Turkey’s Military Chief patsies resign over NATO false-flag terror plot

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 02:36
VIEWED: 1439
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011 7:51 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

As reported by the BBC, the heads of Turkey’s armed forces, navy and air force have all resigned in response to a military plot. The plan, according to the BBC “… reportedly involved plans to bomb mosques and provoke tensions with Greece, in order to spark political chaos and justify a military takeover.”

Files uncovered last year in the investigation into the case showed that “Those measures included bombing two major mosques in Istanbul, an assault on a military museum by people disguised as religious extremists and the raising of tension with Greece through an attack on a Turkish plane that was to be blamed on the Aegean neighbor.”

The Turkish military is claiming that the Sledgehammer plot was merely a “theoretical scenario” designed to plan for unrest. The plot was reportedly developed in 2003 at a military seminar. Nearly 200 officers are currently on trial in the case.

Interestingly, Turkish military leaders and US Brass met one day before bombs rocked Istanbul in 2003. Global Research reported at the time,

“Banks ceased quotes on the Turkish interbank foreign exchange market. The Lira was defended by the Turkish Central Bank, which “provided the necessary liquidity.” The Central Bank statement was said to have “stopped a crisis in the foreign exchange market”. Yet at the same time, the Central Bank decision was also conducive to a decline in Central Bank forex reserves and a massive capital outflow.

These movements on the equity and currency markets raise the following issue: Was there insider trading or foreknowledge of the attacks?

Sledgehammer is being portrayed as a brainchild of the Turkish military, a purely domestic operation of the often corrupt leadership of the country’s armed forces. However, Sledgehammer harkens back to the “strategy of tension” of the NATO led Operation Gladio. The 1980 Bologna bombings, which killed 85 people, were found to be part of Gladio’s operation. Gladio’s ultimate agenda was to “…force the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security,” according to the testimony of Vincenzo Vinciguerra, an agent of Gladio.

A 2008 Congressional Research Service document states that “It has been suggested that the Ergenekon [identified as participants in Sledgehammer] are remnants of Turkey’s gladio, forces NATO established during the Cold War to set up resistance in case of a communist invasion… Those forces were dismantled in many NATO countries, but not in Turkey…”

A 1992 BBC documentary exposed the operation.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 8:32 AM


Greece now seems to be having the worst of the global financial crisis, which would have made any actual bombing attempts and blame pretty transparent. Coincidence? Two or more groups working at cross purposes for uncertain goals and agendas?


These movements on the equity and currency markets raise the following issue: Was there insider trading or foreknowledge of the attacks?

It really seems like there might be a connection here between this and the current state of Greece.

Also: damn. TURKEY is better than us about routing out corruption. Last I checked no one got fired over Operation Northwoods.

Good find PN.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 4:14 PM


Kennedy actually *DID* fire Lemnitzer.
I mean flat out fired his ass, and the rest of the grinning bastards just simply ignored him, and shortly thereafter he was too dead to bitch about it.

I'm dubious that those events were directly connected and the latter had more to do with intent to clean house on the alphabet goons in general, something carried on by Otis Pike and followed on by Frank Church, and despite new laws, despite Congressional Censure - those laws were ignored, in fact...

At one point the FBI was drooling over the Soviet GRU's SORM-II monitoring system - this was another of my cassandra moments, cause no one thought they'd actually do it...

They rolled out their own concept for it (CARNIVORE/OMNIVORE), and Congress in three SEPERATE decrees, forbade them to fund it, forbade them to build it by thieving funding from other projects, and forbade them, utterly and completely, from ever USING IT.
And predictable, they went and built it immediately and began using it against american citizens right away, in complete and flagrant violation of not only those edicts, but also their own charter - as well as the NSA taking it a couple steps even further with Main Core.

Right up till the "Patriot" act retroactively (illegal, ex-post-facto) cleared it, they were technically, by law a gone-rogue organization cause of this, and no one did a goddamn thing.

Which is why I keep asking - when they ignore us, WHAT THEN ?
Cause not even once in all their history have they ever stopped this shit, like a little kid who prrromises, this time, this time, he's for real, he won't do it again, nuh-uh, I swear... and five minutes later...

MY suggested answer to the next time they ignore the will of the people and their elected representatives ?

THIS, to Langley and Quantico.

"All enemies, foreign and domestic..."

I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 5:43 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Turkey is trying to assert its position in the Middle East. They want to be a bridge between the Muslim world and Europe, as they were in times past. They realize they stand on an historic cusp, where American influence in the region is waning, Israel is being marginalized, and a moderate Muslim voice in the region is sorely needed. Turkey sees itself as that voice.

As such, they have a vested interest in NOT fomenting this kind of bullshit, but rather in showing that they can root it out and have valid reasons to do so, even when it's within their own government.

For many, this doesn't diminish Turkey's validity in the area; it confirms it.

ETA: These kinds of plots ALWAYS start as "theoretical exercises", don't they? And they tend to STAY "theoretical" right up until the people running them have run them every way they can imagine and figured out how to "win" every time. That's when they suddenly become live-fire exercises.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 11:43 PM


Indeed, usually initiated in schools or communities against youth, because they're not generally regarded as having civil rights and tend to be legally classed as subhuman, in some places below even housepets or livestock.

I'm still getting some gallows-grade amusement out of every motherfucker who supported "Zero Tolerance" having the nerve to whinge and whine about the TSA shakedown and gaterape - ain't so funny when it happens to YOU, is it now ?

And ain't no one in the tech world gonna be forgetting Blake versus Lower Merion any time soon, one of the few victories pulled off on that front.

Of course, the worst is how those teen hellcamps lead to rendition, and how can one deny it when some of the same facilities are now used as rendition sites, and some of those merry little torturers are former hellcamp staff or inmates ?

The latest asinine adventure is thus:

OnStar project: Parents can track teen drivers in real-time

This is how folks unwittingly enable tyranny by not accepting the fact that folk below "the magic number" have civil rights, even if government doesn't recognize em, cause they're HUMAN.
They use parents own often downright abusive mistrust of their own children in order to test a technology and then turn round and use it ON the damn fools who helped enable it - and when you point that shit out to them, they go "Oh no, but they would NEVER do that..", despite really obvious overwhelming evidence that hell yes they will!
And people wonder why I feel like cassandra, some days.

Relevant to that, some time in the recent past (I won't give exact for obvious reasons) after consultation with the CAIR(1) legal staff, we went round and pulled all those fucking federale tracking devices(2) off the cars of local arabic/muslim community leaders and activists, and then attached them to other vehicles - taxis, cop cars, delivery trucks, a long haul truck, one even got mounted to an Amtrack engine - in order to completely bollocks up their illegal surveillence.

As for the teens, or anyone else concerned about that kind of privacy invading bullshit, there's jammers small enough to fit in a pocket, thanks to Defcon and the Geekfarm, and now they're widely available despite bans and laws, which is always the first act against maintaining privacy or holding public officials accountable, as you say.

The devices pose serious societal risks, and they're unquestionably illegal to buy and use in the United States. The FCC is bullish about pursuing anyone who buys a GPS jammer and will prosecute and jail anyone who uses one. Yet they're easily bought online, and their proponents say they should stay that way. Fox News was able to buy GPS jammers for as little as $50 from numerous online sources.

And yet where is that zeal when illegal surveillence has been conducted, which is more dangerous in the overall scheme of things if left unchecked, with tremendous historical evidence to prove it ?

Just more evidence of class warfare and double standards, from so-called "protectors" who will stoop to ANY low, in the name of "just following orders".

Coralville Police Shutdown Several Children's Lemonade Stands

Still think they've even hesitate to mow us down if the order came ?
Few bad apples my ass, Grigg points out one fact of deliberate enablement by the very cops who often claim no involvement.


Any officer who doesn’t play a hands-on role in beating the “suspect” will devote his attention to “crowd control” – that is, preventing intervention on behalf of the victim, and often confiscating any recording devices that might be used to gather incriminating video of the episode.

THAT, to me, is proof that they know what they're doing is wrong, and doing it maliciously, but of course in order to DO anything about it you'd have to get the local prosecutors lips dislodged from the police unions cock long enough to try the case, and good luck with that.

Oddly, despite our current professional detente, one of the reasons Site Three hired us was also to protect them FROM the police - and while there's not hardly any yahoos on the night shift around here, there's a few - NONE of whom will even hedge towards stepping over the line when they got me standing there silently staring at them... they don't know what I might do if they did step out of line, but none of em wants to find out just how *FAR* I might go in putting a stop to it - and that above all is how you end such tyranny, not by standing there meekly taking pictures (although if you can do it, and get clear away with em, it helps), but by actual hands-on intervention - even at lethal levels of personal risk...
Did you really think those following Ghandis civil disobediance plan didn't know what they risked ?

(1) CAIR -
(2) Fed GPS Device Analysis -


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 1:35 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


This is how folks unwittingly enable tyranny by not accepting the fact that folk below "the magic number" have civil rights, even if government doesn't recognize em, cause they're HUMAN.
They use parents own often downright abusive mistrust of their own children in order to test a technology and then turn round and use it ON the damn fools who helped enable it - and when you point that shit out to them, they go "Oh no, but they would NEVER do that..", despite really obvious overwhelming evidence that hell yes they will!
And people wonder why I feel like cassandra, some days.

And worse, what chaps my ass about this kind of crap is that IT'S SOLD TO US AS A "FEATURE" OR "OPTION", like we're supposed to be happy to pay extra for the privilege of being spied on.

Optional today; mandatory tomorrow. Then it will be a felony to disable it, and at some point you'll need a special exemption to even own a vehicle without it.

Of course, at some point in that progression you'll be automatically billed for any traffic infraction the black box reports to the police.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 2:36 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
THIS, to Langley and Quantico.

But be careful to miss the Calvin A. Lloyd range complex at Quantico. It's the only place near me with both a 1000 yd rifle range and a practical pistol range, and they just rebuilt the berms.

"Keep the Shiny side up"






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