Obama's Kill Team in Rolling Stone

UPDATED: Thursday, March 31, 2011 07:50
VIEWED: 1731
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Monday, March 28, 2011 10:29 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Sarah Palin's friend Cpl Jeremy Morlock sentenced to 24 years prison with SSgt David Bram

Operation Kodak Moment: 17 new uncensored photos and 2 snuff videos of The Kill Team


The loud report of the guns echoed all around the sleepy farming village. The sound of such unexpected gunfire typically triggers an emergency response in other soldiers, sending them into full battle mode. Yet when the shots rang out, some soldiers didn't seem especially alarmed, even when the radio began to squawk. It was Morlock [Sarah Palin's friend from Wasilla Alaska], agitated, screaming that he had come under attack. On a nearby hill, Spc. Adam Winfield turned to his friend, Pfc. Ashton Moore, and explained that it probably wasn't a real combat situation. It was more likely a staged killing, he said – a plan the guys had hatched to take out an unarmed Afghan without getting caught.

Before the military found itself short of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, Morlock was the kind of bad-news kid whom the Army might have passed on. He grew up not far from Sarah Palin in Wasilla, Alaska; his sister hung out with Bristol, and Morlock played hockey against Track. In those days, he was constantly in trouble: getting drunk and into fights, driving without a license, leaving the scene of a serious car accident. Even after he joined the Army, Morlock continued to get into trouble. In 2009, a month before he deployed to Afghanistan, he was charged with disorderly conduct after burning his wife with a cigarette. After he arrived in Afghanistan, he did any drug he could get his hands on: opium, hash, Ambien, amitriptyline, flexeril, phenergan, codeine, trazodone.

Following the routine Army procedure required after every battlefield murder, soldiers scan his iris and fingerprints, using a portable biometric scanner. JUST LIKE ALL DRIVERS IN USA...

US Kill Team currently on trial facing death penalty for murder of 15-year-old opium farmer for Hussein Obama's CIA. Photos are prosecution exhibits in that trial.

Holmes poses with Mudin’s body. According to a fellow soldier, Holmes took to carrying Mudin’s severed finger with him in a zip-lock bag. “He wanted to keep the finger forever and wanted to dry it out,” one of his friends would later report. “He was proud of his finger.”

A pistol found at the scene of the helicopter strike. Gibbs routinely collected such weapons and planted them on the bodies of unarmed civilians they killed, in order to frame their victim as enemy combatants. The presence of a “drop weapon” virtually guaranteed that a shooting would be considered a legitimate kill. JUST LIKE COPS DO IN USA...

In the process of suppressing the photographs, the Army may also have been trying to keep secret evidence that the killings of civilians went beyond a few men in 3rd Platoon. In this image, the bodies of two Afghan men have been tied together, their hands bound, and placed alongside a road. The men were killed by soldiers from another platoon, which has not yet been implicated in the scandal. “Those were some innocent farmers that got killed,” the source says. “Their standard operating procedure after killing dudes was to drag them up to the side of the highway.”

If you voted for Obama or Bush, you voted for The Kill Team.


Monday, March 28, 2011 5:31 PM


This is a good article. But I wish you hadn't posted all those pictures and blamed Obama for it.

Still, the article should be read by everyone. Tolerance of war crimes is a very disturbing trend of the US military. I know dehumanization of the enemy is part and parcel of their training. But it seems to me like these war crimes are tolerated more systematically and more openly than in previous wars.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:17 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

This is where serial killers and psycho cops come from, manufactured by Uncle Scam, like Sgt Jeffrey Dahmer.

If you don't like these photos, then overthrow your govt.

Voting is for losers, according to Dictator Hussein Obama Butcher of Libya/Egypt/Pakistan/Afghanistan/Iraq/Gaza.


Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:50 AM


I think it's not said enough that Obama is committing genocide. Not that Bush didn't, but Bush hasn't been in power for over 2 years, and republicans have been out of control of congress for over 4 years. Obama's fellow travelers, I've found, need the constant reminder. Obama chose to radically expand the war in Afghanistan to three times the are, and ten times the manpower, and then spill over into a much larger operation in Pakistan, and now Yemen and Lybia, and possibly Syria. Since the story seems to start in 2009, yes, it's under his authority, and we all know where the buck stops. If Obama doesn't know that war kills people, he's more of a moron.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.