Cameraman shot in head by cops at Occupy Oakland protest

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 9, 2011 06:30
VIEWED: 1066
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Monday, November 7, 2011 5:36 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Filming the police is dangerous to your health. In many parts of the country it can result in arrest and imprisonment.

In Oakland, California, it can result in being shot with a “non-lethal” weapon, as the man in the video below discovered. He wasn’t violent of threatening the cops. His crime appears to be that he dared film riot cops without their permission. He was considered the enemy because he was with Occupy protesters.

In fascist dictatorships or countries taken over in military juntas, the police and military usually shoot and kill citizens who dare resist their authority. If you think it can’t happen here, remember Kent State and Jackson State where students were killed for the crime of protesting against the government.

It is a small step from rubber bullets to live ammo.

Filming the police is dangerous to your health. In many parts of the country it can result in arrest and imprisonment.

In Oakland, California, it can result in being shot with a “non-lethal” weapon, as the man in the video below discovered. He wasn’t violent of threatening the cops. His crime appears to be that he dared film riot cops without their permission. He was considered the enemy because he was with Occupy protesters.

In fascist dictatorships or countries taken over in military juntas, the police and military usually shoot and kill citizens who dare resist their authority. If you think it can’t happen here, remember Kent State and Jackson State where students were killed for the crime of protesting against the government.

It is a small step from rubber bullets to live ammo.

Filming the police is dangerous to your health. In many parts of the country it can result in arrest and imprisonment.

In Oakland, California, it can result in being shot with a “non-lethal” weapon, as the man in the video below discovered. He wasn’t violent of threatening the cops. His crime appears to be that he dared film riot cops without their permission. He was considered the enemy because he was with Occupy protesters.

In fascist dictatorships or countries taken over in military juntas, the police and military usually shoot and kill citizens who dare resist their authority. If you think it can’t happen here, remember Kent State and Jackson State where students were killed for the crime of protesting against the government.

It is a small step from rubber bullets to live ammo.

Filming the police is dangerous to your health. In many parts of the country it can result in arrest and imprisonment.

In Oakland, California, it can result in being shot with a “non-lethal” weapon, as the man in the video below discovered. He wasn’t violent of threatening the cops. His crime appears to be that he dared film riot cops without their permission. He was considered the enemy because he was with Occupy protesters.

In fascist dictatorships or countries taken over in military juntas, the police and military usually shoot and kill citizens who dare resist their authority. If you think it can’t happen here, remember Kent State and Jackson State where students were killed for the crime of protesting against the government.

It is a small step from rubber bullets to live ammo.


New Kent State video proves FBI provocateur fired first shots then ran to cops and handed over the gun as National Guard opened fired on unarmed protesters, killing 4 students

That's what you get for protesting the juice.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011 5:08 AM


Free speech hasn't existed in a long time.

Shit, what am I doing here?

Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth. -- Lucy Parsons (1853-1942, labor activist and anarcho-communist)


Tuesday, November 8, 2011 5:39 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Why did he post the same story FOUR times? To make it look longer/bulkier or something? PN is weeeeeird...

I want to see some confirmation on this, myself. It's all over the internet, at like "PrisonPlanet". "DProgram", "Infowars" and websites like them, but it's NOWHERE in any MSN--and yes, I know, that doesn't mean anything either, BUT, there is absolutely nothing about it on OccupyOakland or OccupyWallStreet, and believe me, they'd be shouting from the rooftops if so. Also, two of the websites I looked at (including PrisonPlanet) have the story about Scott Olsen as "Veteran shot in the face by rubber bullet at Occupy Oakland protests." On SEVERAL of those websites. As we well know, thats a total lie, he was hit in the head with a tear-gas canister, not in the face, not by a bullet. I know that from people who were THERE, and it's been reported over and now they should have the facts.

These are sites with "articles" such as "Barack Obama’s Allegiance Is Not To America And God, But To The New World Order And Satan". I'm afraid things like "SGT Report: the Corporate Propaganda Antidote" and such aren't sources I will accept without independent confirmation--thus far they're all going off the YouTube video, and on the first two pages of Google, not a SINGLE one of them (except maybe a "bodybuilding" forum...) is anything I would consider a credible website unless there was independent verification.

I dunno...I'm withholding my opinion until I see something verifiable; the video would be waaaay too easy to fake. And there has been TONS of footage shot of riot police, in Oakland and elsewhere; why chance giving the Occupy movement more fuel? Doesn't make sense to me. We'll see.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011 10:28 AM


Yah, waitin on confirmation myself, but one noteable point of this and the other incident.

Ok, procedure and all, when using less-lethal rubber muntions, you're SUPPOSED to aim low and bounce them off the ground at the folks you're trying to suppress - and tear gas cannisters are supposed to be fired at high angle for maximum dispersion.

That ain't what they did, they were INTENTIONALLY aiming straight out at face level with the blatant intention of causing harm, just as that "don't tase me bro" incident and the cop pointing his fucking tazer at the guys EYES in the beginning of the incident - there is INTENT to cause harm, and that is inexcusable, especially when it results in shit like this...

In my opinion that's flat out murder, when the cops are AIMING at face level, ON PURPOSE, in complete violation of safety and proceedure, with the INTENTION of causing harm - that's cause for return fire, people, never for a moment doubt it.

The other thing I am waiting for confirmation on is a couple cases where real, lead, double-ought buck has been dug out of folk - which if confirmed may well mean at least one of those cops by negligence or design loaded live shot instead of rubber rounds into his weapon - and I am NOT inclined to give benefit of the doubt here, as my suspicion of it was that he was one of them pissants who have a certain attitude about such things and thought he could slide that one by - if so, I wanna know exactly which one of the bastards it was....

But all that aside, look at the pictures and tell me their point of aim isn't in complete defiance of procedure, tell me they do not mean intentional harm by it's violation ?

Sooner or later, that's gonna come up ugly, you'll see.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011 6:13 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Frem, I never had any doubt that harm is intended, especially in Oakland. It's pretty obvious, and comes as no surprise. Hopefully this will start backfiring and bring more people to our side--the majority of Americans already support our grievances, violence like this by the police is bound to piss them off. Except the right, of course, who probably wouldn't be pissed off if protesters were killed outright...that's obviously from just our ultra-righties HERE.

I still have my doubts, given nothing has shown up anywhere to verify it, AND I found this article:

Mayor Jean Quan has renewed her appeal to Occupy Oakland representatives to meet with city officials and discuss the future of the growing encampment of protesters outside City Hall. Her latest overture comes as dueling video evidence was released by Oakland authorities and by a man who experts say appears to be the victim of excessive police force.
Earlier in the day, the Oakland Tribune reported (, Scott Campbell said police shot him with a rubber bullet or beanbag while he was videotaping a standoff between authorities and demonstrators following a "general strike" last week. Experts in police use of force say it appears the volley that hit Campbell was unprovoked and inappropriate.

In the video, Campbell, 30, is heard calling, "Is this OK?" to a line of riot gear-clad officers. He told the newspaper that he was asking if his distance from them was adequate because an officer had asked him to step back. A firearm held by an officer then is seen going off, followed by Campbell's yelps of pain.
Campbell, who identifies himself as an anarchist, said he took video of the confrontation that occurred early Nov. 3 because he wanted to document any instances of excessive force, but did not imagine that he would be a target.
, the article is titled "Experts question shooting of Occupy Oakland filmer", but there's nothing in the article about it being questioned...?

Anyway, NOTHING on Occupy Wall Street or Occupy Oakland's websites, and as I said, they'd be screaming bloody murder if it was real. That he identified himself as an anarchist is one more fact on the side of it being fake, to me; the "anarchist" group were the ones responsible for all the damage done to Oakland that day, for which the Occupiers were blamed.

It's way too late after the fact, but at least the article admitted same:

Authorities have said they moved to arrest more than 100 people and used tear gas and beanbags after a small group of self-proclaimed anarchists entered a vacant building with bottles and flares and then lit fires in the street when officers tried to clear the building.
Not that you'll see it anywhere else; just like accusations make the front page and clarifications end up on page 19, the protesters will continue to be blamed for the mess in Oakland. I'd put money on these "anarchists" either being a rowdy bunch of assholes or infiltrators--probably the latter--bent on making the protests look violent.

So I'm putting this story in the category of bullshit and paying it no more attention. It could so easily have been faked, and it would be exactly the kind of thing the "anarchists" would love to have believed.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011 6:25 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Oh, I followed the link provided and the story there treats it as a real story:

Campbell, holding the camera, moves slowly to his right, filming the line; Campbell is heard twice asking, "Is this OK?"

"When I was approaching the line, an officer told me to stop and step back, so I stepped back 5 or 10 feet and started filming, and I asked if that was OK," he explained Monday.

He said there was no reply until an officer raised a weapon and fired, striking him in the upper right thigh with a nonlethal projectile; the video ends with his crying out in pain.
Campbell said his friends saw him get hit and rushed him away to the shelter of a doorway. Someone brought an ice pack while a legal observer took down information, and then his friends helped him get to a taxi. He saw a doctor later Thursday, who told him to keep the wound bandaged and iced. He said Monday he has a 1½ -inch wound with swelling and bruising around it.

Campbell said he does social and digital media work for a local nonprofit and supports Occupy Oakland. "I don't camp out there, I've been a participant but not an active organizer," he said. "I've come out for general assemblies and marches, and I came out that day for the general strike to show my support."

He said he brought his camera that night to document any excessive force used by police, never imagining that might make him a target. "I don't know if I was in the right place at the wrong time or the wrong place at the right time."

He said he wants an independent, not internal, investigation of this and other reports of excessive force, and is considering whether to take legal action.

How easy would it be for someone to stand behind the cops and set off a flash (which is what it looks like to ME in the video), then him to holler in pain, etc.? Awfully easy, if you ask me, and again, there being NOTHING on the Occupy websites...and note that story doesn't identify him as an anarchist, which the other story said he did. The idea of someone being told to step back, then filming the police line while asking "Is this okay?" just doesn't sound credible to me. I just don't buy it. And hey, I'm an OWSer myself; so do I get any points for not being willing to accept a story about police violence? Betcha not...


Wednesday, November 9, 2011 6:30 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
How easy would it be for someone to stand behind the cops and set off a flash (which is what it looks like to ME in the video),

Well, there is a reason they call it a muzzle flash...


The idea of someone being told to step back, then filming the police line while asking "Is this okay?" just doesn't sound credible to me.

As someone who has worked as a camerman (Ive even got footage somewhere of a SWAT guy aiming his weapon at me), and still knows several, that sounds entirely credible to me.

"Goram it kid, let's frak this thing and go home! Engage!"






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