that you would end the practice of indefinite detention and instead, you have expanded it to permanent detention of “detainees” without trial. This far exceeds the outrages of the former administration. Call me crazy Mr. President, but is this not your record? I have sir, and so have thousands of family members of the victims, and guess what; they have the same questions I do and probably a lot more. I didn’t lose a loved one on that horrific day Mr. President and neither did you. But since then I, along with millions of other Americans lost something we held true and dear for most of our lives in this great country of ours; we lost our hope. Mr. President, are you aware of the number of days it took to begin the investigation into JFK’s assassination? Seventeen days to be exact. Are you aware sir, how long it took to begin the investigation into Pearl Harbor? Eleven days to be exact. Are you aware Mr. President how long it took to begin the investigation into 9/11? It was a very long time Mr. President – four hundred and forty days. Roughly 14 months. Does it bother you Mr. President that it only took FIVE HOURS for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after the initial attack to recommend and endorse a full scale offensive against Iraq? Sir, I’d like to direct your attention to the stack of documents in the folder I just handed you. The first in from the top is entitled “Operation Northwoods”, a declassified Pentagon plan to stage terror attacks on US soil, to be blamed on Cuba as a pretext for war. Mr. President, it has been often said; 'Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.' Case in point; the next document in your folder. It was published by the think-tank, Project For a New American Century and it’s entitled “Rebuilding Americas Defenses”, and was written by Dick Cheney and Jeb Bush. To quote from the document sir, 'Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.' Vice President Cheney didn’t stop there. In early 2008, Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh and MSNBC, both reported that Cheney had proposed to the Pentagon an outrageous plan to have the U.S. Navy create fake Iranian patrol boats, to be manned by Navy Seals, who would then stage an attack on US destroyers in the Strait of Hormuz. This event was to be blamed on Iran and used as a pretext for war. Does any of this information worry you Mr. President? Should we just ignore it, until these realities can be dismissed years from now by our children, as ancient history as well? Mr. President. Okay, first; On the FBI’s most wanted list Osama Bin Laden is not charged with the crimes of 911. When I called the FBI to ask them why this was the case, they replied: 'There’s not enough evidence to link Bin Laden to the crime scene,' I later discovered he had never even been indicted by the D.O.J. The following is a quote from Mayor Giuliani during an interview on 9/11 with Peter Jennings for ABC News. 'We were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse. And it did collapse before we could actually get out of the building.' In April 2004, USA Today reported, 'In the two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.' One of the targets was the World Trade Center. Three F-16s assigned to Andrews Air Force Base, ten miles from Washington, DC, are conducting training exercises in North Carolina 207 miles away as the first plane crashes into the WTC. Even at significantly less than their top speed of 1500 mph, they could still have defended the skies over Washington well before 9am, more than 37 minutes before Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, however, they did not return until after 9:55am. Andrews AFB had no armed fighters on alert and ready to take off on the morning of 9/11. Flight 93 is fourth plane to crash on 9/11 at 10:03am. V.P. Cheney only gives shoot down order at 10:10-10:20am and this is not communicated to NORAD until 28 minutes after Flight 93 has crashed. What is the meaning behind the following quote attributed to Dick Cheney which came to light during the 9/11 Commission hearings? The passage is taken from testimony given by then Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta. During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, 'The plane is 50 miles out. The plane is 30 miles out.' And when it got down to 'the plane is 10 miles out,' the young man also said to the Vice President, 'Do the orders still stand?' And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, 'Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?' As the plane was not shot down, in addition to the fact that armed fighter jets were nowhere near the plane and the Pentagon defensive system was not activated, are we to take it that the orders were to let the plane find its target? Scores of main stream news outlets reported that the F.B.I. conducted an investigation of at least FIVE of the 9/11 hijackers being trained at U.S. military flight schools. Those investigations are now sealed and need to be declassified. In May 2003, the Miami Herald reported how the Bush administration was refusing to release a 900-page congressional report on 9/11 because it wanted to 'avoid enshrining embarrassing details in the report,' particularly regarding pre-9/11 warnings as well as the fact that the hijackers were trained at U.S. flight schools. Hundreds of eye witnesses including first responders, fire captains, news reporters, and police, all described multiple explosions in both towers before and during the collapse. WTC Building the video of its collapse. An astounding video uncovered from the archives shows BBC News correspondent Jane Standley reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. Tapes from earlier BBC broadcasts show news anchors discussing the collapse of WTC 7 a full 26 minutes in advance. The BBC at first claimed that their tapes from 9/11 had been “lost” before admitting that they made the 'error' of reporting the collapse of WTC 7 before it happened without adequately explaining how they could have obtained advance knowledge of the event. In addition, over an hour before the collapse of WTC 7, at 4:10pm, CNN’s Aaron Brown reported that the building 'has either collapsed, or is collapsing.' The size of a Boeing 757 is approximately 125ft in width and yet images of the impact zone at the Pentagon supposedly caused by the crash merely show a hole no more than 16ft in diameter. Mr. President, I implore you based on the evidence you now possess, to use your Executive Power. Prove to us all Sir, that you do, in fact, care. Create a truly comprehensive and open Congressional investigation of 9/11 and its aftermath. The families deserve the truth, the American people and the rest of the free world deserve the truth. Taking ever four commercial airliners and hitting 75 percent of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. Show us this incredible maneuvering. Just show it to us. Just show us, you know, how this particular plane pulled off these maneuvers. What was it, a 270 degree turn at 500 miles per hour, descending 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes, skimming across tree tops the last 500 meters off the ground? The more you look at stuff, especially specific incidents, specific events in and around the fateful day, it just -- it just raises a lot of questions. I saw the south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the building and then we see the tremendous fireball. And there was just -- there was a feeling that it just didn`t look, how do I say this, it didn`t look like any commercial jetliner I`ve flown on any time in my life. And then when the buildings came down, later on that day, I was with my brother and I said, "Hey, call me insane, but did it sort of look like those buildings came down in a -- in a controlled demolition?" It would seem to me that, upon the revelation of that news, that the Secret Service would grab the president and remove him as if he were on fire from that room. We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue. It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions. And I`m sure I`m being demonized across the nation by, you know, all of the people that do that sort of thing. I'm one of these people who believes that anyone who takes everything that has been spoonfed to us by the government, from wherever, about what happened on 9/11 is being naive. When I say this to people sometimes, they look at me like I'm kind of nuts. Obama is just a coward in a cheap suit."

4. "Africa is happy and proud that a son of Africa ruled the United States of America, this historic event after a black in one day does not enter the cafe and restaurant in which the whites or riding the bus with the whites. Now the voice of the American people unprecedented enthusiasm for Obama black Kenyan African to be president of the United States. The man who carried out the attack is still in power and still insane, so we shall expect another attack any minute. There is no respect for the United Nations, no regard for the General Assembly. Sixty five wars broke out after the establishment of the United Nations and after the establishment of the Security Council, and after this establishment. Sixty five, and the victims are millions more than victims of the Second World War. We wanted to believe that these countries will make peace and security in the world and protect the people. These countries actually resorted to aggressive wars. And as a matter of fact, they enjoyed the veto that was given to them by themselves and enjoyed the member states of the Security Council. This is terrorism. We cannot have the Security Council and the countries which have the superpowers. This is terrorism in itself. This is terrorism, like the terrorism of the Al Qaida. This is terrorism. Terrorism is not just Al Qaida, but it can be also in other forms. Democracy is not for the rich or for the for the rich or for the one who terrorizes. Now the Security Council is security feudalism, political feudalism for those who have permanent seats protected by them. And they are used against us. The Security Council ever since it was established in 1949 did not provide us with security, but provided us, on the contrary, terror and sanctions. It is used against us only. This is not justice. This is not United Nations. They actually initiated the war which amounted to millions of victims. If the vaccination for swine flu is produced and there could be more flu of God or flu of fish then the factories that belong to the intelligence agencies manufacture more vaccine and they sell at a high price. This is trade. They produce a virus and they spread it across the world so that capitalist companies gain money from selling vaccines. This is shameful. Perhaps this swine virus may be one of those viruses that was created in the laboratory and it got out of control because it was meant in the beginning to be used as a military weapon? Even if the viruses are real we should not sell the vaccines. They have to be offered for free. Perhaps somebody would do any terrorists will make an explosion or a bomb of an aircraft or a president or an American, and then this place is a target by targeted by the Al Qaida. This very same place, the same building. And if it was and why? Because on the 11th of September, it did not hit it. That was beyond their power. There should also be an investigation for the Afghani war. Why are we against Taliban? Why are we against Afghanistan? Who's Taliban? If Taliban wants to make a religious state, OK, like the Vatican. Does the Vatican pose any threat to us? No it is a very peaceful, religious state. If the Afghans want to establish an Islamic emirate let it be like the Vatican. Who said the taleban are the enemy and has to be struck by the armies? Is bin Laden an Afghan. Is he a taleban. Bin Laden is not from the taleban and not from Afghanistan. The terrorists who struck New York? Are they Afghans? Are they from the taleban? No they are not Afghani and they are not from the taleban. So why were Iraq and Afghanistan targeted? If I want to deceive my American and English friends I would not tell them this. But I would encourage them and tell them go on, send more troops to Afghanistan and send further troops until they drown in a blood bath because they will achieve no result in Afghanistan or in Iraq. Who says that if the taleban rule Afghanistan they will become a threat? Do the taleban have any intercontinental missiles? The airliner that hit New York. Did it come from Afghanistan or Iraq. These airliners took off from Kennedy airport in New York. So why do we go and strike Afghanistan. They are not Afghans, not taleban, nor Iraqis. Why should we keep silent about these things. Those who keep silent regarding what is right is like a silent devil. We won't be silent devils. It is our right because we are keen on world peace. We are keen on the destiny of the world. We do not want to undermine humanity in this manner. Then we come to Kennedy's assassination in 1963. The UN General Assembly has to open the file of Kennedy's assassination. We want to know why he was killed. He was killed by someone called Lee Harvey and someone called Jack Rubbi killed Lee Harvey, the assasin of Kennedy. What I know and what the world knows and what we studied in history is that Kennedy decided to inspect the Israeli Dimona reactor to see whether it has nuclear bombs. That is the reason he was got rid of. We want to know why this Jack Rubbi, the Israeli, killed the assassin of Kennedy. And Jack Rubbi himself, the killer of Kennedy's killer also died in vague circumstances before his trial. We have to return to these files and we have to know. We as a matter of fact that we Africans are happy, proud, that one son of Africans governs the United States of America, of Africa. This is a historic event. One day that the black doesn't go where the white go and cannot be in a bus where the white is. Now, the American people, the black African Kenyan, young voted for him and made him a president. This is a great thing, and we are proud of that."


Select to view spoiler:

1. Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro, Dreams From My Father, MP3:

2. Mahatma Ghandi

3. Charlie Sheen

4. Muammar Quaddafi

Lovers Gandhi and Kallenbach sit alongside a female companion

Gandhi 'left his wife to live with a male lover' new book claims

Mahatma Gandhi was bisexual and left his wife to live with a German-Jewish bodybuilder, a controversial biography has claimed.

The leader of the Indian independence movement is said to have been deeply in love with Hermann Kallenbach.

He allegedly told him: ‘How completely you have taken possession of my body. This is slavery with a vengeance.’

Kallenbach was born in Germany but emigrated to South Africa where he became a wealthy architect.

Gandhi was working there and Kallenbach became one of his closest disciples. .

The pair lived together for two years in a house Kallenbach built in South Africa and pledged to give one another ‘more love, and yet more love . . . such love as they hope the world has not yet seen.’

The extraordinary claims were made in a new biography by author Joseph Lelyveld called ‘Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi And His Struggle With India’ which details the extent of his relationship with Kallenbach like never before.

At the age of 13 Gandhi had been married to 14-year-old Kasturbai Makhanji, but after four children together they split in 1908 so he could be with Kallenbach, the book says.

At one point he wrote to the German: ‘Your portrait (the only one) stands on my mantelpiece in my bedroom. The mantelpiece is opposite to the bed.’

Although it is not clear why, Gandhi wrote that vaseline and cotton wool were a ‘constant reminder’ of Kallenbach.

He nicknamed himself ‘Upper House’ and his lover ‘Lower House’ and he vowed to make Kallenbach promise not to ‘look lustfully upon any woman’.

‘I cannot imagine a thing as ugly as the intercourse of men and women,’ he later told him.

It details how even in his 70s he regularly slept with his 17-year-old great niece Manu and and other women but tried to not to become sexually excited.

He once told a woman: ‘Despite my best efforts, the organ remained aroused. It was an altogether strange and shameful experience.’

The biography also details one instance in which he forced Manu to walk through a part of the jungle where sexual assaults had in the past taken place just to fetch a pumice stone for him he liked to use to clean his feet.

She returned with tears in her eyes but Gandhi just ‘cackled’ and said: ‘If some ruffian had carried you off and you had met your death courageously, my heart would have danced with joy.’


Charlie Sheen’s Tweetmaster and best friend Bob Maron–the guy who’s omnipresent throughout Sheen’s meltdown–once made nearly a million bucks off of India’s most revered leader, Mahatma Gandhi. Two years ago this very week Maron, as head of Antiquorum Auctioneers, sold Gandhi’s eyeglasses, drinking cup, and other personal possessions in a controversial auction that set off an international furor. According to the New York Times in March 2009, Maron took half the selling price–$900,000–plus a commission that came to just over $1 million.

"Ghandi’s back teeth pudding
When offered gum she repled
No thanks, when I chew gum, I think I chew gum
Korean hair and coconut milk frozen juice bars
Oversized man fell overboard, splash
Yes, Phyllis, she smokes.
Dog-tooth necklace worn by a cat
The tension mounts
Vaginal riots in the Middle East
Do I have a choice? Do I have an option? Mommy, I love you
Boogie mama disco queen, midnight whore.
Peas and onions, of course, peas and onions.
-Charlie Sheen, A Tale of Two Sisters

Qadaffi ripping up the UN charter and throwing it on the ground

Qadaffi throwing the book at the president of U.N.