Obama Czar wants to genocide planet Earth by 'pre-industrial civilization' with lifespan of 30 years for the slaves

UPDATED: Monday, June 20, 2011 05:33
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Sunday, June 19, 2011 8:27 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Obama Science Czar John P Holdren speaks:

Historian and author Dr Webster Tarpley PhD exposes how White House science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century.

Holdren calls himself a “neo-Malthusian” in his own book, and as Tarpley explains, is a historical pessimist who has rejected the idea that America and humanity as a whole can progress through ingenuity, industry and economic growth.

Instead, Holdren sees humankind as a cancer upon the earth. Holdren wants to set up a “Science Court,” where potential developments could be blocked by government decree if they don’t conform to the planned society necessary under Holdren’s “planetary regime”. He also seeks to institute “de-development” worldwide to prevent the third world from ever lifting itself out of poverty and roll things back to “pre-industrial civilization” where average life spans would not be much more than 30 years.

Holdren’s co-author, Paul Ehrlich, is a discredited crank who wrote books in the 70′s claiming that England would not exist as a land mass by the year 2000 because of climate change. As Tarpley explains, Ehrlich’s warning of a “population bomb” has proven incorrect, with population in Europe, Japan and the United States falling when immigration is removed from the equation.

ZARDOZ for REAL: Dictator Hussein Obama's Science Czar in "mock" human sacrifice and snuff kiddie porn on the Summer Solstice in Full Monto Rio Californicata


Monday, June 20, 2011 5:33 AM


Holdren is a first class nutjob, and he's also wrong: Population increase is not responsible for eco-destruction. Most human caused environmental destruction happened when the world population was very small, and today, it is being done by very small groups of people. 400 individuals are responsible for more than 70% of the destruction of the Amazon, and almost all of them are Americans, Texans, in fact. They are not multinational corporations, they are greedy individuals operating under bad policy, set by the IMF, a keystone of our world govt.

The IMF goal is to destroy the planet, and there's an ironic way in which Holdren is in line with this plan: He wants to make in uninhabitable for human beings.

The real goal of such policies has always been the limiting of the growth of the peasant population under the notion that this is a threat to the elite.

I posted a rant a while ago, which I should reorganize my ideas on, but basically, it's the underlying economic system, the very same one that keeps the elite in power, this resource based system, which does not grow, and thus limits the rate at which the elite can grow. If they exceed this rate, economically, they fall into economic minority within their own power structure, and fade into political obscurity worldwide.

Those families that hold down their own reproduction thus gain a minority, and the greatest advantage is to those who can bring others into their group, and then exterminate them, or have the good fortune to have someone else exterminate them. This population decrease leads to economic ascendance for the resource economy elite.

This is not a conspiracy, and it's not a theory, I can prove that it is an inevitable end result of our underlying economic model behind all capitalism and socialism. It cannot be supplanted by any economic, legal or social order imposed on top because the underlying economic model is going to favor this population consolidation through resource ownership, management and inheritance, and this persistent economic model will dominate over any transient economic model, which will then become the fiat of those who rule the persistent resource economy, the control commodity or land/resource based economy.

I suspect that this is part of the administration's plan, but I do not think that it is actual environmentalism. The mass chemical contamination and mass warfare today under the administration is not good for the environment, it's very bad for it, it's just worse for humans. Moreover, the admin. is doing nothing about mass destruction of the environment, in fact, it's continuing, even in the US. The reality here is that this kind of environmentalism is not environmentalism at all, but a cover for elitist population control to limit the rise of the peasantry.

This parallels the "humanitarianism" of programs that go into economically troubled areas to "help" the people and sterilize them, or give them HIV transfusions, as happened all over Africa and the former Soviet Union just after the collapse.

A friend of mine made the point yesterday that the economic push to get us off of oil and on to nat'l gas, etc. is not coming from the GW crowd or because of fear of islamic domination, but fear of Russia, who is growing increasingly dominant in the world supply of oil. We still represent the Judeo-Christian British Empire, which sees itself as the competitor to Mongol-Slavic Russia, and many of our policies are still aimed in this direction. TPTB fear those who it thinks are intelligent or numerous enough to defeat it.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.






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