Local Bipartisanship.

UPDATED: Sunday, June 19, 2011 10:58
PAGE 1 of 1

Saturday, June 18, 2011 12:20 PM


Well, here's one for ya - McMillen has called for actual accountability regarding use of SWAT/TAC-team resources, and is looking for co-sponsors for the bill in question.

Fuck partisanship, it's a good idea, and if we get any partisan bullshit from the local Democrats about supporting it, they'll be seein a boot up their ass, right soon thereafter.

Lawmaker Seeks More Transparency for SWAT Team Raids

Also, worth a local mention - how often do you see a politician ASK his constituents what their will is ?

Ann Arbor residents asked to share ideas for future of Platt Road juvenile court property

Washtenaw County Commissioner Yousef Rabhi is inviting residents interested in the future of the former county juvenile court property on Platt Road in Ann Arbor to share their ideas.

Rabhi, D-Ann Arbor, has organized a community forum that will take place at 3 p.m. Saturday at the now-vacant facility at 2270 Platt Road, just south of Washtenaw Avenue.

The purpose of the forum, Rabhi says, is to help build a community vision for what the county should do with the 13.5-acre site.

Mind you, Rabhi is the guy I've referred to before, who won by ONE, and then post-recount, TWO, votes - despite taken a lot of crap cause of his appearance and supposed theological beliefs.

Never thought I'd say this of a politician, but he really does seem a decent sort, and damn my eyes but I actually LIKE the guy - how weird is that ?
Even more so cause he's smart enough to not trust me one damn bit.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Saturday, June 18, 2011 1:05 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm confused Frem. Why would it be Democrats not wanting to support it?? I should think transparency of police activities would be a liberal concept; it seems more likely conservatives wouldn't want oversight of SWAT? "Militarily-equipped police teams" seems right up the right's alley, so I'm not sure what you mean. I think it's FANTASTIC a Republican is calling for this; to me it says he's THINKING, not just backing the "boots on the ground" bunch.

Just as an aside: I'd have been in SOOOO much trouble if they'd tried to shoot one of my sentence would result, no doubt.

I think it's great, on the other hand, that you've found at least one politician of whom you approve--and even LIKE! That should be considered a banner day, shouldn't it?

Hippie Operative Nikovich Nikita Nicovna Talibani,
Contracted Agent of Veritas Oilspillus, code name “Nike”,
signing off


Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:38 PM


Oh indeed, it was a straight-run of never ending hilarity, what with a one vote win, recount, then a two vote win, and me making mock of it the whole time while not for an instant taking my eyes off them ballot boxes and watching the other guy get madder and madder and then storm out kinda because of it - around here the corrupt politicos, police and local crooks had kinda reached parity of incompetence, and seriously, THIS puny ass podunk county ?
I'm from fucking BALTIMORE, dammit, Bodymore Murdaland, the city that bleeds, these guys are way out of their freakin league, seriously - last one even close to bad enough politically to cause trouble was Elmer "FUD" Pharagi, and we ran his ass outta town on a rail.

Yousef of course still takes no end of shit cause his name, appearance and supposed ancestry/religion are enough to wind up the intolerant, despite the kid being as american as apple pie and I honestly *think* he's actually Catholic, although I never asked him cause what's it friggin matter ?
Anyhow, if he's anything but the decent fellow I know him as, he's competent enough to hide it even from a muckraker like me, so that's win-win, innit ?

And yeah, just cause a Republican sponsored it is enough to cause many Democrats to balk, remember what those bastards did with that phony budget, near shutdown, and endless sabotage when Granholm was in charge, and their current hell-fire charge for Fascism (Google: Synder + Financial Managers) I can fully understand their skepticism, cause of the possibility of shit buried in the fine print which might be used for even MORE jackbootery...
But for cryin out loud if the bill passes muster when read, they better get on-side if they don't want me and (*snicker*) "my bullygirls" in their office demanding to know why.

That's almost as funny as this....

Or maybe it's the ignomity of potentially having to explain THAT beatdown, heh.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, June 19, 2011 10:58 AM



Washtenaw County Commissioner Yousef Rabhi is inviting residents interested in the future of the former county juvenile court property on Platt Road in Ann Arbor to share their ideas.

Well, that was interesting - about 25-30 people showed up, some pretty good (and bad) ideas were tossed about, my favorite being knock down the buildings grow medical marijuana there, hehehehe, oh MAN would that piss Clayton* off!

Also, on a humorous note, I do believe I've found proof positive our local traffic engineers are "on something", due to several missteps trying to find the location (thank you Garmin, you useless piece of SHIT!) I somehow found myself at the intersection of Bomber Avenue and Joint Street, and yep there were a couple locals sitting on a bench nearby tokin up, that apparently being tradition or something...
And provided it survived being pitched out the window at near 40mph, they'll have an unexpected windfall they can prolly trade for more weed, and more power to em, cause the damn thing was worse than useless.
(It was one of those unwanted gifts as a nasty joke on my sense of direction by the GeekFarm)

*Clayton is one of the local Sheriffs, seems to think the law don't apply to him, and enraged by even the notion of legal marijuana, has taken to harrassing and arresting folk over possession and use ruled legal - something I feel is as abusive and ludicrous as arresting automobile drivers for not wearing helments, Sheriffs do not MAKE the law, and his actions in this regard have been appalling and unacceptable.
This has caused me to file Declaration of Intent for the position despite lack of official qualifications, and thus makes write-in votes valid, with some additional paperwork not available yet necessary for actual listing on the ballot.

This is also in part revenge for YET ANOTHER Jury Duty notice being sent (WTF did I do THIS time?!), cause that bullshit is getting old in a hurry.


I do not serve the Blind God.






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