Man Outed As Undercover Cop At Occupy Oakland Condemns Police Brutality, Supports The Movement

UPDATED: Friday, November 11, 2011 07:30
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Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:51 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Here you go, Frem; one of them actually owns up to what they're doing. You posted the YouTube video where he was recognized, now he's "speaking out". Cute; he says he's one of the 99% and "just doing his job". Once outted, what else could he say? Pretty transparent, if you ask me.

Across the country, police have used undercover and/or plainsclothed police officers to monitor occupations and protests that are a part of the 99 Percent Movement. Earlier today, the Tennessean published excerpts from emails sent by the Tennessee Highway Patrol that confirmed not only that police were infiltrating Occupy Nashville but that they were hoping for the movement’s demise.

In a video released last month, Oakland Police Officer Fred Shavies was outed as one of these plainsclothed officers at Occupy Oakland.

Now, in an interview with Justin Warren, Shavies said that he was just doing his job and that he actually supports the movement. He said that the police brutality that occurred could be our generation’s Birmingham — referring to the civil rights struggle in the South — and that he hopes the movement is a turning point for changing the country:

SHAVIES: I’m a police officer. I’m part of the 99 percent. [...] In the ’60s when people would protest, would gather in order to bring about change, right? Those protests were nonviolent they were peaceful assemblies. They were broken up with dogs, hoses, sticks. [...] It looks like there was a square, and police shot tear gas. That could be the photograph or the video for our generation. That’s our Birmingham. So, twenty years from now this movement could be the turning point, the tipping point, right. It’s about time your generation stood up for something. It’s about time young people are in the streets. [...] Ya’ll don’t need to throw gas canisters into a group of people occupying an intersection.
Shavies’ brave words make him one of the few police officers who has publicly stepped forward to question heavy-handed police tactics and to openly support the 99 Percent. Video at

Anybody buy it? I guess he's trying to say that off-duty, he's "one of us", while on duty, he's a cop just doing his job. Brave? Hero? Anybody buying it? I'm not.


Thursday, November 10, 2011 12:54 PM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


I wonder if he'll have a job for much longer.

In any event, he speaks plainly enough. I'll call that brave all by itself.



"In every war, the state enacts a tax of freedom upon the citizenry. The unspoken promise is that the tax shall be revoked at war's end. Endless war holds no such promise. Hence, Eternal War is Eternal Slavery." --Admiral Robert J. Henner


Thursday, November 10, 2011 5:45 PM


I do not.

"Just Following Orders" cuts NO ice with me, none.

He's claiming this...

But it doesn't fly, not with me, there's some orders you do not accept from no one, not just for moral reasons, but because *IF* people hold that line then Tyrants HAVE no power.

If anything I consider people like him MORE guilty than Tyrants, for they are what they are, only without those who willingly follow their orders, without the triggermen to carry them out, said Tyrants got nothin but a big mouth, no way to harm us, no way to do damage...

Now, were he to throw down his badge and THEN take a stand, it'd be a different story - I'd still be skeptical till he proved out, but would be far more inclined to offer benefit of the doubt.

But as it stands, absolutely not, past a certain point you no longer have claim to ignorance as a defense, and we crossed that rubicon some years ago.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Friday, November 11, 2011 7:30 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Well, aside from all that, someone who says they support a cause and then turns around and suppresses that cause because it's part of their JOB (if he was telling the truth, which I doubt), is about the opposite of what I'd call "brave", sorry.

I think his job is pretty secure, he played his part quite well. Washes him, while making it look like some of the cops, if they were free to do so, would feel kindly toward the movement. It's a win-win, and it's bullshit.

But I doubt he'll be doing any more undercover work, at least in Oakland!

Your Punch Clock Villain is right on, Frem, in my opinion.






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